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82 · Jan 2018
Nolan Bucsis Jan 2018
I would rather be.
Some beautiful something.
That dies.
In some by and by.
Never known.
By anyone.
The hyperbolic tragedy.
That will be.
The rest.
Of my life.
82 · Mar 2018
Truth Bombs
Nolan Bucsis Mar 2018
I don't feel.
Like I deserve.
To be.
82 · Apr 2018
Nolan Bucsis Apr 2018
I dance with my shadows.
Until the music in my mind.

Sublimated into something.
With no words.

Just a rhythm.
Twitching muscles.
82 · Feb 2018
Peer Review
Nolan Bucsis Feb 2018
Lately life just seems.
Like a desperate plea.
For attention.
Daddy didn't love me.

Send likes.
80 · Feb 2018
Nolan Bucsis Feb 2018
Hope has.
Just turned.
Into the same routine.
To try to get through.
Being alive.

Now I long for.
Quick days.
Eternity reduced.
To a milisecond panic.

No more.
Bad dreams.
No more self loathing.
The emptiness.
Of I didn't know.
80 · Jul 2018
The only one.
Nolan Bucsis Jul 2018
All I have left of my former life.
Is empty notebooks.
A photograph or two.
And her memory.
Written all over it.
80 · Aug 2018
Sad face
Nolan Bucsis Aug 2018
I'm always depressed.
I'm always down.
And I get up.
Oh so very slowly.
On days like this.
When nothing is left over.
But hating myself
Nolan Bucsis Apr 2018
No one writes me love songs.

And, if they did.
I'd simply just burn them.

Like so many thrown away possibilities.
I don't want.

Like so many people.
So many temporary obsessions.
80 · Apr 2019
Non sequitur
Nolan Bucsis Apr 2019
She loved me then.
When I was a potential.
A small seed in the mind's eye.
A possibility.

Yet I let her down.
I turned the greener grass a deeper shade of brown and wilted on a tree.

I'm now regret.
And nagging melancholy.
Twitching in the nightmare.
80 · Apr 2018
Nolan Bucsis Apr 2018
I'd get lost in these grid roads.
If the moon.
Didn't show me the way.
79 · Jul 2018
Hauty Aspirations
Nolan Bucsis Jul 2018
Please God.
Just give me.



79 · Sep 2018
Nolan Bucsis Sep 2018
It feels like I'll never get out.
From under this rock.

It will just weigh me down.
In perpetual melancholy.

Irreverent nothingness.
79 · Sep 2017
Nolan Bucsis Sep 2017
Maybe if I think through a thousand ways.
Of saying this.
I might find the one.
That's always right.
Instead of a stream of consciousness.
Designed to help me think.
Through a thousand ways.
To say this life.
Just, isn't enough.
78 · Oct 2017
Nolan Bucsis Oct 2017
Ain't no one.
Not always no good.
Neither are the good ones.
I find.
Doesn't really matter.
You heal or die.
It's it.
78 · Jun 2018
Stupid Little Truths #2
Nolan Bucsis Jun 2018
I feel better alone.

It's always away.
From an uncomfortable.
I'm here.
78 · Jun 2018
Normal, again
Nolan Bucsis Jun 2018
What's the point in this.
Self expression of miserable thoughts.
Is gone and now I recede into a never was.
Chasing delusions.
Running from life.
And maybe tomorrow.
It will get better.
And maybe tomorrow.
I'll be dead.

As though these sad songs mean anything other.
Than I'm back to being normal.
And an utter.

Up there in that distraction.
That unmedicated delirium.
I feel normal and curse the injustice.
When really.
All I am is bored.
And oh so severely.

With no self expression left.
But a blank stare and impulsive displays.
Of go away.
I don't want to human anymore.
78 · Jan 2018
Nolan Bucsis Jan 2018
Hope is always scarce.
In the middle of.
These doldrums.
Where the shore seems so far away
With nothing to take you there.

