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Your misconceived notions,
Are merely reflections
Of a false
Outdated philosophy.
One that has been around
Since long before
Being tan was beautiful.
From a time when
The common man
Was ignorant.
He lacked the knowledge
That we now possess.
He had no Newton,
No electricity
No Information Age.
He believed it
Because he knew
No better than what
He was told to know.
Afraid of everything
No understanding
He was a blind man
Because he was blindfolded
By promises and threats
Of eternity.
Blindfolded by the elite,
Who used it
As a tool for ruling.
Now, even those that
We perceive to be elite
Are blindfolded.
But you do not
Have to be blind.
You exist in
The Information Age.
You can cut it off
And see!
For the very first time.
Wrote this yesterday.
Can you dissect my words
To discover a theme?
If not, let me make it
Very clear and precise.
I think you're all
A bunch of fools,
Herded into outdated beliefs,
Proud of your ignorance.
Despised by the enlightened
People like you make
People like me want to
Annihilate civilization
To start anew on a clean slate.
I'm done being nice about it,
Trying to sugarcoat my words
And hide the venom in my voice.
I won't waste my time
Trying to teach you
Reason, logic, and how
To ******* think for yourself.
Instead I will channel my rage
At your pathetic institution
Into a simple message.
I hate you.
You have ruined
The course of human history,
The Dark Ages took us all back
A couple hundred years.
Generations wasted in a time
When the church ruled the land.
The day we watch everything
And everyone we love,
Be destroyed by whatever
Catastrophe is coming,
I hope you all know
That our impending doom
Was continuously aided
By the waste of resources
On appeasing a man in the sky.
So **** Christ our savior,
He died on the cross
Not for our salvation,
But as a ******* promise
To all of humankind
That we are doomed by faith.
Let me reiterate my point,
To every church and
To every god fearing human,
Whatever the god,
I hate you.
The last one I wrote yesterday, and by far the angriest.
My eyes were opened,
I extracted the reality
Without emotions to
Cloud my visions.
Then I stopped
Taking the pills
To control my feelings,
And I erupted
With hate and rage
Directed at a society
Where the only truth,
Is that nothing is flawless.
I despise your pathetic
Ritualistic tendencies
As your sabotaged with fear.
Eat the body,
Drink the blood,
Keep fueling the flames
Of a controlling fiction,
Infused with false promises
Of glory and redemption.
You and I will take
Two differing paths
Through our trivial time,
But we all end
At the same destination,
Corpses in caskets,
Our paths will be the same.
Until then though
I gave up a sanity
To not just see the truth,
But feel it coursing
In my veins.
Now my blood runs red,
Hot with loathing
For the disgusting multitude
Of blind worshipers.
When I say I can't
******* take it anymore,
Know it's not a joke
And I will die
A victim of misplaced ideals.
The second of three I wrote yesterday.
Envision the acceleration
Of your heart and mind
As the truth is delivered
Upon you, replacing
Your salvation with a
Glimmer of thought
To inspire you to
Reimagine an existence
Without the excess of a god.
Time, energy, and motion
Becoming interwoven as you
Refocus on a new existence
Where you don't *******
Squander away your time
Worshipping false idols
Warning you against
Worshipping false idols.
When armed with a thought,
The creation of a
Revised world isn't
Such a foreign concept,
But an attainable reality.
Strive for a redefinition
Of the corrupt system
For in action, change
Can be forced on
The unwilling establishment.
Abandon the petty squabbles,
Brother against brother
Over an imagined salvation
Leading only to extermination.
Realign your thought process
And adjust to a world where
Brother allied with brother
Fight for the freedom
From class division,
From monetary idealism,
And from religious ideology  
Picture an existence
Where we no longer divide
But combine to form
A unification
Of revolution.
The first of three I wrote yesterday.
"And said,
'Naked come I
Out of my mother's womb.
And naked shall I
Return thither:
The Lord gave,
And The Lord
Hath taken away;
Blessed be the
Name of The Lord."
Job 1:21
We used to go
To church as
A family,
Down at St. Mark's.
But when Mark died
He became my saint
God hath taken away,
And he gave me
A scar that could
Never heal.
