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 Nov 2013 Nhera Rahman
Bilal Kaci
Its winter again
Times’ Getting colder, and darker
And she’s coming home
To take away my lover-
My passionate therapy
Oh she’s come to take my best friend
And whatever is left of my sanity
**Take it, take it all and put them in ******* bags
-But don’t you ******* touch my poetry
A message to an old acquaintance, our encounter is inevitable.
© 2013 Bilal Kaci (All rights reserved)
 Nov 2013 Nhera Rahman
Bilal Kaci
It was a beautiful day
Warmer than the usual
I woke up with thoughts of you
And a cup of black tea
With no sugar, or milk
one single cream
And I watched it explode
Into a white cloud
Of luscious smoke
I watched it spin
I watched it implode
..Dancing alone
Then I dipped my spoon
Tore it away
So I could take a sip
Of this beautiful day..
and I never realized how easy
It was to completely
Life’s subtle beauty
© 2013 Bilal Kaci (All rights reserved)
 Nov 2013 Nhera Rahman
Bilal Kaci
He raised his eyebrows, puckering his lips.
Bearing a watch on each of his wrists,
Along with a large leopard print cowboy hat;
To hide his long shiny inglorious black
I think he noticed me watching, which surely wasn’t new,
Cause he smiled and blinded me with his polished gold tooth.
Under the heels of his leather feet, the side walk shattered,
Walking slowly, he leaves behind what he’s fractured.
-Walking into tomorrow, he starts a new chapter.
 Nov 2013 Nhera Rahman
Bilal Kaci
Do you see? With your light brown eyes;
That I want YOU and not your bashful disguise.
For every hair, that blows in this November wind,
Kissing the smile you try so hard to hold in,
And I hope that my actions tell you, what I should’ve said.
I think I might just love you-
                 But you’re probably better off dead.
They always ask me
"Why is it so hard to trust?"
But the problem is
I tell people I love them,
when I don't.
I tell people I'm fine,
when I'm not.
So how can I trust others
if I can't even trust myself ?

— The End —