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Oct 2010 · 643
All Because of You.
Nicole Hurley Oct 2010
I was going through some hard times
I didn't know what to do
But than my life changed
All because of you
You showed me how to smile and laugh
Whenever I felt down
All the bad feelings I stored inside
Where no place to be found
So with all my heart and soul I give my thanks to you
Nobody could have made me as happy
Not as much as you
Sep 2010 · 1.0k
The Crowd.
Nicole Hurley Sep 2010
All alone I stand still watching from a distance
I scream as the people walk by but no one listens
A shadow different from the rest stares back at me
I try to grasp it but it disappears right in front of me

I'm left standing still as the day turns into night
I look at the crowd and tears begin to fill my eyes
Not one familiar face in a group of many
Not one looks up or notices me

I'm like an old statue that everyone has seen
They all walk past me like they know where I've been
Yet no one cares to see where I'm going
Or how I got there or am I hurting

Suddenly I realize that I'm not the unnoticed
While no one looks at me, I'm the observant
At the end, I have stood firm on the ground
While everyone is searching for the peace I have found
Aug 2010 · 648
What A Drunk Mess.
Nicole Hurley Aug 2010
She's got whiskey breath and a box of tissues.
She goes to work to find some hope within her day,
But she comes home and finds herself once bed.

Depression has taken over her.
She has no feelings towards anything and feels numb.
The whiskey brings her the only joy and everything starts to make sense.

The shots brought her here...writing her depress non-sense.
Why does the alcohol bring her much understanding?
It's smooth yet hard liquid makes her feel she is flying through the sky.

She doesn't know where this is going...she's been drinking since Saturday morning...
...she's just a drunken mess and deserves all of this
Jul 2010 · 802
Salty sea.
Nicole Hurley Jul 2010
Salty lips pressed against the bottle
Waiting for that sun to set upon the sea.
The arrival of another being becomes apparent
As the handsome smile brings more sunlight to the shore.

The waves are crashing and the wind is blowing
But the thought of doubt keeps running through the mind.
The coconut *** smells so delicious but so evil
As I begin to discover what's really going on...
Jul 2010 · 701
Nicole Hurley Jul 2010
Still falling...*
floating free
motionless spinning
within his gravity

My black hole heart
devours both moon and stars
I absorb his light
and am left empty

Darkness approaching
Eclipse beginning
The solstice of my sadness
Rotates on its axis
Jun 2010 · 1.2k
Nicole Hurley Jun 2010
Sleep is overrated.
Who needs to sleep when we can think.
Think about all the wrong we have caused.
All the tears and sweat hasn't paid off yet.
Dreams and hopes keep getting shattered every time.

Love is overrated.
Who needs to love when we can be free.
Be free from all confusion and heart breaks.
All the tears and sweat hasn't paid off yet.
Dreams and hopes keep getting shattered every time.

Knowing is overrated.
Who needs to know when we can just ignore.
Ignore everything that had happen and move on.
All the tears and sweat hasn't paid off yet.
Dreams and hopes keep getting shattered every time.

We are overrated.
Who needs to have us when we can
Be who we are meant to be and finally realize.
All the tears might be paying off now.
Dreams and hopes keep getting fixed...
Nicole Hurley
Jun 2010 · 748
Nicole Hurley Jun 2010
I've been learning, slowly and sadly that some friendships must come to an end. I'm growing older and learning that my only friend that I will end up trusting, for the rest of my life, will be my future husband. This isn't a bad thing but for me, I like to have more company. Friends keep me alive--keep me happy.

I love my best friend, more than anything. Keeps me alive and happy. Keeps me sane. We have our laughs and we have our tears but this sort of friendship that we've been growing for a couple of years now is unbreakable & indescribable. I could go on for years to describe how much we mean to each other. It's just a remarkable feeling. I love it.

I just wish I could stay close to the people I've become friends with. I love every single one of my dearest friends--I truly do but I've come to realize that we will slowly stop being (best) friends. We will become just friends but then that leads to just becoming acquaintances. Then, which leads to what I hope will never happen--losing contact completely. That day will come--eventually--but let's just hope I will be ready when it hits me like a train--I know it will be coming but it will still be unexpected.
© Nicole Hurley, 2010
Jun 2010 · 586
My Savior.
Nicole Hurley Jun 2010
Each morning that begins, I think of you.
With every step and breath I take, I think of you.
There isn't a single moment that you are not on my mind.

You're my best friend; my lover.
I knew it the first day I met you.
It was truly, love at first sight--don't deny it.

Those eyes; deep auburn delights--
I could stare at them for hours on end.
Making me numb from head to toe.

