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Oct 2020 · 122
Nicole Oct 2020
My mom thinks i’m better because of the pills, and maybe you can say I am. You can say I’m not trying to slice my throat every 2 hours, you can say I’m not crying or having panic attacks every minute of everyday.

But you can’t say I dont want to...
Because oh boy, how I do
May 2019 · 175
Nicole May 2019
Right in the glimpse of summer in a excessively hot January, a sister was born.
4 years and a couple weeks early a bother was born.
They were bred into the complications of non-nobility, middle class income and the worst of all, unconditional love from the breders.

She was a mess but tried to be perfect. She tried to accomplish every goal and set herself standards that were impossible to achieve, but she tride. And failed. And wanted to die. But dying was failing.

He was a mess and wanted everyone to know. He'll punch a whole trough his door, call everyone names, sell ilegal substances and then try to fix it by saying he was sad and tried to justify everything. No one ever knew what his true intentions were, but she knew there was something hidden. Something he was not telling.

Their mom was perfect. She truly was and everything they ever wanted was to make her happy but them both seemed to fail. Miserably. But she loved them both more than words could yell into an ocean of failures.

But it was a curse. A curse for the sister that seeked perfection, aproval and a love that could be measure or worth of the effort she made. But everything she got was the same unconditional love, split in half. Not a tiny bit more.

And that was her curse. She had to live being disappointed at herself because she wanted to know why no one understood why she deserved more. Why couldn't she get more love than him? Why should they be equals when she's done better, brighter, smarter, accurate things that him?

She wanted to **** him. And maybe she should.
Apr 2019 · 245
r e l a p s e
Nicole Apr 2019
It's the first time in almost 4 years
And I felt nothing
No remorse, no pain, a little bit of stinging pleasure but now it's all numb again
No guilt, no sorrow,
Yet no happiness, no craving, no intentions

Relapsed and dull
Feb 2019 · 249
Nicole Feb 2019
My skin claims ink
As much as my wrists
Claim them blades,
The itching, the stinging
The aching
The pain
Oh, sweet pain
The bleeding
The reminder
I'm still alive
                        And completely in
                        control of staying that
Jan 2019 · 177
Nicole Jan 2019
I've always struggled.
To make friends, to fit in, to be okay and even to like myself,
It's been a war, a fight and a constant pain,
I always struggle not to cry,
I always struggle not to break,
I feel as if all the looks were on me but in the bad way,
Every glance is a constant ache to makesure my flaws aren't showing,
But you'll never know,
Because my scars are faded and covered by tattoos,
I rock bathing suits and pretend I don't give a ****...
But I do, I do, I do
Jan 2019 · 177
Tattoo dates
Nicole Jan 2019
I'll make you come with me to get my skin inked as a first date, and I'll never explain the meaning of the forever words in my skin, or why I already have 3 words that live within me plastered in my forearm, or why I caress it so often

I'll text you every now and then and be flirty, then ignore you for a couple of days... Just to come back and beg you to kiss me, then I'll take things a bit too far and touch you down there... Maybe twice, turn my cheeks red and pretend nothing happened

Then I'll ignore you for two days more.

On the third day, I'll go to your house, lightheaded, and get drunk on your green eyes I haven't properly admired yet, tell you how my dogs are my most valuable thing or how my Pandora bracelet carries a couple secrets, never really letting you know about them.

You'll admire how mature I am, how driven and eloquent I am with words. You'll laugh at my attempts of being funny and I'll bite my lips and wish you understood I want to taste you entirely.

And maybe I'll bring myself to it and you'll probably forget it, but I'll add you to my list and draw a heart next to your name. You know, just in case.

Month 3 and you'll get bored on my schedule, how I'd rather stay silent and drunk and cry and write, of the hours I don't spend loving you because I have already lost so much **** time loving everything else, and you'll leave...

Silently, paciently, waiting and expecting me to turn my head and look for you. But I wont. Because I'll be hoping you come back.

And I'll be ruined for a few months, fill this page with sad and obnoxious poems about how love isn't real and then...

I'll get another tattoo appointment.
And the cycle repeats.
Dec 2018 · 246
Nicole Dec 2018
Era marzo del 2014 y yo tenía una maleta llena de sueños, unos cuantos cortes en el brazo y ojos llenos de lágrimas. Me aferraba al alma de una persona que no me enseño quién era en realidad hasta que sus cadenas atravesaban mi pecho y respirar dolía. Cada paso, cada palabra, cada mirada, dolía. Era marzo del 2014 y estaba viva por que bueno, así lo quizo la vida. Y la vida es divertida por que te pone a las personas correctas en el momento incorrecto y de la forma más extraña posible. Como cuando lo conocí, tenía lentes redondos, ojos tan verdes que podías ver todo tu dolor en ellos pero él no se lo imaginaba, pequeños puntitos en el rostro que él detestaba pero a mí me parecían interesantes, y brazos que nunca acababan. Todo empezó así, derrepente. Era marzo del 2014 y en un solo período académico me contó todo. Desde lo que quería ser, lo que no, lo que quería que los demás supieran y descifre lo que no. Poco a poco, como quitandole los petalos a una rosa y con el pasar los meses conocí a la verdadera persona que querría por el resto de mi vida.

