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1.5k · Sep 2012
Spring (Flowers and Weeds)
Nathan French Sep 2012
Spring has come, the time of change, of rebirth,,
For flowers to bloom, and for I to grow again.
Spring has come, a chance to start, begin anew,
As the earth heals, from Winter's icy grasping hold.

Grassy tendrils, seeds that offer me hope,
Weeds as well, if I don't take the opportunity.
Both coexist, however, to an extent, in all of us,
And that is what this Spring has taught me.

This spring has shown me, that I have my weeds,
This spring has shown me that you have yours too,
But we must look beyond that, when we see one another,
We must see that the taint and purity cannot exist in isolation.

The spring is passing, as it always does, but shall come again,
And cloak the darkness that is the winter, the flower of the seasons,
Fighting the cold, staving the dark, killing the weeds, but not all,
For without the weeds, the flowers would wilt, and die, never to return.
A little bit I whipped together for AP English, thought I should post it.
746 · Apr 2012
Nathan French Apr 2012

Drift away, let it fade,
Nothing left to see.
No more sorrow in which to wade,
No more stormy seas.

Page by page, burn the book.
No more lies and pain.
Simply take a closer look,
You'll see, t'was all in vain.

The time is gone, the book is dead,
Devoured by the smoke.
All your fears, evaporated,
A cloud on which to choke.

The pain is only yours to bear,
You feel it, all alone.
To where you'll flee, I do not know,
But flee far from house and home.

Nothing left for you to think,
But that night you loathe and fear
In which you lost all you loved,
and all that you held dear.

Drift away, let it fade,
Nothing left to see.
No more sorrow in which to wade,
No more stormy seas.

706 · Apr 2012
The World-Eater
Nathan French Apr 2012
The world-eater has come to play,
None can hide, try as they may.
The night has fallen, the curtain drawn,
To never see another dawn.

Man-kind is at its end,
Life, from all its bodies, rend.
In thrall before the curtain,
Death is imminent and certain.

The shadows, now, will fall,
And the dark will come for all.
None escape its tooth and claw,
Nor hide from deadly scythe and maw.

The world-eater has come to play,
None can hide, try as they may.
The night has fallen, the curtain drawn,
To never see another dawn.
599 · May 2012
The Fall
Nathan French May 2012
Far from the heights, the tragic, headlong fall,
The lives now lost, consumed by endless rain.
Their tales linger on, a sign to all, that fated death,
The final end that none doth dare escape,
Nor hide, nor flee from all things tried in vain.
The bane, the eternal hunger, engulfing every life.

The stream that carries souls through life,
Always boils down to that one final fall,
In which all tears and sorrows harshly rain,
To crash barren earth, found only in death.
The biting cold of the earth, we can't escape,
Nor defeat, nor shake, nor deny in tragic vain.

To flee, to fly, to fight, all done in futile vain,
For all are someday cut from gentle life.
From stable standing, all do harshly fall,
Succumbed to cruel and soaking torrential rain.
You cannot find the answer, not in death.
To know of it is the only true found escape.

Those who find the truth do 'tempt escape,
But later see, all they've done was in vain,
For death will soon devour every soul, every life,
And all are pushed abruptly, into unending fall.
The leaves shrivel and die, the fall of unending rain,
But none can find the truth; not in life, nor in death.

A flight away will never take far from death,
Those who bid for a fruitless, failed escape,
And all who seek serenity see their flight is in vain,
For death's graceful end comes soon to all of life.
It rends the mind and leaves it for the eternal fall,
The fall of oh so many, the fall of endless rain.

And all can still see this empty, hollow rain,
This rain, of souls, now forgotten, long gone from death,
Of Souls that just couldn't quite find a way to escape.
Of Souls that tried to flee from death, and died in failing vain.
Of Souls that sought a futile bid for an end to life.
Of Souls that now are consumed by unyielding, eternal fall.

So many do escape, though all do so in vain,
For all of life is just a fall,
A falling rain that leads away to death.

This is a sestina I wrote. I can't promise it's any good, but I enjoyed writing it, and I hope you enjoy reading it.
*5-12-12: Made some minor tweaks.
475 · Apr 2012
If Only
Nathan French Apr 2012
If only I could close my eyes,
And make it go away.
If only I could cut it off,
And never be its prey.

If only I could end it now,
And never be afraid,
If only I could fade away,
Become a solemn shade.

— The End —