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I just can't keep it in,
The monster inside
Is breaking free,
And I am powerless
To contain it.
It overpowers me,
Drives me to commit
Crimes against those
Around me and myself.
I break my arm and
Use the bones to
Stab her eyes out.
Something is wrong with me,
The monster inside is in control
I've lost my sanity,
It's been replaced with
The dark and distorted
As I rip his throat out
And **** on his
Gurgling, dying body.
I am remorseless!
I am a monster beyond
All hope of salvation.
Watch me struggle,
As I watch you die
At it's hands, my hands
Forcing themselves
Into my eyes
I blind myself to my crimes.
I swear it's not my fault,
When the monster is in control,
I'm a murderer, killing myself.
I can feel it now
Destroying what's left of me.
I am a monster,
**** me if you can.
My hands are covered
With the blood of
Every ******* ****
In this building.
Bullets go through me
As they **** me.
I have been hunted,
The monster is expelled.
All that remains is
The mangled corpse
Of a broken man.
Just wrote this.
We sit on mountains,
Watching the shadows
Of clouds move across
The hills around us.
The sun bounces off
Of her beautiful hair
And reflects her smile
On to me.
So we laugh and smile
Together on a mountain.
Ten years from now,
This will all be a memory
Faded and worn.
It's hard to live
In the moment
When you're caught
Reflecting on the moment.
Run with me,
To the very top,
And we'll forget
Tomorrow for today.
We'll paint each other
And play in the mud.
When we reach the top,
We'll never come back.
We'll die at the peak,
And skip the descent.
Together, forever at the top.
We sit on mountains,
Watching the shadows
Of clouds move across
The hills around us.
The sun bounces off
Of her beautiful hair
And reflects her smile
On to me.
So we laugh and smile
Together on a mountain,
Together, forever at the top.
Just wrote this. Enjoy!
I wish I could be a star,
So that I could supernova
And catch your eye.
If only for a second,
I would have your
Full, undivided attention.
So don't doubt me
When I say that
I would die for you,
Light up the sky for you,
Rearrange the night
So you would
Acknowledge my existence.
Even if you would
Just end up forgetting me
When it's all said and done,
I would throw it all away
But are you worth it?
Just wrote this one! I apologize for not posting anything in awhile! Enjoy!
I am Goliath!
And you will not survive!
I am the World Eater
And there is no David.
I was conceived by minds
More advanced than you are
Capable of comprehending,
With the sole purpose of
Complete and utter annihilation.
I am the Star Crusher
Your sun is feeble in comparison
To the first stars I destroyed,
And this planet is minuscule,
Insignificant to all of time.
I am Goliath!
No entity is capable of
Conquering me for I am
The sole Conqueror of Time.
Get on your knees and
Clasp your hands,
For the final moments of life.
I will not be merciful.
The execution of Earth,
The ignorant planet of faith,
Will be total in completion.
I am Goliath!
After the demise of your world,
I will reveal the undeniable truth
When you are obliterated.
Death is final.
There is no afterlife, no heaven.
But this is hell for you,
As I gleefully devour all
Of humanity.
Wrote this one today as well. Again, enjoy!
As I stood there,
On a grave in the cemetery
On top of the hill
By my dorm home,
I stared at the twinkling
Of the lights across town,
And of the cars driving
Down the winding mountains.
It was a cold February morning,
When I felt the wind on my face
Standing in the cemetery.
I watched the white mountains,
Glowing with the moonlight
Reflected off the blanket of snow,
And as I watched the flurries
I remembered the sorrow
Of yesterday's sunset.
As I stood there,
In a garden of bodies,
Resting on the shoulders
Of giants long gone,
I stared out into the unflinching,
Lonely night of white and black,
And I wondered what would come
With the hope of sunrise.
Even now after so many moons
Have come and gone,
I can remember the call,
The call of the white mountains
Beckoning me to them
With ominous hope.
So I walk to answer the call,
To find my end in
The white mountains,
So I may join the cemetery
On top of the hill.
Wrote this today. Enjoy!
Die Zwergen Armee kommt
und Wir sterben.
They come prepared
For an all out war,
And they are ready
To fight tooth and nail
Until no man is left standing.
With supplies unceasing and
Weapons of mass destruction,
All of our lines of defense will fall.
We are not capable
Of withstanding the continuous onslaught,
Indisputable is their power,
Unending is their greed,
Unimaginable is their cruelty,
Unwavering is their faith
In complete and utter victory.
Inevitable is our demise,
Inapt are our defenses,
Inexperienced are our allies,
Inexorable is their march to
The beat of our doom.
Die Zwergen Armee kommt
und Wir sterben.
Passion drives them onwards
To conquer all lands that
Dare to oppose them.
We can not hope to last
Like the Spartans at
The Battle of Thermoplyae
No matter how strongly
Our laconism inspires us.
As mankind’s future dims
And is ultimately vanquished
Before our very own eyes,
We can only hope
That our end is quick
And merciful in execution.
Die Zwergen Armee kommt
und Wir sterben.
As I watch the heads of
Friends and family fall,
The decapitation of hope
Is as absolute as the blood
Smeared across the castle walls.
We refused to listen as
They cited holy scripture
To vindicate the necessity
Of our annihilation.
We held strong to our faith
In eternal glory as martyrs
For our philosophies and convictions,
And they bore witness
To our determination,
But we bore witness
To their determination
Only to watch it demolish
Everything we cherished.
Die Zwergen Armee kommt
und Wir sterben.
Die Zwergen Armee kommt
und Wir sterben.
I have uttered my final statement,
To forever be the last
Hoarse whisper of my existence,
“You will see the error of your ways,
And I will not repent for the sins
You claim I have committed.
I will let the all knowing
Judge and condemn you all
For the atrocities committed
By your people.”
Then my blood soaked
The soil of my Earth
As my entrails slid out of me,
And I fervently tried to
Force them back inside,
But it was all in vein.
And my final vision
Before complete oblivion
Was my still beating heart
In the hand of my enemy.
Die Zwergen Armee kam
und Wir starben.
Wrote this today. "Die Zwergen Armee kommt und Wir sterben" means "The Dwarf army comes and we die." At the end is the same but in past tense. Enjoy!
Some days everything
Feels so pointless
That I'd just rather
Be a rotting corpse.
But don't you dare
To tell me that I
Have a void in my life
That can only be filled
By God.
That void you speak of
Is the fear of the eternal
And God promises you
An eternal existence
Because you can not handle
The fact that one day
You will be annihilated
Just like everyone else.
You have been fooled
Into believing that your
Finite deeds are worthy
Of either infinite punishment
Or infinite rewards.
But that just makes
Your God morally inferior.
So this void in my life
I have accepted
Because I understand
The finite futility
Of human existence.
I accept that I
Am a mere speck
Of nothing in eternity,
But I give my life meaning
Through interactions with
My fellow humans.
I do not need either
The promise or the threat
Of eternity to make me
Into a moral man.
I am strong enough
To do that myself.
God makes you weak,
Morally you are dependent
On threats of eternal punishment,
Intellectually you are resistant
To truths like evolution  
There is no debate,
Just ancient beliefs
Resisting a shrinking domain
Where it is the final word.
Accept the finite futility
Of your existence and
Embrace the joy
Of living for your fellow man
And not for a drama queen
In the ******* sky.
Wrote this earlier today.
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