Era marzo del 2015 y yo lo único que quería era morir. Otra vez. Todo empezo de nuevo y estaba aprisionada en una paralela a la avenida Arequipa entre un espejo roto y alguien que me decía que me amaba pero, siempre había un pero.
+ "Me volvió a botar de su casa"
- "Lárgate de ahí, Nicole, por favor vete"

Pero no me fuí.
Con puntos y comas, y ortografía y sonrisas y llantos y abrazos perfectos.

Era julio del 2015 y estaba por morirme. Cerca. Me acuerdo que un día solamente no pude y me senté en medio de la Avenida Larco a llorar. Solo a llorar. Y me tomo de la mano y me dijo "Vamos".
Y esa vez si fuí.
Y todo estuvo bien.

+ "No puedo"
- "Si puedes, ya voy"

Y venía. Y vino cada vez, cada momento, cada llanto. Respondió cada llamada, cada mensaje.

Hasta que todo se empezó a desmoronar en su propia vida. Y empezaron a crecer los petalos de las rosas otra vez y yo ya no podía sacarlos. Las espinas no me dejaban por que me hacía daño y no quiero sangrar más.

Era un par de días antes de mi cumpleaños en el 2017. Y llego a mí con una mirada que nunca me voy a olvidar, y lo supe. Y lo sabía. Y lo dijo. Y sentí como su mundo se venía abajo, y con el de él el mío y en ese momento prometí que nunca dejaría que se sienta como yo me sentí aquel invierno del 2013 cuando compararme con hormigas era mi mayor ocupación e imaginaba como deshacerme de ellas.
Pero, una vez más, falle.

Y en el invierno del 2018 me di cuenta que no podía seguir tapando el sol con un dedo y que no podría, nunca, ayudarlo como él me ayudo. Nunca podría dar tanto. Y no es por que yo no quiera. Es por que esa vez, cuando dejó de comer 1 semana y me echaron la culpa me di cuenta que diga lo que diga, haga lo que haga, siempre habrá una parte del él que nunca podría encontrar. Una parte de él que no deja ver, la misma que no lo deja llorar frente a mí, incluso ahora. Ahora que ya lo sé todo...

Y esta vez ya no fuí.
Era noviembre del 2018 y me dí cuenta que lo amo de la manera más sincera posible y que daría mi vida entera por que sea la persona más feliz del mundo. Por que incluso si yo nunca podré serlo, me gustaría que goze de la felicidad completa, exquisita y verdadera. Que sea libre como las plantas que cultiva y las historias de las que tanto habla, y muy pocos escuchan. Me gustaría que se de cuenta de que no todos sus amigos lo son en realidad y que el dolor es real y nunca va a poder escapar. Que lo sienta, y no lo reprenda. Que entienda que está bien sangrar, está bien llorar, esta bien sentir frente a las personas. Que encerrarse y encadenarse a otros está mal y yo lo aprendí de la peor manera. Me gustaría que sepa que yo sé, yo entiendo, yo comprendo. Y me gustaría que sepa que sí, que siempre y que nunca. Que aveces y que algunas veces.
Pero siempre, siempre.
Dec 2018 · 188
still have you
Nicole Dec 2018
I am not desirable. I have big thighs, a big ***, a round stomach, cellulite, strecht marks, self harm scars, a couple bruises from pinching and a couple tattoos. My eyes are surrounded by dark circles I try and fail to cover and my mouth is filled with insults and bad jokes. My grades are not as good as they could be and my mom is probably ashamed she knows I give away my body to whoever just look at my direction. Because I need reassurance. I need approval from everyone else. And that ******* *****.
And when he said you wanted to **** my friend first, but couldn't because she met someone else. You went to me. And I took you. And I showed you. And you kissed me. And I liked you. And now I'm broken, but I'd still have you.
Nov 2018 · 157
Nicole Nov 2018
Maybe it's the holidays,
Or maybe it's just my luck,
Maybe I've been searching for it,
And maybe this time I won't run,
But I've got all this love,
Hidden, compressed and broken,
That my gut is asking to share,
And yesterday I dreamt you said I was pretty,
And I felt like it for once in such a long time,
And even though it was just a dream and I probably hardly cross your mind,
It was nice to hear you say it,
Even when your lips are as far away as they can be,
And your heart is taking a turn right,
While I'm in the corner to the left.
Oct 2018 · 226
Nicole Oct 2018
I know where it hurts, how it hurts and how to make it stop.

Just for a moment.

I've learnt to let it go and keep my head up, cry to myself and then fall sleep with my tears dried.

I've grown in width and in pounds but my remorse has gone thinner.
But don't get me wrong,
I still hate myself.

I just know how to pretend, how to breathe and how to live with it.

I've grown used to the demons, and they can't **** me anymore.
But don't get me wrong,
That doesn't mean I can't.
Sep 2018 · 324
Nicole Sep 2018
You don't want me and I don't want you, but you listened. You care. And it is making it complicated. It is causing me trouble to know you are there, whenever I need it. It is making it complicated to feel your lips every know and then and having flashbacks of those rough 30minutes we share every couple weeks because we need to let it out. It is also complicated to be this drawn into the abyss and knowing I could just call you to pull me out. Because no man is an island and no pain is an ocean.

