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The blackness of a  hole
A hole of dissappiontment you left me with
I had hopes and dreams
Dreams you stripped me of
You were my life
Meant to be together for ever
I died the day you told me you don't love me
I'm right in front of you
Don't you see me
Am i invisible?
Icould be the joy in your life
But you keep looking
Looking for what?
You get hurt
And i am there
But you still don't see me
She a gentle flower swaying in the breeze
Standing alone but strong and proud
Beautiful petals around a long thin stalk
A breeze can't ruffle any petals
Taking care, making food
Will fight to survive in a hail storm
Can brighten any ones day with a radiant smile
Anchored to the ground
No one can move her
Can't last forever
But will be remembered
Leaving lasting impressions
To the worlds most amazing and strong mother
Bars on the windows
Trapped inside
No escape
No way to relieve your pain
Locked inside your own thoughts and fears
Uncontrollable sadness
Many people around you
Yet you feel all alone
Our lives might change
We could move apart
But no matter how far we are apart
Nothing will change the memories we share
The wonderful friend i will always remember
The days you were always by my side
No space apart, no border or ocean between us
Can change the friendship we share
To an amazing friend who now resides in Austrailia
I never got to choose any of you
Didn't have a choice what family
But if i did
I wouldn't change any one of you
A family full of love and support
A circle filled with happiness and joy
I am blessed to have all of you in my life
I love you with all my heart
To the most amazing family one could ask for
Who would have thought it possible for us to meet
One night, one sight
Can it be possible?
For something to happen so easily
Something that shouldn't only be friendship
Something more
Who knows what will happen
Always living in the unknown
Wondering what's next
A chance of happiness?
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