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Natt Feb 2019
make your heart skip a beat
thats what i want to be able to do
Natt Jan 2019
One of my favorite feelings in the world
Is when you make me fall deeper in love with you
When I thought my love for you had reached its peak
Natt Jan 2019
I might be uncertain about a few things
I might be worried
But whenever I look into your eyes
I know everything’s going to be alright
The feeling you give me
It’s uncomparable to anything I’ve felt before
I look into your eyes
And that’s when it hits me everytime
I love you
I’m in love with you
And I know I could look into those eyes forever
Natt Jan 2019
I admire you
There’s something in you that I love
Not that I don’t love all of you
But you have this spontaneity in life
You love new experiences
You always have this urge for change
You always want to be kept on your feet
And I honestly love that in you
You see things in different ways
You see them in a way i never thought they could be
You complete me in a way I never knew I needed
Natt Dec 2018
Do you believe in soulmates?
If someone had asked me that question 2 months ago I would have said no
But a month ago,
I met you
And you changed my world
Now I see it in a new light.
You appeared out of no where
And yet you were right in front of me all these years.
So do I believe in soulmates?
Yes I do.
Because I found mine
And he’s the one that completes me now.
Natt Nov 2018
I’ve been confused about a lot of things lately
It’s kind of annoying not knowing exactly what you want
But no matter how confused I get
Or how uncertain I become about some of my choices
The only thing I’m sure will never change is you
how I feel for you
And my love for you
Natt Nov 2018
How did I end up so lucky?
That’s what I’ve been wondering,
Where we are now,
It’s magical...
And I couldn’t be happier.
I don’t think I’ve ever felt as happy or as safe as when I’m in your arms.
Every time I look at you,
Even a simple glance makes my heart melt.
You honestly leave me speechless,
I try to come up with ways of expressing my feelings,
But all I can say is:
I love you
all of you
today, tomorrow and always
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