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All is bold
All is grey
Life through the eyes
Of a person such as me
Is dull
And boring

All I see is grey
All I see is dull
A world without love
A world without care
Is my life every day

All is bold
Allis grey
A world I know too long
Her face is red
Her anger is deep
for a thing I didn't mean
Her heart is black
As black as Cole
for a thing I didn't do
How long
and how low
Must I beg for forgiveness
Until your heart is pure?
As pure as gold
My dreams hell
My life hell
My time is near
My end is near
For I am losing everything
Everything I hold dear
Everyone I hold dear
Everything and everyone
I love
And he'll take them away
For he is coming for me
He who haunts me in my dreams
And who chases me in my nightmares
He whom I fear
For he is the devil himself
And he is coming for me
Beauty is a form
A form of art
It can't be replicated  
Only loved
It must be cherished
For there is little
And you
You are apart of it
A part of art
Beautiful art
Your eyes are more beautiful
Than the shining star
Your body moves in such motion
The calmest see can't compare
You reject me
But deep down you love me
So do us all a favor and show your love
Dear beloved sister
I've treated you bad
Told you I didn't care
And yet you loved me
You cared about me
But hiding in a shell
I too care about you
I do love you
My dear beloved sister
I love you too
Why do you judge me
Just because I'm different
Just because I follow my own rules
And not yours
I am my own person
Not your person

You can't control me
Nor can you put a label on me
For I am Nick
And Nick is different
For Nick chooses his path
Nick does not go by your rules
After certain events I wrote this
In a world full of love
We are hated
In a world full of hate
We are loved

Feelings overwhelm us
And our thoughts consume us
We battle ourselves
We battle our hearts

Sometimes we lose
Yet no one sees our loss
And no seems to care

Sometimes we win
Yet no one sees our victory
And no one seems to support

Rather then judging one another
Love one another
After the death of Chester Bennington I was inspired to write this piece.
Chained down to the ground
I try to walk through the desert
The desert of despair
With no one
And nothing
But a chain holding me back

A chain I can not break
For it has become apart of me
And I've fallen for the chain
The chain of misery

Why have you done this?
Why have you cursed me?
Why I ask you

And all you do is stare in silence
While I suffer
Let's sing a song
Both our souls will like
Lets sing a song
Both our hearts will love
For we are a bond
That no force can break
Our love is endless for one another
And the stars our future
And we are each other
In a modern world
We are all humans
No one a slave
No one a master

In a modern world
Skin colour does not matter
Yet it determines our future

How are we human
If no one has humanity

In a modern world
All a slave
All a master
The more I care
The more I get hurt
The more I'm hurt
The less I live
The less I live
The less I'm loved

The world miss treated me
Misused  me
Kicked me down
And left me to die
I drown my sorrows
Hoping to become happy
I burn my pain
Hoping to become stronger

I reject love
And embrace hate instead
In fear of losing myself
Yet I lost myself

While drowning my sorrows
and burning my pain
My sorrows became my happiness
And my pain became my strength

I reject love
And embrace hate instead
Only to protect you
From what I have become
Why must we as individuals
Hide our true selves
For humanity
We are labeled as insane
Labeled as outcasts
If we are different
Why must we change ourselves
Just to be accepted by humanity
We change who we are as individuals
Just to fit in
Just to be one and the same
Is it wrong
To be oneself?
I walk through the desert
The desert of despair
With a ball and chain holding me back
A ball filled with loneliness
And a chain made of you

For you have chained me to loneliness
And made me walk through the dessert
The desert of despair

But alas
I broke free
For I run through the desert
To find an amazon at the end
An amazon of happiness

For I am free
Free to live life
And free to love all
Never could I find the words
Never could I describe what we have
But as long as I knew
You And I have something special

You were there for me
And I was there for you

I will always be there for you
And hope that you will be there for me

I will never forget you
Or the way you way you use to hug me
Nor shall I forget your kindness
And love

