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Elijah Almond May 2014
by the scarlet
across the sea
i sit quietly

the sun shines
the fan blows
the wind runs free

so little to do
so much to see
dread swimming far
but unaware

of my smile

somewhere hope lies in wait
hunting hide and seek
thinking it has hidden
about not being sad and cynical about your life for a day
May 2014 · 250
the blue joy of hope
Elijah Almond May 2014
fear not your fate born
bless your lost loves

you are alive
the sun is rising

smile again
fear of the unknown

is the dark cave
where the weak hide
May 2014 · 841
doc holliday
Elijah Almond May 2014
i'm your huckleberry
yes, I'm coughing blood
the glass is broken
death is smiling while kissing my tongue

i'm your huckleberry
the white devil on the black horse
play a game with me
and you can fall as well

barely a problem
worth a listen to tell
we can laugh together
in a bar in hell

i'm your huckleberry
this time drinks are on me
i'm not angry at you
in eternity we'll have time to see

we were always friends
who only had fun being enemies

this time you can trust me

I'm your huckleberry
"I'm your huckleberry"  means I'm your unlikely hero - for those not familiar with that particular slang
May 2014 · 324
oh, the messy bleach
Elijah Almond May 2014
what have you done?

do what you have to dispense

keep the dance up
while your mind plays
in many eyes
you're just in the way

though smile as well
some cups are full
there is a scarlet castle
built across a sea for you
May 2014 · 310
you've lost the plot
Elijah Almond May 2014
the idea in your head
is the one you feel can't be said

it's the broken part of yourself
the pieces you can't find

your actions are harsh and rash
your breakage is too bad

you've lost the plot
you don't know the story of your own life anymore
I don't know where some of these ideas come from sometimes.  Maybe I've lost the plot...
Elijah Almond May 2014
when the eyes are pumping
there is no going back
there is no acceptable apology

Doom found us anyway
He cares not for our cries
He laughs as he drinks the tears from your eyes

I'd spill the blood for you
I'm not asking
we're way past that that day
i am your witness ...

i am your witness
that my hands were bound
my teeth were ******...

...but now I'm tired
I'm sorry, Susan
I truly did love you

you'll never know
I'm not so evil
to ever burden through again

like the watching bird
i still live
no one is watching

it's all a game of when
May 2014 · 304
thanking the enemy
Elijah Almond May 2014
indeed, it's a wow
went through a lot

no speak
then all talk

you never saved me
I never saved you

we both made it through
about a friend...well, sorta. I wouldn't turn my back on her or anything foolish like that
May 2014 · 804
joys of eating ice cream
Elijah Almond May 2014
when the anger is flowing
and the diamonds are falling
the cake is burning
the words are  leaking

the smile is falling
the lips still move upward
no more hate
just looking a the time

just waiting

just waiting
May 2014 · 725
bitching too much
Elijah Almond May 2014
why would anyone care about my problems?

I possess them
they are mine
they are like children
they are just a delay

I should not burden
anyone else
with the **** that flows
down my leg
well, its pretty self-explanatory, I guess. I'm ******* too much to my friends about stuff they can't really help with...
Elijah Almond May 2014
everything wakes up
the brain
the dreams
where we're seeing our parallel self

that moment
of impending doom
that just happens
when your soul talks to you
Elijah Almond May 2014
try to explain
getting nowhere
all this journey
just to get to nowhere

i see you hiding
not even sad anymore
silly emotion scabbed over
healing is a process for...

...something barely understood
that time is not your enemy
she is your friend
keeps you safe when you're scared

she smiles in her own slight way
as she casts down her smile
she will make those who have sought
to destroy you find her true ways
about being angry but keeping your cool
Elijah Almond May 2014
Christmas lights at night
are cold
they are freezing
you are looking at nothing
you are looking at something

comfortable, opening
sad, quiet
they shine on
illuminating the mirror
you are looking at nothing
you are looking at something
May 2014 · 740
bad stains in bad laundry
Elijah Almond May 2014
particle of dirt
must be destroyed

there is a battleship
in the spaceship
of your heart

it will destroy
even the dust who
dares stray to your parts
Elijah Almond May 2014
do unto me what has been done to you

