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Nolan Bucsis May 2018
There's always a creeping terror.
Liminal time.
A sinking feeling of guilt.
Apprehensive self loathing
And, an urge to just recede.
Into that murmur at the edge of existence.
That lost place.
Some where as vacant as me.
Right now.
Somewhere I can float.
Free of my body.
Liberated from this melancholy
When my depression hits
95 · Sep 2017
Was it goodbye.
Nolan Bucsis Sep 2017
The emotions I've had.
Must miss me.
As I cast them aside.
And relied.
On myself.
With no need.
For, you.
95 · Jun 2018
Uncomfortable Truths #1
Nolan Bucsis Jun 2018
I've been places.
I think.
Maybe somewhere.

But I can't run away from these.
Nihilistic chasms.
Of self doubt.
Perpetual boredom.

Unnease with being alive.
95 · Nov 2017
Nolan Bucsis Nov 2017
I'm obsessively repeating it in my head.
The regret.
The shame.
The urge to die.

When I think of all the things.
I just.
Didn't do.

Wasting my life for nothing.
Conversations reduce.
To a few grunts.
93 · Nov 2017
Somewhere familiar
Nolan Bucsis Nov 2017
I never learned.
How to get attached.
When all I do is run.
To somewhere else.
These ghosts.
They still haunt me.
Nolan Bucsis Aug 2018
I feel like exploding.
But I haven't a fuze.

And I've been thinking about leaving.
But I haven't a place to go.

And this alogia is getting out of hand.
But I've lost the will to speak.

The frustration builds.
The boredom grows.
All I do is nod off.
Into a fearful.
93 · Sep 2017
Pain is comfort.
Nolan Bucsis Sep 2017
If I could feel like you.
And trust the rest.
Then maybe.
I'd be normal.
But, that's never the case.
So, again.
I broke my hand.
And, the endorphines.
Made me feel better.
Than your concern.
93 · Jan 2018
Nolan Bucsis Jan 2018
I try to remember.
That in the grand scheme.
Of things.
I have never been more.
Than an utter failure.
Who managed to live longer.
Than he should have.

Ain't no rockbottom.
There's no where to fall to.
So far out in.

I've been a loser.
Since I can remember.
With nowhere to go.

Nothing changes.
Nothing's really the matter.
Like yesterday's tomorrow.

Another side note.
In my personal diary.
Of it doesn't matter.
Never did.
93 · Oct 2017
Nolan Bucsis Oct 2017
The thoughts in my mind.
No longer coalesce into substance.

Something beautiful.

I'm stuck in confused.
Afraid of other people.


In any.
93 · Oct 2017
Hurts. Man.
Nolan Bucsis Oct 2017
I'm not gonna make it.
Passed that line.
Into normal.
And all the responsibilities.
I'm not capable.
Of having.

So, instead.
It's just sheer panic and trying.
Not to die.
Through these invisible meaningless.
Meals.  I eat.
To keep myself alive.

And the acid burn of my.
Aborted attempts.
At being something more.
Than anger.
Walking through anonymous streets.
Chased out of the pubilc.

With no one.
To talk to.
93 · Apr 2018
Overdosed on Love Poems
Nolan Bucsis Apr 2018
No one will fix you.
Only your banal self.
And, it's not profound.

You can lick your own wounds.

I did.
92 · Nov 2017
Nolan Bucsis Nov 2017
We had our secret moments.
Our own.
92 · Oct 2017
Nolan Bucsis Oct 2017
I drove across Canada.
At eighteen.
With an artist friend.
To run away from home.
For ***** and giggles.
Driving for days.
And, going mad.
Stuck up in the shrub
The vista of the same tree.
Motorsports on freeways.
The car become an appendage.
91 · Jul 2018
Existential Relationships
Nolan Bucsis Jul 2018
I'm just bored.
Distracting myself from the knowledge.
It all.
Nolan Bucsis Apr 2019
These self reflections draw me open.

And my guts laid bare.
My life.
My intuition and my memory.

All fall apart and I'm left barren.
Gazing at nothing.
Coiled frustration.

I'm a waste of food.
A waste of time.
A wasted life.
91 · Jan 2018
Nolan Bucsis Jan 2018
There are no troubling.
In the emptiness.
Of another couple tranquilizers.
Far more than I could have taken.
But, how else do I feel like.
While I'm awake.
Other than being consumed.
By chemical apathy.
91 · Jul 2019
Hegel's last humour
Nolan Bucsis Jul 2019
I endure for I am hard.
Yet the struggles are never easy.
Always rock bottom.
And, I'm assured this is it.


