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Like acid it falls leaving a burning pain
Like a bullet your memories come fast and loud and before you know it you're in pain.
Night after night only the moon knows how you cry.
Wishful you hold on, hoping that through some miracle the pain finds it's exit.
But when it does you're already numb.
All that's left is you staring into an empty space in search of your broken pieces that scattered when you broke before the last tear fell.
Comfort becomes a misplaced item and you can no longer find it.
Happiness like ice became cold and solid
Your heart becomes your antagonist.
And in an instance the pain of nostalgia comes back.
Like rewind it's back again
Like cancer it never left me.
I thought with you it will be different
but like the others you do the same.
You're here only to break me
Only to hurt me
Take whatevers left and desert me.
But to your loss I have no more for you to break.
If you were death I'd hug you with love for im ready to go.
If you were an enemy ready to **** me I'd hand you the blade.
I have no more
For you to take
I have no more to lose
I have lost the war of love and can no longer be abused.
My heart no more then a pump now and my soul no less than a flickering light.
**** me
Break me
Hurt me
I dont expect anymore than that from you than I have from the others..
Like a shooting star
You came in the blink of an eye
Made me wish
Made me hope
then disappeared leaving me with no more then a wish.
How ?
How do I let go of you?
How do I say goodbye
To all the memories , the love , ?
How do I say goodbye and let go of us ?
Like a bird I'll lose my wings
Like a fish I'll swallow water
Like glass I'll shatter.
No one's going to love you like I do
No one's going to hold you like I did.
But no one's going to put me through what you did...
As painful as it tasted I loved the pain
As cold as it is I love the frost bite
As broken as I am I love putting myself together
But a piece of me will always be with you
Like a pendent keep it safe and wear it on your chest for every heartbeat you have I'll feel it on my half for the signal shall never be low.
Someone to want my love
Someone to need me
Someone to be
Someone to appreciate me
Thats all I ever needed
No money
No fame or fortune
No adventure
Just someone.
Never have I felt the feeling of being wanted , needed or loved.
So to myself I ask
So to the public I scream
What is the point ?
The point of calling you mine?
The point of me being yours ?
The point of our relationship?
The point of an us?
If im not needed
If im not wanted
So to the point I conclude
There is no point
Guess thats why its called appreciation.
Like a light you gave me guidance.
I question my decision-
Was I wrong to fall for you ?
is my heart wrong for calling to you?
But like a test I cannot change the answers ,nor can I change the outcome.
Am I ruining a friendship
Am I opening a relationship
Either choice that comes I hope neither takes you away from me my love.
For after more time then I care to count
My silent heart has found its sound.
My silent words choose to speak aloud but my fear still remains safe and sound.
I was broken,
Torn apart ,
Left for dead ,
Lived in the dark.
Then you came
You were all I could ask for
Everything and more.
Like the scars that covers my arm
You covered my heart.
But like the darkness I lived in you promised no more than bitter emptiness.
As the slow tears of the sky shower us,
I can't help but contribute to the waterfall of tears.
No matter how hard I cry
scream into the night ,
I can never change the fact
our love was no more than a beautiful lie.
Into the darkness I hide
Holding onto no more than the fading light of our lie.
Maybe you'll come back
Maybe my demons will consume me.
But I loved our lie
I loved you
Even if it all was a lie.
A fire that burns
A flame that stays calm within our hearts-
Then we meet them
The gasoline to our flame
The oxygen to our flame
The life of our flame.
The simple wait for it
The smart look for it
The brave fight for it
The hurt hide from it.
A flame will always do what its made to do
A flame will always burn
I've lost my flame
Many have but someday the sun will rise again until then the dark shall settle and night will be my light in hope of a moon to give some light and maybs some day the sun will rise and the flame the love will live again.
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