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Jan 26 · 62
Maka Jan 26
You would run into a fire for me.
You would gladly burn if it meant I was safe.
But you would not lay with me in all my brokenness.
You would not reassure me over and over to quell my demons.
And perhaps that is when I need you most.
Mar 2021 · 513
Maka Mar 2021
You never hit me,
But I shake in fear when I think I see you in a crowd.
Abuse doesn't have to be physical. 2 years later and I'm still terrified that I'll run into you somewhere.
Aug 2020 · 171
Maka Aug 2020
I held your hand
You broke mine
I kissed your face
You spat in mine
I only ever had your best interests at heart
You had your best interests at heart too
I was good for you
And all you did was make me cry
If you are so convinced that I was the problem then please leave me alone.
May 2020 · 136
Maka May 2020
You planted me
And when i popped my head out of the ground
I never grew tall enough for you
I never bore enough fruit
I did not have enough flowers
And somehow it was my fault
Even though you planted me
And most days, i wish you hadn't
May 2020 · 129
I Feel Sorry for Him
Maka May 2020
He came back when I was flying
Just to try to pull me down to hell again
But I am stronger this time
And I am too high up for him to reach
I pulled myself out of hell, I'm not going to let you drag me back just because you're bored
Oct 2019 · 165
A Disappointment
Maka Oct 2019
Is the glass half empty or half full?
It's funny how people talk about it in relation to life,
But never in relation to how people view others.
It seems to me that to everyone else, I have always been half empty.
Always something missing.
Always half empty.
Never good enough.
Jul 2019 · 388
Why am I this person?
Maka Jul 2019
You cut me so deeply,
And then spat on my wounds.
And yet, when you scrape your knee,
I have to fight the urge to come running.
I still want you to be okay.
Seems like I'm dying either way.
Jul 2019 · 10.6k
Maka Jul 2019
"What colour is my heart?" she sings,
And as her voice soaks into me,
I feel you slink and coil yourself around my heart.
At first it felt like you were meant to be there,
But the longer her set goes on
The harder you squeeze.
"What colour is my heart?" she sings.
I know the answer.
My heart is black and blue,
Thanks to you.
-I can't listen to jazz anymore.
Jul 2019 · 143
Just Part of Your Circus
Maka Jul 2019
I don't know whether
I am attracted to clowns,
Or whether I myself am the clown.
Either way,
Clearly I am a joke.
And I hope breaking me
Was as enjoyable as you hoped.
Jul 2019 · 392
Double Standards
Maka Jul 2019
You stabbed me repeatedly,
But when I finally walked away,
You were the one to cry betrayal.
Jul 2019 · 388
Paper Flowers
Maka Jul 2019
And each promise you made to me
Was a paper flower,
Floating down the stream
That flowed from your mouth,
Disintegrating before it got to your hands
Never to reach me.
Jul 2019 · 161
Maka Jul 2019
Your ghost is right behind me,
Traipsing just close enough that
If I trip you will be upon me.
Suffocating me once again.

I have to keep moving.
Because I can feel you behind me,
And if I stop, you'll catch me.
And that would destroy us both.
-running has never been my strength.
Jul 2019 · 152
50 172
Maka Jul 2019
Today I found the strength
To delete every trace of you from my life.
Right now everything's not okay,
But I feel like I'll be alright.
Is this what moving on feels like? :)
Jul 2019 · 144
Mixed Signals
Maka Jul 2019
You said that I deserved better and that you would try harder,
But you did nothing and then told me how lucky i was.

You said you were sorry,
But you did the same things over and over again.

You said I was your priority,
But put her feelings before mine every time.

Train tracks that cross always end in disaster.
That's why we were a trainwreck.
Jul 2019 · 183
Maka Jul 2019
I want to see you all the time
But I also never want to see you again.
Even with a broken heart, you're the only one that i want.
I wish I could hate you.
Jul 2019 · 868
Maka Jul 2019
You repeatedly gave me red flags
And I took them each time
With a smile,
As if they were flowers.
I chose to look for green lights,
And in that way, I guess, I broke my own heart.
Jul 2019 · 155
Second Best
Maka Jul 2019
You were willing to
destroy the future you claimed to want with me
for your "history" with her
And that is when I knew
It was time for me to move on
-you could never be my home
Jul 2019 · 169
Maka Jul 2019
At each cry for help
You stomped on my throat,
And then wondered why
I stopped speaking.
You cut me,
And then found a way to blame me for bleeding.
I gave you my heart.
You tore it apart.
But I'll always be the villain in your story,
And you'll always be the love of my life in mine.
That is the saddest part.
Jul 2019 · 298
Maka Jul 2019
You were a balloon
Tethered to my hand
Floating above my head
And then one day the string moved
From my hand to my neck
And you floated all the same

— The End —