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willow sophie Aug 2019
The fiddle is played,
each pitch followed by a beat of clapping hands
and laughs of relief;
the tavern sings into the night
as near the fountain,
you and I
dance till midnight.
willow sophie Apr 2019
You colour your lips
with the essence of blood.
You cover your eyelids
with the ashes of those who have fallen
at your feet.
You cover your skin with powder
that makes you as pale
as the people you've slaughtered.
You, you are so beautiful,
you could steal someone's soul.
willow sophie Jun 2019
I once sat, wealthy, proud,
on a throne of velvet and gold.
I wore satin, not rags.
My castle, once made of the finest stone
has since become debris
of a kingdom
that has fallen.
willow sophie Jul 2019
When in love,
you will notice
that you do not rise
like a brilliant sun
or a victorious knight.
When in love,
you will notice
that you fall.
It isn't the fall that kills you,
it's the landing.
When in love,
you won't notice
whether it's warmth and comfort
or pain and hurt
until you are no longer falling.
willow sophie May 2019
your love is rough,
like newly bought denim.
denim that fits like a glove
against my body
as it brushes roughly
against sensitive skin.
willow sophie Jun 2019
Roll the dice,
see how many times
you'll be hurt.
willow sophie May 2019
Am I really seeing stars
that create constellations
or do my eyes deceive me?

Do I wake every morning
whether it be a golden sun or a raging gale
and smell persimmon?

If it is real,
so help me,
I love it.
willow sophie Apr 2019
I feel cold in here
I feel uncomfortable with these people
that I grew up with, that I know
I would rather be alone.
willow sophie Jun 2019
You left me to rust
buried so deep in the dust,
you show me disgust.

(15w haiku)
willow sophie Jun 2019
Don't let fear stop you.

Don't let them stop you.

Don't let yourself stop you.
willow sophie Jul 2019
Hope is the only thing
stronger than fear,
but the only thing stronger than hope
is doubt.
willow sophie Aug 2019
What in the world did you do
to be pushed from the cloudy shores of the Heavens
and fall, wings aflame, into sulphur and hellfire?
willow sophie Jun 2019
the dragonfly treads lightly
on pure waters,
its body a brilliant indigo
on an azure blue lake.
willow sophie Jun 2019
If this is all just a dream,
together, you and me,
something that could never be.

You were so out of my league,
I don't know what to believe,
if I am in a dream,
don't wake me.
willow sophie Jun 2019
We pull in a slick black beaumont
from 1965,
but the year was 1985,
where we make-out
with the film playing to
our tongue's dance.
I wasn't sure what film it was,
but I know I enjoyed it.
willow sophie Jun 2019
It is a constant duel
to ask,
never demand,
the acceptance of our differences.
willow sophie May 2019
Once upon an August dusk,
I relished summer as the sun set
and a crescent moon took its place.
willow sophie Aug 2019
I solemnly worship in all my piousness;
you have my loyalty.

My adherence is yours, Lady and Lord, what is my duty to you?

Need I give gold, need I give blood?
Need I give life, need I die?

My oath, to you, I shall not adjourn Fate; you have my piety.
willow sophie Jul 2019
It's raining,
it's pouring,
this waiting is boring.

They're crying,
they're mourning,
And now I am dying.
willow sophie Apr 2019
She poured the wine
Into my glass
We played the record
And danced full throttle
She picked up the violin
And played so beautifully
I knew I loved her
My dear Eileen.
willow sophie Jun 2019
I have deduced the words
of every person I have encountered
to find the true meaning.
I have read words upon words
accompanied by the smell of old parchment
and even older words.
I have written letters until a page was crammed full.
It would be an understatement
if I said I was eloquently spoken.
willow sophie Jul 2019
Never trust the someone's hug,
that small, erratic embrace.
It hides all their intentions
behind an unseen face.
willow sophie May 2019
With every ***** and every stitch,
you've embroidered my red string of fate
deep into my skin.
willow sophie Jun 2019
Don't you snicker,
you really shouldn't laugh.
I'll build an empire
from just a measley craft.
I'll have an army,
I'll rule,
and I can assure
that when I sit
on the velvet throne
this kingdom will be pure.
willow sophie Jun 2019
Don't wait for someone else
to create the light
at the end of the tunnel.
Do it yourself,
whether you use the end of a cigarette
or a torch,
let a little flame
that you made
lead you out of your misery.
willow sophie May 2019
You seem to entertain the thought
that I belong to you
more than I belong to myself.

You seem to entertain the thought
that you have a lead on my soul,
nonetheless my mind.

You seem to entertain the thought
that I must please you
before I please myself.