fear is no longer king
we are breaking
we are smiling with blood in our teeth
we are the truth of fairy tales

watch both our destruction
across a river
just wave
don't worry, you need not move

it will swim to you
Elijah Almond May 2014
dancing like a stalking butler
dancing like your future grave

the hole is just waiting
the hole is playing your tune

the wind blows you there
though you seem not sadly

yet, he is not brave
the soft breeze just waits

your mistakes are coming
they'll meet you gladly
unfortunately...about my brother
May 2014 · 279
finding the unknown
Elijah Almond May 2014
maybe hiding in a bush
maybe in another's hand
there is no answer
until you feel what's left inside
in your hand

do you want to see though ?
if what you have protected
is where you left it?
May 2014 · 7.8k
Elijah Almond May 2014
on the edge of sea
there lives a dragonfly

steel boots
can kick in doors
the dragon just flies

at the edge of time
we drown in our sweat

well, he
he just flies away
finds a butterfly

finds a way to bite
May 2014 · 256
the tiring battle
Elijah Almond May 2014
knowing you're going to win
but still have to take that last swing

your arm is hurting
but you're relying on it for everything

the blood in your teeth
the look in your eye

they know you're not afraid to die

it scares them all
in their hearts
playing in their face

they know you're the evolution
of the human race
inspired by a new friend
Elijah Almond May 2014
the room is comfy
the bed is comfy

you're trying to decide what to do
staring at the walls any longer
just doesn't seem right


water your plant
try to think of ideas
to somehow save yourself
May 2014 · 259
ah, the troubled young man
Elijah Almond May 2014
he sits alone
he rests alone

asleep alone
awake alone

dancing to tunes
with a fiddle only he can play

he plays all the hits
just like a game

your move, world
I'm still here
about my mirror
May 2014 · 547
only for pedestrians
Elijah Almond May 2014
the long walk
back in the heat

a 100, 000 car honking at you
when the walk sign is clearly on

entitled feeling people yelling
you have choice except feeling

each foot in front of the next
understanding basic traffic rules

they are the one who is stealing
Elijah Almond May 2014
you're still breathing
so check
just to be sure

anger lives around
it plays in our backyards
check your hands

are they shaking?

what do you do?
when it's hiding behind you?
when it sneaks up on you?
May 2014 · 277
two can play every game
Elijah Almond May 2014
oh, you tricky

you think I don't see
I see more than you know

step up your game
your tactics are getting obvious
May 2014 · 856
the throwing sock
Elijah Almond May 2014
left to right
right to left
up down

over again
the two I can rely on
left to right
right to left

good catch!
about teaching both hands to work together
Elijah Almond May 2014
there lives a rattlesnake
he is cunning
his tail is wagging

evolution has made him
your enemy
watch out for the bite
Elijah Almond May 2014
do you remember where your hole is
or are you praying as you dodge and weave?

how bad will it be if caught
how harsh will the bite be?

keep running rabbit
it's an endless race
May 2014 · 655
the dance rotates
Elijah Almond May 2014
as I hide who I really am
the dance continues


you're on the eyes of everyone around you
May 2014 · 343
harsh times
Elijah Almond May 2014
walk across the garden of deception
be afraid of the roses
they have a magic
but it's not meant for you
May 2014 · 224
old friends
Elijah Almond May 2014
they're quiet
they expect something from you

your mind is on you
you can't possibly know what they want

you want to please
you can't possibly know the words to say

they're quiet
they expect something from you

asking them to speak up
only makes them quiet down
for my old best friend. not the best sharer emotionally  in the world
May 2014 · 565
Elijah Almond May 2014

ideas flow off my head
like a light being lit
I say what needs to be said
I'm tired of the fake ****

we're all dying
waiting for the end
if we are to start living
we must begin
May 2014 · 409
playing the piano
Elijah Almond May 2014
i struggle with the keys
i struggle with me

a fierce exists there though

its everywhere in me

i keep going
because the only direction

is forward
May 2014 · 452
the pistol
Elijah Almond May 2014
it's true
you're back
but I'm too busy laughing
to care

if you have the *****
go ahead
muscle can't stop bullets

so go ahead
its just a click away
i'll see you in hell
either way
about a recent experience of mine.  sorry for the name change those that know me. necessary .
May 2014 · 318
we're waking up crying
Elijah Almond May 2014
clear the tears
wake up
we're either
yes, we're either
dreaming or dead

up to you to decide which

it will never matter what
you chose
Apr 2014 · 297
people die everyday
Elijah Almond Apr 2014
what a sad world
born into knowing we're leaving

who knows where?
Apr 2014 · 297
have you no more sympathy?
Elijah Almond Apr 2014
are you
an animal
a beast? ?

