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Nathan Porter Oct 2017
The person was lonely.
This person was unused to such a feeling.
The person was solemnly
Studying their bedroom ceiling.

If the person looked hard enough
They could see another’s face
If the person ignored the life that was rough
They could ignore their fall from grace.

The other’s face mocked them so
It teased and prodded the human
It made their face go all aglow
as rage grew deep down within

But the rage withered
and the sorrow conquered
And the contemplative human
Knew he was still not a man.

He rose and fell down once again
His body rendered useless as it had been.

Struck down by the face that mocked his very being
The one he’d promised all to
The one he thought that he could believe in
The one he knew could’ve flew
If only she’d chosen to be within
His heart as well as his home.

But he lost his faith,
his body and soul broken
****** away by a terrible wraith

His mind, usually so outspoken,
chose to reside within instead.

He lived within his broken body
His soul not much better off.
And when one night she came back dripping
There was no one there to dry her off.

She’d left and he’d sent his soul away after
For he knew he could not take it anymore
For she could never how how madly he was enraptured
and how quickly his body faded, dangerous and sure.
Nathan Porter Sep 2017
The least ignorant
know the answer intrinsically.

The commoner knows little
But asks barely and distantly
When they do bother to wonder aloud.

And if someone is curious enough to ask too many a time
The crowd points them out and cries out "insanity!"
Nathan Porter Jun 2017
I’m not asking for an excuse,
I’m not saying I feel abuse

But my mind and my soul
Lacking explanation, stay cold.

Surprises promised, love attached,
Care for me, explanations lack

You claim incapability,
You claim to not see me

Your explanations lack gravity
And truth is lacking as far as I can see


I regret yelling that,
But I know I can’t take it back
You tell me not to erase poetry,
But that isn’t me, that screaming banshee.

I should stop
Cease and desist
I just wish to be kissed

But I can’t stop overthinking
What do you mean?

Is there a reason you won’t meet my eyes?
Is there any possibility of lies?

I know the answer
Burning in me like a cancer

Killing my will
Trying harder still

Pining for your gaze,
You won’t meet my eyes
I try to count the ways
It’s possible that I’m despised

You laugh as you say it,
You won’t hold my only contact,
My heart still being crushed
Forced to be compact

Why is it funny?
What have I missed?
Why are you laughing?
What’s so funny about destroying my existence?

Not even a glance.
There wasn’t a chance
The lack of your eyes
Stabs like a lance

I don’t understand,
What’s the surprise?
What’s so important?
It matters more than my eyes?

My chest is burning
My throat in flames
Is there a reason?
An explanation for my pains?

An explanation would solve all
And save my heart, before it falls
I hear your name from my heart
As out for you it calls.
But I can’t cry
The tears refuse
But in your gaze
I wasn’t allowed refuge

Overthinking the whole thing
Of that I’m the king
You’d think by now my head would ring
With all the times, to you I cling

Overprotection is an excuse
Overreaction is the truth
The only real explanation
Is the shame that comes with my emancipation

Freedom leading to my demise
My words coming back, this time as cries
Nathan Porter Jun 2017
The literal marked difference,
My pleads you pay no deference
Your eyes so beautiful, brimming with pain
My worry unrestrained
You couldn’t ever know
How long the scars would show
You can see the marked difference
My pain matches yours
But my skin is unmarked,
Clean down to my pores
Despite my clear skin
To feel this is no win
To make a claim to pain
You must first understand the magnitude of mine
To emphasize is never fine,
if your pain is as acute as mine,
Superbly feeling every pain
I can understand your shame.
My eyes ever moist
I can understand your choice
For this pain requires distraction
And that leads to self destruction
But I don’t care about the normal pain
It's far less acute than this
My heart, it turns and twists
My pain transferred to wrists
No matter how much I may be missed
No matter my no more kiss
I can never again feel your bliss
And your face is sadder now
I’ve left for good now
You seem to miss me as much as I knew you would
And I always knew you never could
Handle it when I left,
Your tearful face kills me more than the blood lost
As into another world I have crossed
I send my final goodbyes
A miniscule note
You don’t seem to realize
I never awoke
From the dream of our future,
I shattered it myself
Now you must put it away,
On a far distant shelf
Find another one, I urge
Someone who won’t come along and purge
Your emotions from you, my loving prince
Keep someone else here, with less of a price.
Nathan Porter Jun 2017
My mother’s best friends I never knew
Because I believe, no, I’m certain
that trust of other people she eschewed
As behind fake smiles she hid her pain behind a curtain

My own best friends, I ever called my allies
But I was a child then, and I gave them no fights

My new best friends, among them, my bestest.
I seem to fight rarely, but that could always change
To ask them for help, my always request.
But maybe it’s time to expand my range.

Maybe one day I’ll have newer best friends
And with them I’ll achieve childhood again.

But perhaps my greatest dream is to make friends of my enemies
Because if being around them changes from bitter chilled freeze
To a whole, nice, summer breeze
Perhaps I would never treat my true friends unkindly

But even beyond that
For my daughter of the future
For my lovely little girl
I will make pals of the monsters under the bed
Just so she can sleep smiling, as stories to her are read.
Nathan Porter Jun 2017
For the first time in a long time
When I put my pen on paper
I feel no burning sadness
A total lack of anger.

A good bed rest, with a loving girl added
I feel better now, my heart is free-er of strife
Making me have a better day, concern is not needed
Happiness around me, glowing bright about my life

But my worry refuses ceasing,
My concern ever increasing

At least today you smiled
As I wish we both had whiled

The day yesterday
With a little more like that
Always for you I pray
Even while we sat.

Your head aching,
Your body shivering
Scared to leave you
My heart was quivering

But today is a new day
I’m no longer stressed
With your happiness
I have been blessed

I’ll keep you smiling
All throughout the day
Because only for you
Does my heart burn this way.
Nathan Porter Jun 2017
Many people pose the question
The one of many with a hard answer
If for this answer you begin questing
You may find yourself lost evermore.

The question sought to be solved
The question to answer many are called

The question of course, posed till we die
Is “Who, Am, I?”

The answer:
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