So I left God
To find my way
Without any light.
I am self medicating,
So I can be numb
And be devoid of feeling
When I remember
What The Lord took
Away from me.
On the day I
Graduated and
Saw young men
With smiling fathers,
All I could hear were
The words I would
Never hear.
I'm proud of you, son.
So if I tell you
Not to take it for granted,
Forgive the envy
In my voice,
And the stains
On my cheeks.
I am self medicating,
So I can be numb
And be devoid of feeling
When I remember
What The Lord took
Away from me.
Forgive me for not
Being able to fix a car
Like your father showed you.
Because all I remember
Are the brief flashes
Of a man and his son
Fishing at the river.
By the time he died,
He smoked Marlboros
And used to drive
A ******* Pepsi truck,
Too young to give a ****.
Then a branch broke
And a family was devastated.
I am self medicating,
So I can be numb
And be devoid of feeling
When I remember
What The Lord took
Away from me.
I can't remember
The sound of his voice
And I can't feel the joy
Of having him say
How proud he is
Of what I have become,
Of the man he raised.
I am self medicating,
So I can be numb
And be devoid of feeling
When I remember
What The Lord took
Away from me.
So count your blessings
As I flush the pills
Because I'm fifteen
Fathoms deep, and counting
As I try to remember
The sound of his voice
And what The Lord took
Away from me.
If I thought
That there was
An afterlife where
I could meet him,
I would be flushing
My life instead of pills.
The Lord hath taken.
Wrote this after seeing The Perks of Being a Wallflower.
A determined existence is
Just mental slavery,
And you have been forced
Into accepting by the
Inhumane ******* of
A world run by profit.
Your god is the same
As the monsters with
Dollar signs in their eyes.
Pay your taxes,
Pray to your god,
And follow the Golden Rule.
Your parents always said that
Those were the ingredients
For a happy life, right?
But they never told you
That God and Country
We're looking out for
Corporate greed and they
Won't spare a penny
To help you survive.
So you have been
Blinded to the truth,
Corruption so deep,
You can't trust anyone.
Question everything.
Blind faith brought
The Two Towers to the ground,
And bombed Pearl Harbor.
The cross killed millions
After Jesus bled for
Your right to be a blind bigot,
Preaching love and
Practicing ruin,
Hate because of love and
Protection for criminals.
When the Catholic Churches
Sold out the Star of David,
****** capitalized on the hate
To leap to power and
Force millions of men to
****** and die over beliefs,
And choice in imaginary friends.
All you know is fear
Of the different and unknown,
Taught to you by
Your family, church, and country.
A mental slavery based
On submission, ignorance,
Hate and fear.
All of this was
Carefully constructed
To keep you buying,
And to keep the same
Outdated beliefs, divisions,
And people well established.
It's all so entrenched in
Our society that you
Already have misconstrued
My message to be an attack
On your existence  
But you are my comrade,
Without arms to fight against
The corrupted establishment.
So here I am,
An arms dealer,
Delivering to you
Truth and sparks
For you to pick up the fight
When my rebellion is silenced.
Wrote this today in class.
Words can do little,
Little to describe
These feelings,
But alas I make do
And try my hardest,
To impart to you
The turmoil inside,
Inside of me and my being.
These feelings that rise
Up from my chest,
From the pit of stomach.
They weigh down,
Down on my shoulders
Like anchors from
The ship of death.
They pull me down,
Like chains thrown
By the devil,
Latched on my ankles and neck,
Pulling on me like
A thousand screaming,
Burning souls just
Begging for retribution
But with no one
To smite with vengeance.
They scream at air,
Gasping for revenge.
These feelings,
They burn me like fire,
Fire from a dragon,
Searing my skin,
Turning my entire existence,
Into a pile of ash,
Devoid of meaning
Or purpose.
The way that these feelings
Affect me,
My insides turn and swirl,
Like a tornado
On an empty plain,
Trying to destroy,
But only tossing dust.
I am forever changed,
And you are not.
Walk a mile in my shoes,
And drown in the depth.
Wrote this earlier today. Kind of just woke up with part of it in my head, and over the day it blossomed into a full on idea.
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