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Nick Durbin Feb 2014
You are the wilted flower in the sea of the dead…
The last beautiful sign of a world forgot –
Your beauty stretches beyond the words,
Tipping over the cliffs of tongues,
Crashing into the abyss and swallowed –
Eaten whole,
You are the last droplet of sun,
Kissing the horizon as you asunder from the day –
Leaving your taste in the sky,
Painted with the colors of your soul…
Nick Durbin Oct 2013
As the light fades, and the darkness settles over my room,
My thoughts are engulfed by you –
A woman whom has encapsulated my struggled journey through this world…
She, who received my heart and simply kept it –
So, I watch as the sun sets on this day,
Flickering against the porch and the clouds above -
Fading over my horizon, and shedding light on the beginning of yours…
I reach for the fiery embers and dissolve into the sea of orange and red,
Melting into the sky, in search of your beauty –
Bursting ‘cross the shores, crawling over the ebbing tides,
Erasing shadows, meticulously illuminating each minute morsel, each delicate droplet of life –
The arrays pouring over your skin, as I soak into your golden brown complexion,
Seeping deeper and deeper, layer by layer…
Flooding your body; saturated,
I am a part of you, I am now yours -
This poem is for Jing, the woman I have met through poetry and love through delicate words...
Nick Durbin Sep 2013
When I embrace you,
                                                       my right hand caressing your cheek,
                             running the length of your face to reach the nape of your neck…

                                                   I will stare into your eyes,
                                                           ­    smile,
                                                          ­           then kiss you longingly.
A conversation with Jing.
Nick Durbin Sep 2013
Endless whispers make way, layered beneath star-lit skies,
The sounds formed in blissful flirtations, as tiny secrets composed of love…
Like the apex of an overture, encompassed by a standing applause –
An ode to the dedication of a honed craft, melded in artistic perfection,
We are but fireflies dancing in the darkened fields of life…
Illuminating sparks of matter, stretching our wings t’wards the heavens,
Each flutter of our ascension striking a beautiful chord,
A precise note of enchanted color, displayed ‘cross grass covered earth –
It is in this place we understand our magnificence,
Molded by those colors and sounds of feelings…
It is in those moments we found our immortality,
Created by the hearts of hopeless romantics and starving artists –
Defined by the words found beyond omission…
As if casted in series, structured in sentences of diaries and journals,
We are now infinite, our sculpted myth and legend etched in timelessness,
Our love forever told of its immaculate beauty –
We are…
I had been washed over by the music of a symphony, and the love of a woman.
Nick Durbin Aug 2013
It is in those broken moments we find ourselves,

Torn to pieces, with no explanation –

A dark crevasse molded to fit our shape,

Holding our deepest thoughts, encasing our forgotten spirit,

We tend to allow ourselves to be encompassed by this abyss –

Explaining to ourselves the need to dwell on the darkened past,

Swallowed by its projection of memories,

Sprayed upon the walls of our mind like murals –

An endless catacomb of images, seemingly permanent in their manifestation…

It is in those broken moments, that we find ourselves.

Seemingly unbearable days, leading to sleepless nights,

Dreading the thoughts that creep their way to our dreams –

Resting in an endless adaptation of our subconscious,

Playing out their roles, as if upon a Shakespearian stage…

Each thought, acting its part with tragic precision,

Layer upon layer, scene upon scene…

Reaching back to grasp our inception of reality –

Griping its contents, and strangling the ideas to exhaustion; gasping…

It was in those broken moments, that we found ourselves,

With a weighted world pressed firmly upon our chest,

The ebbing soil began to crumble –

Giving light to the somber path traversed…

Filling the now hollow crevasse with purpose and meaning,

Each memory defined by the silver lining expressed in love –

The fleeting darkness, swallowed by the over-whelming feeling of home…

Finding it in the simplicity of a kiss, and the certainty of an embrace,

It is here that we find ourselves,

In the intricate details and delicate idiosyncrasies –
A poem written from experience - from the darkened hole to the anticipation of a kiss. I hope that if you have found yourself immersed in the darkness, you find light. Dedicated to the beautiful woman, Jing.
Nick Durbin Aug 2013
The morning tide, crashing ‘gainst the shores,

Sounds of seagulls and distant winds tickling ears –

Whispering messages of painted portraits, laid over endless landscapes,

Poetry for the eyes, explained with a rising sun beyond the cresting oceans…

Splattering the skies with a beautiful fire in shades of orange, red, and violet –

Bringing illumination to the wondrous adventures sought each day,

‘Tis this place that feeling gives meaning to living -

‘Tis this place, beneath the pealed layers of existence…

The Essence of Beauty dwells.
Nick Durbin Jun 2013
Tonight, shall we dance on the beach under a moonlit sky –
Cool sand between our toes, and the tide kissing our feet.
Swaying our hips to the sound of the crashing ocean,
Our stage is the illuminated sea spreading in all direction –
The entire world encapsulated as our audience,
We have captured the concept of being infinite.
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