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Looking back at what we had
I close my eyes and look away,
I look away from the memories we made,
I look away from the pain you made.
And then I start to remember when we spoke for hours into the morning light.
When you cried and I broke.
I remember it all.
But I'm ashamed to remember our love , cause I'm just one on the list , not a special one or a meaningful one just another one on the list.
And the pain comes back reminding me after you left you watched me fall apart and did nothing to help , but then again how can you help something you caused.
After everything we've been through I'm ashamed to say I was a fool to love you.
Cause in the end I broke apart falling to pieces hitting the ground and you walked away yet when you fell apart I picked you up , I stood above you when it rained on you, I held you when the world got cold, I I carried you when you gave up hope, I brought the light when darkness to over your might , I'm most ashamed to say I gave you all the love I had and more and you took me for all I got and ran along.
Forget what you know.
Forget about the saying:
"If they love you , they won't only share the good times with you"
Love , true love is not a feeling or an emotion its a power , the only supernatural thing that we have physical proof of.
If they love you and if you want to know that they truly love you
Then they will fight with you,
They will get annoyed with you
They look at you speaking to others and smile and say she's mine
They won't just stand by you in tough times , they'll break the tough times ,
They won't enjoy the good times they'll make the good times
When the love is true they'll flirt with other girls but infront of you,
When the love is true they'll speak to other girls about you,
When the love is true they won't break down your enemies they'll make them your friends.
When the love is true they won't stand and wipe your tears away they'll stand and cry next to you.
When the love is true and someone hurts you they'll end up in jail only for you.
When the love is true there is no addiction or drug or pleasure to strong to give up for you.
There is no true defenition of love or true love but when the love is true they'll tell you everyday I'm going to spend the rest of my life with you Monotonously telling you I'm going to marry you.
If I have to use an hourglass to measure how long it will take for you to come back the clear crystal glass will be kept warm with a blanket of dust covering it for centuries.
I am that hourglass , going back and forth watching the grains fall hour after hour and with each hour that passes so does my hope of you returning.
I ponder on the concept of you coming back and us being what we once were , but trust and and faith are like glass once its broken picking up the pieces is as good as self harm.
An hour glass is shaped like an infinity sign but our infinity broke when you walked out.
I do love you , that is no lie , I do miss you that is the truth, but I cannot be with you as I once was and that is the sorrowful part. If our love was an hourglass I would turn back the sands and stop you , I would come after you or maybe I'd stop myself from loving you but our love is not an hourglass meant to run on forever instead its a sundial when dusk came our love ended and when dawn came a new time began for me and you -my yesterday become history.
This is not a peom
But a story
A story of me and you
And all of us
Sitting up at night
Wondering why
Why me ?
Why ,what did I do ?
This is for the brave ones
Who defy rules and boundaries
Who break barriers
And create new limits to be broken.
This is our stories , the late nights crying , the moments of walking alone in the rain and any other '******' day life has thrown to us.
This is for all of us who've made it when they said quit now,
For those who said I can
And for those who fell while pushing back up.
This is a story of how we all are going to make it and of how we're not going to fail at it.
They say the eyes are the windows to the soul, but in your case that's a lie.
When I look into your eyes I don't just see a soul I find our wonderland,
I see endless possibilities ,
I see endless opportunities
But most of all I find an endless amount of love.
Hidden deep withing your eyes is the secrets of the universe , the hope of a hundred suffering souls,
Withing the endless ocean of beauty you conceal a single truth , a whisper of love I do see but the single truth you conceal is hidden even from me and that is where you hide our endless wonder.
At the stroke of midnight she cries.
Her cries are not heard ,
Her cries are loudly silent,
The pain creeps into her soul burning her from within,
She breaks slowly inside
She dies slowly inside
She feels alone tonight.
She reaches for death's hands in hope to find salvation ,
I watch her
I scream for her to stop
My scream is loudly silent,
She cuts the last bit of hope away.
I stop her but to little to late I fail to save the hope she sacrificed to find relief in a world of torture.
One too many we make,
One too many we are given
One too many happen by accident,
But all make you stronger.
A scar is not just a scar it's a sign of survival.
A sign life broke you
Cut you
Tore you apart
But you kept fighting.
Honour your scars because one day we shall look back and remember the tough times
The lonely nights
The cold moments
And we will smile a smile brighter than any smile cause we made it.
Hold your scar proudly as if its an emblem , a coat of arms , a flag for you are a warrior , a soldier , a titan who's fighting to survive in a world of death.
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