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 Feb 2014 Noomz
Carmen Galore
Finding ourselves within each other

We are the experiments of our own parents

Young, wild, love

The indifferent and the intimate

Between how I see you

And how you see me

What is keeping you from me?

What is keeping me from you?

You are God’s own creation of a mirror

Created only for me

The you of you is purely you.
 Feb 2014 Noomz
Carmen Galore
Come interrupt me

And fill my soul

With your own words

As I am not able

To find

My own

Teach me

Your language

Soft and slowly

So there will be

More of you

More of me

More of us

Be my poetry

I’ll be your poem.
 Feb 2014 Noomz
Carmen Galore
I would write

Poetry for you

You would draw

Beautiful roses for me

I’m still writing

Why won’t you draw for me?

Draw for me

Draw beautiful white

Roses for me

(You always said the color white matched my pure heart)

Draw for me

Like you always

Used to do.
 Dec 2013 Noomz
I tried not to fall in love with Mila for she was broke
She who hid her crooked honest smile
Holding her coffee every morning
I said hi, she just never noticed I was the one that cared
Her eyes screamed 'help me'
Help me from myself
But no one could ever understand
She who sat alone in the mornings with her writing pad
She who walked alone staring at objects not eyes
I smiled at her everyday, she never looked up
She who probably cried every night
Everyday day
All the time
One day Mila walked towards me
I sighed in disbelief
She stared at me with her big brown eyes and said 'Keep this for me'
She handed me her writing pad
She walked away soon
I waited till the next morning
She never came.
She with her absence
She with her obscure self
She with her unveiling silence
All she needed was help
I fell in love with Mila
A love that was spurred from afar
For it was no possession
Admiration that was all
She who I could've helped
She who was so beautiful
She who understood how much life was doomed
She who's soul didn't belong here
Mila killed herself, for this was not her place, she went to try another universe
I'll be joining her there.
 Dec 2013 Noomz
jeffrey conyers
Bring on the love.
Bring on the sun.
Let it shine above.

Just to lighten up my day.
All I have to do is hear your voice.
It's part of the greatest quality of yours.

Bring on the happiness.
Bring on the joy.
It's something I totally feel when you're around.

All my moods are calm without a single storm.
And I love knowing it's you that keep it that way.
Each and every day.

Just bring on the love.
Keep it up.
Keep it up.
Just bring it on.
All your love.
All your joy.
 Dec 2013 Noomz
Martín Antonío
only the moon knew her darkest secrets, the depth of her thought was the deepest, up all night, its something she does frequent, she's an angel from heaven, that fell for a demon, a beautiful image, turned into a broken spirit, constant arguments and disagreements,
her smile held pain, but she stuck to concealment, because her friends and the world were incoherent, I got to see her smile one day, ever since then, nothing has been the same,
she no longer puts that same smile on her face, she once felt grace, but it turned to disgrace, the beauty she holds is inexplainable, the purity in her soul is gold, yet unattainable, because she no longer holds trust,
what she thought was love, turned into lust,,an addicting drug, that having is a must, the magical feeling, turned into dust, she misses the memories, kisses, and hugs, now she confides in her own sorrow, asking god for a better tomorrow, he gives her a light to follow, but her own pride is hard to swallow, A beautiful intelligent female, who felt love through the most intimate detail,
at school she was the most diligent female, filled in amazing aspects, and assets, but she continues to feel the absence, and still doesnt comprehend the circumstances,
for his actions, of dissatisfaction,
still to this day hasnt changed her reaction, the biggest heart break shes ever dealt with, it was minor to him, but her heart really felt it, like a beautiful ice sculpture, she melted,
and there I was the person to who she vented, staring deep into her dark brown eyes, i saw what nobody else saw, deep deep inside, she was wise at mind, i searched more within, as the sun rised, a beautiful lonely girl, that told me under the stars and moonlight,
"hold me close and never let go."
i was there to carefully listen,
she opened up like a book.
after she looked up to me and said i was different, that i just might be what her heart was missin,
her eyes and smile once again glistened, i told her,
"look at the stars, look how they shine for you, until the stars in the sky shine no more, i'll always be there, until the end of time for you."
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