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The simple touch you gave to me
The simple touch you did to me
Made rivers flow
Brought all security to come down
Home not a safe haven any more
Emptyness with someone next to me
Reminds me of what you did to me
The touch you did took me away
Took the ability to love and trust
I am just a body waiting to fade away
I wonder if i ever cross your mind sometimes
I wonder if you really love me
Or are you just trying to keep me on a string for a maybe
Or was it an easy way out
Do you even cry about losing the one you said was your only
Cause i do
I wandered lonely as a cloud
There but partly transparent
People don't take much time to look at me
I merely exist
Expected to always to be there when you turn to me
Look like all the others from one glance
But take time to spend with me and you'll see
I'm different
I disappear into a dark black hole
A place to hide
A soft appearance, easily hurt
Change form to suit others
Floating along waiting to be seen
You were apart of my life
Didn't see you much
Didn't play a big part
But when you passed
It stil left a hole in my heart
Wish i could have known you more
It tears me apart
To know that i can't change it now
Pull me up from the weights holding me
Set me free to spread my wings
Open my heart to possibilities
Change my world
Remove the walls surrounding me
Break the fears holding me back
Inspire me to be great
Hold my hand
You turned my life upside down
I'm haunted by your face
Memories always in my head
But you go on as normal
You tore me apart
Took a knife to my heart
Everything around me came crashing down
I felt i would never be able to get up
Strangled by pain
Pain you caused
I'm scared
I want to love you
I want to protect you
Keep you safe
Let nothing hurt you
I want to make you fight
Fight for a life worth living
I'm scared i give you my heart
And then you're gone
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