So many restarted lives I'm the Buddha of malcontents.
Irrational fear.


All the drawn out strained things.
I'm an avatara of falling apart.
The gestalt of sloth.

A zeitgeist.
For failure.
90 · Nov 2017
Nolan Bucsis Nov 2017
And maybe this too.
Like our lives.
Are stolen.
And sold.
At a higher price.
90 · Aug 2018
Nolan Bucsis Aug 2018
She sings syllogisms.
That no one knows.
But her, the wind, and my imagination.
Where she's beautiful.
Frozen in a good memory.

A lovely smile.

Here I am.
Reading metaphors and analogies.
From her sweet lips.
90 · Jun 2018
Stupid Little Truths #1
Nolan Bucsis Jun 2018
I have always.
Hated myself.

That's why I'm so surprised.
When other people like.
90 · May 2019
Words, imprecise
Nolan Bucsis May 2019
I am chased by a ravenous past.

It obliterated right now.

And tomorrow.
Has slipped away into the sublimation of amnesia.

Where I rest.
In a desecrated hollowed out holy land.
90 · Nov 2017
Nolan Bucsis Nov 2017
Cigarettes never burn.
So I rip off the skin.
And, throw in some salt.


As some hippy.
Tries to talk to me.
And, all I want to do.
Is explode.

Into nothingness.
89 · Dec 2017
Nolan Bucsis Dec 2017
I seem to exist.
In the tension between.
Each here and now.
In this moment.
For something.
To happen.
Nolan Bucsis Mar 2018
Every day I cough out more days.
I cut off of my life.
My protest against existence.
Slow suicide that seems to have caught up.

Sometimes you get confused.
At the terror of an immediate death.
A stroke.
Or a heart attack.

You can taste your rotten.
Feel the oedema.

But, smile.
Getting lost in the delerium.
A lack of oxygen.
Euphoric decay.
The bodies defense mechanism.

And I rest well.
In the knowledge that relatively soon.
All those things.
That life I had.
That aborted life.
My lack of motivation.

And my isolation.
All my self destruction.
My abomination.

And, I'll curl up.
Shedding pounds like.
Bad experiences.
And dry up in the sun.

With each failing *****.
Each laboured breath.
I'm free.
I can fade away.

I'm washed clean.
Receding into the back ground noise.
That calm place.

Where nothing moves.

Everything in still.
89 · Jul 2018
No one will ever
89 · Apr 2018
I Only Enjoy. Rejects.
Nolan Bucsis Apr 2018
An autistic man was playing the free piano.
Turning pages that weren't there.
Not twitching or mumbling to himself.
Not odd.


By God.
It was better than anything I'm capable.
Carved in his mind.
For a moment.
89 · Dec 2017
Nolan Bucsis Dec 2017
The mountain won't show you.
Any intrinsic value.
Besides the difficulty.
To get to the top.
88 · Oct 2017
Nolan Bucsis Oct 2017
Everything is discouraging.

Right now.

As I can't muster enough dopamine up.
To make me feel better.

Everything is ****.
Everything is pointless.

I can't feel happy.
With this poor diet I'm on.
88 · Mar 2018
Social Cancer Media
Nolan Bucsis Mar 2018
I disconnect myself.
From that synthetic reality.
The serendipitous escape.

Where for once.
I was part of a greater community.
Something different.
If only in my mind.

The fantasy.
Was always.
A change from the empty stillness.
The mute conversations I have with myself.
A distraction from unremitting failure.

I'm not so schizophrenically.
Stuck in the minds of other people.

I think.
What exactly did I learn.
From that grandiose delusion of mine.
From that failure to connect.
From that fragile persona.
That was never me.
My never was.


I learned nothing.

I'm going back to all alone.
It's much more comfortable.
More, serene.

True to myself.
87 · Sep 2017
Death eater.
Nolan Bucsis Sep 2017
They called them sin eaters.
Professional whipping boys.
The scape goats that would.
Eat the death the apple gave you.
For a dollar.
Spiritual ******.
Selling damnation.
For a tuppence.
And some bread.
87 · Oct 2017
Nolan Bucsis Oct 2017
I want.
To be.
86 · Aug 2018
Nolan Bucsis Aug 2018
I've been working on being.
So long that I don't know.
What to do.
To get out of it.

