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nactuyah May 2014
The light was so bright and blinding that I didnt really notice what lie beyond the whiteness. the trees were as white as the flower petals that lie on the frozen ground, but their leaves where the pink the flower lacked. The sky had no blue, and the clouds blinded the sun. An eagle lie in a nest atop a tree that was the biggest, but the nest was black with puddy. The proud animals stand still as the trees that surround them. the gown lay heavy on my shoulders as I walked down the path that lead to nowhere but kept going. The gown was as white as the tree's bark before me, but I needed to get somewhere. out of the corner of my eye I saw a flash of black run out from the trees. Once the figure came out of the white shadows. Its hooves beat like music to my ears, and its eyes were bluer than the deepest oceans. it looked at me and the sparkle in its eyes was the only thing that made everything better, it was like it was talking to me with its eyes. and then I was on the petal ground filled with joy and hope, my wings spread wide and the colors of the deepest purple and brightest blue spread beautifully and evenly. then I woke with the faith big enough to cover the earth
nactuyah May 2014
I walk the line of a stranger, every day I have walked the Earth it has been nothing but a mystory. The trees whisper their songs of sorrow and days of joy. Their spring of rage and guilt sways like a snake through the never ending path. The mountain's peak looks as deadly as a knife's edge, but to others it seems harmlessly and utterly defenseless. The sun shines upon its snowy tip as the night's eye makes it shimmer. I have never seen the mountain up close, but from afar. Mother says a lady should never gaze upon its ungodly hight. Yet I think differently than others, and often dream of touching the snow tipped mountain.
I too and defenseless against the stories the trees and animals have to tell. I sit and listen like a stary eyed little child would listen to his or her grandpa tell stories of old. Their stories always leave me sitting in the tall green grass as the next one begins their tale. They say the stars tell the biggest story of all, and all the history of the world can be read if one reads with a close eye. The stars have their story as i have mine, but mine may be harder to tell. I listen to the animals tell their stories with ease, but for some reason I can never seem to find the words to tell mine.
this is not yet finished but I would like your opinion. Should I keep writing
nactuyah Apr 2014
okay this isn't a poem but i babysit a little girl named Catherine and every time  she comes to my house she has been ***** her diaper is always full of *** and sometimes **** from the day before, she never has been given a bath from what ive seen, and she is just now walking since i started babysitting she walks talks and asks for stuff but with her mom her clothes are *****, don't fit right and she is 18 months and still on a bottle? is this right i would love your opinion and any suggestions she also has 5 little teeth and she sometimes calls me mama. I bath her every day, i take her for a walk every day and she is a happy baby when she is with me at 18 months with 5 teeth is it time to change her routine? a sippycup and some solid food? she walks with shoes now and can walk on her own for 2 minutes at a time she is great with dogs and her mother wants her no where near animals at all
nactuyah Apr 2014
the sun shines through the window as the young princess watches the sun rise and fall each day to see the colors change with light. the trees sway against and with the wind, their leaves dancing and the branches doing the tango as they settle the wind calms. the princess' crown was placed on the edge of the chair that she sat upon with care. the sky's color walk along the air as the wind blew them in the right direction. The singing wind blowing through her hair, and the sun dancing circles along her skin. the monkeys make the trees scream with agony and the monkeys laugh at their pain. the fairies flutter around the lilies and the dragonflies, they sing of their long journey and the life they lived just to reach their favorite spot. something was watching the princess without her knowledge and she seemed to understand all the animals and creatures she adored. the salmon and orange making her seem different in a way, they flew behind her creating wings. pinks and oranges spread beautifully across her new wings as she joined her best friends in the beauty of flight. and the night was drawing near, but the princess didn't need to know that she would be missed with her creative friends, but also with her family. drawn between family and friends she choose to be with both. family during the day and friends all night long, even if it was in her dreams her friends would always be with her. with her new wings she flew with the fairies and ran with the shewolf faster than lightening she returned just in time to join the sun as its rainbow butterflies spread their wings and flew with grace to gather all the colors to create a beautiful sunrise, they taught her to be herself and always believe in your dreams and friends.
nactuyah Apr 2014
nothing can separate my friends and me
anyone that tries
cant change my mind its about
time that people stop trying to
urge other people to do something
you are perfect the way you
are and anyone who says your not then to
hell with them nothing is stopping you from being my friend
nactuyah Apr 2014
darkness surrounds me with ebony and rage as I watch the sun end the day and the moon doesn't show as it bows to the darkness not to return to the sky tonight as it once did. as the darkness shuts everything out; the stars, the moon, and the sun are left out of the sky as the darkness wakes itself from a long year of endless slumber. I watch the colors from the sun faid into a deep dark black as it shut the would into a dark room, but the as the day end so must the night, but this time darkness makes the sun bow to its evils and its ways. as the devil grasps the earth with both hands and hides it within them. I turn to my father and say, why is the earth so angry, what did we do wrong. father shakes his head as if he doesn't know anything. so I whisper to the night as I would a friend, "why is it so dark? what happened to make you angry? why would anyone want nothing but darkness on the earth?" love was a way of getting through to the sky. but it didn't work as well as I would have hoped. someones eyes stood out in the dead of the street as the devil made its way towards the sleeping innocents of the dreams. he whispers something different to everyone but the only one he didn't come to was me. Its so dark I cant see him anymore, so I fade into  deep sleep as he whispers into my ear, Its dark, you must sleep until it is gone, Its dark because I am alive and well, Its dark because I hate the light so sleep all day and night as I walk the earth. I whisper back to him something that seemed to make the earths darkness shake as the words exit my lips, "It is only dark because you are not loved and you are one person that thinks no one wants to be loved but HE is the power and HE is the light that scares you into hiding so why don't you let the darkness turn to light so you can fade into the darkness of the Underworld as we continue our life, and you may meet us again if your dreams turn into nightmares as the darkness fades with you. Its dark because your heart knows nothing else but the color of its owner and no one will love you unless you begin again In a new light. Its dark, but light will be given to those who enjoy it and can continue on without  the sun beating against the sinners backs, they will join you in the depths of your heartache but the truth is the only time you were truly happy was when you were in heaven with the other angels with the wings of the snow that falls to the earth with grace but nothing more to you it will always be dark, and to you its dark
nactuyah Apr 2014
her mother holding her hand as her veil covers her face, she waits for the right moment to walk down the ail. Her dress whiter than snow, as her mother leads her down to her lover. She dreams of the embras that awaits at the end of that long forgetting ail. with for-get-me-not's settled gently and evenly on either side of her she walks down toward her destiny as her belly is swollen with child and her mind wondering, she sees nothing but the smiles on everyone's face. Her mothers tears falling as she smiled along with everyone else. though her smile was with goodbye as her youngest child smiles and watches as her mother try's to hide her rain of loving joy. her mother rises the veil to kiss her forehead she leans over to allow the kiss, as her mother walks to the row to sit down. Her heart beating so fast she doesn't hear anything else. Her lover staring at her with an open heart. as they say their vows the dress seems to b weighing her down as they walk to the end of the ail. She made it down the ail of destiny, with her mother guiding her every move as she did when she started walking, as she teethed her first tooth, as she helped her ride her first horse. Her mother was there when she needed her and when her mother didn't want to let go she finally let her little butterfly fly away and leave the nest of her mother protective arms. Her butterfly hoovers over the road before running back to her arms and kissing her mother goodbye as she made her way toward a new life and a good husband to guide her through the tough times, but to her little girl her mother would always be her hero and protector
to my mother
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