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Sophie Herzing
Move with me. Welcome to my confessions.
Keah Jones
The Moon    Wanderer. Survivor. All poems are property of Keah Jones. Unless marked otherwise.
Destiny Fleming
The Abyss    "Self-control was a religion she did not practice." -DDF Instagram: _eggrollpropaganda
Tom McCone
Wellington    writes from dreams and sorrows, predominantly.;=PLJVQPU_oFOwuG6HEaoVOQenGicQScx1yw ^me
darling iridescence
delaware    -formally known as brooklyn baby- barely innocent seraphic glow girl of the ex-nymphet variety. wearer of pearls, lace, and existentialism. an illusive darling. POETRY AND ...
Adam Cornelius Tuffey
Stondon Massey   
Ontario, Canada   
24/USA    "que no me lloréis. que mi nombre no se borre de la historia." ~ written from julia conesa to her mother, days before her execution ...

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