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Mar 2015 · 748
muhammad usman Mar 2015
choose a number
plus 4
plus 2
take away 2
take away the number you started   with
answer is 4
Mar 2015 · 890
age poem (bad)
muhammad usman Mar 2015
when i was 1 i weighed 100 ton
when i was 2 i fell in poo
when i was 3 everyone hated me
when i was 4 i was poor
when i was 5 i got stuck in a bee hive
when i was 6 i had lots of nits
when i was seven i cryed till i was 11
when i was 8 i had no mate
when i was 9 nothing was mine
when i was 10 i was chased by a hen
when i was 11 i was told i was 7
Mar 2015 · 531
muhammad usman Mar 2015
if you have a brother
respect him cause you might not have another
they are speshil in their own way
you can ride down a mountain on a sleigh
the ylove you
this is very true
they care for you
so you should too
Mar 2015 · 725
age poem (good)
muhammad usman Mar 2015
when i was 1 i owned a pond
when i was 2 i had a teddy called moo
when i was 3 everyone loved me
when i was 4 i went for a london tour
when 1 was 5 i strived
when i was 6 i had lots of ticks
when i was 7 everyone called me keaven
when i was 8 i had lots of mates
when i was 9 i had a chair made from pine
when i went to big ben
Mar 2015 · 1.5k
opitsite poem
muhammad usman Mar 2015
as black as night
as white as snow
as big as a aeroplane
as small as a nit
as hot as the sun
as cold as the fridge
as tall as a giraffe
as short as a koala
as fast as  a fox
as slow as a slug
thin as paper
fat as an elephant
soft as a carpet
hard as iron
as intreasting as a lion
as boring as math
please like this poem
Mar 2015 · 1.8k
recipe for a good student
muhammad usman Mar 2015
take a spoon full of emotion
add some english and maths
slice some siance
mix spanish, french and english
a clever brain with no mistakes
pour some brain glue on the brain
add the ears of a monkey
put the two sharp eyes of a cat
a head size of a small melon
the voice of a good gentleman
the peacness of a bird
leave it to trun into a human form
watch it say hello!
thanks for reading
Mar 2015 · 813
muhammad usman Mar 2015
my teachers
are not monsters or deadly creatures
they know how to teach
they are as sweet as a peach
they are so cool
you cant turn them into a fool
cuase they have lots of knoweledge
becuase they did good in school and college
respect them all
small or tall
they know more than me and you
this is very true
they are worth more than gold
so amazing can't be sold
you know in your heart
teachers are part
of your everyday life
so dont end it with a knife
thankyou for reading
Mar 2015 · 517
holy prophet (saw)
muhammad usman Mar 2015
the Holy Prophet was the best
he was better than the rest
he knew more than me and you
all this is very true
the Qur'an was sent to him
to tell him what is good and what is sin
his childhood was sad
but all this was not all that bad
these are no lies
he was very wise
he was a man of love and careing
he never went around swearing
he never lied
though he sometimes cryed
he had a wife
she helped him all through life
the prophet went to war
he also helped the poor
he never stole
he played a major role
people tried to **** him
but they did not win
he faced loads of pain
this prophet was the main
prophet Muhammad (saw)
Mar 2015 · 431
muhammad usman Mar 2015
give money to the poor
you can earn more
they dont eat
hardly any meat
dont eat for days
just sit in the suns rays
what they need
is not greed
give them food
to raise their mood
give them clothes
you dont need loads
they get sick
you dont need to do a magic trick
make them live longer
dont let them die with hunger
this tool me ages to make

— The End —