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 Aug 2013 Naomi Perez
Lexy Garcia
dark bags reside,
under my forest green eyes.
the thunder is silent,
almost like a mute lion attempting to roar.
the shame is nonexistent,
and the beauty is awing.

 Aug 2013 Naomi Perez
I've come to the conclusion that

the scar on your left knuckle

and the string of bruises you wear on your wrist like a bracelet

is connected to the crush of your father's fist

against your mothers chin when he's drunk.

The map of  your neighborhood

was already circled in red for all the places

you could possibly go to avoid

slurred phone calls in the middle of work

full of stuttering apologies.

You overheard your mother talking with your brother once

when you were eight. How do I get out? she asked.

I don’t know, he replied. How does anyone?

But there are over seventy shades of blue in the world,

and not a single one of them matches the sound of your fathers voice

when he murmurs I’m sorry, it won’t happen again.
the ominous sound
of howling dogs
in the night air
the villagers knew
what the continual
howling meant
there would be a death
then two after that
the dogs
were never wrong
deaths in the village
always came in threes
howling through the night
a portent of demise
 Aug 2013 Naomi Perez
Lexy Garcia
two beings,
into one.
a collision like how the sun meets the horizon,
in a beautiful blend.
the beauty awes everyone,
yet are there those against,
those who want the sun up higher,
not to wander anywhere near the vicinity of the horizon.
 Aug 2013 Naomi Perez
Lexy Garcia
October 23nd our worlds collided,
                       but we could not see the end.
Late nights filled with drunken talks,
                       thoughts never to be spoken sober.
My arms were lonely and abused,
                       yet you brought love upon them.
You had found a broken angel,
                       and turned her into an ill demon as yourself.
Talks of drugs and explorations banned in your worlds,
                       that little innocent girl was soon killed off.
Eventually you grew tired because she was not herself,
                       yet you were the one who had made her into a demon.
She eventually sobered up,
                       from the pain and intoxication and grabbed her wings and flew.
She begged for forgiveness,
                       yet could never revert back.
You grew to miss her,
                       at least that's what you made her believe.
You had changed,
                       you were no longer the demon,
                                              you were the devil.
You tormented her,
                       til her arms became to bleed black.
She could not satisfy your desires,
                       she was a weak slave in your eyes,
                                              unworthy of anything.
Once again,
                      her heart and soul collapsed,
                                              the pain destroyed her.
As did you,
                       mighty lover.
You destroyed her most of all,
                       yet beware;
Just because you created her, does not mean you can control her.
                       She's returning for her revenge.

Woops, first poem. Constructive criticism please? :-)

— The End —