I shall always cherish our friendship
Even past the end of time
I'm sorry it took so long
I look at you
And I see your past
I see your present
But most of all your future
Your future of happiness
Your future of purity
But most of all
Your future with me
I'll be by your side till the end
Time will heeled and I'll still be there
For you bring me joy
Your friendship
I'll cherish forever
Even pass the end of time
The leaping monkey
Jumps from branch to branch
Looking for fruit
The fruit of freedom
But finds non
For it is locked in a cage
A cage of life
The mention of his name
Gives her goose bumps
The thought of him
Gives her butterflies

A touch
Makes her world dissapear
A kiss
Makes the whole world dissapear

Living without him
Is not living at all
For loving him
As like the light in her darkness

~Nicholas Jacob Sampson
Aka Zoë
Life goes by
While death stays
Love fades
While hate grows
The world we live in today
Is not the world of yesterday
But the world of tomorrow
Look to the stars to find an answer
An answer of life
And death itself
Do you love me
Or do hate me
You toy with my emotions
As if I'm a doll
You lift me up
So that you can throw me down
You defend me
Only to attack me
And to me you are *****
A ***** I care not for anymore
And thus
Life's a *****
That voice
Could it be
That loving scent
Could it be

I had to see
I had to catch a glimpse of you
Just to see your beauty
Just to see your heart
For you have enchanted me
With one thing
Love I have for you

Could it be
Yes it could
For I
I am in love
In love with you
There was once a darkness
There was once a void
But Light have found a way
A way into my life
A way into my heart

The void is filled
Filled with light
And love
The love light gives
Lights up my darkness
And lets my love shine
I am a boy
A very lonesome boy
Abandoned by the world

I am on an island of solitude
With no way out
It's a prison
A prison where the raging sea
Is my prison wall
And the night sky my ceiling

With the hard rock
And itching leaves
As my pillow and blanket
While the ground my mattress

I am a boy
A very lonesome boy
On an island of solitude

~Nicholas Jacob Sampson
The worst pain is losing
Losing a friend
A true friend
My tears for you are endless
As is my love for you
Yet I'm losing you
Don't let me lose
Don't let me lose you
My only friend
I lost myself
For my soul is broken
My soul is lost
I lost sight of who I am
For I do not know what I became
Have I become darkness
Or is darkness around me
For my soul
My heart
It all feels dark
Nay it is empty
And for what?
A reason I do not know
But what I do know
Is that you fill it
You make me forget
Forget all my problems
All my darkness
Love can **** the soul
Love can revive the soul
Love cripples us
Love heals us

We don't ask for love
We don't search for love
Love asks for us
Love searches for us
And we answer
For it found us, when needed

But in the end
We all sacrifice ourselves
Just to keep love alive
Just to save those
We truly love
So don't force love to stay
Rather embrace love for as long as possible
Then to reject love
A flower was planted
The flower bloomed into a rose
Unaware the rose grew into a tree
A strong tree with many thorns
Like this tree you were strong
Physically and mentally
Like this tree you stood out
In beauty
And brain power
Like this tree people were afraid of you
But also loved you with all their hearts
For you protected them from evil
And showed them love

As the rose fell
You left us all
Yet the tree was left standing
Reminding us of the rose that once was
Like the tree
Our memories will remind us of you
That once was
And will always be
Stood by my side since day one
When I was low
You were down with me
When I was high
You were high with me
And no matter what happened
We always stuck close

And all it took was one word

All I need is ice-cream
Jelly babies
And you
You as a jelly baby
I am not human
Nor am I a god
I am an object
An object misused by many
Misused by you
For I am unwanted
I am an object
Misused by love
Never to be loved again
You were the first I saw
You were the first to speak
The first voice I heard
Than and there I fell
I fell under the spell
The spell of your beauty
Your kindness
And love
Even though we
Weren't close
I still felt close to you
And will never forget you
But I shall miss you dearly
Found myself staring at nature
And then I saw it
I saw the beauty of it
But within that beauty
I saw you

Not only did I just see you
I felt you
Here by me
And within that presence
I felt love

Love for you
I've given you love
I've given you care
I've given you my heart
I gave you all that
And yet I was kicked to the curve
I forgave you
But lost all
All my love
All my care
And all my heart
I lost it all
And walked with my head held high
Never loving again
I don't miss the laughs
Nor do I miss the tears
I miss the pain we shared
The suffering we endured

