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4.6k · Jan 2018
A better version of myself-
Nicole Whitticar Jan 2018
I find myself changing as nature does- recklessly and suddenly without notice, and nature is what I come back to in order to heal.

Fires are often looked at as destructive forces,
And they surely can be, but they can also
Rejuvenate. Contrary to popular belief, fires most
Often leave a beautiful aftermath. Some examples
Being that certain plant seeds only germinate after
A fire, new growth is accessible to animals for food,
minerals are returned to the soil, and
Although many animals are stripped of their
Homes- this vacancy creates suitable areas for
New species to settle. Similar to how a fire
Cleanses the land it nearly destroys, a traumatic life
Experience allows an individual to undergo a necessary
Amount of growth and change. Whether what we take
From a situation leaves us aching or allows us to reflect,
We will always unknowingly benefit from the pain. I do
My best to keep this at the forefront of my memory when
Reminded of the baggage I carry. My healing will continue. and I will make a promise to myself that for every new fire that disseminates through/over my life, I will make amends with it
And allow for it to change me in the best way possible.
Nicole Whitticar Jan 2018
Before time could tell I was throwing coins into fountains, blowing the petals
Off of dandelions, and hopelessly ripping the petals off of the flowers I made
My bed in. I continuously gave my worries to the wind, quite literally, and made
Peace with nature so that she in return would offer me the gift of friendship,
Oh how important it is to become one with the ground you walk on and
Realize I am neither above nor below it- equal to all being and creatures.
Knowing my steps impact the ground much more than my wishful thinking
Of nature ever will.
The magic of nature is simply that.
The wind carrying the leaves, creating a mosaic-
The puddles of rain water and mud creating illusions of
Sink holes and sand boxes.
Children diving into their hand crafted mud pies.
Creating something out of nothing since the beginning of time, mother nature.
Nicole Whitticar Sep 2018
Take my hand and let me take you back to a time when
Time did not matter, when one second was replaceable with the next-
Easter Sunday, making mud pies in our little Purple dresses,
back to making junk into something fictional
And believing in everything make believe.
We climbed castles, discovered bigfoot, found our prince
All in a matter of seconds- and we never ran out of time.

Time- a matter of perception
Quick sand, sleep, death.
There are many things to slow down this barrier to living,
But nothing to make it go, to make it tangible.

If we were to place time on a scale it would measure into
A timeline of dinosaurs and hieroglyphics, of disasters and
The great discoveries of the ocean's depths- however, I am
Speaking of time as an emotional blip.

To measure time as we do our emotions takes away from
Our perception of that blip- of irretrievable time unaccounted for.
We must make time our foundation to understand it will always be there.
It is what you make of that time, how you allow that
Blip to affect you, that makes moments into concrete memories
848 · Jul 2017
lessons we refuse to learn
Nicole Whitticar Jul 2017
Growing up I was told if you give a situation more thought and worry than it deserves that the doubt is always the answer; because your heart nor your gut would have assembled that doubt otherwise.
from this realization a crucial lesson was thrown into my lap,
if you think twice about loving, the love for you to give was never necessarily there to begin with.
There was a time when I loved and lost-
He was my one solid thought, he intruded my stream of consciousness and left it free of doubt
He, this perfect undeniably warmhearted soul warms the 19 winters that are so compacted within me.
whether he knows it or not.
Until the sky is cast over and the sun rays pass through the atmosphere with ease my love for him will be sealed, awaiting for his curiosity to be restored.
There was a time when I loved and lost, but realized that love had just lost her way.
729 · Feb 2017
Nicole Whitticar Feb 2017
The cold, rushing water came up to my ankles and the slippery pebbles beneath my feet made it hard to get to you - the sun was beating on my skin and striking my eyes, making it hard for me to see you-
You told me to be cautious so that I wouldn't fall, but I lost balance and we both went down.
This particular memory revolves in my mind, like a mobile.
The water acting as a symbol of destruction, tearing us up from the roots, drowning us before we had the chance to swim
Nicole Whitticar Jul 2016
loving without being loved is a tough one but happiness is something a little different; happiness is the only thing you can give without having and through happiness you will find love. We can only then hope that love leads you to love others, not destroy them.
589 · Oct 2016
Lost at sea
Nicole Whitticar Oct 2016
My body is weak and my heart is hanging on by its last string
The faith and hope that once was so easily attainable is lost and I do not know where to go to regain strength or find a home
you were my home,
you were my strength and now without you my body is more frail than ever. The cold cripples me without having you to wrap myself in.
The hardships of life or never ending and with each punch that God throws at me, I become weak and vulnerable
Easily susceptible to fall into immoral behavior
I need something, someone, I need you
Count the days you said you would love me, was there ever any truth to your words?
You said you wouldn't and you did.
At this point my chest is aching and my Love, nor your love is needed to patch up any old wounds.