Your touch is like being caressed by an angel.
Your presence is a blessing from the sky.
The universe has lost its' angel; its' star from above,
And brought him down to earth--for me.

I love you, there is no doubt about it.
I know what the future holds for me...

Are my forever;
My strength to get through the day.
My forever love and my forever best friend.
Please, don't go...
© Nicole Hurley, 2010
Jun 2010 · 605
Nicole Hurley Jun 2010
I’m a hostage—

Locked away from the world

As I looked outside my window

Of the cold rain hitting the ground

Oh so quickly but oh so loudly

I’m miserable—

As I see the children grow

Walking to class

Getting educated; building a future

I’m abandoned—

Friends coming and going

Like the time of the seasons

They all have favorites

But apparently Fall isn’t one of them…

I’m sick—

People interfering with my day

And letting them do so

I’m grateful—

I have someone who loves me.

That I can share each day

And wake up in the morning

With…alive & breathing…

I’m asking—

How are you?

How do you feel?

Because, I love you…all of you
© Nicole Hurley, 2010
Jun 2010 · 1.3k
Sweet November.
Nicole Hurley Jun 2010
Sweet November
That's what it was
Couldn't have asked for more
Everything was right
My dreams were coming true
And then there was you
Everything was surreal
And I wish I could feel
How I did that November
Everyone could see
Just by looking at me
That something was changed
My life was rearranged

Now that a year has passed
Things took a turn for the worse
Now what was rearranged
Is permanent
Even though you're gone
I'm left with this
And even though I have no regrets
I wanted to make the best of it
And maybe I did
But why doesn't it feel that way?
Why can't we talk like we used to?
Why do you avoid my gaze?
You act like I did something to you
Back during those days
When all I did was love you
And ask for the same in return
I didn't even do that much
And still you turn your back

I'm not gonna dwell on this
I realized you're not worth it
A tiny part of me will always belong to you
That's real sad
But it's so true
And that's the way it's gonna be
Me without you
You without me

It was a sweet November
I'll miss it forever
You taught me who I was
Then ran when I learned well
I was just beginning to excel
Oh well
Goodbye sweet November
© Nicole Hurley, 2010
Nicole Hurley Jun 2010
Depression hurts—I love you.

I feel it through my fingers…my blood.

Till finally it reaches the affectionate heart with such destructive passion.

Anger hurts—I love you.

Punching the vulnerable pillows as I lay myself down to sleep.

Wonder why it all happens now and not later.

Ignorance hurts—I love you.

Incredible countless years without knowing till now.

Perhaps a new beginning is in store for our lives.

Love hurts—I love you.

I am blessed by the existence of the soul from paradise.

Sweet and tasteful that I cannot stand to resist.

Happiness hurts—I love you.

My stomach beings to shriek in soreness,

From all the laughter and love which brought me to a better place.
© Nicole Hurley, 2010
Jun 2010 · 521
No Slumber.
Nicole Hurley Jun 2010
I cannot sleep for my head is spinning,
as I understand why it all begins.

I cannot breathe for my face is covered comfortably,
as I try and block all the sounds coming from all around.

I cannot think for someone is on my mind,
as I lay here needing that warmth and care.

I cannot function for these voices are getting stronger,
as I listen to classical and myself.

I cannot wait for all this to find some closure,
as I wish each waking day to give me strength.

I cannot fall asleep for now I'm far much awake,
as I watch my life pass me by and all my mistakes.
© Nicole Hurley, 2010
Jun 2010 · 2.0k
A Wishbone.
Nicole Hurley Jun 2010
I wish for happiness.
I wish for peace.
I wish for love.
I wish for good health.
I wish for success.
I wish for a raise.
I wish for career.
I wish for school.
I wish for trust.
I wish for marriage.
I wish for children (someday).
I wish for...
© Nicole Hurley, 2010

I found a wishbone on Thanksgiving. I need to make one single wish with the opposite *** and I hope for my piece that I pull will be the longer end. And if it is...what do I wish for?
Jun 2010 · 475
Nicole Hurley Jun 2010
i can not feel,
i can not think,
all is lost,
no more love link.
Do i get the chance to prove myself to you
before you call and say we're through.
Does all love end in the same sad way-
like the sun has been lost on a clouded day...
Can all we were, be thrown to the ground,
or can we move past this and our lives be sound?
i love you and am begging you now,
please don't say we're over please don't explain how.
i can't bare to hear those words you seem to want to speak,
i can't bear the thought that we were that weak,
hold me now and kiss my hand,
tell me we're not over and that you understand.
© Nicole Hurley, 2010

— The End —