But you listen, and you care.
Even when I complicate things.
Even when you are with her.
May 2018 · 177
Can all
Nicole May 2018
Will I ever love tender, sweet, good? Will someone ever love me tender, sweet, good?
Will my heart that is broken ever be brought back together with a single touch?
Will my soul that is ripped apart still be mended?
Am I ever going to find another soul to spend these awful nights with?

Or will I just keep pretending I know it all, I can all, I do all..
Feb 2018 · 845
Nicole Feb 2018
I'm filled with stretchmarks. So many you might think I could fall into one of them. It's like these cracks on my skin want to imitate what's going on in my heart.

My mom told me we could get laser done so they'll go away. She also doesn't really want to remember how broken I was, just like my skin. She always say'd it'd go away.

You also have stretchmarks, I suppose. But I can't picture you falling into them. I see you painting flowers on them and letting everyone kiss them. Kiss your wounds, but never anyone elses.

Maybe someday you'd want to see my stretchmarks, and maybe you'll help me paint flowers on them. Maybe with your voice, with your hands, with your words.

Or maybe just, just.
Oct 2017 · 182
Nicole Oct 2017
I should have held you tight when I could. I should have thanked you for everything you did for me, for everything you wanted for me and everything you helped me to reach. I should have called you more to ask you questions of my school work. I should have kept those books. I should have counted the amount of birthday cakes you bought me and give you a kiss for each. I should have been every friday evening at you place and help you with your puzzles. I should have told them not to let you drive. I should have told my grandma she was so lucky to find you instead of wonder what she physically saw in you. I should have asked you about the time the guerrilla almost killed you and see you laugh when you told the story for the fifth time. I should have learnt how to be okay without your presence... But i didn't.

And now it's too late.
Bye grandpa
Jul 2017 · 313
Nicole Jul 2017
Once again, alone.
And I have been for the longest while, not physically but spiritually. I stopped believing in God a couple of years ago when everything broke inside of me, and now that I'm not alright but at least not that broken, I am alone.

It is not that kind of loneliness that could be fixed with tequila shots or drunk kisses at the back of some bar. I've done that. Alone as of having no one. And I have people in my life.

I really don't know what I'm looking for. Maybe it could be someone to fill up all the cracks in my soul or someone to renew it all entirely. I don't mind either.

I just need a person.
Jun 2017 · 280
Nicole Jun 2017
Lo quiero por que entiende sin explicarle. Es como si con sólo habitar cerca de mí supiese que cosa decir y que cosa no. En cada momento. No importa la situación.  Y eso es algo que siempre he querido aprender de él: a apreciar, entender, gozar el silencio. Aunque me inunde en el cada ves que la cago.

Y la cago varias veces al año.

Entiende sin explicarle y no pretende que lo haga. Solo esta ahí, presente. Presente en algún sentido de la palabra, claro está. Pensando en Dios sabe qué, o en Dios mismo. Nunca lo podré saber. Y esta bien. Por que para poder aprender a entender, tengo que aceptarlo todo. Incluso a él y sus silencios prolongados.
Jul 2014 · 353
Nicole Jul 2014
You needed a light
so i set my self of fire.

You needed a path
so i gave you my feet.

You were thirsty
so i gave water up,
gave food up,
so you could have mercy.

and after all i've done,
it only seems to be me the one who keeps making mistakes
(what I did was too much?
were you scared?)
Jul 2014 · 902
Nicole Jul 2014
Alli estás y no tienes ni idea de todo lo que está aquí. A no mas de 1 metro de distancia, se desata una guerra en mi cabeza de la que no te voy a contar. Me duele el pecho, las manos y la cabeza, me siento estúpida pero también me siento rara. Por algún motivo no puedo hablar, es como si me hubieran cortado la lengua y todo lo que sale no sirve para comunicar. Esto es lo mejor que pude hacer.
Hace ya algún tiempo me enamore, de el chico menos indicado en el peor momento de mi vida. No, él no eres tú. Me hizo mas daño del que yo me hize a mi y eso esta bien, supongo que me lo merecí, siempre he sido una muy mala persona. Tiempo después te conocí y lo que siento por tí no es amor, ni es cariño, es desprecio. Te desprecio por hacerme amar a todos y cada uno de mis defectos solo por que tu dices que lo amas, sea verdad o no. Te desprecio por que en tu forma loca de hacerme reflexionar te tomas el tiempo de pensar que es lo mejor para mi, sin importar lo que tu quieras. O almenos eso me haz hecho creer. Te desprecio por la forma en la que duermes, respiras, vives. No lo tomes a mal, del odio al amor hay solo un paso.
Perdona si alguna vez sone un poco fuera de tono, con un vocabulario que yo se tu preferirias no escuchar. Pero ultimamente pienso que mis defectos se vuelven más yo de lo que deben ser. Perdona, mi vida, si te digo que te necesito conmigo. Perdon, pero tu me hiciste quererte.
Hace ya algunos meses me enamoré, del hombre más perfectamente hecho para mi en la tierra. Y si, este si eres tú. Tu no me haces daño
May 2014 · 1.1k
No puedo escribir
Nicole May 2014
No puedo escribir.
Trato de redactar, de escribir. Sentada en una mesa que pudo haber bien sido de cualquier otra persona menos mía. Mi vida es complicada. Tengo más problemas de los que una persona que se considera normal tendría usualmente y se que eso esta mal. Siempre he sido un poco más de lo anormal.