Better I will be, I will grow and find new loves, I will try new loves
No more hiding, waiting for someone like you to come along to heal me.
Words are met with actions.
So, keep lying to yourself to get by- time can only heal you if you will let it. I am welcoming time by not counting the days you have been gone-
Allowing myself to become something more than an object to reminisce.
I am worthy of so much more than just your love
578 · Oct 2017
Nicole Whitticar Oct 2017
Something about a figure casted on the wall, an image painted black,
A poorly displayed animation of a concrete object.

I was 10 when cars passed by and projected shadows on my ceiling, the
Distorted images paired with a faded sound of night life filled my room and kept me from dreaming.
a sense of nostalgia enwrapped my body,
From that point on I realized my whole life would be dedicated to chasing
After things that have already let go of me.

Looking at year 14-
Shadows replaced parents,
Imagination turned them into
Something tangible, nothing but uncanny
Resemblances between the two.

I was 17 when I encountered love,
He was warm, gentle, and open-ended;
Letters could not form enough words to describe what he made me feel.
I saw shadows in his absence. I named them Guilt.

Present day: throughout this life I have come to find that our demons often
Take shape of shadows, unfortunately that is how they found me.
I have learned through built education that shadows often depict
What our subconscious is unwilling to tell us.
I have lived my whole life thinking these shadows
Were winning, when they were simply a figure of imagination.
A figure of temptation,
Your shadows are not who you are, they are what they want you to be.
576 · Nov 2015
Make Yourself At Home
Nicole Whitticar Nov 2015
It's odd to think of the past repeating itself
Last year at this time I was awaiting your arrival and now I sit here, crying, because I invited you in but didn't let you stay long enough
A welcome mat
I was your first guest in your new home, that says a lot I suppose
My footsteps were the first but they were easily covered by more
I just hope they ring the doorbell before stepping inside
516 · Apr 2016
still there
Nicole Whitticar Apr 2016
You're onto something(someone) new
So am I, but I am not the happiest
Seeing you would most definitely change my mind
Getting a text from you would raise my heart - I have high hopes
Maybe it is seeing you with her that makes it hard for me to sleep at night
Makes it hard for me to breathe through my tears
Makes it hard to not want you back in my life
But I do know one thing for sure, I still love you and I always will
I know you know that as well because you said I was your first love when I texted you, key word - First, but not last
You are happy and that should make me happy, but selfishness is buried deep within me and comes out when the thought of you comes to mind
Life feels incomplete without you and I hate it
How could I be so sad without you while you are so happy, things do not add up
Just so you know, I have a person because I like being alone but do not like feeling lonely
See you soon..
504 · Nov 2016
who KNOWS anymore
Nicole Whitticar Nov 2016
Scared that this feeling of being alone will linger longer than needed,
I am not awaiting a return, or a happy ending, no. I am hiding my hopes in my closet, and living my life without a purpose.
Without you I am me,
I have compared and pushed away, left without reasoning, and kissed without telling.
I have experienced and learned, I have grown out of the skin you left me with.
Big things are coming and although I wish you could see them taking place from a birds eye view, I know you are doing just fine without knowing anything of me, as am I of you.
498 · Nov 2016
Free Will
Nicole Whitticar Nov 2016
After so many nights of tears on my sheets, friends building me up, and late night phone calls to my mother asking her why love has to hurt so bad; you came back.
You came back to let me know I was always a second option, that things are not going well and you miss the way I treated you.
I gave you so much love that when it came time to be on my knees, begging you to stay, I had enough.
I never believed someone who claimed to love me so much, would just up and go. I forgave you
After 7 months you still run through my veins like the first day we met, having you back would be an ultimate blessing, maybe even a curse in disguise.
You had my heart in the palm of your hand. Better yet, our hearts were intertwined and since then I have grown stitches.
So come back to get the love I have always wanted to give you, or leave before I fall flat on my face; I am embarrassed enough to know that I was never at the top of your list. I was sure you would come back without a second thought, but I have quickly learned that people are not driven by fate, or greater powers.
They have a choice, You had a choice.
and I was not it
493 · May 2017
Nicole Whitticar May 2017
since our love tested all odds, I am here to make this testament
I will make my bed in your eyes, so that no matter where you are gazing or who you are looking at; you will catch a glimpse of me.
I will plant a cell of my own into the soles of your shoes to ensure you I am with you every step of the way- in a way, we will grow together.
I will not suppress my emotions, but instead plaster the words that fall from my fingertips, onto billboards; the whole world will be exposed to the facade that is your heart.
Your ears will ring my laugh and your hands will turn cold at the touch of another
I will instill myself into your being in every way that I am able and the reflection of us as a whole will haunt you until you remember,.
Remember my sweet words that acted as a lullaby for your soul
Remember my blonde hair pressed against that floral, yellow dress.