are you
but a shell?

does it hurt?
when that dagger comes in
when the truth stabs you

or do you smile?
does being alone
make you whole somehow?
Apr 2014 · 254
everything in its own line
Elijah Almond Apr 2014
walk, walk, walk
you wake up
walk, walk, walk
you wake up

now laundry
now drying

walk, walk, walk
straighten your left arm
walk, walk, walk
stretch those muscles

make them pay you
for being born with you
no worries
they'll get stronger

you might need them for something more serious
Elijah Almond Apr 2014
ever find yourself pretending?
just doing whatever for whatever
so they hear the noise
this is how feeling nothing works
just the emotions
your dead eyes looking forward as you move
Apr 2014 · 296
the noise outside
Elijah Almond Apr 2014
the ambulance drives by
the domestic going on nearby

we sit in silence
while chaos reigns around us

we're not even sad
we're just glad

it's not us
Apr 2014 · 261
oh, the light?
Elijah Almond Apr 2014
watch them self-destruct
so go ahead and mate
like that's going to help
in all the **** you're bending

all of it you bending it through
it just never ends with you

I'll sit and wait
I'll sit and play
but there where will come a day

the sad day when you knew I was right
about my brother who i tried to save but had to destroy instead
Apr 2014 · 287
nothing scary
Elijah Almond Apr 2014
i need this
to make me whole?
no, you don't

the pieces that have been broken away
they're gone
bad news
not coming back

so get up
wash your face
enjoy the pieces you still have

it's not scary
wake up
the dreams are over

welcome back
to real life
Apr 2014 · 741
a tribute to being mellow
Elijah Almond Apr 2014
it all washes away
no worries
just kick'em up


easy as a summer's breeze
beautiful like an autumn's eve
Apr 2014 · 809
tongueless talker
Elijah Almond Apr 2014
you're a houseplant
you're an object
it doesn't matter what you say
no one is listening anyway
Apr 2014 · 1.2k
surviving the game
Elijah Almond Apr 2014
softly patient
will always win
let them destroy themselves
then you begin again
Apr 2014 · 560
the blue lantern
Elijah Almond Apr 2014

full of so much compassion
when everything is exploding of desperation
when all the walls are falling
you walk through the emotional rubble

surrounding you

living with hope
becomes its own chore
for someone i know
Elijah Almond Apr 2014
might as well keep fighting
until i fade away or die trying
bleed out
**** it

this is no poetry
this is real life
this is anger
this is sweat

it helps i don't care who loses or wins
Apr 2014 · 251
we are sad but smiling
Elijah Almond Apr 2014
give in
its right there
all the temptations

pick your poison

just be ready for the hammer
because it never ends well
about a friend
Elijah Almond Apr 2014
without fear we have nothing
Apr 2014 · 363
a smile today
Elijah Almond Apr 2014
have you nothing?
are you nothing?
are you sickened ?
are you sick and scared?


wake up!
feel this!
you fool !
you sad idiot!
wake up!
feel this!


you are smiling
can't you see
anything at all?

Apr 2014 · 255
slippery ice
Elijah Almond Apr 2014
the person in the mirror
your own dead look that lives in your eyes
the sadness that lives
with understanding who you truly are

the sadness that lives
like a prisoner in the cellar
waiting for someone to let it out
so it can run free
Apr 2014 · 336
crashing the car gently
Elijah Almond Apr 2014
as my body gets harder
my suit fits better

with every fighting motion
i lose less and less

with each passing laughable win
i become less afraid

as i wait for the inevitable
i'm blowing bubbles
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