Trato de estirar mis dedos sobre las teclas y en lo único que pienso es en que debe de haber una razón oculta por la cual aún no haya recaído. Veo mis brazos y los veo limpios, mi cabeza no lo esta tanto. Siempre he sido un poco sucia en ese aspecto.

Busco tu aprobación por cada palabra que escribo. Un paso en falso y todo el
texto tendrá que ser borrado. Necesito que vivas, necesito que me veas vivir. Ilógico, loco, pero cierto. Siempre he sido una persona extremadamente exagerada, pero no para esto.

Trato de concentrarme en mirarte por menos tiempo de lo que debería y no puedo. Aveces me encuentro con los ojos clavados en tu nuca. Estas de espaldas, estas durmiendo. Yo floto por algún lugar de tu techo, techo que nos mira cada tarde. Ahí estoy, pero no estoy. ¿Estaré en tu cabeza?
-Mi pequeño cerebro siempre dirá que no.

Trato de contarle un cuento a los pequeño monstruos que viven dentro de este diminuto pero expandido cuerpo, y lo único que sale de mi boca son fragmentos de como te veías. Y sonrisas, muchas sonrisas. Hay veces en las que lo único que repito es tu nombre, y los bichos que me infestan se esconden,
        ¿Estará loca?
-Nosotros la volvimos así.

Trato de escribir, otra vez. Trato de encontrarle un sentido a lo que pienso y solo sale esto. Palabra tras palabra por tí. Sílaba por sílaba, medida y corregida en un lapso mayor al que usualmente mido. Siempre he sido una obsesiva, perdón por eso.

Trato de redactar, pero solo redacto para tí.
May 2014 · 1.1k
Miradas (spanish)
Nicole May 2014
Hace poco aprendí que la vida se define en lo poco que uno sabe sobre uno, y lo mucho que uno quiere saber sobre el mundo. Las lecciones que la vida nos obliga a enfrentar no son más que el reflejo de nosotros en el mundo. Al resarcirse, al cambiar; también cambia el mundo. También aprendí que el momento para vivir no es más que ayer, ni menos que ahora. Cuando uno no quiere más vivir y acepta morir se da cuenta de que lo que antes valía mucho, ahora vale menos que nada. Es un largo camino de vuelta a la normalidad. Talvez si la vida diera vueltas y el corazon retornara a su color inicial todo esto cambiaría. Talvez yo cambiaría.
Hace poco aprendí que los ojos no lloran por nada. Las lágrimas tienen un propósito y un fin, que espero que ambos, seas siempre tú. Los ojos en blanco y las miradas vacias significan más para mi de lo que te podrías imaginar. Mientras menos es más para mí, más acumulo estas ganas inmensas de todo. Digo todo, por que explicar lo que me haces sentir en una insignificante combinación de 26 letras, no te valen. Me gusta sentir tus ojos sobre mí, asi no me estes mirando. Cuando piensas en todo menos en mí. Mirarte mientras vives es para mí equivalente a todo lo bueno en este mundo. Vuelvo a la normalidad cuando te encuentro y me voy, me pierdo, cuando no.
Podría decirse que la dependencia es mala, frivola. Pero miremosla de otra forma, como todo en esta vida, se amolda a nuestras necesidades. Fría. Sin sentidos. Así me dejas desde el momento en el que nuestros dedos se cruzan y meramente encuentran. Puedo sentir la adversidad del mundo en ellos, puedo sentirlo todo. Con las manos heladas y el pecho frío, pero contigo.
Si talvez algún día no este ni para mi, talvez un día camines por la calle y me encuentres perdida. Cuando yo ya no habite en mí. Cuando las lágrimas dejen de secarse por ti y más por el tiempo que pasa sobre la gota que de mi lloré, dejando su camino sobre mi rostro, aquel que alguna vez miraste. Puedo asegurarte que para ese día mirarte todavía será mi deporte favorito, con ojos muertos y miradas vacias.
No existe mucho cambio entre hoy y lo que describo. Los ojos muertos me sientan bien, no necesitan de maquillaje alguno. Se dice que iluminan mi rostro al llorar. Diría sonreir pero no creo que una sonrisa me encuentre perdida en el mar de miradas en el que me encuentro, almenos que sea la tuya. En ese caso, sonríe, porfavor.
Por ti, para ti.
Apr 2014 · 405
Nicole Apr 2014
You are transported all along my bloodstream in the form of shapes i want to name love. Carried and pushed so you invade my whole system in order to fulfill your goal. As you travel inside my interior highways I can hear your voice calling out names and I lit up my eyes looking for whatever you call. You are inside me, possesed me. My body shakes. I cannot breathe. I hold on tight to that single line of blue air floating away from my mouth shaping o's. and i breathe.

