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Dec 2013 · 1.0k
might be a merry x-mas
Nadia Dec 2013
Hope you don't mind I showed my mom what you posted.
I thought hard about what you posted in your poem.  
Mom came home and told her not to nap I needed to talk.
She said "Can't it wait I need my beauty sleep?'
Said no I need to talk to you or I might get pregnant.
That got her attention she looked at my belly real close.
Showed my poems but did not log in don't want her deleting.
she was screaming "WHY THE HELL ARE YOU POSTING THAT?"
She finally quit screaming and read what you said then all my poems.
Screams all over the freaking house and more yelling in my face.
She did what she don't like to do TALK TO ME!!!!
None of her dumb notes today just told me to sit down then called dad.
He was ****** at how I posted about his
facebook and about his *****.
Yelling and screaming at me then mom
stopped shouting then dad.
Mom demanded I log in and delete but I refused.
Told them it was how a stranger was the
only one who made sense.
Mom was ****** at a strange woman giving me advice.
Dad got ****** then and told her if she was home
more it would not happen.
More yelling from mom at dad this time.
Big surprise he defended me the daughter he
said wasn't worth a ******.
Mom cooled down and they read my poems.
Dad wanted to know if I did it with him for real.
Told him truth.
He was steamed but shut it for once in his life.
We spent hours talking i mean really
talking and they are still at it.
I was dismissed by my parents with a
promise from my parents
if I don't write about what they do in real life they
would try to be better at communicating with me.
Mom promised no more answering personals and
no over night dates until I go off to college.
Dad promised to make me feel like I was his daughter.
I can't stand his ***** but she's in my life until dad kicks her out.
Net wedding's off all he wanted to do was get in my virtual pants.
Thanks to you might be a merry x-mas to me.
Dec 2013 · 2.6k
why I want new parents
Nadia Dec 2013
mine are messed up
mine are hypocrites
mom answers too many personals and gets laid by strangers
dad stopped caring when he got another kid
dad bellows at me over stupid ****
mom don't want to talk to me
mom leaves her rules written in notes all over the house for me.
mom is never home to help me with homework
dad is too busy with his ***** and his new kid to care about my homework
dad calls me a little ***** when he gets mad
mom says I will be a ***** if I sleep around. HA! mom's a hypocrite!
mom hates breaking nails so I do all housework
dad drinks every day now that he's with the evil *****
dad friends ladies a few years older than me and flirts with them.
dad tells ***** jokes on facebook and I want to unfriend him.
mom doesn't do her laundry and steals my *******
mom and her friends discuss what I don't want to know about men.
Got thousands of reasons why I want new parents.
I hate my life, I hate my life!
Dec 2013 · 4.2k
quit your bitching
Nadia Dec 2013
If you had not cheated on mom and ******* up my mind with divorce.
If you still lived with mom and me you would know there's no school.
You would know snow stopped the buses so I'm stuck in the ****** house.
Mom is still on another all night date with like her million personals ad hookup.
My net fiance wants me to come on gaiaonline to practice for our honeymoon.
What to do when I don't like what he's typing or sexting?
Dad you called to bellow I am late for a school not in session.
Mom turned off her cell phone so she can be laid without me interrupting.
What to do when I don't like his sexting what he wants to do to my body.
Never had *** with anyone or had my body touched like he text to me.
Kids 9 years old are doing it and getting married on the net.
Easy when you got parents like mine who are dumb and care only about their lives.
Dec 2013 · 1.8k
Mom and her friends
Nadia Dec 2013
Mom and her friends sit and they laugh at personal ads.
They read and reply saying **** men want and like hearing.
Mom's brunette friend replied to a guy seeking a blonde.
He was a guy with pic and was 60 and a widower retired.
Stupid grey horse is a possible meal ticket mom's friend said she.
Mom and her friends laughed and kept reading personals.
Mom's friend dyed her hair platinum to be what he wanted.
Mom's changing and getting ****** and starting to act like her friends.
I don't want to be a fake *** manipulator to get men's money.