I've just accepted the lack.
Of forward momentum.
And wait.
To die.
Adrift at sea.
78 · Feb 2018
Nolan Bucsis Feb 2018
I ain't your bro.
I'm an amiltryptamine.
Away from an.
77 · Oct 2017
Nolan Bucsis Oct 2017
There's tall grass.
Hills with groves.
Cactus and painted rock.
Out there.
With the wind.
And the ghosts of the past.
That wasn't too long ago.
77 · May 2018
Nolan Bucsis May 2018
Who are you that.
Thinks I"m so great.
I'm nothing.
Other than your grandiose over thought.
Barely able to feed myself.
Let alone be your.
76 · Dec 2017
Nolan Bucsis Dec 2017
She said she didn't.
Why I stared at her.
Or what that.

I told her.

She just wants.
More attention.

I didn't answer.
When she asked me.
To stay.

I just left.
To be.
76 · Dec 2017
Nolan Bucsis Dec 2017
Now sets in the ennui.
Of falling asleep.
At odd hours.
Of the night.
Doing odd things.
76 · Oct 2017
Pain or something sad.
Nolan Bucsis Oct 2017
I hate my face.
I hate my body.
I hate being conscious.
It just reminds me.
I'm alive.
And real.
And I've got so long to wait.
To die.
75 · Nov 2017
Work and Literature.
Nolan Bucsis Nov 2017
I wanted to be a beautiful.
Free form poem.
When I was younger.

A poignant well put saying.
That touched someone.
Who recognized.
Something inside.

And now,
I just want a job.
75 · Sep 2017
Motion keeps me moving.
Nolan Bucsis Sep 2017
Love me.
Or something.
I don't really care.
And I never really did.
I just faked it cause.
I was told to.
I felt responsible.
For existing.

And, now.
I'd rather run away.
Motion keeps me moving.
75 · Jan 2018
Nolan Bucsis Jan 2018
I just want swim until death takes me.
In the seas of forgetfulness.
Subsumed beneath the waves.
Adrift in a current.
That moves forward.
While I'm left behind.
Cushioned in my isolation.
75 · Aug 2018
Life Goals
Nolan Bucsis Aug 2018
I'm trying to freeze myself.
In thought.
And become immortally relaxed.
In an understanding.
Is there any of this.
And me.
Nolan Bucsis Mar 2018
I want to be forgotten.
By everyone.
And just appear.
On the shores of reality.
A different person.
Nolan Bucsis Apr 2018
I'm symetrically out of place.
Every where I go.
Covered in the filth of a thousand chain smoked.
And, the offal.
Smelling foul.
Betraying the lie of potential.
In my face.
75 · Jan 2018
Nolan Bucsis Jan 2018
Thank you for the good times.
I had.
My oasis.
My dearly kept memories

These figments of you.
That from time to time.
I think of.

It's never all bad.
Sometimes I can struggle through.
The misery of you're gone.
And feel warm.
Like I was in your arms.
And, when you smiled.



74 · Apr 2018
Nolan Bucsis Apr 2018
No one likes a modern nomad.
No one, but the wind.
And the sound of his feet running away.
From something or other.

Rambling through those.
Anonymous towns.

People like landmarks.
Fading into the passing horizon.

Everything always.
Behind him.
74 · Jan 2018
Nolan Bucsis Jan 2018
When she smiles.
I feel good.
And a lot of the time.
I'd like to just hold her.
Hear her laugh.

A personal.
74 · Jan 2018
Nolan Bucsis Jan 2018
I'm sorry.
I say this with.

Up a.
Time ago.

I'm just waiting to die.
In a drug.
73 · Mar 2019
Down again
Nolan Bucsis Mar 2019
Starting over is another chore.
Another necessity.
One more thing remained unaccomplished.
One more arbitrary rule.

Maybe I should just sleep.
Sleep and recede into the somnolence.
Fade off into nothing.
Of note.

