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284 · Sep 2015
7, starry night
Nancy Delgado Sep 2015
antique platters of synchronized hearts
stamped with eternity from the beginning
yet, foolishly dancing the night away.

as if the breaking dawn is honestly promised.
oh, weary traveler,
find rest under the moon light.
for herein is thee one and only  
everlasting river that'll quench your soul's thirst.
in abundance- grow, my dear...
you are not meant to stay a seed to be thrown away,
if, you have already questioned the planets' Maker
and amongst this wandering- there has been a momentary
fear and tremble along with an annoyance of self
truly, the Author of life is in your midst.
be prepared for the breaking down of the walls you took years to build up

regardless, when He comes, breaking through glorious thundering clouds of sheer mystery above your weary soul, you'll be remade into a modeled castle,
pointing to that which is soon to come.
282 · May 2016
Nancy Delgado May 2016
i will stand like the trees in the rain, simply accepting the storm - seeing that the showers bring much fruition
280 · Feb 2015
A miracle
Nancy Delgado Feb 2015
Still, without breath
Melted by thunder
Alive for the first time
276 · Dec 2015
a w a k e
Nancy Delgado Dec 2015
observe your actions. submit em and your thoughts to the LORD for He alone knows what you need. do not doubt what He has so mercifully proven but do test yourself constantly. a challenge is necessary in order to fall deeper into the Beloved. from glory to glory- testify. submit every fibre of your bones. He is all the strength you need. indeed all the strength you have.
276 · May 2016
Nancy Delgado May 2016
filled with a glimpse of this love that is immovable, ever unchangeable all the while remaining unconditional and overall unfathomable
i'm praying that this time i will not look to anybody, no, not to anything but keep my eyes ever praising my only Shelter above. it is only here that i can understand anybody, yes and anything correctly. it is here that any can be cured, even the weakest, yes even you and me.
271 · Oct 2015
Nancy Delgado Oct 2015
waiting is my morning cup of coffee and ink is splattered on my bedsheets yet,
there aren't many enough words to explain waiting

a feeling of wanting to tear your own skin to a meditation of glancing towards the stars above.
the in-betweens are mere sites of canvases that, for the most part,
have been created by man's foolishness dressed as a genius luxury yet i try not to give them a second thought for their fancies flee and my contentment tells of an Eternal.

push me in if You have too- may i fall into the river of unending mercy at once-
but may it be You who brings me, may it always be You who sickens me with love and yet, refreshes me with warmth.
270 · Feb 2015
Nancy Delgado Feb 2015
time, a dance of shadows
scattered, going and being gathered
all the while eternity is at hand
don't focus on deceiving definitions of meaning
for it is not something to be gained but to breathe in.
265 · Feb 2015
Eternal Community
Nancy Delgado Feb 2015
Our conversation does not follow time's rules as it goes on and on for all of my days
suddenly, what i thought was kept in secret is most intimately displayed right in front of me.
a mere detail of what i thought my introduction towards getting to know each other was became a reality,
instantly did my soul smile. filled with wonder, under the shower of Your love that brings down droplets of pure mercy. a simple telling of what i didn't even focus on became seen and not just by me but by all. made me realize that it is You who will ever hear me, truly listen and know the smallest details, bring them before all into the Light and inform me of my deepest love for before this i saw a mere fragment always concealed, a blur. You brought forth clarity. Witnessed by all but known by me. Chaser of my heart, there will never be another One.
263 · Oct 2015
the longing.
Nancy Delgado Oct 2015
on the road for various hours
i've lost count
You remain