Mom I don't like you or your friends.  
It's 5:27 a.m and you still on your date.
Where the hell are you mom and why aren't you answering your phone?
Dec 2013 · 1.2k
I wasn't born this way
Nadia Dec 2013
My parents are messed up in the head.
I'm messed up in the head.
I wasn't born this was they made me this way.
Yesterday mom took a long nap woke up then went out.
She went out with another man she found trolling personals.
Mom and her friends don't just answer personals.
Mom and her friends create ads to meet men using words men like.
Mom and her friends say they can't get a man if they lose their girly figures.
Dad's body is flabby with man ***** facebook his women on facebook
could give a **** about looks because dad has a big fat at bank account.
Love of money my mom's friends say makes gross men hot.
Mom's getting laid nightly to prove she can still get laid.
Mom *** ain't love *** is *** that's what dad and his friends say.
Dad you broke mom's heart and now she's messed up in the head.
Dad's evil ***** is near my age but when she gets saggy **** and wrinkles
dad will leave her like he left mom for another evil ***** off facebook.
Dec 2013 · 1.1k
Dear Mr. President
Nadia Dec 2013
Dear Mr. President,

I don't care about Obamacare that is a ******* up mess.
I don't care about foreign policy or why there are dumb wars.
I want you to fix my life and give me new parents.
My parents are the worst two in the entire galaxy and they need fixing.
I don't have the right tools to fix their messed up lives.
Mom dates men off personals on many sites and sleeps with every one of them.
Dad cheated on mom and left her because she got a few wrinkles on her face.
Mom went nuts and has to prove she's young and can get laid every night.
Dad lives with evil ***** who gave me a sibling I had no idea I had.
Dad's ***** lives for his money in the bank account that was mom and his.
Dad and mom text sext and cyber and write mmmmm a lot.
Mr. President could you please fix my life and my dumb parents?
Dec 2013 · 1.4k
anti hypocritical parents
Nadia Dec 2013
Anti parents because they are hypocrites.
Mom tells me not to sleep around but she does.
Dad says I shouldn't flirt but he flirts and has cyber ***.
Hey dumb parents you messed up your marriage.
You do **** I would never do and you want me to respect you.
Hey mom take the men you meet off personals and shove them up your ***.
Hey dad take your evil ***** and all your facebook skanks and shove them up your ***.
My messed up mind is a ******* up place and is a no hypocrite zone.
Dec 2013 · 14.8k
Nadia Dec 2013
Doctors are dumb who go to medical school and need to
ask other doctors to diagnose medical conditions.
If you gotta ask other doctors for help you need more schooling.
Nadia Dec 2013
What does ooooo baby yessss mean?
reading that in my mom's messenger chat she saves.
She's saving because she has many men she dates.
Seen that oooo baby yesss sent in text to dad's phone.
Net *** or real life *** they are both confusing to me.
Dec 2013 · 2.5k
Wtf does mmmmm mean?
Nadia Dec 2013
Learning to sext and he puts mmmm in texts.
Read my dad's chat on Facebook and he writes that.
Read my mom's messenger chat and she writes that.
I don't write that to my net fiance I think it's stupid.
How can you type that when you feel nothing when
you sit there typing about doing ****** stuff.
I never had real life *** but is it supposed to feel like you feel nothing?
Nadia Dec 2013
Parents sent me to see a therapist.
Therapist said you can speak freely and tell me all.
Therapist won my confidence so I opened up and told all.
Felt great having someone to share all and felt cared for.
Mind felt good and school rumors about me meant less.
Parents had a money fight and therapist quit seeing me.
Asked therapist to keep seeing me therapist said no.
Show me the money and I keep seeing you as a patient.
Hurt returned and felt like could talk to no one again.
Therapists are like prostitutes you pay to get a part of your body serviced.
I never will be married in real life.
I will settle for a net ceremony on gaiaonline with a guy I met.
He can't wait to hit it in virtual reality.
Got no real life experience in *** but learning to sext.
Getting better at it and practicing for my online wedding night.