Remember the way I knew what you were thinking before you spoke a word
Remember the endless love that I gave and never stopped giving and never will stop wanting to give you.
462 · Oct 2016
Found fault in myself
Nicole Whitticar Oct 2016
Making decisions- my weakness
A fault that I overlooked my whole life until I found love

Something I learned: Your first love is not your last love... and your first love is probably not your first love.
My second love was my first love, and I'm still recovering
I don't know whether my affection towards him was not enough or that my misguided emotions led him astray.. all I know is that I messed up and I do take fault.
Yes, he made mistakes- but the mistake of not showing/telling someone how much you love them every second of the day, when it matters the most, is what kills a relationship. I killed what I loved the most
The passion, the love, the energy we had was like no other- I am sure one day I will stumble upon another who lights a fire within me with the same intensity he once did.. but until then I only have myself to blame for the built up emotion that leaves me weighted.
452 · Aug 2017
History Museum
Nicole Whitticar Aug 2017
I have been asked on multiple occasions to describe the pain of reminiscing
here is how I see it
you are at a museum and as you past each display that depicts a point in time, a crucial chunk of what makes our history authentic, you see signs that say "please, do not touch"
and for having an astonishing discernment that you cannot touch those replicas, you do not.
you stray away from this because it could potentially destroy the models.
Imagine if you touched those displays and you changed history
you changed the story of Lewis and Clark
you changed the story of the wright brothers
and you changed the current build of yourself
Everything up to this point in time would be significantly different.
like the great poet E.E. Cummings once said, we wouldn't be we if things played out differently.
to touch and grasp the past leaves you with a bitter aftertaste that lingers and eats away at present day you-
stroll, look around, ponder the idea of what could have been but never touch, or stay for too long
History will be there, collecting dust
It never changes;
but you sure do have the ability to change your current situation and the future that is patiently awaiting you.
452 · May 2016
He who should not be named
Nicole Whitticar May 2016
I recall the first day I met you like it was yesterday- I will never be able to fully move on, or will I? (hopefully)
My love for you grew like wildflowers and when our love met the vines grew tough and slowly started turning into weeds- surrounding us until swallowed whole.
If there is anything I want you to know, it is that my love for you was nothing but pure, wholesome, genuine love.
I gave my heart to you because you were a masterpiece and I was something much simpler. We just matched.
Along the way our love grew destructive and I honestly never expected for that to happen, having our love die was more shocking than you saying, "you and your actions ultimately made me unhappy".
I miss you, ****. But I know what is best for us both and I am happy to hear about your happiness.
I hope one day I am able to feel free, lighter than air.
One day I will wake up and start my day without a single thought of you.
That is when I will know I have won- That I have conquered the loneliness that was left from you.
You will always be apart of me whether you like it or not and that almost gives me comfort.
My only wish for you is that you find true happiness, a love that never loses electricity, a love that you are willing to fight for.
449 · Jan 2017
New Years Resolution
Nicole Whitticar Jan 2017
I will surround myself with positive people who help me grow in a healthy way and spread love whenever possible, because love heals all.
448 · Oct 2017
Nicole Whitticar Oct 2017
they tell me I break hearts and it doesn't hurt so is it really the truth?
I think there is something that cancels out the breaking- that thing being me. I am the knot of chain you call a necklace, I am a game with half of the pieces missing, a puzzle piece with bent corners. I tend to make the boys swoon with a swift use of the vocabulary I have been studying since the third grade.
I'm sorry,
I would bring a knife to a gun fight to prove that I am worthy of something. maybe. I hope I am.
I know the people I tend to love have a certain taste, an interesting demeanor that leaves me wanting more. but that more is never enough to last me
it quickly runs out, and my attention is turned elsewhere.
from the outside looking in I would have to believe by now my heart is very small, and in its state now would be of tremendous value. I have given so much to the winds that I have very little left to spare. I give and retract in fear that someone will abuse what I place in their hands and I will turn to dandelion dust
just a quick wish blown into the wind to become again who I once was.
445 · Oct 2017
hold my beer
Nicole Whitticar Oct 2017
"Alcoholics don't get very far unless you drink and drive"
that is what he told me, gripping the bottle, leaving sweaty palms and cold sweats visible to the people who cared for him the most.
that is all I saw  
this is the life of an alcoholic, the life of someone suffering from second hand alcoholism, both leave the same aching feeling after seeing the bottle empty.
7 months and counting- you are conquering your fears of public speaking and facing yourself in the mirror.