Possesion complete.
Apr 2014 · 317
Die Young
Nicole Apr 2014
I've been a little loud, sometimes a little shallow. Acting like I know everything about everyday and that more than screaming how much I used to be in love with everything but me. Truth is I never truly did. Flowers sprouse out of my mouth and I gasp for air and I never truly breathe. You are not here but you're never truly there. I walk and a path of shadows is formed, all of my past is traced leaving a mark on earth but everyone told me I wouldn't leave anything here.
I always thought I'd die young. How old is young? Let us give it a few more years.
Mar 2014 · 2.4k
El Cadaver (Spanish)
Nicole Mar 2014
Hace algún tiempo, cuando todavía me consideraba cadaver, no hubiera llegado a pensar que podría volver a sentir. Desconectarme era lo mío. No sentir, no querer vivir, lo usual, lo de todos los días. Cuando todavía me consideraba cadaver, no tenía documento que probara que algún día hubiese estado viva. Cuando estaba fría y sin vida, todo lo que quería es sentirme como ahora lo hago. Lo negaba, si. Me odiaba, si. Pero quería, claro. Después de ese tiempo, cuando ya no me consideraba cadaver, descubrí que las marcas no se irían nunca. Seguirían tanto en mis piernas como en mi cabeza y que todavía podría ser almenos parte cadaver. Solo amaba a la tierra mas no a los habitantes y menos al tibio cadaver llamado Nicole. Pasaron meses y el cadaver vino a la vida. Revivio y en cualquier momento se puede convertir en una persona como otra. El cadaver dejo de ser cadaver. BOOM. CAPOOM. La agonía termino. ¡El cadaver esta vivo! Se grito por las calles, mientras este saltaba y gritaba que lo amaba.

Se podría pensar que esto termina como en los cuentos de hadas. Finales felices y cuentos para dormir. Pero una historia tan tenebrosa como la del cadaver no puede ser contada, ni recordada. Pero talvez, solo narrada.
A Spanish Tale
Mar 2014 · 316
Sometimes even myself
Nicole Mar 2014
Time passes but it's like no second has been and I get into a state of mind.
I really need you by my side.
It's starting to hurt.
                                                                                                          Do you hear me?
                                                                                                            Please be here
Sometimes I get lonely and I need you out of nowhere.
Sometimes I hate myself but I love you and I'm sorry for it.
I'm sorry I hate myself sometimes
Because you make me love everything
sometimes even myself.
Mar 2014 · 261
Nicole Mar 2014
When did you
became yourself?
full of wonder–
yet you don't see
all of the things
you persuade me to see in myself
in yourself.
When did you
fell for me–
when I was asleep?
did you see me
when I was dead?
Blank. Lonely. Cold.
How can you be able
to know I was once dead
and now love me
as if I had been alive all of this time.

You always surprise me,
You are always new.
You are always you.

If I thought I was alive before, was because I couldn't picture myself as alive as I am now.
With you,
always with you.
When will you stop?
Please tell me in advance
Please never stop
and if you do
just stick by my side
Mar 2014 · 313
Now I can't breathe
Nicole Mar 2014
The clock ticks and my heart pounds and something inside my chest burns but it is something I have never acknowledged inside of me before. The clock ticks as slow as my mind thinks and all I think about is you, and all I can do is think about you. I wonder were you are and how you are or if your feet are hurting or if perhaps you're cold and I feel guilty for it and I really don't know why. My chest is pressed by all the love I feel towards you and I feel reckless. My breath is taken away from me by the memories I don't have of you and I hope I don't bleed this time. Everything you do to me is everything I am and everything I am is everything I wanted to be. It's hard to breathe and it's hard to live and it's hard to feel. I would shut off normally but I can't because I am feeling too much lately. I would beg to stop feeling. I would be pleased by your company. I would love if you'd be here.

I want you here.
Mar 2014 · 1.1k
Nicole Mar 2014
When I say
I love you
Don't picture my cheeks
Bright red
Or my palms sweaty

When I say I love you
Something breaks inside of me
The walls I worked so hard
To construct all around my heart
They are now teared apart

When I say I love you
I do not say it
To the boy standing in front of me
I profess it to the person you are
Late at night
When your thoughts are blurry
And your eyes are dark.
I recall this as a matter of my heart exploding of love atm
Mar 2014 · 331
Nicole Mar 2014
Fourteen days for you to arrive and I already feel like I'm going to black-out. My mind has been rambling on about what should I wear and how should I look but all I really want is to see you.

Fourteen days for you to arrive and it is so hard. I want your arms to be around me when it gets tough at night, but your night is my noon and my day is your night.

Fourteen days for you to start looking at me through something which is not Skype or any internet related object. Your eyes, meeting my eyes.

Just picture it.
It leaves me breathless.
Mar 2014 · 282
Me - You
Nicole Mar 2014
Do you believe in coincidences? The fact that the person you've been looking for your entire life is standing just behind that door and you manage enter and look their way.
Do you believe in love? The feeling you give me, the feeling this is.

Do you believe in second chances? The time I promised myself to never love again, but then I looked at you and decided to start again
Do you believe in me? When I tell you I love you, when I say it's real.

Do you feel the same? Or do you feel more, shock me with your electricity so you're not alone.
Please be here, please don't leave.

