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 Dec 2013 Mukul
 Dec 2013 Mukul
Kissing you seemed like such good idea
Our faces were close
You were holding me
I was holding you back
You said,
"You have no idea how hard it is to control myself right now."
So I thought,
I threw caution to the wind
And I kissed you
There weren't rockets
No explosions
I wasn't even really nervous
That freaked me out
I pulled away and cried
Partly because I wasn't as confused as I should have been
Partly because it confirmed some things
I'm a horrible person for kissing you
And doing it twice at that
I'm going to ruin you
Break your heart
Not on purpose
But I will
And it will hurt me too
 Sep 2012 Mukul
polly golightly
I piloted that gleaming star
into the hissing sea
and search lights probed the inky depths
but could not rescue me.
I reached for something solid, grasped it tight
and whispered truths,
but it floated down the trench
to where my eyes no longer looked.
I couldn't hold my breath that long,
I tried to give my life,
but rose up to the top again
and then my death you took.
Alive and well I held you near,
but in my dreams I saw
the horror, chaos, maladies
I knew so well before.
Did I reach the 9th and do I now ascend?
Or the devil in ice himself did I mistakenly befriend?
Am I to dare to crawl on land?
Or should I wriggle back
to the sea in which my shining ship
was overcome crack by crack?
Beware the sun
says the moon out of spite
and I'm left to ask the stars
which of these lights is meant for me,
the bright glare or the gleam?
How far does agency extend,
and tell me, does it matter then
what I might choose or think myself
if all is writ in plan?
I hope, I hope, and still I'm pulled,
I know not whether to stand.
For now I lie wrought near in two
on the eternally wet sand.
 May 2012 Mukul
Inkyu Kim
I thought I stashed you away,
I thought I moved past you,
but now you are back.

Old Feelings re-emerging.

The Old Hope and Optimism,
but repressed by the now.

Loyalty undying,
Jealousy building,

The Ghost of the past,
returns to haunt,

In the corner,
I will sit,
without you,

Just me,
with my Old Feelings clawing my heart.

The Ghost from the past.
Back to Haunt me.

What Have I Done?
 May 2012 Mukul
Heather Campbell
We think different yet feel alike
With emotions running high
We often dream and wonder but never reach for the sky
With God's approval we hike, for the most wondorous gift of all
Love and affection because it's better than them all

With one sealed kiss a thousand words can be spoken
Laughter, Rejoice and Freedom
and no rules to be broken
With a gift comes the love and we often wonder if love's true
Wonder who they love, wonder if it's you

We feel the need to sacrifice whatever that we can
If it truly helps, helps to understand
the pain and hardships and ways of running courses
You feel like you're turning in a bed of thorns and roses

Hearts are carousels
they make you feel dizzy
At ups and downs, and every corner
They're always so busy
Love is great
Don't let it grace you
with it's leave at all
Trees will bloom with love
And flower petals will fall.
 May 2012 Mukul
Rose Bernhard
He pushed me up against a wall and kissed me till the sun set.

He tour down my walls and made me feel alive again.

He showed me what real life felt like.

He make me act like a fool.

Then he ignored me,
tortured me with silences,
killed me with a lack of love.
He cut me open and fed me to the dogs.

He broke up with me,
And made out with my best friend.

boys **** sometimes.

But he also taught me that even after being ripped up and tossed in the garbage,
i am still a girl with love,
with happiness,
with life.

A girl willing to give love another chance.
 May 2012 Mukul
Whitney B
I have a secret
I am a dreamer
I am the person with dreams
I am a believer
I am a fighter
I am stronger then i seem
I rest my head
every night
After a day of laughter
And await my dreams
Of fairy tales
And happily ever afters
And i can almost feel
The sweet spring air
Whipping across my face
delicate dew drops
on blades of grass
Seem to dance with breathtaking grace
And after a night
of magic and wonder
i am forced to awake
Reality is a staircase
leading to nowhere
but that's a risk I'm willing to take
 May 2012 Mukul
Marcus Lane
I fear the way you love me:
That tender-touching kiss
Seducing me to nightly
Sink deep in your abyss.

Those smooth caresses take me
To places that I dread,
Your cunning fingers rouse me
To plan such lies ahead.

But while we writhe and tumble
In lust's hypnotic hold,
I fear the final stumble
That will see the truth unfold.
© Marcus Lane 2010
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