It is time to conquer my mirrored reality
It is painful to even begin coughing up the words that have left me cotton mouthed in the past, but there is no doubt in my mind you have had more demons to face than I ever will.
a confession to late to be made- but I will spit it out even if it comes out in tongue so that my soul may rest easy

The source of the issue has gone through hell to pull the sword from the rock.
but, nevertheless, you hurt me in ways I thought were only possible in stupid sitcoms.
unintentionally, but painfully, you left your little girl vulnerable and too wise for her own good and for this I applaud you,
Because we all know addiction doesn't fall far from the tree
430 · Jun 2017
Can't get over this
Nicole Whitticar Jun 2017
sitting here, pondering the idea of there still being a trace of me at your place, wondering if there is something tangible holding me to you, connecting our hearts and souls-
There has to be something, I will not believe otherwise
A year and I can still smell earthy cologne embedded into the fabric of your favorite hoodie
I still hear you saying my name
I picture myself making that turn onto your street and I still see your face and imagine your lips pressed against mine,
So please, don't say that whats done is done.
You have to see the signs so blatantly thrown at us

There must be a reason for the love still running electric, for the passion being plainly visible.
Otherwise, you wouldn't be there.. locked in my heart with the key molded to your hand-
I asked the winds to carry a message to you in hopes that you'll coincidentally be out by the bay where we took a fall, reminiscing about that day and how it felt right to be with one another.
Longing that the waters bring you home to my heavy heart
    We could start anew and fix the holes that let life in. We could fix it all knowing what we know. Having growth to thank for the change in our ways.
417 · Jan 2016
New year, Same old me
Nicole Whitticar Jan 2016
The new year hit and it was like I could feel you passing by as 2015 changed into 2016
like a ghost passing into the afterlife except this particular spirit would only make it as far as purgatory, just as you would stop and rest in my sub-conscience for me to dig up later
when I think you're gone you never are and when I think you have finally passed through there is still time to be endured
Is there a lesson I must learn for you to be released or is this how these things work
I'm racking my brain for answers but I am only finding you
It is only the second day of the new year, maybe I am asking for too much  
or maybe the new year does not necessarily come with a clean sleight
you will forever be there, new year or not
414 · Apr 2017
Stream of Consciousness
Nicole Whitticar Apr 2017
Seeing you with her makes my bones ache and a fever spread across my body because she makes you laugh but you laugh with your teeth and I should be happy because only a handful of times was I ever able to see your teeth through a giggle. You were scared and so was I but I let myself fall, completely vulnerable to my surroundings. As if the calcium was extracted from my bones and every inch of me was malleable. your body acted as rubber, allowing my love to bounce off of you but never stick. Every passing comment entered through your semipermeable skin as if you were waiting for something more fulfilling. I was never enough for you and that is what hurts the most, after all these months this is what hurts the most. I wish every night that I could go back to falling. I dream that I am falling and you are at the bottom, but this time you catch me and we fall together, building each other from the rubble that was left. I wish, I dream, I must. This keeps my head out of the cloud, it is the only thing that has made sense to me.
414 · Jun 2018
my muse
Nicole Whitticar Jun 2018
Time freezes as I lie there running my fingers
Over your chest, playing connect the dots
With your freckles. I became accustomed
To your breathing, hoping your soul
Would give me a message via lapses in breath-
You are a beautiful canvas (I think while
Looking at your face), constructed of
Beautiful extensive eyes that make me feel warm while
They scan my profile.
hair that resembles a mountain
Top, and hands that are made for holding.
I know not the reason for your presence in
My life but if you are meant to go- so be it.
I will throw my paintbrush into the sky
And wish on the stars that the gods drop it
Into the hands of someone worth loving
412 · May 2016
To What I Thought Was Love
Nicole Whitticar May 2016
Almost a year ago we met
strangers - horrific pasts
it has been destructive since the beginning
lies and hidden meanings
but my love for you has only grown, not at all affected by all of the damage
it is true, so much can change in a year, although it is sometimes not the year, but the person who causes change.
Almost like the seasons are caused by the tilt of the earth on its axis.
Deep in my bones I felt what you could do to me, I kept my distance but your charm captivated me
Your charm that was charmed with other charms
You were a lie, and I am sorry for not realizing this sooner
You made me destroy everything we had, how you ask?
You made me love you, you gave me every reason to love you but many reasons to resent you
Nicole Whitticar Jun 2016
You are the boy who will take away my sadness and invade my privacy
I now believe in destiny and love at first drunken kiss
Forgetting my past comes so easily with this one, I am so unbelievably grateful for someone making me feel loved and worthy of being filled with everything good-
Needing another is not essential by any means, but
This individual is for from typical
My flaws are flowers and my misspoken words are turned into kisses
There is nothing between these two bodies- eventually made to collapse into one another
Our destiny lies written in the stars. unsolved and incomprehensible by many.
Souls- tangled and messy, yet everything is made out
you complete me without thought, trying is not in one's vocabulary; you do, I do
Thank you
401 · Oct 2017
Now You See It
Nicole Whitticar Oct 2017
It is all about perspective.
the glass half empty half full,
a birds eye view,
wearing someone else's shoes as your own,
For a very long time life without you was miserable- but then I realized this idea was biased.
you were out there, looking at the same stars, walking the same streets- things that brought me contentment,
I soon realized missing you was half of the battle, and that knowing you were still seeing things the way I saw them was the other half.
