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Najwa Kareem Dec 2017
Smell of fresh air as I inhale
Snow falling on my nose and eyelashes
Cold at the same time not so cold
my hands and fingertips feeling like ice cubes
Tiny snow flakes falling slowly and some falling fast
appearing like dust in the air
BMW and Audi hoods and windows with a light coating
Now it's cold
Najwa Kareem Nov 2017
Tick, tick, crackle, pop
On a blessed Friday they drop

Like firecrackers, flickers of white light reflecting on glass
Creating images of thinly broken ice melting away as they pass

Second by second, pieces joining together harmoniously
Waterfalls painted on windows, I hear a symphony

At the bottom of every pane, each waterfall becoming a raindrop again
Tick, tick, crackle, pop sounds synchronized I think I could spin

Raindrops dropping one at a time on lofty rooftop windowpanes
An order composed with a relaxing ambiance away from the fast lanes
Najwa Kareem Nov 2017
There I walk
sunlight reflecting on the ground underneath
Spaces cold and spaces warm
An open place where freedom is felt

I continue walking
my casual stride unplanned
An atmosphere asking for nothing of us
is where we find ourselves

Catching up quickly on concrete
he offers me a flower on a Saturday afternoon
Für dich Es ist eine Blume
A delicate pink carnation I now hold in my hand
Najwa Kareem Nov 2017
Arising this morning feeling low in mood and motivation from my daily exposure to a culture counter to the one we were created to live in, and from my daily life and experiences with persons who contribute to the culture as it is, I did not want to do anything. I only wanted to be comforted. I just wanted to feel comfortable.

Additionally feeling very cold from the frigid winds and trees blowing intensely and harshly outside a few glass windows I could see out of, simultaneously feeling strange from a time change by one hour, a time change having a hard to describe effect on me, I did not want to do anything. I only wanted to be comforted. I just wanted to feel comfortable.

Sitting with my feet propped up for an hour or more, I sip hot herbal tea to simply be, warm my body, and nurture my feelings.

In the evening feeling hungry as I ran a few errands in the city, I stop by a restaurant that serves Arabic food. Having made barley earlier and wanting to finish it, I order chicken shawarma to pair with it. While eating my meal, a group of three enter, two men and a woman. They take seats at a table next to mine.

Enjoying the meals we were served until completion, one of the men escapes from the table and proceeds to the front counter. He orders and says to the waitor, zum Mitnehmen. A few minutes later he comes to where I'm sitting at the table and he hands me a bag with two sandwiches inside and says, This is falafel to take with you. I smile happily. What a surprise! I say to him. Thank you very much for your kindness.

He will never know how much he helped me.
mostly written on 10/29/17
Najwa Kareem Nov 2017
He offers them to all His believers
Especially to His chosen last Prophet
And His chosen last Prophet's Family
And His chosen last Prophet's Companions
The other Prophets, forgotten,
Other people, forgotten,
By golly, no

Five times a day at least, the three asked for
In prayer, beeseched by millions for an extraordinary man
In supplication, pleaded for by countless children for exceptional parents
By loved ones for beloved family members
By community members for His orphans and His Oppressed
and for all His Mumins
Asked for by one for another

Peace, Mercy, and Blessings

A Marvelous Three
Wishing all a marvelous three.
Najwa Kareem Oct 2017
I've heard it said once.
I've heard it said twice.
I've heard it said a third time.
Told to me, a fourth.

Said by a Ghanese.
Said by a mother from Greece.
Said by an Ethopian.
Said by a man also Iranian.

Are you from Somalia?
Bist du von Marokko?
Kommen Sie aus Eritrea?
Are you from Ethopia?
From Indonesia?
Nay. Ich komme aus den USA. Aus Amerika.
"But America is better than here."

Where in America do you come from?, I'm asked sometimes.
Why are you here?
To live here.
"But America is better than here."

This is what they've heard. So this is what they think.
​This is what she's been told. So this is what she believes.
This is what Lady Liberty says. So this is what he knows.
This is what the land of the free and the home of the brave, the land of opportunity preaches. So this is what they understand.
This is what those living the American dream said. So this is what many believe.

​"But America is better than here."
It depends on how you look at it.
It depends on what's important to you. What you value.
When you say better, what do you mean by better?

"But America is better than here."
In some ways, yes.  In some ways, no.
Every land has its' up sides and its' down sides.

Besuchen Sie oder bleiben Sie hier?
Ich bin hier bleiben.
Germany ist gut.
Es gibt gute und nicht gute Dinge über Germany.
"But America is better than here."

I know why I've chosen to live in Germany.
There are a number of reasons.

"But America is better than here."
Najwa Kareem Sep 2017
Have you ever been hugged by God?
Hugged so tight you could feel His love.
Hugged so tight you were perplexed by His love for you.
Have you ever been hugged by God?

Have you ever been hugged by God?
Hugged by arms that wouldn't let up.
His tight clasp saying I accept you. I'm by your side.
I'm in front of you. I'm behind you.
Have you ever been hugged by God?

Have you ever been hugged by God?
Hugged and soothed by His sweet smell of the seventh Heaven.
One saying Will you come back.
One asserting I would like to see you more.
I would like to be with you more.
Have you ever been hugged by God?

Have you ever been hugged by God?
Like that of a father's that speaks I'm proud of you.
Like that of a mother's that says I love you.
Like that of a child that utters I want to play with you.
Have you ever been hugged by God?

Have you ever been hugged by God?
His friendly pull of the arms telling you I know you very well.  
I know you completely.
I'm elated to see you.
Have you ever been hugged by God?

Have you ever been hugged by God?
By His huge hug that is solid and says You are secure.
An embrace that affirms You can count on Me.
A hug that says There is a place to rest.
Have you ever been hugged by God?

by: Najwa Kareem
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