,,A trance ,probing "
"a dictum //
intricate,ruby mayb quite& itt comes
" down the rAbbit hole" in time,
a-room built off crystALs&&the orbs
again again again again as
thiss keps coming in in-blocks/compeletly-A-solatire-
/pristine in,here , itt-wass , inn rapture.as it
,is, now,was liked pretty muchh
the behemouth my mann , done /repeatdly,
forr everr it isbent
everytime,everytthing tht i cann remember
a lott off withering / whineingg,
lott off talks just mi-alone
and this i remmember
"she" is the sheep she said
, drifting /at angles/only lonely
all the bigg/pretty pearls
forr manny many more pages to come
she says it polietly
that it delves deep some place ,here