I'm 18, I hate my parents and their ****** up lives.
Mom got home at noon from her overnight date with one of her men.
Men like my mom because she opens her legs for all men she meets on the net.
Dad likes his ****** he chats with on Facebook.
Think he cheating on his evil ***** who got with him for his money.
Dad likes them young like me and she wont be young forever.
She will be like my lonely mom ******* men she meets off personals.
Real life marriage is not in my plan.
Settling for an net marriage with a guy I met off personals.
Am I going to be like my mom?
Dec 2013 · 871
Nadia Dec 2013
I'm 18 *******. I don't get why parents control you.
Only way to be is not tell them anything or they scold you.
Tell them your friends spread rumors at school and it's all saying ****
that makes you know they're clueless about everything!
I'm giving it up on the net to a guy I met through personals
just like my mom meets all her perverted men she dates.
You left at 7 p.m yesterday mom. It's 7 a.m so where the hell are you?.
Dad's as bad. He still *** chats with all his women friends on Facebook.
His evil ***** is getting pretty ****** fat from eating imported chocolates.
She thinks she's got it made in the shade with my sibling I never knew
about until I saw a birth announcement on the internet.
The internet has ****** up my life and my family.
No more believing in real marriage for me.
I'll give gaiaonline marriage a go and see if it makes me happy.
I'll read what dad types and likes in his chat logs and
read what drives guys to ******* from reading mom's mmm log.
Net ruined my family but maybe I can be happy married on the net.
Dec 2013 · 970
Slits on my wrists?
Nadia Dec 2013
Some days I want to sit in my bathtub and slit my wrists.
Wont do it because mom would wake me to clean up the mess.
She would get the sponges and bucket and say get the hell up and
clean up this mess after she came home from one of her dates with
internet men she picks up now that dear old cheating dad has a *****.
Dad would say what a ******* waste of a good life. No need to pay
for college for this useless ******* we called a daughter.
Hate my life, hate my life, hate my life! It ***** to be me!
I'm getting married on the internet and my folks have no clue.
I'll have virtual *** and no clue what the **** to type when I do.
Net fiance is anxious to have at it as he says every time we chat.
Want to say I'm not ready but he wont stick around and I will have no one.
***** being me and I hate my life, I hate my life and it ***** being me.
Should being 18 be this hard? Should being 18 be so confusing.
I want to sit in a bathtub and cut my wrists til I bleed over the floor.
Wont do it because I want to see 19 and I wish the lady who reached
out to me was on so I could talk to her about my messed up head.
Dec 2013 · 914
What should I do?
Nadia Dec 2013
I don't want to be married in real life.
I do want a man who treats me right.
I'm trying marriage in a few weeks on a site.
I've read dad's chat logs and he says words that confuse me.
I've been reading mom's chat log with net boyfriends.
What she says to men nobody should date is totally disgusting.
Ok, ok so should I pretend to like typing about touching me?
Should I make his junk go limp and type I don't like that?
Should I fake ****** with mmm's like dad and mom type in chat logs?
People posting on gaia forums are mainly stupid.
soooo sick of all the lol's they drive me nuts.  
Came on to chat with the lady who reached out to me.
She is long gone and I wish I knew her in the real world.  
Dad's happy living in ignorant zone and mom is not home from her date.
*** should I do? Confused with nobody to talk to about life.
I really hate my life most days like now.
Dec 2013 · 1.2k
My first time sex experience
Nadia Dec 2013
Told you all I'm getting hitched on gaiaonline.
No clue what to do after the I do's and will you take this woman.
I'm 18 and never been french kissed and I don't like guys feeling me.
When he starts typing something I'm not ready for,
do I do a debbie downer and make his junk soft?
I don't want a divorce the morning after so *** do I do
when he starts in with the mmmm's I've seen in dad's chat logs?
Nadia Dec 2013
I posted an invite to my wedding on gaiaonline on forums.
I got you stupid, he wants ***, he will cheat on you the whole gambit.
Beats the heck out of getting hitched in the real and he cheats.