We will live these lives that parallel each other, just as we did before we met in the summer.
We will love different people just as we did before we knew each other's names.
You will glance up at the sun and chills will shoot down your spine because you will remember my golden hair and you will be confused as to how a non-living thing could remind you of a time in your life where there was so much life, so much love.
       "How could things be so different"
And I? well, I will find you in every living and non-living thing that comes along and I will thank the sky for not falling apart when we were together. I will thank the sea for not overflowing. I am thankful that we got the chances we did, although the timing may have been wrong.
400 · Nov 2017
Nicole Whitticar Nov 2017
It was a long time coming- you and I
The cards had it written out, and planted in the stars
Were the reasons why.
Someone of the same nature, but never did I see just how
Special you came to be-
With constant banter and a shoulder to use at
Your expense, I never thought I could see this as
A           romance
Maybe this dream is too big for the both of us, indeed.
Or maybe love isn't what we writers make it out to be.
All I know is that this world we both live in would seem
A lot smaller, simpler, less time consuming if I could spend
It at your side- however, ideal is not practical and I have made
It more than clear that I see you as a friend, never a companion
Or someone dear.
So, as I bid this oath to rest, let my final words detach as dandelion
Petals do; and make a story of us somewhere new
389 · Dec 2016
Nicole Whitticar Dec 2016
As the cold blows over and strips the trees of their leaves,
I am liberated from who I was in the fall.
I am as ever changing as the seasons and those who do not comfort me in this time of change and cold weather, are to go as quickly as they came.
I am clean, and have rid myself of wrong doings and toxic persons.
    This life is made for reinventing, creating, and finding one's self through people and small happenings.
But you will run into people who question your growth, and ridicule you for "changing".
Be mindful of these people, for these are the ones who are molded to one form, one place, one being. They are stuck, and they will drag you down with their aching soul to keep you from reaching full potential.
379 · Feb 2017
The Hurt
Nicole Whitticar Feb 2017
My dad warned me about you. He told me he could see the love taking over my eyes and entering through my pores and I never thought twice. I told him you were different, that we were different and this love would bring me to my knees- Now I am finding it within myself to look at you with no feeling, to wipe away your face from my memory- even forgetting you as a friend. This is hurt, and it is real.
Closure comes in all different forms at different times-
The first was painless, I had someone, and the blame fell on you for not living up to the ridiculous standards set by my mouth when my eyes went blind to the influences that surrounded me, screaming into my ears and beating at the doors leading to my heart. I was confused.
I was scared I was missing out on better love, later finding out that love was not mine, but someone else's who was patiently waiting.
Who was I to toy with your emotions and mind- you gave me everything and more and I gave you a maybe-
A maybe that kept you begging, while I was turning away, dismissing you and the sweet words you spoke for me.
I was blind to your love, I took it for granted when given the opportunity to try something new, and even though this not so poetic mass of words will never find its way to you I want you to know i'm sorry.
I am sorry for not being your backbone in your time of need
I am sorry for not kissing you more
I am sorry for not going out of my way to see you everyday, because I wanted to, believe me.
I am sorry for pushing you away when I needed you the most
and, I am sorry for not giving you every ounce of love my heart produced, for even then you would deserve more.
I am in no way selling myself short so do not take this as a pity party, I am simply recognizing the fact that I never appreciated what I had in my hands when I held your hand, or what I stared at when I found myself dancing in your big brown eyes,
or more importantly, what I felt when your soft kisses and gentle hugs seemed to comfort me when nothing else could.
I guess this is what people call closure
376 · Oct 2016
something I miss feeling
Nicole Whitticar Oct 2016
I love the trees and the bees
I love the yellow flowers I walk by everyday that remind me of you- and the pure love that pours from your tongue onto mine.
I love that every goodbye is said over and over again, until one of us caves in.
I love the way you say you dislike some of my hobbies yet participate in them just to please me.
I love your crooked smile, that stretches perfectly from ear to ear.
I love the moon and the sun
I love the stars that have made our zodiac signs coincide - I love mythology and the brief amount of it that you know
I love the imagination i see within your eyes. There is always something to be made from nothing when we are together.
I love that ever since I met you every little thing on this green planet has come to life,
I love everything that this earth has to offer, because you have walked these same paths, you have looked at the sun, the moon, the stars, you have been apart of that indescribable moment of simplicity. and i was there too
376 · Aug 2016
worth it
Nicole Whitticar Aug 2016
tell me
does the high last long enough for you to come to your senses
do you regret scaring your body unintentionally,
by this you are reminded of what poison lives within you. What runs through your blood. What consumes you.
