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Dec 2013 · 3.1k
Where is the unity?
Nazmi Mahamood Dec 2013
What's wrong with the people and their religion?
People are living like they have no religion.
I think the whole world is addicted to the drama.
Only attracts religious hatred and to things that'll bring you trauma.

but if you only have love and respect for your own religion
Then you only leave space for discrimination
And discrimination only generates hate
And when you hate then you're bound to get irate.

From overseas we try to stop foreign influence
that break our unity and smile for each other.
But we still got racists here with no common sense.
Why forget the fact we all belong to the same mother?

Madness is what you demonstrate
And that's exactly how anger works and operates.
We all need love to get it straight!
Take control of your mind and meditate and let your soul gravitate!

Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu and others too.
Let the religions unity and love flow!
Open your eyes and awake!
You all are Sri Lankans for God's sake!
I found this in my computer. I think I wrote this 4 months ago.
How should I call it? A Parody? A Cover? | I took stuff from the song "Where is the love? by Black Eyed Peas" | No copyright intended. | I just need unity in my country from all the religious hatred. | Let this act as a call for national unity.
Apr 2013 · 863
Good Bye
Nazmi Mahamood Apr 2013
I know you are feeling hollow inside;
like your life's going on a roller coaster ride.
I know its hard for you to bear all this.
that's what happens when all you do is reminisce.
I don't know where to start, I feel I'm lost.
and I guess our love wasn't meant to last.
There's only so many songs to listen
to get you off my mind.
I really loved you with all my heart.
When it all started, I felt like its never going to stop.
but as time passed, it just fell apart.
but then we had to go visit the repair shop.
It was of no use, because at the end all I see is a dismal flop.
My attachment to you has just faded away.
Faded and gone; gone so faraway
Maybe you still love me a lot,
but the truth is I always felt lonely and distraught.
It's better to be alone
than to be with someone who makes me feel lonely.
Good Bye! and please don't frown.
I know you will get stronger and soon you will find your true one and only.
Feb 2013 · 832
Are you strong enough?
Nazmi Mahamood Feb 2013
You know that you can do well.
You know all it takes is just one push.
You know that if you stay patient just one more moment.
You will win the game.
It's not that easy
The pressure keeps increasing.
Body hair turns into needles.
You sweating uncomfortably.
Your nervousness takes over.
Can you make it through?
Sep 2012 · 822
Will you hold my hand?
Nazmi Mahamood Sep 2012
Close your eyes and hold my hand
let me be your guide.
We'll keep on holding together
where ever we go next.
It's like one in a million, the chances of falling
for someone as beautiful as you.
And with every step together
we'll just keep on getting closer.
So, will you take my hand?
Sep 2012 · 2.4k
Nazmi Mahamood Sep 2012
Sometimes in life we feel so depressed,
but unlike you, someone somewhere is not so blessed.
Somewhere in Burma a Muslim weeps,
while the rest of the world sleeps.
Somewhere in the west, Muslims are labelled as terrorists,
after the turn over events of the 9/11 twist.
Somewhere in a country a Muslim struggles to follow the Islamic lifestyle,
while its government gleefully smile.
Somewhere a Muslim brother dies in the midst of  war
while he has nothing to do with all the deaths galore.
Some where a poor dad cries,
when he cant help his family to a bowl of rice.
Somewhere, a Muslim mother painfully sighs,
for his child the last time it closed its eyes.
Some where, a man ponders if Muslims are to be blamed on themselves.
After all, these are their countries and their affairs dispersed on the shelves.
Somewhere the hypocrisy and double standard of the super power countries
towards the Muslims is indeed shocking to see.
Somewhere someone in the world believes people are trying to destroy Islamic values and the Muslim Ummah,
which is  against any human law.
Somewhere, someone is praying "Oh lord! Save this Ummah! and save this people"
from this killing needle.
Somewhere in this world some one must see that Muslims in this world are not totally free
which every suffering soul shall sadly agree.
Aug 2012 · 2.5k
The Muslim
Nazmi Mahamood Aug 2012
They said he was a stranger.
They said he was danger.
This is his story
read and you'll know there's nothing to worry.