He says he loves me and I love him so we try marriage online.
If it don't work wtfu did I lose? Losing virginity on the net don't count.
Or does describing *** count as real ***?
Guys who want to do me say no and they tell me I will love it.
Nadia Dec 2013
Ok ok already! You sound like my dad when he barks out orders. I tune him out and was gonna tune you out. You make too much freaking noise. I checked and yeah he made the comments. Went to deleted profile and other one not deleted and yeah saw poems with comments. Now can you give us a break and stop freaking posting? She can have my poems if she wants to post venting about my dad who cheats and his evil *****

personal hell    1964 -  
Nadia Dec 2013
I will never get married because marriages don't last.
Being a product of divorce blows big chunks all the time.
You tell your parents how you feel and they say
"we will discuss it dear" but they never do it.
My mom was always on her cell phone talking her
tmi friend who tells all  and how she and strangers
she meets placing personals have fun in her boudoir.
Don't reach for a thesaurus means her bedroom.
It's gross trying to get ready for classes and hearing
your mom talk about *** and big **** plastic surgery
she wants to get to keep her girly figure right and tight.
I got body image issues due to her can't stop looking
for flaws and wrinkles ******* mental complexes.
Need therapy much dumb and vain mother?
Could be why dad found a younger version of you
in evil ***** clone he lives with who loves his fat wallet.
No way can that someone with a hot *** want his
gray hair with more than one bald spot and flabby abs.
He works out but he's got a *** that quit even when
he spends hours exercising at the gym and dancing
trying to be my age saying old **** getting jiggy with it.
I think **** me now when he says that and I hate my life.
I feel messed up in the head because my parents hate
who they are and I hate myself most days because that's
what I learned from them. Should I go out and have
*** with as many men as mom and her friends? Should
I meet guys off the internet like mom now does? Should I
meet a man who will take care of me like the woman
dad is with who loves his fat wallet and great job
and be the kind of woman my dad likes? Would dad
be proud if I wanted surgery to get huge ***** like vain mom?
Would mom care if I had *** with a guy in the back of
his pick up like she bragged to her friend about? Would
my teachers care if I sat in the back and cheated like the
girl who gets answers from tests in exchange for quickies
in cars during lunch. She is tardy for the party and class
a lot. Teachers don't notice what's happening in schools
and they don't freaking care if I study my *** off
to get the same grades and I don't sleep with all the jocks.
Maybe I should because I'm messed up in the head at 18 and
nobody cares about me but me and that's a short list.
Have friends but they have some of the same body
issues and mental ones like me. I'm messed up in the
head because I get accused of having *** and I'm still
a ****** but thinking about giving up the goods to
the one I met through personals. He wanted to cmid and
I proved I'm legal. On the fence about giving away my
virginity. Too ****** bad my mother and dad are
busy and have mental issues and have no time for the
girl they dressed up when she was a tyke but forgot about
when she needed a training bra.
Dec 2013 · 1.3k
I could lie about it dad
Nadia Dec 2013
I could tell whoopers and get you in trouble
or take a lover and run off to Europe, Asia or
Africa where you, mom and gold digger can't find me.
Got some nibbles on the net when I placed an ad
seeking someone to take me away from this
miserable existence I call my no fairy tale life.
I could travel incognito and wear a Burqa in a far
off place where you can't come unless you leave
***** at home wearing shorts up to her parts
that are half covered by tight and short teenager
clothes she still wears to keep you from looking
at all the ladies on facebook you still friend and
chat with behind her back. That would make your
gold digging ****** if she knew what you did
when she wasn't logged to facebook. She thinks she
got you tied to her for eternity and for ever more.
Look at me and mom evil *****! He was mom's and
now you think he's yours. I'm glad I'm 18 and can
live where ever I want. I found a way to get out of the
country when I get my passport I ordered in a few
weeks. It will be bye bye dad, *****, and baby
sibling I dad never told me about forever. BUT,
I think I will miss my mother even if she is
dumb and believed her life was a fairy tale
then she found out dad the freaking loser was
Dec 2013 · 1.1k
you need a thesaurus
Nadia Dec 2013
Peanut sized brain
dumb people who **** in
public and lie about it.