You have been drained of who you are, time escapes you and nothing is legible through heavy eyes
"why do you act that way?"
"i know mommy will say yes when her eyes are wide"
collapsing more times than you can count on fingers, but gripping those coins in your hand until knuckles turn purple, showing you have something to prove
so tell me, is it worth it?
is undergoing this immoderate pain of life worth destroying your body originally created out of nothing but good, pure substances.
once pricked is a long time forgotten
I will stand by you until knees weak
until your body is colder than ice, but let me remind you this
You love me, you swear you loved me, to love me, love me
Love is not the worst drug
Being possessed by something so evil that it changes your definition of love. That is the worst type of drug. insensibility - oblivion
374 · Sep 2016
Stuck In Love (with you)
Nicole Whitticar Sep 2016
That extra place setting is starting to make an impression on my guests.
without asking they know i'm full of hope that one day you'll change your mind, and come home to me with your bags
acting as though nothing has changed
i'd pick up old habits and impress you with familiar words-
making you feel comfortable in your own skin.
351 · Jul 2017
Museum of Us
Nicole Whitticar Jul 2017
In due time I will take your hand and walk us through the museum of us. scanning the wall of past dreams and souvenirs from memories untold.
Below, the floor is transparent, revealing our deepest fears- things that made us repel each other, and kept us from reaching full potential
  However, the end of this museum is the beginning
An all white room takes vacancy within us, waiting for the next chapter- for the tokens and trinkets to hang from the ceiling, recalling fonder times and thrills that made our skin rise
Things that will bind the past and present together  
   our hearts will be restrung and our bodies, made with thicker skin -
Love will inflate our hearts and she will introduce us, letting us feel without thinking this time. Letting us fall together
351 · Jun 2016
it's been a lonely year
Nicole Whitticar Jun 2016
349 · Oct 2016
6 months.
Nicole Whitticar Oct 2016
my aunt made mention of your name
I put my drink down, straightened my posture, and composed myself before forcing a response about your well-being through my gritted teeth.
It never gets easier- Hearing your name
It is as if I am learning to speak whenever you are brought up- trying to sound out words and structure my sentences, becoming tongue tied.
My habits worsen with every memory that passes through, you made such a big impact in such little time. I wish we never met...
but we both know that is a lie
I want to say I miss the love given to me without thought,
but I miss the love given without thought, that was given by YOU.
there is no way to escape your orbit. Gravity never fails to bring me back to the reality of life without you.
If I could only erase the memories of you from all my friends and family who you struck with your golden tongue. Your charm still influences all who have stepped foot in your presence
Speaking at your ghost helps me cope- you have not died, however you have killed apart of me.
You are never the same once someone who entangles their souls with yours, leaves.
I will never be the same, but change is good and change is needed to grow.
Thank you for teaching me
Thank you for helping me find me
347 · Jan 2018
My one way ticket-
Nicole Whitticar Jan 2018
I woke up promptly at 6am with stagnant thoughts restlessly awaiting to be stirred in my mind. I played into the game of love by making something out of the scattered words- like letter magnets on a fridge. Have you ever tasted something for the first time and thought, "wow, I have been missing out. This is amazing"? That is how I feel, and how I felt, every time I see you. You breathe into me new life without even trying. which is truly remarkable. You give new meanings to things that have a fixed identification. I would put money on you coming up with alternative names for the color crayons already out there- that is the impression you leave. The impression that nothing is as it seems and if we wanted to we could make this world ours. Take a different path, lead people, bring peace, create. You give me the mind power to think myself on top of that mountain, and you could most certainly provide the stamina. Whether I am looking at you from the front, side, or back I have noticed a unique profile that I wish I could capture in words. You bring so much to the table that before I can even put my pen to paper I have already personified your greatest virtues and vices by creating dreams in which you paint fragments of who you really are. Now, I have often heard the testament, "He feels like home"; but never once was privileged to feel that away about anyone until now. You not only feel like home, but you bring me home. You allow for my bones to feel sturdy and well put together underneath my skin. And without changing a thing you create for me a place to escape to that feels like home, but less invasive.
The peace of mind I get from nature, is the same peace of mind I get knowing you are alive and breathing. Blessing people with your presence every single day. In simplest terms- you are my one way ticket out of a town that has led me straight into the ground. Upon meeting you I gained a sense of knowledge on how the world is so bright. That being because of you. In final consideration you may not feel a drop of the same rain.
In other words, our lines may not add up. I may have picked the longer straw in this scenario, or perhaps tugged enough to attain the bigger half of the wishbone only to make a wish I am not sure would come true. But being put into perspective would only reveal that we are solely what we think we are. Similarly; we are who/what we love, not who loves us and this revelation will allow me to live humbly, and happily. even if by chance you do not feel the same, or never do for that matter. I will be okay to walk this earth alone knowing that I have allowed myself to decompose thoughts of you into chewable matter, and that you are aware of mostly all of them. Knowing you has made me feel incredible things. Knowing you gave me my one way ticket.