I believe in you.
Do you believe in me?
Hey babe
Mar 2014 · 444
Nicole Mar 2014
Suddenly every vocal my mouth pronounced was about you. It did not matter if it was because of you or not, you fullfilled my vocalchords like a tsunami that just destroyed my whole perception of what I was capable of doing, of how much I am capable of love.

Suddenly all the songs were about you. Yes, all the ******, cheesy songs the radio plays atleast 15 times a day were all about you and for you. I couldn't care less that everything that came out of my mouth were giggles and smiles because you are just so good at making me laugh.

Suddenly I forgot what pain felt like.

Thank you for that.
Hey, you make me want to live again.
Feb 2014 · 390
As big as
Nicole Feb 2014
I told my mom about him. As the words fluctuated from my mouth and glitter sparkled from my eyes I realized just how oddly I was smiling. I stopped for a minute and thought to myself if I had ever felt this way before, or maybe if I was just experiencing this thing everyone calls love. But **** love is such a big word, as big as the smiles and heartbeat rate pumps he make me feel when he talks to me. As big as the distance between the moon and bottom of the ocean to where I beg to be taken someday. I also thought to myself, if any of the other guys who ever took a spot in my heart where even smilar to him. Well, not one bit. He's the better one. He's grown so big in my heart, making it pump the blood I lost because of the past and making me feel alive. Making me regret ever wanting to die, and this is well, a spot as big as the word love. Who would've thought four letters would be so infinite.
For you
Feb 2014 · 539
My Dear
Nicole Feb 2014
I must admit it has been a while since I ever write. I also must admit it's been a while since I ever loved, my dear. The pages have been blank and wet from tears and blood from many enemies I might dare to call my own monsters or my own sons. The white pages scream to me as I stare at them blankly and full of sorrow, regret and hatred. Why am I back at this place? And I can't help to admit there is another bug bothering my cheek this time and it's making me loose concentration from what I should be writing about, or perhaps it is my own self that does not want to accept I may (or may not) have found love, but this is something you can't tell him, my dear. His hands were not visible the day he confessed what mostly seemed like a sin to him, to say he had liked the way my feet crossed the classroom floor since the day he first saw me walking down the painful isle of college. His eyes are almost always shaped as hearts and he almost always says I'm perfect, to which I always reply with an "I'm not, but thanks". I think he hasn't got the idea of me being perfect is like him not being the sweetest person to have ever stepped on this planet. My heart sometimes skips a beat when my phone rings and it is not him, but you cannot tell him, my dear. I have a weird sensation in my chest, something I have never experienced before. And I can find the words to explain how utterly beautiful he makes me feel and this is also something you cannot tell him, my dear. My past loves have not been as wonderful as him and this has left a tone of resentment in my chest, which is waiting for him to leave.

Please tell him to never do, my dear.
I'm trying to find out what I'm feeling for this guy, sorry for the ****** cheesy ****
Dec 2013 · 848
About high school
Nicole Dec 2013
It is all over.
We are no longer kids but we still are and we are begging for someone to understand that, or at least to pretend they do. High school is done and so is my bottle of anxiety pills so that must mean something, it has given so much to me and also taken away so much from me I think we're even. High school was hard. I had problems, everyone did. But I guess that at the end what we're all going to remember the most is the amount of hours we couldn't get to sleep before finals. In high school I learnt that it does not matter if you are suffocating and you want someone to notice and help you and be your saviour, it only matters if you want it to matter. I also learnt not everyone is worth looking at, with eyes that could have spared looking or glancing at books I already returned to the book bank and I will never see again. High school is not about how many times you go to parties or you get asked out because, if you have a different perspective of it all, the movie dates do not drive you to graduation and the smiles for the pictures you take in parties are not the same smiles in the pictures at your graduation day.

I have not cried one day yet over my already done childhood and half-way done teenager-hood, because I already cried enough with a few things I'm quite ashamed to write about now. Perhaps the day it all sinks in and I see my friends not here with me but there with somebody else I'll cry. Or maybe not, or maybe a lot, or maybe my eyes could fill the rivers I didn't cried in all this period were people cried like maniacs while seeing pictures of them with weird haircuts and faces full of acne.

To sum this up, high school was crap. But we all love crap.
19/12/13 - graduation
Dec 2013 · 606
You and My life as a tree.
Nicole Dec 2013
Right now I'm sitting on the verge of a hill and I can't even spare a blink. They are screening some movie about how autumn makes the saddest orange leaf to leave its tree and the tears are threatening to leave my eyes but I wont let them this time. Not because I am with my entire group of ant friends and they will drown with my enormous tears. Not because you have teared me apart to freaking pieces and you still want to burn the bitter rests, but because you don't deserve them, not even the slightest approximation of tear molecule coming from me (or whichever other pine tree you have made feel this way).

You made me feel as wonderful as a whole tree green from the spring ******, just to drop me to my lowest as the same tree at the winter ******, and that is not fair. I opened up my rib cage and let you explore every inch of the inner working of my photosynthetic organism and you doubted if I was real because I pumped blood. I could made light turn into different forms of art and you could only make my art turn into blood coming down my branches and trunk like the rain drops that fell between the leafs that laid perfectly in my hair, shaking my whole system, tearing my trunk apart.