No one understood our pain
The suffering we endured
Except for us.
Only we knew what it felt like

What we shared
What we had
Was more than just a story
It's as our life

A life we all shared
A life only we knew
One of my happiest moments while facing depression was when I met a group of people about 5 years ago who was going through something similar to me.
The irony of it is that we found happiness in our pain.
Being crucified by society
Just because I'm different
Labelled me as an outcast
Just for the way I think

They want me to bow down
And follow their rules
But how can I
If all they do is deceive

We live in a free world
Yet no one knows freedom
We claim we our own person
Yet we all slaves

When will we realise
Choice is but an illusion
And society a dictator
I am surrounded by pain
Surrounded by by sadness
Is it me
Is it I that causes this pain
This sadness
For I know
You know not this pain
You know not this sadness

For if it is I who caused this
Then let death be me
For all I want
Is for you to be happy
I wish I could turn back the hands of time
Just to spend those moments with you.
I saw your body laying dead
I had no emotion than, but thinking back
from now to than
I regret the last time I said goodbye.
I regret those few hours spent less
Pa Sidney
Gunned down by my thoughts
I mourned your death
Only to be the one who pulled the trigger

Blood dripping from my arms
I protected myself
Only to be the one who cut myself

Gunned down by my enemies
I regret not protecting you
Only to be the one who joins you
Poetry is a language
A language of emotion
A language understood by many
And yet it is a language taken for granted
For so many people out there
Choose to stray from the language
The language of poetry
The language of emotion
Understood by many
Yet taken for granted by many
So let's take a chance on her
Let's take a chance on the beauty
That is poetry
My memories come back to haunt me
My emotions tangle in a web
A web of life
Why am I weak
Is it for others to tremble over me
Or is it because I'm the lil guy
Give me strenngth dear God
Strength to overcome my memories
To over come my emotions
As well as my weaknesses
For only You can do it
And I believe you will
Dear God be with me
As I feel a breeze on me.
I feel your touch on me.
It's a soothing touch.

A loving touch.
A touch I can not resist.

I tried so hard.
Yet failed so miserably.

Have you put a spell on me.
Or have I just fallen deeply for you.

For your touch is calming
Your touch is caring
And I have fallen miserable
I've been hiding
Hiding in the shadow of fear
I've been waiting
Waiting for destiny
And all for too long

Well no longer
I shall not hide
I shall not wait
I shall rise
And conquer all
For I fear non
And wait no longer
All I hear is silence
While so many shout out
All I see nothingness
While so many show off

The world has blinded me
The world has deafen me

I am but drifting along
While others speed by

Watching from a far
How reality deceives us all
The morning was fresh
The morning was new
Oh how I longed
For my sister that is you

When shall our day come
Our day of togetherness
And happiness

I miss you dearly
My lil bundle of joy
Overwhelmed by the darkness of sadness
I was alone in the dark
With no light to shine my way
With no one as a friend

Then you came
You changed all that
For you lit my way in the darkness
Your beauty overcame my sadness
And I could see again

You became my friend
You became my hero
You became my Spidergirl
As the steam rises
I see something in it
My life

I see my past
My present
But not my future

So far I like what I see
Even though the past was tough
But without that past
I wouldn't be standing tall today

Through everything You were there
In all my disbelieves You were there
Even though I didn't acknowledge You

I know it's because of You
That I stand tall today
And I thank You for it

Thank You God
She was just and fair
Walking down the road
With a rose in her hair
Caring for all
And loving one
The one that is me
And only me
O how I love her
For she is just and fair
With a rose in her hair
When days were grim
An angel appeared
When days were dark
She lit a way

A way towards you
We were strangers at first
And yet you knew my pain
You knew my soul

In darkest of days
You lit my world
Gave me love
When no one would
What hurts you today
Makes you stronger tomorrow.
If that was true
I wouldn't be in pain
I wouldn't be in tears

You've killed me
I've killed myself
By loving you
And by loving you
I drowned
I drowned in my tears
I feel trapped
Trapped like a mouse in a box
With no way out
But down

I can't see the sky
The blue sky that is freedom
I can't feel the breeze
The breeze that is love
For I am trapped
In a box
Like a mouse
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