345 · Feb 2017
Image of God
Nicole Whitticar Feb 2017
God was ignited within me when my lungs felt their first breath, when my body was recolored due to the oxygen that permeated me
nineteen years later I see him as an Artist, my artist-
The willingness to create and make with outside forces critiquing and verbally destroying every formation signed by his name.
His work is clear when the earth is painted from a distance, the landscape adorning the horizon.
An individual as a canvas- With his paintbrush that is God he strokes and embellishes on a person until they are to his likeness- with elaborate detail we become our own and to others we are seen as a price, or more so an accomplishment generated by a being who sees beauty in everything.
He, our creator, is a mosaic and we are the pieces gathered together, brought by the winds that act as his angels; to fit together perfectly, or not so perfectly, creating a world of color, and diversity.
He is not only an artist of fine paintings and drawings, but of sculptures and modern looks.
He creates to give each canvas a sense of self, individuality.
He creates so that others are moved by his work, so that they too see him in every sketch, abstract figure, printed graphic, and illustration. He is the outline of every innovated design.
He is what I see and what I feel; He is the beginning and end to everything beautiful.
337 · Mar 2017
C Minor
Nicole Whitticar Mar 2017
Voices often enter his ear as the sound of music, voices turn into consistent tones and fluctuation bounces off of the eardrum as a beat.
He tells me my voice is a sweet Lullaby, soothing the souls of the deaf.
He plays me as well as his instruments, he takes his time to familiarize himself with my indentations and creases,
He picks up on what notes seep from my pours, making adjustments as he goes.
He is gentle and careful with his words, knowing that an off beat would turn me astray.
His love is written as sheet music that is hard to make out.  
But, In hopes that you may learn the rhythm of his soul, You press your ear to his chest, listening and imitating the thumping of his heartbeat; going at your own pace, you perfect each cord and tune whenever you find yourself stuck-
your intentions were always pure, and he commended you for following along for so lone, yet the duration of this music lesson was mistaken for absentminded love.
and like any great song, it ended, and he was gone.
336 · Mar 2017
Nicole Whitticar Mar 2017
My fragile heart has been held in far too many hands that restrain it from pumping. It has been bruised and broken, misused and taken for granted by men who believe they are superior to love. However, as much as I would like to believe all good things come to end, I cannot. For I have touched far too many souls, and kissed too many lips to believe that only one soul entwines with ours; that all men speak love but only adore the body in a dimly lit room. I have faith that one day a man will disclose his love without fear of his masculinity being tarnished. I will live to see chivalry's last breath and thank it for not conforming to the norms of society. I will love until it is ingrained into others that love is not a game ready to be won.
But rather, love is a lifestyle that needs to be nurtured.
335 · Oct 2016
Good Riddance
Nicole Whitticar Oct 2016
Your words have no face value because I know your core.
The spiteful words that echoed in my ear made no impression on me, sorry to disappoint
I love you, and even if you're not sorry, I forgive you.
I know the real you so well it does not phase me to see you this way. So destructive.
One day you will have to face those demons you have been neglecting, kicking under your bed.
You may curse and scream and SHOUT at the top of your lungs that you no longer feel the love that was once shared so powerfully between us, but i know you do. You care
You care and you think about me and you love to reminisce, but you have moved on.
You have moved on to someone who loves you the way I once did- She knows your love for Steven king and reminds you to text her when you get home because your safety is more important than anything else.
But some advice for the road; A fight can be resolved, a fight does not mean things can never be repaired.
Love, love her, and forgive
Love endlessly...
I hand this off to you in hopes that we can make amends, to old times and memories that will never be forgotten. I hope I keep that special place in your heart, but if you need to make room.. so be it. You will never not have a friend in me-
328 · Jun 2016
least favorite genre
Nicole Whitticar Jun 2016
I thought I was numb, I thought I was completely paralyzed by the thought of you still existing
Your (absence of)touch runs deep beneath my skin, causing my bones to shake and our demons to stir
I feel a sense of contentment fall over me
our love was large, not the greatest, but it was head to toe
as much as I want to forget you and everything you weren't, I cannot get myself to forget our memories and the way you played victim
you were the worst, yet the absolute best person
If I were to see your face, Lord knows I will, I would categorize it as general and tell myself you look familiar
A familiar stranger, that is all
I wonder how long you will live in me
The thing is I never know how to describe what you were; you were not the one who got away, nor were you poison in my veins, no, you were like coming up for fresh air
You were my mystery, my adventure and I was never one to dive into the unknown
322 · Jul 2016
Nicole Whitticar Jul 2016
For someone I am slowly getting over; Each day is a little brighter without your shadows casting down.