Maybe if I run away into intoxication.
I'll feel better.
86 · Sep 2017
How low.
Nolan Bucsis Sep 2017
It seems that poetry has become.
A place to whine.
With form and rhythm.
Simply a minor concern.
In a sea of mediocre futile teenage angst.
Thousands of poorly written love poems.
And possession.
All of it mandated good.
By your own banality.
And fear that you aren't.
That good.
86 · Sep 2017
Nolan Bucsis Sep 2017
I don't believe you when you talk to me.
Cause you do different things.
And, I find it hard to fake interest.
So, I just left.

And, I think about you sometimes.
You've never told the truth.
Just whatever would make you feel better.
You're probably sad.

Go rely on someone else.
I don't have the time.
86 · Nov 2017
Nolan Bucsis Nov 2017
I desire.
Than a catastrophic.
To die in.
Over stimulation.
86 · Oct 2017
Nolan Bucsis Oct 2017
What's left.
When you've.
Given up.

What is there to do.
But, wait until.
Your body breaks down.

And ignore.
Your situation.
86 · Sep 2019
My necessity
Nolan Bucsis Sep 2019
This stability of mine.
Is depressing
The doldrums of routine.
They keep me unfilled.

oh I long.
For adventure that ends in ruin.

oh I long.
For Dionysian ecstasy.

That all lead to squander and squalor.
To trauma and decay.
That all lead to death.
Minutes away from the reaper.

I keep at the Apollonian ordering of chaos and revel in the boredom of banal.
And I'm less inspired.

But well dressed.
But well fed.
But always high.

Maybe just maybe at the end of the dredgery I'll feel fullfilled.
Like all of this mattered.

But I'm a husk of an interesting person.
And the tumult of chaos and drifting.

Giving up.

Still natters at my mind.
Like my unfinished books.
Like my drug induced amnesia.

It all gets forgotten in my mundane days.
My necessity.
86 · Apr 2019
Nolan Bucsis Apr 2019
I'm alone.
Always alone.
And the loneliness is just amnesia.
Forgetting how people are.
And how.
I want them to be.
86 · May 2018
Goth Chicks
Nolan Bucsis May 2018
It's that nihilism that draws me in.
Gets me lost in her emptiness.
Where all we can hear.
Is the breath.
We can't catch.
Nolan Bucsis Apr 2019
What's the point of a whispered.
Half spoken.
Last sigh.
To the darkness.
And the cold.
85 · Mar 2018
Hurricane something harsh
Nolan Bucsis Mar 2018
You can rage against the storm.
If you survive.
You get to rebuild.
In all its tedium.
85 · Oct 2017
Nolan Bucsis Oct 2017
I gave up on.
The basics.
Of life.

Now, I'm not sad.
I'm just.
Not here at all.

And, even if these sensations.

I'll still be stuck.
Ten years too late.
My body breaking down.

And, my age.
Etched in my face.
84 · Jul 2018
Cheating on depression
Nolan Bucsis Jul 2018
Joy has never really come to me.
That easily.
But, when I'm happy.
It feels so sublime.
And, I cling to it.
Like a jealous.
84 · Sep 2017
Nolan Bucsis Sep 2017
My addendum to you.

I don't care.
It's overall meaningless and futile.

Just leave me alone.
84 · Nov 2019
Nolan Bucsis Nov 2019
Am I as important to you.
As you are to me.

I hold onto these memories.
Even though I've tried to forget.

And, you were my everything.

And, you were my light.


I just stare vacant into the soft whimper I've become.
Feed my isolation.

Stare at the wall.
84 · Jun 2018
Why did I wake up #1
Nolan Bucsis Jun 2018
There is no concern for the feelings of a loved one.
When you're lost out there.
In the comfortable silence.
Of aeons.


Subsumed in the warm bath.
Of annihilation.

Beyond speech.
Nolan Bucsis Sep 2017
Selfishness seems to be something succinct.
That I use to get through to you few.
As though I can show you what I know.
About peace.
Keeping pace.
With what I want when it's really just.
To keep me sane.
83 · Oct 2017
Nolan Bucsis Oct 2017
I got stuck there in that.
I left in my memory.
Hearing songs.
You remember.
From years ago.
That never sound so sweet.
As when they remind you.
Of something happy.
83 · Jul 2018
My Morbid Reality
Nolan Bucsis Jul 2018
My cough is more worrying.
I sweat too easily.
Maybe I'm developing.
A taste for.
82 · Mar 2018
Truth Bombs
Nolan Bucsis Mar 2018
I don't feel.
Like I deserve.
To be.
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