He is a boy, a Muslim
He wakes up early and prays like a soldier
He put his books under his arm
and away he goes to school reciting his favorite verses from the Holy Quran
How can you call such a person danger??
He isn't in the top class
but everyone is proud for what he is today.
he doesn't care what others think about him for it is Allah alone he obey.
He helps people when in need
His own food to the hungry he willing feed
Everyone knows him for his humble good deeds.
How can you call such a person a stranger??
Jun 2012 · 773
You are still my friend...
Nazmi Mahamood Jun 2012
You are the friend I wish to be,
for us to separate i can never foresee.
You are the friend I wish not to play hide and seek,
for a friend like you is hard to find; you are unique!
You are the friend that helps me get closer to the Almighty
in the suburbs of Colombo, the largest city
You are the friend I choose to be around
for when I'm down you lift me from the ground.
You are the friend together how amazing we have grown
not just together but even on our own!
You are the friend whose friendship I feel is coming to an end,
but NO!! as long as I look back and share these thoughts with the world it wont for you are my friend.
Nazmi Mahamood Jun 2012
I always knew that I would fall in love someday
but who knew that things like this would head my way
which played a game in a isolated corner of my heart
but now its just broken to pieces apart.

I had my curiosities close to me
Is the sole reason to why i did see
That i was really being used
I could easily take revenge but no I didn't; I let her go and she, I excused

but still crave for vengeance.
I kept my patience and revenge I never took another glance
I gave you yet another chance
but you were seeking interest for my finance

Just so you should know I had the best entertainment
I know its not nice to be entertained and not pay for the event
I guess you were just a clown who came into my life and went
smiling but, only god knows who was happier and content.
May 2012 · 774
Day Dreamer
Nazmi Mahamood May 2012
When she holds you tight
you wonder if this fantasy is right?
because when reality comes to life
You won't find her as your wife.

Wish to god that she can see
herself through my eyes.
I dont think you'll need a degree
because its in your heart, where everything lies.

Day dreamer! You got to make sure,
that in the end its you who'll be with her.
Pledging my devotion,
and getting every potion, across every ocean.

It's not a secret anymore, you change every season
but still you give me every reason
to stay.
So, please don't ask me to leave this fantasy and go away.
Aug 2011 · 975
Miserable girl
Nazmi Mahamood Aug 2011
Her mother was wicked.
Her father was an addict.
Her parents kept her
locked in an attic.

Her only friend
was a tiny bear.
Who had patches
in his fury hair.

She talked to it
when she was alone.
She hugs it tight
with a bleak little groan.

Wounded knees.
A Bruised face.
Why would she be
in such a horrid place?

Her father failed
to pay his debts.
All in vain for
a bunch cigarettes.

The people demanded
their money back.
'Or else,
you will be smacked.'

One night
they arrived.
Her father broke
what he had promised

They ****** the blade
right into his chest.
"You deserve it,
you greedy pest!"

They searched the house.
Killed her wife.
The little girl too, right in her shoulder
the blade pierced, leaving her in grief.

They hurried out.
Before the cops came rushing.
She grabbed her bear
and again started crying

One cop slowly
opened the door.
And found her
lying on the floor.

It must have been bad
to go through so much harm.
But, at least she died
with her best friend in her arms
Last lines inspired to write a story.

'It must have been bad
to go through so much harm
But at least she died
with her best friend in her arms"
Mar 2011 · 1.1k
A moment at night
Nazmi Mahamood Mar 2011
Have you ever woke up
In the middle of the night
And finding there’s still time left to sleep
It's a wonderful feeling. Am i right?

I hear the voice of the night
So much that I can write a long list
All around it was dark
Nightingale singing merrier a trick

The wind blowing shaking every tree
Each leaf racing each other who'll fall down
And gracefully touching the ground
Making to forget every ire

Interesting as always
I tuck in my bed, alas!
I’m too sleepy
To stay awake and enjoy the rest.
Feb 2011 · 995
Nazmi Mahamood Feb 2011
Day after day
I listen to what say
I want to meet you on every opportunity
And that it is what I see in you

I asked success one day
And this is what he had to say
Success won’t come to you
You must find yourself what's true

Work hard and with determination
Success will be closer to you than you can ever imagination
Success please promise you'll stay for me
I'll catch you some day you'll see.

You'll just forget me very soon
Because I’m just one person to you
Still I don’t think it’s really true
I believe you as my friend

Just like the moon shows me the way
When the sun is away
This is why i need you the most
So that you will guide me by and by
"Written by My friend Inamul  and myself"
Feb 2011 · 664
I cry
Nazmi Mahamood Feb 2011
I cry silently
I cry inside of me
I cry hopelessly
Why did you leave me?