People writing poems taking
cheap shots at people writing
big words and long poems.
People writing they don't like poems
using big words are dumb ones
who don't understand the big words.
Hows about I buy you a thesaurus
so you can look em up.
Hows about I buy you a dictionary
or you use a spell checker.
People who take low freaking blows
are jealous of ones using big words.
I'm 18, I'm entitled to write poems
slamming people who are jealous
of people who write long poems
with big words because they
don't know what the words mean.
Nadia Dec 2013
I really do have a friend who is jealous of me
kinda like that ***** my dad is with.
She says she hates what I write and I write long poems
Wish she would keep her stupid opinions to herself.
I'm 18 and she killed my liking to write off the internet
long poem with big words us teens like to us a lot.
Thanks for ruining my love for writing my feelings!
Read a poem about Poorly poeticized perspectives
saying mean things about poems like the ones I used to write to myself.
All you can do is criticize but you need to learn to spell.
Dec 2013 · 583
People like my dad
Nadia Dec 2013
I used big words when i tried telling dad he was stupid.
He said I was being a brat and trying to confuse him
Nadia Dec 2013
It's not the night before christmas and I'm unhappy.
Unhappy about parents who got married because
the *** the had made them believe they were in love.
Unhappy that my dad calls me a spoiled brat for
telling him the truth about ***** woman being a pain
in my *** *****.
Unhappy because I over heard ***** woman laughing
telling her friend she got pregnant on purpose to trap
my stupid dad to get money.
You try telling an old man with graying hair and who
is getting fat his young ***** is a greedy ***** who
don't love him.
Unhappy because my dad never told me I was having a brother.
Unhappy because my mom got hurt but now she's
as bad as dad dating men she meets off the internet.
Unhappy because I'm 18 and had a kid after band camp.
Unhappy because I had to take a year off school.
Unhappy because christmas is coming and I don't care.
Unhappy because dad thinks he can buy me stuff thinking
buying me stuff takes the place of a dad.
I don't care about college anymore or what happens
after I graduate from high school.
There is no such thing as love.
There is no such thing as happy marriages.
There is no such thing as dads who give a **** about
kids they don't live with anymore.
There is this thing called me never getting married.
Nadia Dec 2013
Dad you cheated on mom and I want to kick you in the nuts.
Dad you lied to me to my face and I want to kick you in the nuts.
Dad your girlfriend is three years older and you want me to call her mom.
Dad your girlfriend hates me and is a ***** and talks bad about mom.
Dad you don't believe me when I tell you she's a *****.
I'm 18 and you tell me to grow up and act my age.
Dad I'm still your kid and what you do hurts me and I wish you weren't my dad.
Dad you neglected to tell your only daughter you had another kid.
Good thing the net tells every thing about all people every where.
Birth announcement on new born site about you and ***** woman.
Yeah and saw your registered at the same store mom registered me.
I don't want him dead I want your new baby far far away from my life.
Nadia Dec 2013
You are not in love it's just ***
2. There's no such thing as love
3. Get married and you get divorced
    so why get married?
4. Getting married wont make you happy
5. Kids in broke marriages get parents  
   who hate each other
6. Kids from broke marriages want to
    **** themselves
7. Parents with broke marriages
    fight too much and make kids
    wish they were dead.
8. Dads in marriages spend time
    chatting with women and looking
    a **** pics the women send.
9. Kids in broke marriages get shipped
    back and forth to houses where
    dad's girlfriend threatens to
    send you to places like military
   school if your don't like her.
10. Marriage don't last and
  there's no such thing as love.  
Never will have a guy put a ring on because marriage blows chunks!
Nadia Dec 2013
You not in love it's just ***
2. There's no such thing as love
3. Get married and you get divorced
    so why get married?
4. Getting married wont make you happy
5. Kids in broken marriages get parents  
   who hate each other
6. Kids from broke marriages want to
    **** themselves
7. Parents with broke marriages
    fight too much and make kids
    wish they were dead.
