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Natt Jan 2018
That stare,
That glance,
Those eyes,
Oh I see them wonder around.
Spreading like a virus,
Infecting our lives,
Why are simple things,
Such small things,
Causing so much pain,
For they are the reason why,
The reason why we fear,

We fear that our hearts will be broken
We fear that our precious
reputation will be lost
And to this day we wonder
Oh how nice would the world be!
Without jealousy in our lives.
Natt Jan 2018
Expressing your emotions.
Living life to its fullest.

Showing you what you feel in another way.
Making you feel things through it.

Giving your story a meaning.
Showing people what your story really is.

Entertaining a bunch of strangers.
Making connections with new people.

That's what a song really is.
Natt Jan 2018
Thoughts are weird.
Thoughts are strange.
They're the things the come into your mind in the middle of the night.
That's when you think about it.
And if you're thoughts are as weird as mine
Well good luck then,
Because you're in for a hell of a ride.
An example of my thoughts are through my previous poems, weird, very weird

— The End —