317 · Sep 2016
The Core
Nicole Whitticar Sep 2016
I have found a new home - within myself
If I am sad, I only have myself to blame
If I am angry, I find the problem on my own to resolve it fully
and, If I am happy, I turn to look inside myself and into the sky for thanks-giving.
For it has taken many years but I have conquered the quest for someone to fill my gaps.
I now leave the broken parts of me broken, so that my light can pour into the darkness of the world and bring happiness to those still searching for their missing pieces.
In hopes that they soon realize their broken parts are what make them somewhat whole.
Let your light seep, let it overflow.
Find the joy in making peace with yourself.
312 · Oct 2016
October 13th
Nicole Whitticar Oct 2016
You brought light to my world and showed me right from wrong-
You taught me how to be a woman, to be proud of what I own
I never fail to see the strength deep inside that you possess, and never lose, even in times of distress
I love you more than you know, and I wish I could tell you everyday, that your mother would be proud- to see you taking life day by day.
So Mom, please be proud of yourself and Love yourself, never feel sad- Because as your daughter I will be here, standing by your side. When you're sad, tired, or angry find your peace of mind, and know that I love you more than anything in this world and I will always, ALWAYS, be your baby girl.
311 · Jan 2018
Maybe, just maybe
Nicole Whitticar Jan 2018
Finding beauty in everything is harder than it looks-
Until you come across a something, or someone so absolutely stunning that
Your eyes are completely readjusted.
Rose colored lenses replace your contacts and now finding beauty comes
As easy as using your green thumb to plant life into every inanimate object.
But like all wishes made, you have to be careful with wording, or something
Awful could happen- or simply realizing all good things must come to an end,
Magic does not last forever. The rabbit in the hat eventually gets sick of coming
Out for pure entertainment, and there seems to be blood pouring from the
Rectangular box the magician cut in half.
Maybe it was the angle at which I was watching,
Or maybe we are comfortable with the idea of having to see to believe-
Faith never worked out for me, generally speaking it is a great concept,
But not something I could firmly grasp.
I could believe in the magic of it all
It was so easily displayed, illusions tossed around
Science, vaguely fabricating facts- using monstrous vocabulary to
Make us believe what we were reading
Maybe that's all love is.
310 · Mar 2018
Used Books
Nicole Whitticar Mar 2018
We are all used books-
A little warn- our pages
Sometimes torn, or frayed
Around the edges. Coffee stains,
Lipstick stains, and other various
markings covering words the new
Keepers of these books will never
Get to read. Annotations fill the sides,
Streaky highlighter runs over
Quotes that resonated with the reader
Who came before the last. Tabs and
Folded corners call attention to
Metaphors, riddles- everything
That needs analyzation and
We are passed down and handed out
Until we find a home at last- Someone who
still wants to read, what has
Already been read, many times before.
308 · Dec 2016
Leave It Open
Nicole Whitticar Dec 2016
I had this idea of love-
that it always came back to that individual. If they never left your head, that was a sign put there by the gods themselves that somewhere, sometime, you were to meet up and pick up from where you left off.
But to my surprise love is ongoing. The love you have for someone may never die out, even if Aphrodite himself spit onto the flames.
Every person was created to have many loves.
Your heart is filled with immense loving capabilities that without use, go cold and turn to lust.
Often, our hearts and minds are misguided, even looked at as one thing.
differentiating between mind and soul could be the answer to a never ending love with the select individual who you let consume you.
this idea of many loves should not take away the empathy so deeply built within you.
Let love be love and you be you. Console your heart and conquer your mind with the idea of loving to different extremes - this will set you free
305 · Sep 2016
Bad News
Nicole Whitticar Sep 2016
I wonder if you ever got the help you said you  needed
maybe she became your help. your patch. Your cold turkey.
she made you believe the toxins you put in would be better once they came out,  
these habits stunt your growth, and you may be as high as cherry trees but internally you're rotting away due to the harsh chemicals suffocating you, the pressure to be something you're not breathing down your neck - release this image and crack that mirror you've been afraid to look into.
Face yourself
help yourself
She is a **** entangled in your roots, roots that lead to a greater, greener being.
A relationship not so symbiotic has you fooled down to your clownish feet
I would feel sorry for you but there is no room to
I hope you get the help you need
water yourself and stop looking into the fire - it dries you out
301 · Oct 2016
Nicole Whitticar Oct 2016
i love you still. i'll always be your home
300 · May 2016
Time to waste
Nicole Whitticar May 2016
We are raised with the idea that we are wasting time. That everything we do will count towards something much greater than one could ever imagine. But when you are focusing so much on the idea of creating time worth living, you are not living. A vicious cycle of trying to make your time count when the time you should be counting is the time wasted. Live simply and love hard. Throw yourself into the new, sink your teeth into something sweet. Feel the rush of being alive in the moment. Don't count the days, let them happen and make do with the time allotted.
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