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Eddie Starr May 2014
Impossible is another four letter word here.
Because it is  has only false meaning here.
For its just a word to place doubts in people minds.
But in reality impossible has no true meaning at all.
For to those that truly believe everything is possible.
But the wicked evil one just want to cast doubt upon you.
So it created that word to keep people from obtaining Gods goal.
For by doubting people lose the precious gifts from Christ.
247 · Apr 2014
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
'You may question many things in this world.
But one thing should never ever be questioned.
For Christ does have everything under  control.
He knows exactly the outcome of every thing.
So even if you struggle with trusting others.
At least learn to trust the Great Creator of all.
For others may fail you and give in to the dark side.
But know that if we put Christ first in our life's.
Then he shall work everything for our greater good.
For he is always good and have your best interest in mind.
247 · Aug 2014
If I Must
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
If I must suffer in this life that we each live.
Let me suffer for Christ glory, not mine.
Let it be used to draw others unto his Path.
For his path will lead to Love and Life.
While the other path lead to selfishness and death.
I would rather live to suffer in this very life.
And then in the next stand next to the Christ my God.
Then to live a good and enjoyable life here.
And then in the next life spend eternity suffering.
247 · May 2014
Eddie Starr May 2014
Love is pure, it is not twisted or perverted.
Love is not controlling nor is it abusive.
Love is placing the other person above yourself.
Love is trusting them and protecting them.
Love is not a addictive feeling nor is using them.
Love in its purest form unconditional and pure.
For to love others is to place their well being.
Above your own well being and to love them .
247 · Aug 2014
True Hope
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
I know that out of anger lot of people would disagree with me.
But I know that there is real true Living Hope that loves us all.
He died on the cross an sinless Savior God so that we could live.
He rose back up from death three days later giving us true hope.
He is not the Savior to the dead, but to the living he saves us all.
So please keep pushing through, for I can relate to your sufferings.
I too live an lonely existence, but I know that Christ is with me.
So I shall keep pushing through this mess that I live in.
247 · Jul 2014
Our Creator
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Our Creator is more then just a creator , he is a Savior as well.
He is Love, he is Peace, he is the Speaker of  true Life.
For there is no death, *******, nor hatred in him at all.
Hatred only came about after Adam and Eve fell from Eden.
For God so Love the World, see nothing about hate here.
That he gave his only begotten son , that whoever believe in him.
Shall not perish but have everlasting life, see Life and Love.
He is much more then a Creator, he is Giver of Life itself.
Being born does not make you alive in itself you have to give yourself over.
For true Life is in the Son of God, this is where real life begins.
246 · Jul 2014
Worth Living
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
A life truly remarkable is one full of Love and compassion.
Without Love and compassion for others, you are not really alive.
To truly be alive, you have to take chances , on sharing Love with others.
For how can you be alive if your heart is stone cold lifeless.
Love melts away the cold and lifelessness from people hearts.
Sharing Love with strangers on the street, give both hope to feel.
The Hope from a Savior, Lord Jesus burns away the hopelessness.
Replacing it with Hope that comes from him the Holy God.
Thus building as remarkable bond between the 2 strangers.
246 · Aug 2014
Only Hope
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
Even though the hurt physical and emotional, I have but only one source.
My only source of Hope, is not in me, other people, things nor situations.
But in a true Savior, for I can die at anytime, I can hurt anytime as well.
There is no Hope in others, because they are just people, whom live.
But they can die anytime for as the bible states we are not promise a tomorrow.
So once we see just how temporary any of our lives truly are here.
We can see just how desperate we truly are there is nothing promise.
Thus once we realize the truth of the matter, we will see desperation.
In our lives because we become desperate for true Hope which is in Christ.
245 · Mar 2014
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
You can chose to live a live pleasing to Christ.
Or you can live a life pleasing your fleshy desires.
But in the end you shall be reaping what you have sow.
For through your choices you have made decisions.
Which someday shall catch up to you in one way or another.
So be not surprise when you start to suffer for those choices.
So before it become too late lay them down at the cross.
Start to make good choices ones that benefits other people.
Start to live a life pleasing to the Creator of the Universe.
245 · Jun 2014
You Are
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
You are my relief from the storms.
You are the beginning of my Life.
You are the cure , for my brokenness.
You are the truth that I seek in life.
You are my everything, my source to life.
You are the Sun that beats upon my back.
You are my world, my Salvation too.
You are my God Lord Jesus my King.
You are the one that lift me high upon the mountains.