I missed your hugs
I missed your kisses
I missed your laughter and love
Most of all I miss you

I still miss the feeling
I once knew
Tear drops fell like rain that day
Because I knew I will never breathe your love again

I wish somebody would tell me it’s not true
About, what I heard about you.
I wish I could say "I love you" just one more time
Grandma, 'I miss you'
"In memory of my Grandma passed away peacefully on Aug 26th 2005"
Jan 2011 · 501
Different start
Nazmi Mahamood Jan 2011
I always know it’s true
About all the things that was said by you
I hear different thoughts in my head
Both good and bad, you made sure I wasn't misled

Till today I received nothing that I wanted
But everyday I got what I needed
Which forever shall I treasure?
And on top of that list is my family for sure

When things go wrong, which most times will,
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,
I feel like quitting forever, when I slip down
My family turns to me and shows me how close I am to the golden crown
Jan 2011 · 800
Farewell 2010
Nazmi Mahamood Jan 2011
crackers bursting across the earth
we heard the loud cries of his birth
it was just like yesterday
when you made our lives to bright from grey

i had the best time with you
which i not knew untill days swiftly flew
time is very cruel
everyone has to go someday,thats life's rule

every morning,i wake up
gaze at the morning twilght
"Isn't this so beutiful or is just my eyesight?"
Memories may haunt but still the best shall i highlight

chereished moments ere you left
was a unforgetable gift
recalling our lives together bring back happy and sad a tear
we did none be fogotten what together we share

They come yonder and leave
but thou art special
because thou art full of meaning and real
which forever shall i belive

I shan't see thou ever after
I shall tresure your every laughter
Now,I say goodbye, 2010
Wish the next is good as you, my dearest friend.
Dec 2010 · 2.0k
Nazmi Mahamood Dec 2010
When close my eyes at night
I feel that nothing is right
People are crying,they are unheard
We keep watching,like everything is blured

Everyone keeps living for today
Through thier life's own way
To everyone's surprise
They still dont realise

How hard they try
From thier hearts they cry
All they can do is look at the sky
and pray

Some are young
they are strong
they could die for one another
but can we trust each other?

What is life's main purpose?
Is it to be famous?
Is it live aimlessly?
It is to accept life with most graciously
Dec 2010 · 634
Nazmi Mahamood Dec 2010
I used to think that every goodbye,
brings the next hello nearby.
But it feels so sad knowing,
that you can never say hello  ever again.

When  you reach you last destination
be brave like a lion
say hello never a goodbye
because you'll never when you'll say hello

If you have already said goodbye
Dont forget to say hello
you are free to go
with lots of thing for you to do
First sad poem written
Nov 2010 · 934
Nazmi Mahamood Nov 2010
World is rich
but yet many people poor
what happen to so called strong bridge
where the world becomes one village in one touch

why not follow the Islamic way?
where they give Sadaka almost everyday.
Earn thy respect
never let it be wrecked

the poor people in the planet
insuffiecient money in their wallet
doubt that they even have one
suffering beneath the sun.

There cant be differences,
between the poor and the rich.
there are more simmilarities,
than difference between the people.
© Nazmi Mahamood
Nov 2010 · 1.9k
Nazmi Mahamood Nov 2010
They say facebook is a crime
For people who a have lot of time
But I’ll say I don’t have lot of time
Does that mean for me it is not crime?

You can’t learn to cook,
If you got facebook.
But if you cook
You share it on facebook

Fun wall,
Super wall,
You write everything that happened in the shopping mall
But why can’t you just say it ,by giving me a call

Chit, chat, chit, chat
You talk about what happen to that little brat
In the end, they can do nothing
All you can do, is keep on chatting

Uploading photos
Thinking maybe  should add a few more logos
You post, they comment
Still you won’t be content

Update your status
Will not make famous
Sometimes you will feel hapless
Forget it,but just don’t be careless

So much notification
But it’s not the place to find real motivation
It’s the mentors’ with great education
So it’s not too late to reach a better destination
© T. N.Minhaj Mahamood

this is my best for now.So please dont palgarise this. thanks
Oct 2010 · 612
Friendship (essay)
Nazmi Mahamood Oct 2010
one day just a day but that day wont make a difference unless you do something for a change.A friend is a friend but a real friend what you really need those friends are hard to find. once you find dont let it go its a worth more than a life time
Oct 2010 · 717
Nazmi Mahamood Oct 2010
I'm so busy
i'm feeling so dizzy
time is short
all we lack is a small support

True love
its all what we talk of
its all what we think of
before we really fall in love

True Friendship
we try build
with such a tight grip
all you is trusting heart

Life is incomplete
without friends so sweet
and a love to simple repeat
the thing we done and said
Oct 2010 · 1.1k
Just imagine
Nazmi Mahamood Oct 2010
Just imagine there are no countries
Instead one big landmass
Where the people live together in ease
Surrounded by peace and harmouny

Just imagine all the people living for today
Creating history everday.
Just imagine sun rising so beutifully
And at night the moon gleaming beutifully in the dark night

Just imagine for one moment
The darkest moment of your life
Lightened by a  smile
And more brighten by a smile in reply.

