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57 · Nov 2020
noelle Nov 2020
you say all these things;
the things i want to hear.
but why don't i believe you?

because she ****** me up;
she lied,
and now i don't believe you.
i wish i did
56 · Sep 2020
love poems
noelle Sep 2020
my old love poems for you
are breaking me apart as i write this.

you were my everything,
and now you're just words on a screen.

we were what used to be.
56 · Sep 2020
1:27 a.m.
noelle Sep 2020
i could be sound asleep,
tucked away in my queen-sized bed.
but the thought of you consumes me.

your soft hands on my cheek,
moving lower,
making me weak.

you're miles away,
yet you seem to control my mind.
oh darling, you're one of a kind.
i miss you.
56 · Nov 2020
noelle Nov 2020
i feel like i do the most
and get nothing back.
55 · Nov 2020
hazel eyes
noelle Nov 2020
your hazel eyes
and beaming smile
make my day
a little better
55 · Nov 2020
time to go
noelle Nov 2020
i need to accomplish more
before it's my time to go.
55 · Sep 2020
noelle Sep 2020
your eyes said it all,
but your words hurt the most.
at least we got to kiss
and hold each other
and laugh
one last time.

you were my wife,
but how you're an acquaintance.
sure, we can be friends,
but i won't be able to control myself.
this is going to be hard.
i'll miss you.
55 · Nov 2020
her over me
noelle Nov 2020
you loved her when we were together.
your feelings for me slowly faded,
while i was still head over heels.
you chose her over me.
54 · Oct 2020
the rain
noelle Oct 2020
sometimes we need someone
to love us when it rains,
and especially when it pours.
54 · Nov 2020
the hotel window
noelle Nov 2020
the hotel window
from the sixth floor
was higher than i expected.

i looked down
in a longing gaze,
imagining myself slowly falling
and finally being at peace,
dead on the ground.

but i felt something.
my heart was racing:
i was scared.

i was actually scared
to die
54 · Sep 2020
once upon a time
noelle Sep 2020
once upon a time,
a beautiful woman fell in love
with a handsome man.
they did what was normal:
moved in
had a kid
had another
and then one more.

that last one was me.
dear god, i wish they had stopped after two.
they're not bad parents.
this is just a miserable world.


i want more.
i demand more.

but when does it get better?
a year or two?
next week?

no one knows.
maybe it never does.
it's all chance.
i'm an atheist it just sounded good
54 · Sep 2020
noelle Sep 2020
your pictures hang in my room.
they hold memories,
love loss,
and pain.

i cannot bring myself to take them down,
because if i do it'll be true.
you're really gone aren't you.
53 · Nov 2020
if only she knew
noelle Nov 2020
if only she knew
how effortlessly beautiful
she can be.

when i look into her eyes,
i see no darkness;
no uncertainty.

she gives me hope,
and that's all i ever needed
from another being.

if only she knew
how much my love for her
grows each day.

no matter what she does,
or how imperfect she looks,
i still admire every aspect of her.

she has her own special way
of expressing her love,
but i know she does.

i am hard to handle,
and i can be a lot,
but i pray she sticks with me

because it is almost certain
that i like her more than my last.
(and i'm still getting to know her)

dear sophia,
i love you.
yes, this is cheesy
53 · Nov 2020
noelle Nov 2020
i don't want to sleep,
but i don't want to be awake.
i don't want to eat,
but i don't want to be hungry.
i don't want people around me,
but i don't want to be alone.

i want to stop existing,
but i don't want to die.

how the ****
do i get out
of my head?
52 · Oct 2020
where'd you go?
noelle Oct 2020
it was every day,
then it was sometimes,
and now it's nothing.

what happened to us?
we were perfect;
we were everything.

but now i've moved on,
because you left,
and i chose myself.

so, thank you:
thank you for letting me be myself.
you meant more to me
than you could ever know.
i hope you fall in love with someone new.
noelle Oct 2020
we try to preserve our innocence,
but when we lose it
is that when life starts?
or is it actually when it ends?

i'm wasting my time
trying to become the old me.
i'm the fun one who's always smiling,
but my scars say otherwise.

i reach out for me in my reflection,
but i'm nowhere to be found.
what happened to that girl?
she was so happy.
i miss her
52 · Sep 2020
noelle Sep 2020
the feeling of lonliness
is awfully scary.
you have no one to talk to,
no one to keep you company.

i feel stuck.
i can't get out.
please help me
i'm stuck
52 · Nov 2020
noelle Nov 2020
i quietly beg for attention,
and it has to be from you.
51 · Sep 2020
noelle Sep 2020
i talked about you today.
someone asked how i met you -
how we became true.
50 · Sep 2020
noelle Sep 2020
i feel colder on the exterior,
but as the leaves change,
i am comforted
by familiarity.