245 · Jun 2014
I Am Grateful
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
Freedom to worship Christ without being arrested or killed.
Freedom to walk down the street without being hunted.
Freedom to speak life and minster to other people here.
Freedom to talk about Christ on Facebook and in person.
We take for granted the freedom that we have here in the USA.
That other countries only dream about, we need to be thankful.
I see alot of person cursing the government but, we do have more freedom.
We have the freedom to vote, the freedom to go to church as well.
For me I am thankful to be an american citizen, thank you Jesus.
245 · Apr 2014
Hidden Truths
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
Lets be real, a humble man gets raise up while the prideful fall.
Inner strength is pushing those things that would drive most to suicide.
Inner strength, is living even though your world is falling down around you.
Even though you are losing everything that you love deeply in life.
You just never give in to giving up in life, this is true inner strength.
For why let go when the next miracle in your life could be around the corner.
Only by giving your life to Christ can he find peace in your wearily life.
245 · Jun 2014
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
Some people have to go through hard times.
So that they can lead others out of the darkness.
Sometimes a person purpose is a built on leading others out.
So they are allow to be put in uncomfortable situations.
So that they may be use to lead people out of dark places.
Such as drug addiction and alcohol addictions as well.
It is not a easy purpose to live in , its a very lonely one.
But still Christ is there leading them through this life.
245 · Mar 2014
Choices and Love
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
We have a choice to love unconditional or to love addictly.
We have a choice to love and obey Christ, or to blame him.
For all of the evil that lies in this world that we all live in.
We have a choice to keep sinning or to hand it to God.
Everything we do or do not is made through our choices.
I am going to work on being as obedient as I can be .
For I know that Christ loves us and only want the very best.
So I will choose to obey the only one that knows my ending.
As well as my beginning, for he is Awesome too.
245 · Aug 2014
My Heart Pours Out
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
My heart pours out for those whom hurt both physically and emotionally.
My heart pours out for those struggling Spiritually, and emotionally, physically as well.
For I know that sometimes our struggles and suffering are connected .
My Hearts desires is for all that are hurting to be healed of their pains.
My heart hurts when I see those that are suffering right now in torment.
I love you all with the love of our Great and Wonderful Savior God.
My heart cries out for all of the hurting to feel Christ presence in their lives.
To fully come to know him fully and feel his Mighty Healing Love.
To see him in a even greater Light and become personal with him.
244 · Feb 2014
Who Am I
Eddie Starr Feb 2014
Who am I to walk on water, while holding your hand Jesus.
Because like Peter if I let go then I will sink into the sea.
Who am I to walk on water, because I am no different then anyone else.
The only difference is that you have taken a special interest in me.
Because in truth I mess up every day, I am just blessed by Christ.
I am just a ordinary man who has connection with a supernatural God.
A God who promises are truth and he is always faithful to his people.
Who am I to walk on water, I am a son of the Most High God.
243 · Jul 2014
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
This battle and storm seems to never cease to exist, it destroys many.
This battle that we are caught in the midst of, is taking many people.
People that we and Christ, the Father as well it taking their lives.
What ever you do , please do not allow the evil one to destroy you.
Stand firm and stand tall, Stay next to Jesus he shall keep you protective.
He shall not allow that **** to destroy you, for Jesus is your God.
He is your strong tower, nothing can get past him, for he is God alone.
He shall catch you in his protective hands whenever you start to fall.
243 · May 2014
True Hope
Eddie Starr May 2014
My heart is breaking for so many different reasons.
I see the hurting slaves to the evil people in control.
Like the people that are kidnap every single day.
Or the poor souls whom lost people that they loved.
Or the people that ex-spouse used them then dumped them.
For there are so many hurting people living in hopelessness.
But only Christ can rescue any of us from this hopelessness.
Only he can give us true hope and a life worth living.
Only he can save us from this dark hopelessness.
243 · Aug 2014
Live, Love Freely
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
Live a life full of Love for others, give freely always.
Give unconditionally, share with others without expectation.
Never expect anything in return this is how God works.
He bless us and does not expect anything in return.
Thus being an example for how we should love too.
For by becoming this Lite candle in the darkness here.
We shall reveal Christ to those whom are lost in the darkness.
For to shine, to draw the lost to Christ Light that is lite within us.
242 · Jul 2014
Be Strong
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Be strong, stand firm, test the spirit of the sermon.
Play hard trust God fully, Love all unconditionally.
Dance for God sing your heart out for him as well.
Be not afraid to love others, for God loves them.
Run like the wind, to help others out when you can.
