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willow sophie Jun 2019
i have an infinite amount of bricks
and i keep stacking blocks of clay
filling the cracks with grout,
i build a wall
and i won't let them in,
i must remain alone
because alone
protects me.
willow sophie Jun 2019
A bridge of wood and rope
above a canyon filled with water
waits to be crossed.

A fathomless pit under you,
a glorious destination across.
Shall you cross,
or shall you stay?
willow sophie Jun 2019
You bring me petunias
from your ****** garden,
hoping to hear
what you like.

I apologize,
for I may be broken,
but I am certainly not
a liar.

I cannot tell you
what you would like
to hear,
for I have been hurt
beyond repair.
willow sophie Jun 2019
The chagrin overrides
my attempt to no longer hurt;
the burning sensation in my chest
soars through my body
and has salty, burning tears
stream down my face
like waterfalls.
willow sophie Jun 2019
You place your blade
in flames,
letting them like your weapon
send white heat across the core.
Pressing it to your skin,
the steel burns a scar to your arm
as a symbol of victory
in the time of war.
willow sophie Jun 2019
I have acquired messy handwriting
over the years,
so difficult to read,
to comprehend.
Similar to a code,
but definitely not as interesting.
I envy the wispy lines of ink on parchment
that can only belong
to a calligrapher.
willow sophie Jun 2019
The flame dances,
orange, with a hint of blue.
It's a simple,
green taper candle.
As nightfall approaches,
I blow the flame
and a simple breath
wisps it away
leaving black smoke
in it's wake.
willow sophie Jun 2019
Paint on your canvas,
use my skin
and decorate it with charcoal
and pastels.

Make me beautiful.
willow sophie May 2019
Every move you make is erratic,
I keep guessing what you might do next,
but you keep circling my head
like a halo of such tedious decisions.
You entertain a quiet, somber demeanor
and remain smugly volatile.
You are capricious.
willow sophie Jun 2019
I collect cassettes,
little boxes of music
as the tape spins about
in a vintage melody.
willow sophie Jul 2019
I am locked in the wine cellar,
supposedly punished,
yet I may easily quench my thirst
and forget my pain
by drinking from the barrels.
willow sophie Jun 2019
I've spent about,
I don't know,
some centries or so
contemplating my death
prepared, not scared.
willow sophie Jun 2019
you were too easy to break,
you didn't put up much of a fight,
i intimidated you quickly
and you shattered, like ceramic.
willow sophie Jun 2019
i use chalk
on a blackboard
to bring my imagination
to life.
willow sophie Jun 2019
I'm bored ; such a dull, predictable routine.
I need change, a thrill, excitement!
Let's jump the fence,
let's see if the grass is greener
on the other side
and engage in more adventure
than ever before!
willow sophie Apr 2019
As I walk,
one foot in front of the other,
I can't help but feel as though
I am in a chaotic paradise.
willow sophie Jul 2019
In a game of charades
I am the jack of all trades,
that is, unless,
I were to have my own name.

"Well, my friend, tell me. Am I human?"

"I must offer you my candor and admit that I truly don't know."
willow sophie Jul 2019
I'm out of breath
trying to chase you,
but now you've left
like you were supposed to.

I'll mourn in pain
and sob and grieve,
but maybe again
we may meet.
willow sophie Jul 2019
The infectious laugh
of a young man
who brings cheer to all
without notice.
willow sophie Jun 2019
I won't forget what we did together,
nothing scandalous,
but always breaking the rules
in good fun.
And even though I may never see you again,
I'll cherish those moments
willow sophie Aug 2019
We were all children,
after all,
we were so pure,
so very small,
we would walk
and we would crawl,
but now we're older,
so very tall.

When we were younger,
we'd always fear
feeling pain,
to feel a tear,
but nowadays
they're always here,
there is no melody
in the sobs we hear.
willow sophie Apr 2019
i used to hold my head high
my stance filled with pride
but now my neck is aching
because I keep looking back.
willow sophie Jul 2019
A cactus sits,
in the tattooed
clay ***.
willow sophie Jun 2019
How could I ignore
The constant ticking of time
as midnight comes near.

(13w haiku)
willow sophie Jun 2019
The ticking of the clock,
rusty and antique,
as though it snaps it's tongue with
every passing second
and torments my everwaiting mind.
willow sophie Jul 2019
but your mug on the coaster,
we wouldn't want the coffee
staining the oak.
willow sophie Jun 2019
Show me the colour
of your heart, eyes and your soul
so I may love you.