My branches itches and my leafs claim to be attacked, and my wrists are ready to be destroyed and ridiculized.
But i won't, i won't, i won't.
Or at least I'm trying not to.
Dec 2013 · 896
Nicole Dec 2013
You have made me do some things
I am not certain I'm proud of
You have made me say some things
my mouth has not even figured out yet,
Stuck in between not pronounced
"I love you's"
and should have said
"Don't hurt me's"
My heart and
my body
drowned in alcohol
pounding pain
Searching for even more
regrets with every single
bit, every single kiss,
every single touch,
and I regret myself from meeting you.
A little something I wrote when I was half sober in a hotel room in a place far away from you evil hands.
Nov 2013 · 473
Rant about love
Nicole Nov 2013
I haven't writen in a while and it hurts my heart and head to know I just don't have inspiration. The words used to flow out of my fingertips when I was with you but now it's like if they were stuck in the palm of my hands and they cannot reach out for the paper. And today I read a poem about death and couldn't help but to remember how I used to picture how sweet it'd be to die by your side. Pathetic. He is hugging me like before and I am getting chills and that is also pathetic. Maybe love is not made for someone like me or maybe I am not made for something so beautiful as love, but as long as I can write...
I guess it's alright
Nov 2013 · 2.0k
The Painter
Nicole Nov 2013
I once met a painter
she had some promising talent
her hands traced figures in her white canvas
and gave so much detail to every single movement

I once met a painter
she always had her hair in a ponytail
her eyes weren't amazing
but they were great
at least that's the only thing she appreciated
in herself.

The painter drew me a picture
it was a landscape
two trees and grass
the trees had and amazing mixture of red and yellow and wine
and the grass was made up of tears and some goodbyes
the painter never came back
the painter never could
the painter lost herself
between a canvas
and some wounds.
Oct 2013 · 798
Perhaps and a Thank You.
Nicole Oct 2013
I should probably go to sleep. My best friend is sleeping and my eyes are closing but there is so much to write about you. We spoke for an hour today over the phone and let me tell you just how much I've missed your voice (a shitload) and perhaps we are going to prom together and perhaps I really haven't gotten over everything yet and perhaps it was all too wonderful to forget I hope I make a wonderful date so you do not forget. I also hope that perhaps I look beautiful in a taylor made dress I chose the color thinking about you, and I hope the corsage is also beautiful, but not as beautiful as the way your arms will hold me as we walk in the big palace (or house) will hold the party. Now I'm listening to a song that brings back so many memories, not of you, but of someone that hurt me so much and I am getting a bit emotional, you changed the broken part of me with your super glue and made me become a shield, which I think nobody really gets to do. My super glued heart thanks you, and my scarred wrists too.
Oct 2013 · 419
Uh idk
Nicole Oct 2013
I'm sitting in a big couch with a bunch of tears threatening to leave my eyes and I've never felt more vulnerable. I have your voice stuck in the head like daises freshly wilted and honestly; it's not fair. I don't but I do. You are inside my chest, but you are almost not. Leaving and entering as you please, as if you were a ghost made up of people's promises and best regrets. But I think you are more than a ghost made up of promises and regret's but made of constellations and flower petals because I really like those things and I still kind of really like you.
Oct 2013 · 591
A Week Without You
Nicole Oct 2013
A week without you has gone by and let me tell you, it has been hard. A storm started at the bottom of my guts and was brought up by the courage and pain you produced in me all the way up to my heart and the weather conditions inside of it are not favorable. Cloudy and rainy and broken and teared apart, the raindrops start to fall down at the whisper of your name. The memories seem to be the storm hunters this time, giving a break to the real ones, this is one storm they cannot or will not survive to. You are still there, smiling as radiant as the sun but as timid and hiden behind a lovely puffy cloud, the one cloud the storm hasn't touched. That cloud accompanies the storm in every adventure, destroying hearts and minds. You can tell I've missed you a lot this week without you specially because now every object takes form into you or your arms or hands. I wish you could still be here. It's pouring wet in my heart, I might catch a cold and die from pneumonia (not that I care).
Oct 2013 · 474
I wish I could tell you
Nicole Oct 2013
I wish I could
just talk to you
ask you
how your day is going
or how your life has been
act as tranquil
and happy
as you act with me

I wish I could
pretend I'm not dying
every time your name
pops on my phone screen
or that I really miss you
and I don't know if that
even makes sense at all
because I am not
supposed to meet you
not after everything that happened and
I can't help but fill my sleeves
with the residues of tears
and broken promises

