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Dec 2017 · 258
The years I've spent trying to navigate my way through the world, have been lost to the wastelands of my mind
Frozen in place as life passes me by, I watch as the world leaves me behind
Always a step out of place and never quite feeling aligned, I watch myself fall deeper into this black hole with no hope in sight
Endlessly screaming for help and hoping for some light, seems pointless as the darkness swallows everything with all of its might
One blind step forward sends me 10 steps back, and despite all the effort life won't ease up the attack
One day I hope to finally learn my true path, but until that day comes I'll continue to fall flat
Nov 2014 · 542
I yearn for the day that my voice does not shake while speaking
The day that my hands do not rattle upon my lap
The day that my eyes do not shift away restlessly
The day that my skin does not turn to ice
I crave comfort for my body
But my mind refuses to allow me any peace
Nov 2014 · 753
I allowed your words to take control of my mind
I ignored your actions for the beauty of your speech
I fell in love with your thoughts
But I granted you the ability to harm me with your actions
When you spoke your ideas were marvelous
Nevertheless your behavior was monstrous
  I was foolish to allow you inside of my head
But even more so to allow you into my bed
Nov 2014 · 757
I continue to lay in bed
Regardless of the lack of sleep it brings me
Hoping that someday my body will feel comforted enough to fall into a slumber
As if the bags under my eyes
And the stiffness of my muscles
Weren't enough to let my body know it's time to rest
If only my mind would stop running
Then maybe I could feel tranquil
But the anxiety I experience is sharp
And my thoughts cannot feel peace
Nov 2014 · 466
Nothing is forever
No one is forever
Although I was hoping that you could have been
I desired for you to be next to me until the end of time
I wanted nothing more than to feel your energy wrapped around mine
To hold your soul as close to me as possible
To cherish your mind and indulge in your adventures
To love and caress every edge and curve of your body
To feel your breath upon my skin
To taste the lust over your lips
Nothing is forever
No one is forever
Although I was hoping that you could have been
Nov 2014 · 1.1k
From the very moment that you pulled away
My body was turned into a grave
Flowers no longer sprouted in my heart where your words would be
Sunlight could not reach the darkest parts of me
The vines that were once intertwined with my heart
Decided that it was time to break apart
You were the person to bring me life
and you were the one who gave me the knife

— The End —