Be joyful show others just how awesome that God is.
Praise his name, pray to him often too be of good cheer.
Trust God fully love him fully as well be there for others.
242 · Mar 2014
Life Without Borders
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
The worldly wants to keep us hostages  in the troubling world.
But we need to walk spiritually not living in this world fully.
But walking as though we are not bound by this world laws.
Because in truth we are not bound by those laws that hold the lost in *******.
We are children of Christ with the same power that Christ had.
When he walked this earth over two thousand years ago.
Once we start using them to reveal Christ within us, people will be saved.
For this is just one of the many reason Christy gave to us the comforter.
241 · Mar 2014
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
There are so many hurting people in this world today.
Each of you are by far more special then you will ever know.
Christ has created each and everyone of us, for a special purpose.
Even the ones that do not know him are Wonderfully made.
I just pray that each of them would lay their hurts and sufferings down.
Allowing Christ to come and heal them of all of their brokenness.
Thus then they shall see Christ for whom he truly is God of Love.
Then they would know him the way that I know him Faithful.
241 · May 2014
Eddie Starr May 2014
Forever my life, lies in your Awesome loving hands.
I know that you have not only place the stars in place.
I also know that you know every hair on my head.
For your love for me, as well as for other people God.
Is greater then any other love could ever be, it the same.
Whether I mess up or not it is the same love unconditional.
For you are not like man whom choose favorites to love.
Your love applies , to every single person in this universe.
So grateful am I to know you are my Awesome Savior.
241 · Jul 2014
Eternal Living
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Eternal, Living starts here on planet earth, for we are Gods people.
For this world prepare us for the very next life, so we start here Living.
Once we realize the cost, that Christ gave up for us his people here.
Then we do whatever he calls us to do, because he did it all for us.
Dying a Sinless Savior a sinful death so that we may live a life sin free.
So we start trying to be as sinless as possible in this life on the earth.
Becoming like him living the eternal life here today by his grace.
241 · Aug 2014
You Are Awesome
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
You are all truly an amazing Masterpiece, work of art.
The evil one is trying to destroy you, but Christ wants to save you.
The evil one is trying to torment you but stand firm today.
For God has some great plans for you, just stand firm.
You have great help, the Holy Spirit is here to help you to overcome.
To become Might Warrior for Christ your Lord and King.
Just remember you are truly an Awesome Gift from the Christ.
So do not give up but push through these trials and tribulations.
240 · Jun 2014
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
There might be Distance between us, at this very moment.
But I still know that you are looking over me right now.
You have always been there for me , throughout my life.
I am so very blessed to have you in my life today and always.
I know that there were times when I have made a few bad choices.
I got married when I should had stayed single but that's in the past.
But still you have always been there looking out for me, just the same.
240 · Jul 2014
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Rest in the Lord, for his ways are soothing to the soul.
Set your mind on Christ, for he truly is Faithful God.
Allow him to not only save you but to heal you as well.
For whatever you are going through at this moment.
He will carry you through it , for he is always Good.
Trust in him, for he wants only the very best for you.
He came to save those that were lost and to receive them back.
So trust in him , give him your praise and worship people.
240 · Aug 2014
Live In Love
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
Always lay your life , in the hands of the Creator alone.
Never give up on your dreams and goals hang onto them tight.
For they shall happen in God's timing, not your timing.
For it is not about our agenda, but about others and Christ Glory.
For this purpose we were born into this world to help others.
To reveal Christ to the world, it is up to them what they do with it.
For then they shall see that he is really a Mighty Savior.
Thus they too may lay their needs at the foot of the Cross.
239 · Jun 2014
Rough Times
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
There are times, that we must hurt and suffer.
To give birth to what Christ is working in you.
Just like a woman who hurts and suffered.
Through child bearing but once the baby was out.
The joy was powerful, because she gave life to a baby.
Just as a poet or writer once they go through rough times.
Then they have brought out the creative within them.
Then the joy is found through the words of healing.
That Christ has place within them to help out others.
Who are going through what they have gone through.
239 · Aug 2014
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
Forever my life has been touch by all of you.
Forever I been blessed by each and everyone of you.
Forever each and everyone of you have a place in my heart.
Christ has use you to implant the unconditional love.
That shall forever be embedded in my heart and soul.
With each and every one of your name on my heart.
Forever you have gain a piece of my heart that belongs to you.
I just want to thank each and everyone of you for your blessing me.
239 · Apr 2014
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
Drown me in the river of your amazing love Holy Spirit.