You couldn't be more mistaken.
willow sophie Jun 2019
If you would like to decipher
the meaning of mankind's actions,
watch how they treat their inferiors,
the people that are meant to stand beneath them;
do not bother looking
at how they treat their equals.
willow sophie Aug 2019
cinnamon and the metallic scent of iron, almost ******;
leaves dipped in copper, wet bark;
when was it, when it came to be?
willow sophie Jun 2019
The flame that burns
the purest shade of silver
sends a shiver of euphoria
down my spine,
to my brain,
a tingle of excitement
surging through my veins.
willow sophie Jun 2019
Merely time,
five times that dawn will show itself
before the eve of battle,
and we will succeed
in the completion of God's will.
willow sophie Jun 2019
Fields of amber grain
clash against the greying sky;
The smell of petrichor coming from the rain
makes you wonder, why?

Is there a reason you're here?
Are you, perhaps, a godsend?
It's something to fear;
When will it end?
willow sophie May 2019
Ever since I was a child,
I've had the map of the world
made of parchment, hung on my wall.

Ever since I was a child,
I wanted to travel,
to find myself somewhere.

Ever since I met you,
I realized that I needn't travel
to find my world.
willow sophie Oct 2020
i'm tired;
the creaking of the wooden stairs of my old bungalow home
reminds me of how my back weeps
when it is reminded of the heavy weight on my shoulders.
i'm tired;
the melancholic music that plays
as i try to force myself to sleep
reminds me of my lonesome circumstances,
and i can't help but wonder what it would feel like
to sleep forever?
one try;
i'm tired;
goodnight, forevermore.
willow sophie Jul 2019
I tend not to compare
my expectations to reality
because I would see the same thing
each and every time.
willow sophie Jun 2019
I used to be afraid of failure,
not because I feared disappointing myself,
but because I feared the opinion of others.
willow sophie May 2019
I can't get out of bed,
for the fear of falling
into a fathomless pit as I lift myself tiredly
is a thought I cannot cope with.
willow sophie Jul 2019
I threw a little wish in the well,
you ask and ask but I'll never tell,
so you dove in and I watched as you fell
your loss, I bid you farewell.
willow sophie Apr 2019
what does "brave" mean?

Oh, how I asked that question
without reluctance, without guilt,
but I never got the answer.

what does it mean to be "brave"?

Oh, how I yearned to know
what it was like, how it felt
but I never got the answer.

are you "brave"?

He did not respond.
He was not brave, for he was a coward.
Afraid of life,

I know what it is to be brave now.

And I learned all by myself.
willow sophie Jun 2019
Fear will consume any who remain vulnerable,
Eternal ****** in the presence of death,
An inevitable fate to all who call themselves human,
Reminds us to cherish the little and lots that we have,
Lest we choose greed over graciousness,
Endless envy over gratitude,
Senseless with sadness until one sees the light,
Something we could all discover.
willow sophie Jun 2019
I feel lovely,
no worries.

No, that's not
quite right.
That's not at all how
I feel.
I feel like I've hit
rock bottom,
my chest chained
to a wrecking ball.
willow sophie Jun 2019
i fluff my pillow,
but my anger is untamed,
my grip too strong,
the pillow rips
and out comes a shower
of goose feathers.
willow sophie Jul 2019
Do you hold not
the value
of fidelity,
my love?
willow sophie Aug 2019
How cathartic it is when tension is suddenly lithe;
I had cried ile for far too long.
willow sophie Jul 2019
white hot flames
lick my skin;
brimstone, hot like molten metal,
caresses my feet,
burns my heel;
i will walk,
I won't stop,
not until i arrive
in hell.
willow sophie Jun 2019
Flags of our countries,
of my native land and yours,
they wave in strength.

(14w haiku)
willow sophie Jun 2019
You create a spark
with the friction of your hand
against mine;
with the friction of your lips
against my own;
you kindle a fire
within me,
as though your fingertips
were flint and steel.
willow sophie Jul 2019
Foxglove, for insincerity.
Orange lilies, for hatred.
Geraniums, for stupidity.
Meadowsweet, for uselessness.
Carnations, for disappointment.

You planned this, didn't you?
I understand your loathing for me,
but your loathing for yourself
is amplified tenfold.
willow sophie Aug 2019
You bear fruit, ripe;
seeds float through the being of wind!
Write to the sky, the sky! - With the feather of a dove.
willow sophie May 2019
your pupils, dilated
your iris', fluorescent
full of desire and
show me how enamoured you are.
willow sophie Aug 2019
So decadent, such wanton!
Humanity cannot be trusted, not now;
it has begun, the deterioration,
so frivolous, such caprice!
So recklessly extravagant, and for what?
Humans, so promiscuous.
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