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Many lovely birds
congregate on the grass.
So many birds!
Oh, how I love to gaze out my window,
at this birdwatcher's paradise!
Sparrows, chickadees, and nuthatches
peck the lawn.
And then a magpie, two northern flickers,
and a bunch of robins fly in to join them.
Each bird is beautiful and unique
in its own way.
Each created by God,
for us to enjoy.
Some are small, some are large.
Some are quiet, some are loud.
Some are colourful, while others are plain.
But all are His,
just the same.
And I love each and every one.

can I do the same with every person?
Will I love and accept them as beautiful
creations made by Him?
Or will I look down on some,
and favour others?
Will I despise the "magpie" people,
but love the "chickadees"?
I pray, Lord, teach me to love others
with Your love.
Teach me to love as You love.
For without love,
I am nothing. (1 Cor. 13)

OK. Today may be dull. It happens. Sure.
But tomorrow remains rife with possibilities.

Podcasts of Trump on on the value of modesty.
Street fights in several extinct languages.
Hillary wins at Detroit poetry slam.
Jihadists explode poodles in crosswalks.
Island countries wave & grin as they sink.
***** flicks found starring Merkel and Putin.
A sane, reasonable presidential election.
Angry cats with opposable thumbs rebel.
Men & women speaking & understanding each other.
Brock Turner announces *** change operation.
God announces: No More Mulligans!
Gender wars conclude. Everyone’s dead.
Debut of lost Bach Partita for Electric Kazoo.
New, hip-hop production of Treblinka: The Musical.
Shakespeare cloned. Buys poetry anthology. Dies.
End-up, instead of start-up, launches in Palo Alto.
Smart phones install apps with annoying ads on users.
Common sense becomes common again.
Victimless rhymes decriminalized.

This is America! Never two dull days.
Take Heart! Tomorrow, there be Wonders…
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