For who am I , but a man whom drowning in brokenness.
But you moved in to teach me heavenly things from God.
I been drowning in brokenness, but God uses everything.
To reveal himself to not only us, but to every one else too.
He uses the broken part of us to reveal that its him .
Not us that do all of these great things for the world to see.
For thus we know that we could never accomplish these things on our own.
So I am glad that I am broken, because otherwise.
I might have miss out on God revealing himself to me.
239 · Jul 2014
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Life is about dying to self, there is no true Life without dying.
Just like there is not getting without giving it away.
For if you hoard everything that you get then you will end up   without.
For there is nothing greater then Love, its the greatest of action.
Faith , Hope, Joy, and Love is greater then these three combine.
Trust is very important another verb of action for you do it  no matter what.
So all of these verbs are very important in your relationship with Christ.
238 · Jul 2014
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Things may seem hopeless right at this moment.
But the night is always darkest before dawn.
Also we put hope in the wrong times most of the time.
There is no hope in people nor is there hope in money or things.
There is only hope in Christ the Living Savior only him.
Life is hard, but Christ within you will overcome it too.
So keep on persevering, never let go of the true Hope which is Christ.
Trust him, Love everyone those that has rejected you love them anyway.
For you need to allow the Holy Spirit within you to reveal himself.
238 · Aug 2014
From The Heart
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
When you write and it comes straight from your heart.
This is when Christ can use it because it reach others.
Whom feeling the same way as you but they are struggling.
To put their feelings to paper, so remember to write from the heart.
For it is heart that Christ will use to bring healing to others.
Whom he loves as much as he loves you because you are being honest.
237 · Mar 2014
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
We whom are called by his name, must fully love others.
For by this they shall know that we belong to the Christ.
For this was why he came into this world to die a sinless death.
To give life to all that believe in his Holy and Righteous name.
He did not have to die, he could have let us all die and go to hell.
But he wanted to save us from the wicked scumbag satan.
So he came here to save that which was lost to him thank you God.
So don't we need to lay down our pride to be humble and loving.
So that he can use us to minster to the lost , hurting world that we live in.
237 · Mar 2014
I Shall Stand
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Whatever happen I must trust that its in your will.
For I know that you have everything under control.
So I must quit worrying over bad things happening.
For I must trust you, and lay my will down to pick up yours.
Because I do know that you love me and will be with me.
I must walk with the confident that you are protecting me.
While praising your most Worthy, and perfect name God.
So I will start walking like a overcome, not a coward.
236 · Apr 2014
Freedom Reigns
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
When you start to follow the Lord your God and obey.
When you start allowing the Holy Spirit to cleanse you.
When you truly repent and want God holiness in your life.
When you freely accepts all of Christ ways over the worlds way.
When your heart breaks for your enemies, sin and deception.
Then you know that  Christ truly does reign completely in you.
For when you have Christ heart for the hurting, suffering and lost.
Then you truly have the heart to reach out to the lost in love.
236 · Feb 2014
The Love of A Savior
Eddie Starr Feb 2014
The love of a savior, is what the whole world is looking for.
Most are called by him but only a few are chosen by him.
Really it does not matter the gender, because it is a family love.
Not the kind of love sought after here on the planet earth.
God is Holy, beyond that of mortal men and women.
He is the creator and parent to us all, we will be brothers,,,
Sisters, and he shall be our Father, thank you Abba Daddy.
Jesus shall be our older awesome brother, I think you Lord.
So we are super blessed to have the love of a Savior.
For God so love the world, that he gave his begotten son.
That whomever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
236 · Mar 2014
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Christ calls us to encourage others, to lift them up.
To help others to see Christ in the right way here.
For tis sad today but so many see him in the wrong way.
They think that he belongs to greedy and selfish people.
But tis is not the true God for he belongs to those that love.
That put others before themselves, to love others as thyself.
So let us reach out to the hurting, lost, and suffering.
Showing them that our God is Love, and that we are too.
To help them to know that God is truth, love and Holy.
So they might become unblended and see him for who he is.
235 · May 2014
Life Descisions
Eddie Starr May 2014
Life is not always black and white , for some people it is their decisions.
Some are not completely a bad person just a person whom made mistakes.
It just that they made poor choices in the decisions that they had made.
Thus they need healing and a rational mind, the next time they make a decision.
Thus they need prayer as well that they shall be transform and changed.
So that the next time that they make a decision, it shall be a good one.
Thus then keep on making only good decisions in their lives.
235 · Aug 2014
Christ Blessings
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
I been blessed more then I will ever know , there are things from the past.
