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" I believed that my hands could grasp your quaking body forever.
Where you afraid, or excited?
Terrfied, or exhilarated?
Distraught, or joyous?
All I know, my dear love, is that I still can't find my hands away from you.
They claw and clamp your quaking body, trying to make it still.
To make you understand the amount of love I hold in this heart
for you.
All I know, my dear love, is that the few amounts of words I give
fill that absence of understanding and comprehension.
Its all for you.
Stop shaking, my dear love, I'm always here with you, dear love.
All I am, its all for you.
All I am.
For you.
It's everything.
So as I fall, please know this:
All I am, my dear love, is for you."
I screamed above to the heights,
craving sanctuary, craving you.

The refusal given sends spores flowing into the wind.
An infection spreads and takes hold.

I understand now as I'm on my deathbed that it was you;
Only you could have done this deed to me.

The man who promised the world was just another word
that meant nothing in this long sentence of my life.

I died knowing it was you, and feeling pain.
Now it's in my throat, grasping and pulling my mind.

Rousing me from my earthly slumber, I grin.
Haha, thinks I, it's not over yet.

I dig up that grave you put me in.
I threw you in thinking that it would finally end.

The pain grew only more and forced me to exhume you from that void.

I was this close again to forgetting you;
but no, I had to remember you.

Another medium to cause pain,
you're the secret to the distraught.

I could never forget you.
You feed on my soul and spread that disease all around.

Infecting the sweet memories I had of you.
You're just a fungus trying to thrive in them.

How sad, father...

Because of you, I'm stuck.
I'm stuck running in and out of this hole you dug for me.

I hope you're glad, knowing the wind takes those spores.
I hope you understand: It's not over for us.

Come home to me; so I can stop circling here.
Like a vulture, like you.

I'm done waiting for your return.
I'm done.

Then again, what's another fifteen years?

Now I can't stop crying for you.
You're just so far from me.

Why'd you leave me?
Was I just too bad of a child to bear?

One spore.

Was my mother inadequate?
Was our family even worse?

Two spores.

Was my brother just another one of your spawn?
Was I?


Father, I'm done crying about it all.
I'm going to uproot this fungus.

I'm going to uproot you.
Please just come home.

Don't talk to me.
Don't ever come back.


That's all I will ever be.
A silent revolt against you with no end.
Such a distance they own; that earth, that sun, that moon.
Such a love they own; that one, those two.
Such a love is it that it is; that one, so true.
Bright and glorious, it flies so far above us; that one, from me, to you.
Our eclipses come sooner, then later; that one, it's you.
Such a brilliance it gleams, radiating sunbeams; that one, from you.
They reach as far as it seems; this space, I'm through.
They tear away these walls, and pierce the darkness of these halls; my love, for you.
They breath into us a life anew; that love, for you.
They shine forward, gleaming outward; our love, so true.
We burn into the sky, a star, a light, a question why; so pure, it's true.
A constellation, a revolution; I give this world, to you.
A new work of art, to you I impart; my ink, you use.
I write this for you. My love, dear moon.
*latin for "eight"
Dedicated to my dear love, Isabelle
sorry it's been some time since I've written! Hope y'all enjoy!
Only I know how much she is missed
it feels like ages since our last kiss.

I know, only I do.

How much she is loved by me,for me, to me, with me, in my heart,

I know, only I do.

And she knows too, how much I am missed
and the length since our last kiss

Only she knows, only her.

How much I am loved by her, for her, to her, with her, in her heart,

Only she knows, only her.

Only we know how much we are missed,
and the pain of our last kiss.

Only we know, only we.

How much we are loved by us, for us, to us, with us, in our heart.

Only we care for love as an art, only us.

Only we share this heart, only us.

Only we love eachother so much.

Only us.
" I remember how cleverly you stole this breaking heart
and mended it with your words of sweet reproach. What was hiding in those deep and in-contempt eyes soon became my reality and became my duty to approach your loving care with a certain crisp tenderness. I cared for your cruel world and I began to truly understand just why I was really in love with you. Some will pry at our harmony and try to steal its eloquence with their eyes sent by demons on our heels. Our shadows protect the past only we acknowledge as gospel. I loved you for that persevering heart and careful speech. But the fear of failure held you back until my coaxing took you high into the heavens where the milky white clouds became your throne and I knew for a fact that you were my queen and that I could only do one thing: Serve. Our journey is far from over. However, until I die, I will never let the enemy pressure you from the throne I put you to, nor will I let them give you any thought of abdication! I pledge my heart and soul to your future like I had before, and I will never cease in my praises of you... for you stole my broken heart and mended it into the heart of the perfect soldier. Now I will return the favor and serve."
She walks by him,
He smiles
"Tend my needs"
She cries
" I'm happy to be of service"
Is his response.

He stares at her eyes
Amazing in texture
So warming
"I'm happy to be of service "
He says with a witty smile.

He notices her hair
Amazing in its radiance
He swears it's soft
"I'm happy to be of service"
He gleefully announces .

He holds her aching body
So soft and smooth is her skin
She's rocking back and forth in tears
"I'm happy to be of service "
He whispers with tears of his own.

He traces her palms
The lines across them perplex him
He stares and gazed upon her cold body
Her casket lies wide open
"I'm glad I could been of service"
He says witha tear in his eyes.

He calls out her name
The night is silent
Oh, how he loved her
He whispers,
" I'm happy to love you"
And she holds him in the dark.

He wakes to her smile
How radiant it shines
Nothing else has ever taken his breath away
As he lies in his casket.
His last words are displayed;
" I'm happy to be of service today."
This story is about a butler who loved his mistress, but they knew it could never work out because she was close to dying anyway. And he gladly takes her into his arms as he dies and know that his service was enough to make her smile.
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