it's finally sweater weather,
and i'm cozied up
next to you.

we fell in love
in october.
we fell in love
watching green turn red
among the horizon.

familiarity, nostalgia

i miss you.
50 · Nov 2020
one touch
noelle Nov 2020
a brief finger on my face,
or your warm hands on my back;
i'm all yours,
and that's all i ever wanted.
50 · Nov 2020
noelle Nov 2020
sometimes i get sad;
i can feel the little weights
tugging at my heart,
and my thoughts engulfed
in a freezing fog.

and just as i begin to doubt
if it'll be like this forever:
if i'll feel happy again,
if i'll even feel anything again,
it passes.

but it starts once more.
50 · Sep 2020
noelle Sep 2020
she smells like the ocean on a summer morning
she looks like a priceless piece of art
she feels like freshly washed silk bedsheets
she tastes like a crisp apple straight from a tree
she sounds like a breeze fluttering the curtains

she is perfect for me.
inspired by the song she
48 · Sep 2020
noelle Sep 2020
it’s buried away,
and you know it.
that secret - that truth -
you can’t even admit to yourself.

do you not want things to change?
maybe you don’t want it to be true.
but it eats away at your body,
until there is barely anything left.

deny, deny, deny!
but why?
someone has the key
to the mystery
locked up in your mind.
48 · Nov 2020
when i don't notice
noelle Nov 2020
i look away,
hoping you look back at me
when i don't notice.
48 · Sep 2020
noelle Sep 2020
i crave you.
i crave your hands running along my arm.

a soft kiss on my cheek
quickly accelerating
into something i should not be doing.

it's not because i'm young,
it's because i shouldn't love you.

our parents were taught we cannot love
who we want;
that love was limited.

this is another false idea society has created.
i feel too strong for this to be wrong.
48 · Oct 2020
my darling moon
noelle Oct 2020
i was the sun,
you were the moon

we fit together like puzzle pieces,
but nothing lasts forever.
47 · Oct 2020
noelle Oct 2020
alone in my room:
silently screaming,
a pain in my heart.

i finally let myself feel this.
46 · Oct 2020
we're all trying
noelle Oct 2020
everyone has their own struggles;
we may never know exactly what they are,
but they are there,
trust me.
we're all just trying to stay alive
for one more day.
46 · Sep 2020
noelle Sep 2020
i write poems.
do i do it for the lesson?
the feeling?
the validation?
i'm not so sure.
but i know i feel better when i do.
46 · Sep 2020
noelle Sep 2020
oh, to be at the train tracks in the dead of night,
after being trapped in my tiny box.

i feel the air rush through my hair
when it passes by on the rail.

it’s ethereal;
it’s too good for this world.
maybe my next life will be as perfect
as the moon’s reflection on this small puddle
my feet soak in.

the pavement feels cool,
just like the breeze.

my last moment at the train tracks,
in the dead of night,
was better than anything i ever experienced
on this cruel earth.
45 · Sep 2020
wishing well
noelle Sep 2020
i wish i wish i wish
i could be you
for just a night.

i wish i wish
i could feel genuine happiness.
for just a night.

i wish
i could be normal.
for just a night.

but that's life, right?
the point is to suffer?

maybe it's for a lesson.
but i'm smart enough.

maybe it's bad luck.
but i don't deserve it.
45 · Sep 2020
the L word
noelle Sep 2020
it took me one year just to say it.
the L word
meant nothing to me
until you.

it’s probably not what you think.
the L word
is not something
many people worry about.
but I did when I met you.

i’m a lesbian, mom.
i hope you still love me...
because I love her.
44 · Oct 2020
noelle Oct 2020
i get good grades,
i'm kind,
i'm responsible,
i get home on time;
i'm the perfect daughter.

why isn't that ******* good enough?

sometimes i wish i ****** up more
so you wouldn't expect so much.
43 · Sep 2020
noelle Sep 2020
make it stop.
if i feel the pain i want to die.
if i feel nothing i want to die.

it's either an endless cycle of nothing,
or an endless cycle of everything.
43 · Sep 2020
noelle Sep 2020
wake up

read it again.
43 · Oct 2020
not my intention
noelle Oct 2020
i didn't know i would like you this much,
but the way you laugh
when i say something stupid,
the way your hands
touch my body,
and the way we stay talking for hours,
makes me want this forever.
or at least for a while
42 · Sep 2020
noelle Sep 2020
some words that give me comfort
41 · Sep 2020
birthday candle
noelle Sep 2020
it’s my birthday tomorrow.
why am I celebrating my life
when I don’t want one anymore?

this feels like just another dreadful day.
i stare at my birthday candle
in a longing daze.