I wish I could tell you
all of this
so all I can do
is write about you.
Oct 2013 · 769
Spiked Up Forest
Nicole Oct 2013
I had a lot of ideas to write about your soft sweet lips on mine or maybe about the way you'd kiss my forehead instead of french kissing because my mom might be looking down on us from my balcony, but then you told me something that made the green trees in my spiked up forest to start losing their leafs while they decoloured first into orange (when you told me you were confused and I thought: "Well we all are") and then into gray (when you told me we should distance for a while) and suddenly all of the leafs in my spiked up forest fell as fast as I fell for you but this time nobody caught them, they landed (more like crushed) onto the hard land and they broke and they were smashed and they were forgotten. Now I look at myself with some new scars and a new anxiety attack to tell, my therapist about and I wonder if you ever thought about the consecuences, or if you ever thought I'd care as much as I do, Or if you ever thought that maybe I fell for you as rapid as the leafs fell from the trees. I got a glimpse of your arms, but somebody poked your back.
Oct 2013 · 952
Nicole Oct 2013
Perhaps all I really need is your sweet company or something tht will replace my existance from earth. Because when I'm with you it's like if I were in heaven or haven or texas or back in colorado in my uncle's kitchen eating home made alfajores and my brother would be playing Guitar Hero only being 7 years old and me being 11. When I'm with you time doesn't exist and that's pretty rad. It's like we entered the narnia wardrobe and cuddled in between the bad witch and aslan and how they'd fight and make a war and scream bad things to each other but it's okay because I have got you and I'm looking at you and wow I really love the way you hold my hands.
I really don't know anymore... To him.
Nicole Oct 2013
I'm lying in a bed
It's not my bed
It's neither yours
And I can't make myself think
In different things other than
How it would be
If you were next to me
And the T.V is on
And my dad is speaking over the phone
And you must be at your basketball match
The one you were so excited about
The one I hope you do your best at
The one I hope doesn't crush your dreams
The one I hope doesn't make you too tired
And I have noticed I am becoming
Slightly addicted to write
Long and non-sense verses
About you and me
And whatever we should be
And I am lying in a bed
And it's not your bed
When it should be your bed
And you should be next to me.
Oct 2013 · 558
I always think
Nicole Oct 2013
I always think and feel as if I don't complete my writings
Or poems
Or pieces of mind I put in paper
I also always think
You have found better than me
(You may already)
My mind rambles around thoughts of
Things minds shouldn't ramble around
And then I think I might be going
A bit insane
I always think you don't want me
And that yesterday's kisses are already forgotten
But then I look at you
And think
I may be thinking
A little bit too much.
Oct 2013 · 399
My hand smells like you
Nicole Oct 2013
Your smell is impregnated in between the cracks of my hand, each and every single cell that conforms my left hand tissue now smells like you, and I don't know wether to love it or hate it. I am carrying you with me wherever I go and the constant reminder that you were here and now you are not is always present. My hand smells like the smell I desire to wake up to, yet I open my eyes and what I find is my hand instead of your lovely eyes and I frown, you should be here

My hand smells like you and I try to ingest that smell until there is none left. Carry you within me and never forget it, to try to keep you in my head and make sure I didn't just made you up inside here.
Oct 2013 · 440
Nicole Oct 2013
Time is all I don't have
Time is all I want
Time is all I wish for
And I know my birthday wish
And my 11:11 wishes
And my new years wish
Will be spent on wishing
Time could stop
And that time doesn't take you
Away from me
Oct 2013 · 858
It's useless
Nicole Oct 2013
It's useless
to try to share the mixture of cigarette breath and soft lips
in short phrases
It's also useless
to try to convince myself
this is not everything I have always wanted
The soft touch of your lips at first and the sudden desire of your mouth
in my mouth, gasping for air
opening our eyes to discover messy hairs and dizzy heads
to smile in between kisses and to fight the urges to shout
I love you
I need you
I want you
It's useless.
Oct 2013 · 720
Nicole Oct 2013
Nobody will or could ever
Ever replace her soft skin or her pink lips
Nobody will ever make
Earth such a lovely and liveable place
Like she did.

Her loveliness was an atmosphere
That smelt like roses and green tea,
A soft kind and gentle touch that indulged
A bit of sorrow of broken hearts
And teared minds.

She sometimes smelled like red wine,
But only when her mind
Couldn't take more shed tears and hungry nights
She'd then regret it,
She'd then cry it off,
She'd call me in sorrow and laugh it off.

She should remember
How the kindest of hearts
Shouldn't be so sad,
Or how the kindest of hearts
Shouldn't be so kind.
Oct 2013 · 829
Fifth Time
Nicole Oct 2013
It's actually amazing how big a person can grow in your heart
in such a short amount of time
a minute ago he was just a random stranger you met in a restaurant
two or three years ago, two kids who barely shared a word
then he added you on Facebook but entirely forgot about him.

Suddenly, you see him walking towards you on a cold June or July night
you try to avoid his sight because you might of just have fallen for his eyes.
You hang out one more time and everything seems to be just fine,
then the second time you have so much fun
you cannot wait for the third time,
and the the fourth time it became imminent
the day before the day he professed his love to you
when you both cuddled between your best friend
and his best friend
as if there were no one else in the room
and you held hands and laughed
as if you were two birds in love.

Then the fifth time he picks you up
just him, no one else
and you wait twenty minutes for him to arrive and you are so angry
but how could you stay angry if he just grabbed your face in order to kiss you
and the only thing that shows you the way to his mouth
is the shining theater screen and his glowing eyes.

Your lips met his and everything stops and you feel nothing
but the subtle touch of his unknown but now known lips
the ones you had desired
and perhaps had not known
since that very first time you saw him
that day in the restaurant.
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