(16w haiku)
willow sophie Jul 2019
In all the debris,
the black and white of the world,
I swear I'll do better,
I swear I'll sport colour.
willow sophie Apr 2019
Come morning light,
the lavender will bloom,
the swans will show themselves,
and the owls will hide.

Come morning light,
you will be safe.
willow sophie Aug 2019
In the midst of peril, I convince the men
to gather, gather around me as I burn;
till y'er almost scorched, I tell them,
till you feel flames lick at your soul!
willow sophie Jun 2019
Heralding comfort
like a delicate sedative
that will help me
rest happily.
willow sophie Aug 2019
to my Fall from Heaven,
that hurt far less
than falling in love
with you.
Good Omens is kinda my life now bear with me
willow sophie Jun 2019
I once knew
an evil being.
His name
was Comparison.
He was shameless,
an unapologetic thief
of joy.
willow sophie Jun 2019
I could no longer
stay in a place
in which I did not belong.
I hoped you would compromise,
fight with love on your side.
Alas, it was too difficult,
too much of a burden
for you to fight for me,
for you to keep me,
for you to love me.
willow sophie Jul 2019
I'm merely a fraud
in the presence of true art,
a measly charlatan.
Alas, my aspirations
to acquire such pure talent
tells me that I may begin a fraud,
but I may earn fame later on.
willow sophie Jun 2019
You and I,
we are seldom of like mind,
but only together
can we conquer this battle.
willow sophie Aug 2019
My bare feet lie in the stream,
heels sinking into wet soil;
I read the stars, watch the messages told in constellations,
the poetic and epic story told within the clouds,
in the sky,
a quest of emotion, of sorrow, of joy
all without moving.
willow sophie Jun 2019
you may have collected my tears
in a cork bottle
but my emotions,
cannot be contained
in a jar
for I have far too many.
willow sophie Apr 2019
when I die,
tie me to the stake
like the witch I am.
surround me with copper wire
and light me on fire
as you gaze upon the emerald flames
and my soul crosses the threshold.
willow sophie Jun 2019
you frequent the cotton field,
letting calloused, bare feet
feel the softness, like wool
and let the stream
tickle your toes.
willow sophie Jun 2019
the barista asks
"milk? cream? sugar?"
i'd like cream and sugar,
i don't take black,
it's far too strong.
i have a bit of a sweet tooth,
and it's always far more present
in the morning.
willow sophie Jun 2019
Alors que le soleil,
précédemment brillant,
était à peine visible,
le crépuscule était jonché
avec des étoiles, l'obscurité
et des lucioles.
willow sophie Jul 2019
When I have been struck by an arrow of silver, I lay, awaiting death.

"Mother will cry!"

May she grieve quickly.

"Father will cry!"

May he mourn peacefully.

"Brother will cry!"

May he live happily.

"Your lover will cry!"

May he become free.
willow sophie Jun 2019
A miniscule slit in my wrist,
a sufficient amount for just a
teardrop of blood
to fall on the parchment
as I sign a blood-binding bond
in crimson ink.
willow sophie May 2019
The rain shatters as it falls to the cobblestone,
the scent of petrichor strong in the air.
The rain hits a red umbrella, held by a woman
with lips as red as her shield.
The rain lands on the roof of a telephone booth,
dribbling down the red door.
The rain hits a red double decker bus,
a calming melody for the people inside.
The rain hits the blood flowing from a lifeless corpse,
courtesy of an admirer
of Jack the Ripper.
It's a chaotic beauty,
it's crimson London.
willow sophie Aug 2019
You analyze,
and then you criticize
but that, they despise;
hence your demise.

Your words sound evil,
not at all civil;
alas, you meddle
or you are played like a fiddle.

You don't really try,
but you don't mind if they cry;
you're harsh, but you don't lie,
you are not what meets the eye.
willow sophie Jul 2019
The crows call for blood
unbeknownst to human kind,
so insatiable.

(11w haiku)
willow sophie Jun 2019
Curiosity leaks like venom from your lips
and you pester me,
I assure you,
that you wouldn't appreciate the answer;
I doubt you could begin to fathom
what I have suffered.
willow sophie Jun 2019
You write in cursive,
a beautiful twist of ink
leaking from your quill.

(13w haiku)
willow sophie Jun 2019
A cuss word,
to swear upon a name;
so sharp,
so bad,
so rebellious;
so thrilling
as it leaves
a ****** taste
in my mouth.
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