8. Dads in marriages spend time
    chatting with women and looking
    a **** pics the women send.
9. Kids in broken marriages get shipped
    back and forth to houses where
    dad's girlfriend threatens to
    send you to places like military
   school if your don't like her.
10. Marriage don't last and
  there's no such thing as love.  
Never will have a guy put a ring on because marriage blows chunks!
Nadia Nov 2013
Seems unfair that you want to send me a message
after you make that effort to stop me from commenting
on your poem that I did not like a bit.
The same one you removed because I told you truth.
Borrowed lines from nursery rhymes and other
unoriginal lines don't make a good poem in my book.
If you don't want to me posting what I think
of your poetry, you got no right to send me
That's a double standard if you did not know.
Nadia Nov 2013
Cover you eyes and stay blind to truth.
Truth hurts and some can't handle it.
You tell people what they don't want to know,
they ignore you.
I want people telling me I got a ****** hanging
than walk around with that nasty thing hanging.
Problem with the world mainly Americans
people can't handle truth they want to cover eyes
and stay blinded to truth and don't want to know.
They want to keep that ****** hanging out of their nose
and not want you telling them they have one.
I want to know when there's a ****** hanging
I got toilet paper I step on in johns trailing
behind me.
Nov 2013 · 500
I see dumbness
Nadia Nov 2013
You write 3 words and use symbols but is it a poem?
You write babble using borrowed lines from nursery rhymes?
Is that a poem?
Definition of a poem.
"a piece of writing nearly always rhythmical, usually metaphorical,
and often exhibits such formal elements as meter, rhyme,
and stanzas for structure."
New but most of what's on here sure as heck not poetry.
Nadia Nov 2013
I didn't want to go to band camp!
You didn't listen did you mother?
Where's dad? Where is my dad?
He's living with a ***** who isn't my mother.
Wake up! He cheated on you stupid mother.
Such a dumb mom to believe dad.
Who's condoms were on the car floor?
Did you and dad have *** and you didn't know it?
He lied mother!
I'm on his facebook and yours.
I see dad's long list of women with **** pics.
***** to be his 18 year old daughter.
My dad the ******* with a string of net lovers.
Dear old dad if I had a string of guys what would you do?
Dad wants to play with women's ***** who are not my mom.
I'm 18 and messed up in the head.
I've got dad posting he wants to touch parts of women.
I've got a mom to dumb to know he's touching parts of women.
Dad stop posting you want to kiss *****.
I'm 18 and I'm feeling messed up in the head.
Dad and you shipped me off to band camp.
Didn't want to go mom and cheating dad.
I know you are sad mom and dad hurt you.
Mom you to be young again and date your friends.
Facebook is messed up place to be for me.
I am thinking of unfriending both of you.
I feel messed up in the head.
I didn't want to go to band camp.
Dad said go he wants to play with lady ***** not my moms.
Mom said go she wants to be young now that she knows dad cheats.
I am never getting married.
Met a boy and we did what was natural.
I was 18 and camp ended and I was going to be a mother.
I never want to be a dumb mother like you.
Thanks for nothing mother!  
You were upset for one day then wanted to adopt my baby.
You were namma not mother to my baby.
Hope you happy I made you a namma before you were ready.
I did not want a baby and did not want you raising mine.
I don't want a baby I grew in my stomach calling me sibling.
Baby got adopted and you wont be the mother.
My child will never have a mother like you.
This ain't no I got a friend story or a fairy tale.
Dad took off and he had another kid with a lover.
Thanks for not telling me dad!
Thanks for my scars seeing your kids birth announcement on the internet.
I feel messed up in the head thanks to you dad and mom.
I saw a news story about open marriages and that's what I want.
Marriages don't work so we wont get married.
Marriage is a fairy tale told wrote by preachers
to make people not want to have premarital ***.
If marriage was so great dads would not cheat.
If marriage was great mom and dad would be happy.
Marriage is a prison me and nobody else wants.

— The End —