everyone asks what my wish was,
but if i tell them
it won’t come true.

i wished for it to appear as an accident;
like it was not my precise intention.
40 · Oct 2020
me & food
noelle Oct 2020
we've always had a rough relationship.
i either refuse or simply can't.
i ate half a muffin yesterday because my father watched me.
i ate a slice of pizza at school because my friend was concerned.
it was all fine because i threw it up after.
40 · Sep 2020
your one
noelle Sep 2020
"i never met anyone like you."
people say that,
but it's different for everyone.

we each meet our one person
who is almost perfect for us.
someone who meets every standard;
who sees the real you.

everyone has their flaws,
but when you notice them,
they don't matter.

who cares about the way you laugh or
the way you spit out your toothpaste
when you found your soulmate?

nothing else matters
when you meet your one.
you are everything.
39 · Sep 2020
noelle Sep 2020
i stood there,
hands on the bathroom sink,
leaned over.
who was staring back at me?

it surely wasn't the little girl
who called for her mom
when she scraped her knee.

it surely wasn't the little girl
who dreamed about having a husband some day.

it surely wasn't the little girl
who always wanted to live.

now, i do not recognize this person.
but hopefully, someday i will.
38 · Sep 2020
to the girl of my dreams
noelle Sep 2020

who ever thought you'd be the one
to put me back together;
to glue the broken pieces?
i sure didn't.

it was platonic,
it was nothing.
until one day, i noticed you.
you wanted me.
someone wanted me!
and two years later you still do.

somewhere in between i fell in love
with my best friend.

you're a girl, though.
surely i didn't think about kissing you every day.
surely i didn't look into your eyes longer than a straight girl would.  
surely i'm not gay.

but isn't that what they always say?
38 · Sep 2020
noelle Sep 2020
i love writing
i love all music
i love my girlfriend
i love my family
i love basketball
i love learning
i love debating
i love decorating
i love planning
i love movies
i love fashion
i love thinking about you
i love long boarding
i love my hair
i love my eyes
i love my stuffed animal
i love girls that remind me of the sun
i love feeling my emotions
i love my baggy jeans
i love sweatshirts
i love my room
i love my hands
i love my name
i love me.

but i also hate how i talk
i hate how i walk
i hate how i run
i hate my laugh
i hate my voice
i hate my mind
i hate ignorance
i hate skinny jeans
i hate ponytails
i hate when people touch me
i hate how they make me feel
i hate boys that are incels
i hate boys
i hate trump
i hate society
i hate my face shape
i hate my learning style
i hate my body
i hate me.

so which is it, noelle?

i'm not quite sure
37 · Sep 2020
i beg
noelle Sep 2020
i'm on my knees,
please don't leave.

you know every inch of me,
every thought i have.

in this moment i am vulnerable;
i will do anything.

please don't leave,
i'm on my knees.
37 · Sep 2020
it's all the same
noelle Sep 2020
i should be used to it.
it's been 3 years.
but it hits different every time.
take what you want from this
36 · Sep 2020
noelle Sep 2020
people say nights are the hardest,
and it's a fair argument.
because at night you long for them;
what else is there to do?

but in the morning,
it's all new.
you wake from a deep sleep,
unknowing of what is to come,
and what has happened.

there is a brief second when you forget.
but as soon as you're conscious -
as soon as you feel the sun beating down
on your tired eyes -
you remember.
and your heart breaks once again.
someone save me
35 · Sep 2020
music, not drugs
noelle Sep 2020
lean back,
listen closely to the lyrics,
feel the beat rush through your body,
let it drown out your sorrows.

it’s only momentary,
but it’ll make you feel something:
something more than agony,
something more than nothing.
any feeling is better than this.

you could say i’m addicted,
but music breathes.
music evolves.
music loves.
music dies.
and so do I.

that is my addiction:
i don’t feel so lonely all the time.
32 · Sep 2020
my streetlight
noelle Sep 2020
the joy, grief, and comfort you provide me...

you shine when i can’t do so.
your brightness stings my soul.
only you can possibly know
what happens in the nighttime.

i envy you;
an object that can withstand forceful winds,
and the coldest of nights.

i look out to you
and hope i can find some clarity
on the darkest thoughts
that roam my mind.

i search for my true identity;
a search that may be endless,
but I must try.

if only I could be a sturdy streetlight,
planted in the earth,
instead of my head in the clouds.
23 · Sep 2020
sunrise, sunset
noelle Sep 2020
every so often you are gifted
with beautiful colors up above.
like someone grabbed a brush
and painted the sky.
it’s ambiance lingers in my mind:
whether it’s in my dreams,
or keeps me in a daze.
how can this dreadful earth
produce such a delicate display?

— The End —