At that time I took for granite that are rare but Christ bless us with.
The factory that I worked at in Iowa was a corporation with over two hundred people working there.
Everyone on my shift cared love me unconditional , it was a Christ thing.
I learn through them how to love unconditional, he really blessed me.
I was truly blessed back then and happy except not being married.
It was the best time of my life then for there were/ are lot of good people.
That works/ worked at that office furniture company where I worked at.
235 · Jun 2014
So Much
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
There is so much brokenness in this world of ours.
People that you start to love, then they go away.
Marriages that fall apart, then you wonder who they become.
So much pain, and so much sorrow in this world.
It truly breaks your heart to see the suffering of others.
The Lord is the only Hope that any of us have in this world.
There is so much hurting, and so much selfishness as well.
This world has become so much more evil as well too.
So much that its so hard to want to stay living in this world.
235 · Jun 2014
Super Special
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
Each and everyone of you all are Super and very Special.
For each and every one of us are unique, no two are the same.
For Christ breaks the mold each time that he creates a Masterpiece.
For he gives us both gifts and talents to help us to live in this life.
For each and everyone of us has a purpose to fulfill in this life of ours.
So when one of us die unfortunately the purpose dies with us as well.
So knowing this up front you need to fulfill whatever this purpose is.
Thus reaching out to the people that only you can reach out to.
To draw them into an relationship with Christ as well to save their very soul from h3ll.
234 · Mar 2014
Ready to be Healed
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Christ is getting ready to do a new thing within his people.
First he shall test them to see if he is first in your lives.
Secondly he shall give sight to the blind and voice to the mute.
He shall give healing to the hurting and sound to the deaf.
He shall give life to the dead and home to the homeless.
He shall give love to the brokenhearted and wisdom to the dumb.
He shall lift his people up, so others shall see him in them.
For he is still working on healing in the very last days.
233 · Apr 2014
Born To Die
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
Born to die, suffer in-between yet you came here knowing your future.
A future  knowing that you were going to suffer rejection and die alone.
You lived to die, to save a world that would insist that you die.
Still you came knowing every thing that would take place in your life.
Crucified, yet you still came to save lives, to leave a doorway to life.
For those that would eventually accept you as our Lord and King.
Yet we still find reasons to complain, yet you kept quiet through it all.
233 · Jun 2014
You Are Perfect
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
I love each of you with Christ love for you are all perfect.
He created each of you with a purpose and a important mission.
To seek out the lost and be used to reveal to each of them Jesus.
For he does not want even one lost soul that does not know who he is.
He wants to give everyone a chance to repent and become his own.
Both sons and daughters, he want to rescue each and everyone of them.
For he has created each and everyone of us in his image.
233 · Jun 2014
When Your Time Comes
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
When your time comes, you shall soar on eagle wings.
When your time comes, Christ shall fill you overflowing.
With the Holy Spirit, he shall use you like never before.
When your time comes you shall see great wonders.
Coming through the Holy Spirit which is in you.
When your time comes, you shall become a blessing.
With the help of your God, you shall minster to many.
When your time comes, you shall know it and feel great joy.
233 · May 2014
Keep Perservering
Eddie Starr May 2014
This world has gotten uglier and a lot more wicked.
More people are hurting then ever before now also.
A lot more people have gotten greedy with others money.
Soon yes very soon the Lord shall return to claim his own.
Just stand fast it shouldn't be much longer for his return.
Soon your pain, suffering, and sorrow shall end forever.
For the Lord shall take away all of your  hurt and struggles.
He shall wipe away all of your tears and he conquer death.
232 · Jun 2014
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
Family are not always the ones that you are born into through flesh.
Sometime even flesh and blood family distance, themselves from you.
God gives us many family members, ones born of Spirit and water.
So be thankful that you have an extended family as well to draw close to.
Otherwise some of us might not have family at all here on the earth.
So be grateful to Christ for adding people into your life that cares.
For without the caring people that love you inside and out.
This life would be more lonely and lot more longer in life here.
I am thankful for each and every member of my family here.
232 · Jul 2014
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Even through the struggles that we are going through.
Even when things are not our fault, yet we must suffer.
When you have issues sleeping at night, God is still good.
For God is the same no matter where we are at in life.
What does not destroy us will only make us stronger.
No matter what we end up going through trust God.
For he is Faithful to those that loves him fully.
So please never give up in life trust your creator fully.
For when bad things happen to us, it is not his doing.
But the evil one and mans doing trying to destroy us.
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