And never was.
73 · Apr 2018
Nolan Bucsis Apr 2018
I haven't sighed through enough suicide notes.
Or lost the will to speak.
An alogia of a life.
Never murmured.
Low enough.
73 · Feb 2018
Nolan Bucsis Feb 2018
Every time I experience or create something beautiful.
It's lost on me.
Like all those long hours of conversations.
With the minds of a missed lover.
I just walk away.
I disappeared.
As though nothing happened.
Blaming myself.
For my lack of perfection.
73 · Jan 2018
Nolan Bucsis Jan 2018
Just one of those strange days.
Filled up with liminal time.
Feeling like.
Something good.
Might come my way.
Something positive.
Nolan Bucsis Apr 2018
There's nowhere I can go.
When the next cataclysmic catastrophe destroys my life.
There is no safe place of sentiment and empathy.
Nothing and no one there to tell me it's ok.

No food.

No kind words.

No favours or luck.


Motion forward to somewhere else.
Problem solving myself from here to there.
As it comes.

The future so distant.
All I can imagine.
Is these tired blistered feet.
Walking down some burning asphalt.

My soundtrack the crickets and wild things.
That live beyond the ditch.
Etched in my mind.
Perpetually leaving.
72 · Oct 2017
Nolan Bucsis Oct 2017
One day it will all.
Catch up to me.

An onslaught of.

Bad habits.
Poor diet.
Self destruction.

I'll disappear.
In an instant.

A week.

All that's left.
What could have been.
72 · Nov 2017
Nolan Bucsis Nov 2017
We sang drunken requiems.
To the loss.
Of our future.
In those old cities.
When we were young.
72 · Oct 2018
Nolan Bucsis Oct 2018
I find myself lost.
In that empty space I can't see.
Staring off into nothing.

My life is pathetic.

And I only long.

For some sweet and subtle.
Release from.
All this.
71 · Jan 2018
Nolan Bucsis Jan 2018
I remember people I see in stores.
They're the first humans I see.
After finally being forced.
And, I hate it.
Too much intimacy.
71 · Feb 2018
Nolan Bucsis Feb 2018
I'm not here to make you.
In fact.
I won't even try.

This is how I cope.
With my demented.
Demonic despair.

The **** life.
I've led.

This is me dancing.
Kali Yuga.
Nolan Bucsis Jul 2018
No one I know will even.
Find out when I.

They're just personas.
Avatars and text on.

A figment of my imagination.
Projected out there on that impossible.

That I can't land on.
Where telegrams can only reach.

No one will give them my obituary.
I'll just recede.
Into nothing.
71 · Mar 2018
To be truly alone.
Nolan Bucsis Mar 2018
There's nothing in here.
Nothing worth saving.
There's nothing in anyone else.
Nothing worth knowing.

And, there's that dead stare.
I do.
When I'm in public.

Let down.
71 · Jul 2018
Nolan Bucsis Jul 2018
Was it love that brought me here.
With you.
Or was it just the idea I had.
That this.
Would be different.
71 · Oct 2017
Nolan Bucsis Oct 2017
The truth is usually.
Muddied with pride.
And lies.
But, mine.
Is unbelievable.
And, extreme.
Why share what no one will accept?
70 · Oct 2017
Nolan Bucsis Oct 2017
I have that impulse to scream.
To cry.
To get lost and caught up in that.
Explosion of emotion.

But, I don't.
I can't.
I turn it off and recede.
Into my schizoid understanding of reality.

No one notices me.
On mute.

Which is good.
I can try not to eat.
Or drink.

I don't have.
To be a disappointment.
As I rot alone.
70 · Apr 2018
Lolspeak Psychiatry
Nolan Bucsis Apr 2018
I dunno.
That internal voice keeps.
Telling me to pass out.
Into another drug induced coma.
And listlessly fast forward.
To my death.
69 · Oct 2017
Line, please.
Nolan Bucsis Oct 2017
Maybe I am neurotic.
Repeating myself.
Regurgitating my inner soul.
My internal stream of thought replicating.
Into infinity.
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