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"It's raining cats and dogs,"
      she said.
I screamed at her

because no cats or devils
fell outside my window
  or I surely would have
my own kitten.

She cried.
      So did I.
Wrote this 2 days ago. Short, but one of my favorites. Enjoy!
Sometimes, when I'm sitting and brooding,
in whatever point of space that I have designated to contaminate with my being,
I can hear you and mom fighting,
The fear in your screaming and the suffering in her's.
The nights I got home to find you passed out on the couch,
with a shoe lace drooping out of your purse,
were always followed by days of watching mom fight to hold back tears.
I felt helpless on the sidelines of a war I couldn't comprehend,
a war you decided to wage because dad died and you couldn't handle it.
I can't handle it still,
and I really can't handle seeing mom cry,
so all those fights, all those words you intended to pierce her like the needles piercing you,
are still ringing in my ears.
Dare meant no drugs at school,
At home Dare meant ****** and threats of suicide.
Our sister watched your descent with disgust,
steeled her heart against all of her emotions,
warping her into an academic superstar
with no time or patience for you or me.
Our family was fragmented over your war,
so I smashed a mirror into pieces,
to try and glue back the fragments,
but it always came out so ugly,
so I knew what we would look like,
if we could just get some ******* glue.
It's been ten years,
and you're still on the ground
frantically searching for some glue
to piece back your own mirror.
It's been ten years,
and I can still see you
kicking the windshield of mom's car,
passed out on the couch head between your knees,
mom crying in your room begging you to just calm down.
You were training me to hate you,
when you waged a war against our mother,
now you've lost your only brother.
It's been ten years,
and I can still feel the hatred and resentment
flare up inside of me
sometimes, when I'm sitting and brooding.
Wrote this the 26th, enjoy!
White walls
white halls,
Hospital or
Residence hall?

Screaming, crying,
moaning -
All echo from
each room.

What is perfection
other than a reflection
of desires accompanied
by petty blindness
to the off-color hues?

I feel a criminal -
For the dynamic intrusion of existing by myself forced upon this nature - conqueror ****** the child of his first **** -

But the sky shines,
splaying us with light
so we may live.
Wrote this today as well, enjoy!
Clumsily stumbling around,
With two feet dancing poorly,
Awkwardly approaching I,
Force you to feel uncomfortable.
Uncoordinated and frustrating,
You find me so.
Easily, confidently abandoning,
Left behind, left for dead,
Dancing with two left feet,
Positioned by your heart,
To try to catch it.
I am all that’s left here,
Dancing in a darkening room,
Dawning comprehension,
No sunrise to be seen though.
You were right to go,
Needed comfort and the norm,
The standard for easier days.
You are right.
I am left.
Wrote this today, enjoy!
Fatherless at four,
Faded since fourteen,
Floundering through life,
New failures everyday.
But a few dreams and
Fuzzy new ambitions,
Faster than I can fail.
The music was in my
Heart and soul, or,
So I thought until
I got that one letter
From the school of music.
Undecided what to do
For the next forty or fifty years,
Or whether or not I can
Even handle five more of
Just fighting to feel
Something like happiness
So my mom won't cry.
Figured I was smart,
At least smart enough,
To feel successful
Until I sat down in a
Real physics class and
Overslept the first hour
Of my exam.
**** it, I can fake it!
At least for now..
Maybe tomorrow I'll
Wake up and find my passion,
Or even better,
I won't wake up at all.
Wrote this yesterday, got it work shopped in poetry club, and rewrote it today. So here is the finished product! Hope you enjoy~
******* it.
Drama of my life
And ray of hope
I don't know how
To tell my mom
What you are to me,
But I think that it goes
Something like this
Like a pungent oder
I hate you and my
Face crinkles at the thought.
Like a unicorn you
Make me grin and
Believe in fairy tales.
You love to laugh
At my misery and
Remind me that I
Won't amount to anything.
Even worse you love
To bat your eyes,
Make my heart swoon
And my brain melt.
You are my poison,
Killing me everyday.
But my pill bottle
Says your my cure,
Twice a day.
Like a pungent oder
I hate you and my
Face crinkles at the thought.
Like a unicorn you
Make me grin and
Believe in fairy tales.
Cigarettes seem healthy
When I see your eyes.
The rest of you may as well
Be a ******* fountain of youth.
The disease is my cure to
My disease and the disease
Is you.
Wrote this July 8th and forgot to post it. Enjoy!
Have you ever watched the light,
The diamonds of the mind,
Fade out of focus never to return?
Felt your forefathers disappear
From your reality only to haunt
You in the dark of night when you
Are all alone and feeling like
You're out of time?
Marched down the aisles of faces
That are burned into your eyelids,
So whenever you close your eyes,
To try and be alone to escape,
With a weight in your hands
And on your shoulders?
Well then join me,
Brothers and sisters new and old,
Welcome to the fatherless.
Welcome to the ranks,
With tired eyes and weary hands,
We are joined in mourning.
Welcome to the fatherless.
Just finished this.
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