Just imagine every extraordinary innovation
By a life time of preparation
Life is full of decision
Everday the community is developing

Just imagine your self
Flying among clouds
The wright brothers did
And they were right

Just imagine a simple word
That you have never heard
Can change your life
It’s a small world after all

Just imagine your so close
Yet so far for your self to be expose
Make your parents proud
You make god proud.

Just imagine someone knows
Deep inside your heart
How hard you worked
To reach your destined goals

Just imagine you tried your best
Yet you failed even with every step
You gave it all till nothing was left
Seek out the strength within you to victory
Oct 2010 · 769
Road to Destiny
Nazmi Mahamood Oct 2010
im not so mighty
but i fly so kindly
even when the wind is windy.
i hold on to myself so tightly.
and with just a few more trust in my heart
i shine so brightly.
yet, im so shy
im so blind, with my future before me
When will you be
the reality i want you to be
i dont know the start or end o this adventure
but all is well untill our roads meet together
Oct 2010 · 2.3k
No support, no reason
Nazmi Mahamood Oct 2010
People come,
People go
they leave us forever
but there is one who will stay whatsoever

They are your family and friends
Friends are made
through, putting deferences behind
and together as one strive like the wind

One day you be  the highest
where you will be the finest
don't forget who helped you come here
your friends and family, say them with no fear

let them be appreciated for what they have done
your whole life wouldn't be the same
that made  into such a gem
Everyone needs a stand out person, to give them a small push.

these people knows the right time for you to have it.
Trust them,
accept them,
Oct 2010 · 672
One day
Nazmi Mahamood Oct 2010
One day
you will not be same

One day
you will be the one reading this

One day
you will be judging the actions of others

one day
is just 24 hours
Time flies even when your with the most beutiful flowers

One day
you will think back
on the mistakes you did on your track
which made you correct them
and sticked to you like gum
to never again make that mistake
thats called experiece.
13-Sep 2010
Oct 2010 · 1.2k
Nazmi Mahamood Oct 2010
im late,
the guard is closing the school the gate.
i made it through finding my way to my class
religoues observation has started.

I'm standing without walking
i glance across the ground
see my proud school standing
string and proud

a small gust if wind
blowing across my face
at that moment
i felt somthing....something

inside me wanting to scream out
I'm a ZAHIRIAN and im **** proud of it
Last week, (9 oct 2010)
My school Zahira college and i'm a Zahirian Our vision of 2012
will come true my job will be done in this vision o/l batch 2012
Sep 2010 · 644
I will
Nazmi Mahamood Sep 2010
I will close the window and open the door
I will go walking but not in a vehicle yet think of every human being
I will stand but I will sit too but never foget to get up.
Its not that I never fall,Its that I get up everytime I fall
If a theres anything I’ll catch it with both hand even if it is a ball.
Just like sun shine on world my life will shine in the world.
I will complete what I started even if theres a obstacle to fold
One change leads to another change, but my change will lead to many changes
How far everones voice will reach, my voice will reach everyone thru their own ranges.
Sep 2010 · 1.1k
Unfriendly surprise
Nazmi Mahamood Sep 2010
Noise of the house is creeping,
It keeps me wondering
What’s going on in there
It doesn’t concern me but yet why do I care

Broken paved path
Leading up to the front porch
Broken windows lighted by the fading torch
Shadows looming among homely lawn

The door open ajar
Whoosh came the wind and open the door
The place was dark, and scary as ever.
Creeky floor, haunting theme

Rustling up my feeling
Came a squealing
The ghosts of the house
Ths is too much.

A tap on my shoulder
I screamed out to the skies
The lights were turned on
And together came a SURPIRSE!!
my imaginatoin, how far has it gone. it will grow more
Sep 2010 · 684
Be my friend.
Nazmi Mahamood Sep 2010
I see the darkness fill the street
Yet I see your face shining through the night
And I think to myself what a wonderfull smile
Yeah! I think I’m right

I think it’s better if could stay
You don’t to need pay
But all you need is just to say
That “I wanna be free, and live like you”

Cuz ur a friend, who can see thru me.
Into my heart where I cannot be
But I now can, because of  you.
Thank you for being a friend

i will be the one and only
try to do what u really want
dont care what they say
i will be your best matey
Sep 2010 · 11.7k
Eid Mubarak
Nazmi Mahamood Sep 2010
STANDING SIDE BY SIDE in anticipation,

All kids will see the gift for you and me
the feeling is there till night.