my midnight star
my sunlight

constant in my absence
You remain

i cling to these maps
when my Beloved's hands are extended towards me
move every mountain away,
Your light is all my soul craves.
illuminate this path
oh i ask for patience to see
in Your unstained time-
although limited to me-
You've already planned it all.
help me see this is all that matters...
to be in Your hands.
262 · Jun 2015
Nancy Delgado Jun 2015
whispers of Lightning wake me from the resented slumber
once again do i fail to captivate
still, i cling to the reality of an illuminating rain
that will move me through the Love that is mighty to say-
"Eternity is at My hand,"
&, "come now, my Bride."
He breathes, all melts away.
252 · Sep 2015
Me as eve
Nancy Delgado Sep 2015
freedoms’ perfume lavished me
and loves’ petals clothed me, 
my eyes were perfectly shut
and innocence was my life
held hands with my beings’ Designer
until lies’ deceiving yet
ever so attracting shadow dawned 
upon the opening of my soul that began departing
as soon as i desired that which
was not mine own- nor was ever meant for my use.
so easily did it lure me in 
yet, the consequence became the stain that haunts me to this day.
with a disguise to seem but a hint of elegant,
its’ eloquent speech surrounds me still-
though the spiraling downward brings eternal destruction, 
my Makers’ arm extended towards me- lifted me
by the way of the Blood that immersed thee mark of death away-
i am called daughter and in His hand i do rest.
even now- the Resurrected prays for my soul.
Perfect unity awaits me…
246 · Jun 2015
becoming who i am:
Nancy Delgado Jun 2015
learned what is needed
in the *****
sent into the unknown
to tell of all the magic
taught to me
embracing it
as i remain held,
i grow
237 · Dec 2015
waiting in waiting.
Nancy Delgado Dec 2015
though this basket of abundance has been handed over to me
i flee and look for other containers
yes, perhaps a cup could fill my longing- a mere cup of something that promises only for the journey that takes me back
for they all do this, every single one of them.
oh- for how long must i keep doing this, if my treasure is mine already?
where has He gone now? His flowers do not have the joyful scent to them anymore and His fruits are no longer seen anywhere... but the Son still shines- there's still the moon over me, accompanied with the many stars... His children- precious promises.
233 · Feb 2015
Nancy Delgado Feb 2015
foggy view
longing heart
open your eyes
home is near
232 · Oct 2015
Nancy Delgado Oct 2015
surely, i am still being awakened

the comforting sheets of
distant lands have kept me away;
my ship is here
and my travel is heavenly.

the Son shines and therefore, i must go.
228 · Jan 2015
Nancy Delgado Jan 2015
Taste the sky, see new stars
Drop your hardwired heart and mind at the door, prepare yourself for the flames spoken towards you, about you
Look beyond the nebulas, know you're in Eternity's hands
Hold and behold
Let the languages of nothingness dissolve as you discover Secret's whisperings tell your life story like you've never dreamt of before
Put on the moon, dress in the sun rays that will so easily delay all other passing aways, such infamous costumes cannot touch you my beloved
Enter your reign and get done with the games
An intertwined birth right given to us by the One from which redemptive blood flows out to deliver
Fly beyond the lies, you never did settle
Truth knew and was waiting for you to be still
Now, go without regret of full abandonment for surely there cannot be a light that misses being diminished, a sound wanting to be cut off from our ears, it is at the great separative mystery where all will see that division lived in all roots, growing to display the difference between tale and reality, revealing the frozen hearts and the hearts branded by glorious fire
Having the Son as our warmth, we will never look back
With new identities we run this race with grace given freely by the King who abolished death forevermore
All in Him will be brought to a different seat of judgement, beholding His light in all His shining beauty, in a fear brought by awe rather than shame
Because of this freedom we sing and dance now
Because there is a Day we will enter into and be permanently Home
So we breathe and we fight through the Spirit, knowing that we are made fully alive by wanting Him to show His face now, rather than losing patience, we wait with joy for His promise to be fulfilled
You are either waiting or vainly living, fighting or blindly going
Listening to earth sing for thee Return or completely deaf to it
Surely there is only One with us, whether Risen or ashes to you, He is returning soon
207 · Feb 2015
dream of a tree, a reality
Nancy Delgado Feb 2015
whispering truth in my dreams, awakened to them being a reality, my eyes gain true strength to look up, I bow, at last, new life
199 · Dec 2015
Nancy Delgado Dec 2015
constellations strumming through the nature that once was and the dawn that did set it and is still breaking in-
thunderous mountains move as Christ speaks.
in assurance from the truly Beloveds' warmth upon the blue...
it'll make sense once it makes sense.
for now, turn, turn and keep on turning- looking unto the Son that perfects all parallel dimensions in you that never wanted to be a part of this artistry.
temptations without a home, give them no pillow to rest in your paper heart.
this is for Him to write on alone and the fleeting desires are but flames that crave for a name but you, having once been lifted are part of all the everlasting winds- which now rest as comfort in your very veins- resembling the morning to come- hold on, soon He'll come...
197 · Jun 2015
Nancy Delgado Jun 2015
wrap me in sheets of grace
that i may breathe in the Son's love and exhale joy freely-given.

let my days consist of constant self-forgetfulness and full consciousness of Thee,  Eternal God.

may i learn to receive grace and cling to it for every second i am prone to leave it for a pursuit of making myself known yet- it is the very thing keeping me alive.

without grace, i am not.

— The End —