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I'm keeping my word.
Did not post this on Valentine's Day.
If I could find a card that sums up my feelings,
I'd buy it and one for each year I've known you.
Never thought my cold heart could change.
Happened when I met wonderful you.
I had closed my heart and given up on love.
You know my story, no need to post the whys.
Seeing your picture in the paper years age
compelled me to go to see that play.,
You were dancing and singing your heart out.
You were the short one with gorgeous face
dancing harder than any at front row center.  
I sat in my seat and could not look away.
After show mingle found you
felt sad when I lost sight of you.
Bought tickets for every night of the show
just to hear you and see you again.    
Destiny made your friend Jana my neighbor.
Day we met I was tongued tied, you knew it.
Thankful you weren't shy.
You asked me to meet you for a walk.
Place has changed but it's still there.
The day we walked and talked was the day
heart melted and you blew me away.
I visit all the places we shared time together.
The night we went to P. Reef lounge
and danced until last call still felt surreal.
Neither one of us had been drinking.
That night I knew I'd fallen head over
heels in love with you Betty Ponder.
I still am.
No pressure BUT
Hoping you accept my invite
to meet me you know where.
No ring in pocket this time.
I do so swear and promise. : )

— The End —