Now you are being unreasonable, Sir --totally so- I'll relate this story so that the whole world would know You shouted at me: "Wrong phone number You stupid ****** !' May I say: 'Why did you pick up the phone then, Sir Marlborough?'
This was the problem with the great bard William Shakespeare Of venereal diseases he did not care or fear The biographers do lament His creative powers were unwisely spent In 16th century brothels of London--on dear, oh dear!
There was a man from Beijing called Not Tee Lim Ugly, bald, belligerent, recalcitrant and slim Won the year's First Prize for Insolence, Belligerence, Indifference and Intolerance He was bestowed a knighthood--his new name-- Sir Irreverent Lim
Limericks are part of modern psychotherapy Found to be efficacious in many a country Edward Lear was before his time and did not think He could sell his poems to every shrink Today he would be worth millions in US currency
This is a true story Of a robber named John-Sill Henry With a water pistol He tried to hold up Bank Royal Caught red-handed--when the water leaked accidentally
Her name was Nancy The chatter-box of the city Her husband could take it no more Decided to marry the city's most famous ***** Believe me--this is a real story.
Three men went to sea John, Paul and Henry There was not enough food and they fought The weather was unbearably hot They blasphemed: hell is a better place to be!