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My brain was mutilated,
Warped and destroyed,
All at the hands of a child.
I want to rewire,
Write in a better life,
Get the flashes out of head,
Make it all stop,
The urges are overwhelming,
The attacks on my senses
Are making me spiral.
I can't focus on this
With my head stuck in the dark,
And a flashing screen
Embedded into my eyes.
I can't be alone,
I know I will relapse,
I'm fighting this battle,
A war for my sanity.
Outnumbered and against
The over stimulated society,
Victory seems as far away
As Alpha Centauri.
Please just help me,
Help me beat the child,
He is a master of war,
A prodigy of sabotage.
Please, just help me
Defeat my habits,
Exorcise this demon,
So I can finally grow,
So I can finally be a man,
And stop being a child,
Mutilating my mind.
Wrote this two days ago. Enjoy~
Lost in the sea,
Of what's inside,
How could I ever
Blame you for your, ways?
I'm lost and I'm,
Dying to be found.
Where are the faces
That I know?
They have all left me
On the shore of their
Greatness and now
It's time for me to fly
And find the light.
But I can't get out
Of the way.
Lost in the sea,
Of what's inside,
How could I ever
Blame you for your, ways?
I'm lost and I'm,
Dying to be found. .
I'm lost and I'm
Drowning out here,
I need a hero,
I need me.
Wrote this just now. It just sort of came to me. Hope you enjoy!
There exists a monster
Called The Jeweler.
Everything she sees has
A price tag attached
With a superficial value
Stamped on.
The lenses placed over her
Since the day she was born
Have corrupted all purity.
Forever complimented on
Appearances and mocked for thought,
She believes herself to be
Perfectly normal
Judging every living creature
For beauty and value.
Stars in the sky are meaningless
Like the grades from school,
She only wants materials
For improving her station.
From the boy down the street
To the Prada bag in hand,
Nothing worthwhile is free.
The only pleasure she knows
Is derived from an illusion
Of being a princess.
She is cold and calculating,
Countless crushed hearts
Have been left behind her
And she smiles fondly
At every tear she extracted.
Tragedy is her destiny
Do we blame the product
Or the ****** up society
Producing more daily?
The disheartening truth is
She The Jeweler exists
Inside of everyone of us
From you to me and beyond.
So who the **** do we lay
The blame on?
The society or the product?
The society or the product?
******* answer me!
Wrote this earlier today. Hope you enjoy~
The deviation from
The American revolution is
Derived from the corruption,
With direct correlation,
Of the ruling faction.
We are one nation
Of sheep under god,
Blindly walking to our demise.
The institutions held dear
Only produce unfounded fear.
If the treachery of Fox
Is something you missed,
You are the reason for
The desecration of our Constitution.
And the propagation
Caused by your sinful reproduction
Carries false misconceptions
To another disillusioned generation.
When explosions dismember
Our fragile society
I hope you’re a victim.
Wrote this today. Enjoy!
Desperately and frantically,
Grasping on to the
Wisps of every single
Fading memory, and
Struggling to internalize
And remember every
Tick tock
Goes the clock. 
Life feels like a flash,
A vicious dash,
Towards some unknown,
Meaningless end.
I guess to understand
The brevity of life
From such an early age,
Is to be an old soul,
Full of rage at the
Unceasingly increasing toll
Of treasuring every moment.
Tick tock
Goes the clock.
Tick tock.
Then I'm just a rock..
I wrote this one this morning after reflecting on the urgent nature of human existence.
It flashes by me,
Deep in the night
Filling me with fright.
But then,
I behold.
It's beauty is
Unearthly and yet,
So very natural,
And Earthly.It's
Fierce. A stallion,
Proud and majestic,
Flying through
The night leaving nothing
But a flash and roar. 
I fall to the ground,
Overcome with awe.
But alas, for beauty,
Is only in the eye of
The beholder, I.
Wrote this one this morning. Another poem where I strayed away from my normal style. Enjoy!
Like a rock immobilized,
Even breathing had
Escaped me. I tried
To cry out but only
A whimper came about.
Shyly she sauntered so
Close to me, smiling from
Such a seductive scent.
The bewilderment
Of my heart,
Thrown off script.
Sighed did I,
As she left my eye
Headed to some class.
A campus can be
Quite the cruel place.
Wrote this two days ago. I attempted to write in a different style than usual, and this is the result! Hope you enjoy.
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