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I open my school locker on Valentine's day
And what do I find but a note of some sort
I open it up and what does it say?
My admirer wrote, "Come meet me at the fort"
So I after school I walk on home
To find my house covered in red and pink foam
I see a boy walk to the fort
I get so nervous my breath is cut short
And what do I find in all of God's powers
Is my little brother holding some flowers
A wall made of stone
My flesh stripped to the bone
Why do I always end up alone?
Laying in bed all night
Thinking that this isn't right

My heart is closed to love
As much as I try to open my soul
I feel like a bomb just opened a hole
in my heart
My heart of stone
But it refuses to feel
As much as I try
My hearts an unbreakable seal

I keep waiting for that day
When I find the guy
Who won't cheat or lie
Someone who will be able to break
The seal to my heart
My heart of stone

And I'll no longer be alone
The stars twinkle like glitter
The wind gently touches my hair
The night air caresses my skin
Sitting in the grass
A cool summer night
Thinking about my life
As the crickets chirp
And the frogs croak
I see a shooting star
Make a wish
For a life full of happiness and love
I look back in the past
To the memories that will always last
To the smiles and the tears
The shouts and the cheers
All the kiss and hugs

I look back to the happiness
Those were the times I loved best
Spent with family and friends
With them the fun never ends

Sometimes I wish I could go back in time
A mountain is what I will climb
So I can go back to familiar places
And I know it won't be a waste

To give that loved one, one last hug and kiss
It would be priceless
And that is what I miss
My family is crazy
and sometimes a little lazy
We dance and sing with each other
We take care of one another
Making fun of my uncles and aunts
and listening to their rants

Our inside jokes make no sense
and there are never any times that are tense
These people taught me to love in another way
and to believe in what I think and say
They'll support me through thick and thin
even if I sin
This is a very old poem I wrote years ago
I wish I hated you
I want to hate you
I desire to hate you
I hate you
I see a picture of you
I hear your voice
You text me
You like my Facebook status
I remember all the good times we had
I don’t hate you
I never will hate you
Even after all the **** you put me through

And I hate it

— The End —