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Here in your arms I lie in a dream
But I am wide awake.
Looking through azure eyes you take,
My breath, my heart, its beat,
You take me to this cerulean beach
With warm sand, and sun siting lightly on my skin,
We sit both of us, Mellifluous,
The hum I hear so sweet while
Safe here on your naked chest.
So warm, playful and light hearted,
My smile and your laughters started,
Silly, sweet , witty ,
That electric tingle, when you lean to kiss me.
The feeling of you pressed against me.
Sheltered safe, secure and shielded,
From anything outside of feeling,
Outside of red lips pressed lightly
Against my skin, murmuring warm truths,
Before finding my mouth again,
Outside of the heat of the sun and
Swell of the waves,
And the feelings you give me
Day after day.
Right there in the azure eyes
Of this beautiful man I find,
Exactly what it is,
That I’ve wanted all this time.
Today he climbed into my dresser drawer
To find a place to sleep, that might hide him
From the outside world
From everyone but me, he has always loved boxes
Of every shape and size,
When ones too small inside he’ll crawl
Tell fur runs over sides,
With paws sprawled and purr rolling,
And batting at my heart
I knew the day we got this cat that
We would never part.
 May 2012 nicholas redden
Behind the twinkle of your gaze
Past the walls you so fervently constructed
At times,
I see your pain
I feel the anguish in your eyes
The quivering of your lip quickly forced away by a misplaced grin
Surrounded by the emptiness of this void we call life
I wish nothing more than to hear those alluring three words
The glow you radiate envelopes any room
Your smile casts any doubt I have in life
How can someone be so incredible?
I am the lucky one
You show how utterly beautiful life can be
That this existence is not some random succession of meaningless events
With you,
life takes shape
life retains hope

Life has meaning.
If I say it enough maybe you will get it.
“I Love you more than yesterday.”
If I say it enough perhaps you will see,
That” you are so good, so sweet”
And perhaps if I grasp at the edges
Of everything I can’t quite say, can’t quite frame,
Am searching for am sure remains,
I will convince you of these things.
If I say them enough they will be true to you too.
If I keep finding ways to say
I Love YOU. “

— The End —