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Nicole Fraser Mar 2014
I tell people that I can't play this year,
I say; "That I've got too much work to do",
Some of them even believe me,
They understand how much is on my plate.

Then there's the real reason;
That my self-esteem no longer exists.
I just can't take another hit,
Or gauge how good or bad I am playing.
The truth is I've had four panic attacks,
And when I get out on the field
All I feel is stress.

I want to tell them the exact reason why.
To say how insecure I really am,but what's the point.
In a team all players need to believe in themselves,
I, for one never have and never will.
It's so stupid,but it's simple
I just can't do it anymore.
Nicole Fraser Jan 2014
The Darkness of your heart
Is spilling out and touching me,
It is all that I can see.

I want to help you,but I don't know how
I've never heard silence quite so loud
As I approach your house.

The lights are out
And I know you're in,
Couldn't tell where you had been.
Down to the pub to drown your sorrow,
To forget about tomorrow?
I barely know you anymore.

So I knock on your door.
There is no answer
And I find you lying on the floor,
In your living room.
Anger begins to consume
My entire body.

This time you've gone too far
It isn't who you are,
I can't believe your misery.
Self punishment is boundless to you
What happened to only a few?
It's so far untitled because I can't think of a title that will make it special, any suggestions would be wonderful.
Nicole Fraser Dec 2013
Everyone we meet
And every moment of impact,
Creates who we are.

There are no mistakes,
Because we wouldn't
Become stronger without them.

As people we change all the time.
Every first date and ridiculous laugh
Create our personality in the future.
In a couple of years
We won't recognise who we use to be.

People change so rapidly,
That we don't even notice.
We grow taller and smarter,
As time goes on.

Milestones pass us by,
And the years go so fast.
What once was a child
Became an adult
In the blink of an eye.

These moments of impact
Shape our future
And the future of those we love.
Nicole Fraser Dec 2013
The bullet grazes the shoulder
Of a truly heroic soldier.
It hit his friend beside him
Igniting the end of Jim.

Constantly battling for survival
With no way of self revival.
They say the mental scars are deeper
And the hills are increasingly steeper.

The truth is a soldier of any kind
Will not return in the frame of mind
That he joined the army with.

Some may not return at all
With a wife and kids so small
They may never know their dad.
Nicole Fraser Dec 2013
Shorter skirts and lower tops,
They're doing anything to get noticed.
Smoking and drinking to fit in
To a world that has changed forever.

Increasing teen pregnancy
And teen dads that walk away.
Fifteen has become the new twenty
And kids aren't kids anymore.

What was once cool became lame
And girls became more and more shallow.
Caking make up on their faces,
Pulling duck faces at the camera.

As we are more connected
We interact less.
Technology ensures seeing people less.
Getting to know someone face to face
Will soon become non existent.

We live in a world that's evolving backwards,
By caring less about others and who they are.
Popularity has become a bloodbath
And people are shallower then the sink.

It would be nice to live in a world
That was evolving forwards.
Nicole Fraser Nov 2013
I disrespect religion because of
That newborn girl that died
Straight out of her mothers womb.
Shouldn't god have saved her?

If he has such great plans
Then why is there war?
People go hungry
And people are scared,
But god does nothing.

If god is so great
Then why does he let people burn
In misery for eternity
Simply for not believing in him?

He condones violence and hate,
He let his son die,
Because he felt like it.
Maybe he had a hair appointment that day.

If god is so forgiving
Then why doesn't he let people into heaven
That don't believe in him?
Frankly he's holding a grudge.

Equality is what god likes,
But if you're gay,
He doesn't want anything to do with you,
It's a sin supposedly.

God lies,
God does nothing,
God is not real
And the bible is a group of people's
Favourite fiction book.
Prompt: I disrespect religion because...
I am not trying to offend anyone so I'm sorry if you feel that way,but this is just my opinion.
Nicole Fraser Nov 2013
Why do you love me?
I'm not the girl I use to be.
Why do you care?
You should act like I'm not even here.

I'm not the daughter you deserve,
Or the face you should observe.
You gave me everything,
But I can't give you anything
In return.

I'm not smart,
I **** at art,
I am all things wrong with society,
With this insane anxiety.

I will try my hardest,
But I'm not the fastest.
Not the coolest,
Not the strongest,
Not the greatest.

I'm everything I shouldn't be,
But that's just me.
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