30 days of fasting comes to an end
Together with your family and friends
Wonderful feeling the fills the world with joy, peace and happiness.
Hope that all these belessing will there in the door step of your success

Muslims wake up early morn
Have a bath put new dresses.
family freinds come over
on this joyous day.

**Eid Mubark to all the muslims in the world!!
Aug 2010 · 1.3k
Cherished Moments
Nazmi Mahamood Aug 2010
Once a happy thought gets started,
you can't help but feel warm-hearted.
Spreading through your viens,
where the happiness reigns.

Little moments make life big,
keeping those moment cherished
and making sure none will be perished
you'll think back again when your big.

Recall those pleasent moments,
that was cherished for a time like this.
Sometimes you might wish,
to go back  and live those wonderful memories.
"Once a happy thought gets started, you can't help but feel
warm-hearted." - Anonymous
Aug 2010 · 868
A Smile :)
Nazmi Mahamood Aug 2010
a simple action
with such gracefull style
bringing lovely satisfaction

what brings it?
no will ever admit
every bit
comes in just a second of a split

what joy it brings
the whole thing
should be experinced by everyone
you'll never know it untill its begun.
Jul 2010 · 8.4k
My Country-Sri lanka
Nazmi Mahamood Jul 2010
My country
a land like no other.
just like my mother
i wouldn't want another

so special to me
in different but in every way
i shall bring forth dignity
not tommorow, but everyday

to developement we shall strive
keeping the momentum alive
we shall qualify,
for everything there to justify.

Sri lanka,
the name that spells my honour,
in the life cirlcle.
Just a small miracle.
Jul 2010 · 896
Nazmi Mahamood Jul 2010
It comes and goes
sometimes overflows
but we need to cope
and keep it under our rope

once u see it
try to solve it
even if you are illiterate
or just avoid it

Help people with problems
without any startles
Remember problems are not obsticles
That will keep from reaching your dream

Learn from them
and gleam
the unforseen
Jun 2010 · 631
I was born
Nazmi Mahamood Jun 2010
I was born,
to a very special home.
where i have grown
but now i am alone

So sad and tired
of being so sad
but im so surprised
with this young lad

who came to my home
offered me some food
gave me smile,
which gave me big heart.

Sitting in my nest,
so high up the up in the west
Its all i have known
ahead of a cyclone

What will i do?
but young lad ensured
that i was safe
which earned me a small place in his house.
Jun 2010 · 715
When I see you
Nazmi Mahamood Jun 2010
When I saw you
I felt to,
I wanted to
fall over you.

But I couldn't
because I am not confident
that you'd speak to me
or go crazy.

So I stood there
watching you
go everywhere
which you weren't aware

But i had my own dreams
running through my bloodstreams.
Those are unseen,
but i know they will be true for you are one of them.
Jun 2010 · 1.7k
Future depends on education
Nazmi Mahamood Jun 2010
Education is an essential must,
for everyone.
One day you’ll think back,
and say "Alas! what have I done??"
During the time which decided your future
You disobeyed life's most important rule.
"Seek knowledge from cradle to grave."
There was no foundation,
For the future you would have ignored.’
So don’t miss the opportunity
that you could use prudently.
Have your education recorded,
with high flying colors.
To be honest, what will you lose?
For you waste time when you could be having fun?
No; its for you to  have a brighter future.
Nazmi Mahamood May 2010
Lets march forward
With a striking word
Lets share our ideas
And hear thier voices
Lets shine our torches,
Throughout the ages.
Let’s make a better place,
For the future to embrace.
let’s put a  great struggle,
To stick to our schedule.
Let’s smile,
For a little while,
And make it worthwhile.
Lets unite
And flash our light
To every corner with might.
Peace shall rise,
With the sunrise
War shall only have goodbyes
While people creating more ties
Apr 2010 · 902
Nazmi Mahamood Apr 2010
Life is a marvelous creation.
Created with compassion
with a combination
of a lot of emotion.
Life is almost similar to Newton's Law of motion;
"Every action has an equal and opposite reaction"
People live across the seven oceans
and live a life of fast motion.
The faster, the less they know about the people dying of explosion.
These are happening not because of natural reasons it happens because of us just like soil erosion.
One answer to all these problems; apply the PEACE lotion
around the world and witness an outburst of happy emotions. :)
Apr 2010 · 1.5k
The party
Nazmi Mahamood Apr 2010
It was late in the night.
There was a party
at the top of the balcony
I rushed to the party impatiently.

The dance floor was packed
with people dancing at their very best.
I jumped and started dancing excitedly
and my moves started expanding.

What a great party it was;
I was so **** tired
I felt like a tired bird
I had to go home for I was too tired to utter a word.
The first poem that I put up on this website. :)

— The End —