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I need to lose myself for a night
Go out and dance to the beat of the music
Forget about reality
Enjoy the flashing lights
The pounding bass
Letting loose
Dancing with that hot guy
Until the sun begins to rise
And reality begins again
Taking a sip of tea
I look outside to see
The streets soaked from the rain
I wish the rain would wash away my pain
Wrapped in a robe so soft
Sitting in my New York City loft
I get a piece of paper and pen
Writing is my zen
Calming me
In ways you cannot see
Taking another sip of tea
I give myself up to the words
Flying free from my heart like birds
Six months ago I fell for a boy
I fell for his personality
He fell for my body
Six months later he still has not left my mind
But now when he comes to my mind
I'm not sure if I liked him
Or if I liked the idea of him

And now I ask myself everyday is

Did I fall for you?
*or the idea of you?
Do ever feel like running away?
Disappearing into the night
changing your phone number
deleting your facebook
twitter, instagram, pintrest, tumblr
leaving no trace of where your going

Do you ever want to start a new life?
moving to a new city
and starting over
where no one knows you

Maybe one day I'll do just that....
I spent my whole life
surrounded by people whose hearts have been broken
not once
not even twice
And I promised myself I would never make their mistakes
But I didn't know it would only take
one night
one guy
one kiss
one lie
To break that promise
She** was hurt
Her trust was broken
She no longer believed
She felt used
And she wanted the pain to go away

So she went out every weekend
Numbed her pain with liquid poison
Pushed her luck with strange men
Who did not care about her
Because she did not believe she deserved better

She did not want to feel ever again
She thought she would never be Brave enough to feel again
I breath in the misty air
The birds are chirping everywhere
I pass by a nearby stream
Where fishes looked a sparkling green
The waterfall sprays cold mist
Where Romeo and Juliet once kissed
The sun shines on the forest floor
While I eat an apple to its core
Insects fly and crawl around
A rainbow stone was also found
The leaves are green with big raindrops
They are as big as two gumdrops
The ground is wet and full of mud
The flowers are about to bud
A beautiful and gracious butterfly
It's wings the color of the sky
But now my trip is over
My souvenir is a four leaf clover
But what I will never forget
Are the animals and insects I met
This was my very first poem I had ever written. I wrote this in the 6th grade and it was this poem that made me realize that I loved writing poetry
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