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nactuyah Apr 2014
the color changed around the eye as it rose from its slumber, the beauty was breath taking and no one could see anything brightly beautiful. someone had to of spreads all the paints in the world to paint the beauty of the sky's unique beautiful ocean of colors. its blue and white clouded area that spreads its light around the eye of the sky wants nothing more than just to be a light for anyone to follow as the moon is the eye of the night surrounded by the scattering of beautiful stars that have all meaning in one star.
but the eye of the day is set to make a beautiful recovery for all who try to look around and notice the colors its spreads when it rises and falls. the colors of the sky say so much to us that we don't even notice all the colors meanings and realities of the beauty. If we all would just sit and watch the colors spring themselves across the sky to surround the sun and all its glory. so that we can see how beautiful th skys colors can give us life and understanding
this was just a thing I thought of as I babysat for a friend
nactuyah Mar 2014
isn't it a strange word?
It separates us from you?
it doesn't change the way I feel
I feel just like you
I may be adopted
but I was born like you
I still live like you
so why would you think I am unhappy
nactuyah Mar 2014
Hooves beating like a drum in my head, I cant think about anything other than that feeling of being on the back of my dreams. knowing that my dreams are there, that I just have to reach for them. It seems like I am trying something for the first time and it is so hard to reach for the one thing I was trying to begin. someone tell me what to do, someone tell me are they worth it? I answer myself about believing in myself and trying to dial my answer into my mind. I will go back to the beating of hooves and the night above me and the stars that shine along the moon. something in the night wants me to dream again, no matter how long it will take something tells me to begin again and watch from the sidelines as I make all that hard work go to good use. The stepping stones where hard to walk on. as was healing my heart after every move, but even if the rocks felt like glass I kept on walking and I kept my tears hidden within the heart's doors. the stones became bearable and my heart healed itself as one of my dreams came closer to my stubborn choices and my unbearable painful memories. Yet my head never touched my chest, my eyes never stopped looking forward and my hands never stopped helping, but my mind always wanted to run away and go to the sound of galloping horses and the sound of the wind in the trees, while their lovely leaves touched the ground at the feet of a pond filled to the bone with glittering fish. Then at that point I always wake to the sound of chirping birds and a mind full of peace.
nactuyah Mar 2014
So many nightmares
So much drama
So much talk
So many problems
So much to do
So little time

what is with the time frame?
why not slow it down a tad?
something will hit you
why let all the stuff get in the way?

It spreads through me
like a wild fire through the trees of old
It may be deadly
But it beautifies their enchantment
Their beautiful wings spread open
And they fly into the spring wind
letting everyone know autumn is here
The birds singing their song
letting everyone know that morning has come
that it is time for the rain to begin
The wind through the grass
it sets itself against the gentleness
it sets itself up for a journey
its a piano playing for the last time
its the last day of school
its the secrets that lie within
its the power to hold a key
a key that you never knew you had
Let it be apart of your  first crush
let it be apart of your first child
let it be apart of your marriage
Let it be apart of YOU
nactuyah Mar 2014
Its a bond that has to be earned,
but in other times it is given.
from one person to another trust
can be the key to the best friendship
someone that trusts you may want you
next to them through the good and the bad times.
so call that once best friend and
show them that you are there for them
nactuyah Mar 2014
Joy is a gift that should show in everyone's heart, even the ones that are lost need a little joy. Its the look on your mother's face at the birth of your first child. its the smile on your sons face. its the day your mom gives you away at your wedding. its the time on the back of your first horse.
Its the choice you make to move out. its your true love's hugs, as you cry on their shoulder. its watching your true love as you walk down the road of marriage.
its the look he gives you on your anniversary. its the safe feeling while he holds your hand walking down the unforgotten streets.
Joy is never earned, Let it be given.
nactuyah Mar 2014
ylva sat on a tree limb and began to think, 'could I be as my mother was?' strong and beautiful her hair grows long and brown. Her mother lost from the cancer of breast, the sun rises in the west. the colors blend so well that ylva thinks its a dream as soon as she sees her mother as her reflection. she does not know that she is a slitting image of her mother and her father cast her aside as if she was a broken doll toy. young and heavy with child she searches for a place to have her child. the sky was filled with the clear blue. at the sky's request the clouds shaped into stormy grey, as she just sat under a bridge. the bridge was old, worn and seemed to have nothing on it underside. it was the whitest she had ever seen, and she knew that the other side was a beautiful brown bronze color. somethings never seem to change as she listened to all the cars go by. "young lady," a woman was saying something to her, " young lady, what are you doing under there." she had long grey hair and her eyes were the color of a green snake skin, beautiful but scary. yet the unforgiving storm pushed its way towards their spot. the woman took the young lady to a parenting home, for single parents without a house to live in. she said, "Have your child here, and if its ment to be you will find me once again." As the young lady went into labor she couldn't think of anything but saving her child. when the baby was born, it was a beautiful little girl, and she called her Lillian. she grew up and her mother died, same way her grandma did, and Lillian knew that one day she would die too.
it runs in the family
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