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232 · Jul 2014
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Even through the struggles that we are going through.
Even when things are not our fault, yet we must suffer.
When you have issues sleeping at night, God is still good.
For God is the same no matter where we are at in life.
What does not destroy us will only make us stronger.
No matter what we end up going through trust God.
For he is Faithful to those that loves him fully.
So please never give up in life trust your creator fully.
For when bad things happen to us, it is not his doing.
But the evil one and mans doing trying to destroy us.
232 · Jun 2014
Life Lived Worthy
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
Live a life that is worthy to live for Christ.
Live a life sacrificing to your Savior Jesus.
For he lived to save many people from death.
He lived to die to be a sacrifice for their sins.
'He died a sinless Savior died a sinful man's death.
So that we become Holy through him our God.
He gave to us his people a helper to be transform.
To live a life like his with grace, mercy and his love.
232 · May 2014
Eddie Starr May 2014
It is very  easy to love those that love you back.
But when you sincerely love those that hate you.
Now this is the true test of being a true Christian.
When you want the very best for even those that use you.
Those that hate you as well and you want only the best.
For all of those that the world would deem their enemies.
To pray for them to be bless by Christ and sincerely love them.
By doing this we are seen as true children of the Living God.
232 · Apr 2014
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
So desperate for those that are really hurting, to seek Christ first.
Instead of running after the worldly things to take his place.
If you are one of the desperate ones , I plead that you will do this.
To see him as their only option to true life everywhere and in everything.
To put their Faith and Trust alone in him the True Savior of the universe.
To lay down all of your hurts, your sorrows, struggles, and everything else.
To boldly put every ounce of energy that you have in praying to our God.
231 · Jul 2014
Your Love For God
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
I pray that you shall be blessed beyond measure, that you will hold peace.
That your heart shall always , have truth as a close companion everywhere.
That you shall sleep every night comfortably, and have great dreams.
Christ instill dreams of visions and future events, that you shall always love God.
That when you get married that person shall be your perfect soul mate.
That God shall place you in the most perfect vocation with enough money.
That your Love for God shall always flow out in everything that you speak.
231 · Jun 2014
Change Reaction
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
A change reaction is by far more powerful then a chain reaction.
For when you change for the better, people shall see the change.
You shall inspire and encourage them to want to change as well.
They shall see that your God and Savior has done a mighty work in you.
So then they too shall want Christ Jesus as their Savior , Lord and God.
Thus wanting you to tell them how that they shall be saved by God.
So now Christ has use you to make them thirsty for Christ Jesus.
So be thankful for Christ is using you as a world changer for others.
230 · Jul 2014
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
When we start to trust God with everything that we are and do.
Miracles start to happen for us and to us, we become changed creatures.
We become Miracles deep inside of us, we become transform.
People have no idea just how miraculous that transformation becomes.
We are no longer the people that we once were and other people see this.
Thus they too start to believe in God like us for they see hope within us.
Thus they are wanting the very same hope that we have in Christ.
Thus then God uses us to reach out to them and lead them into the light.
230 · Aug 2014
Who Are Gods People
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
We are your everyday people, we laugh, we cry, we hurt, and we love.
But at the end of the day we praise him for bringing us through the day.
For we know where we get all of our strength and courage from each day.
Without him we would be just another lost soul with no hope in sight.
But we have our Hope and we gain our strength to keep persevering.
Even though we really do not want to be here most of the time.
But every now and then we see our purpose here its to help one another.
At those very moments when God surprise us by using us that day.
We realize that we are here for Christ to use us to reach out to others.
229 · Apr 2014
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
I need you more then food, and water, more then the air I breathe.
I need you more then money or the clothes that I always wear.
I need you more then life, more then the-sun that beats down upon me.
I need you more then anything, for this world has nothing to offer me.
This world a rotting place death and stench of sin and evil.
Pure evil has so many in its clutches, but you fill me with hope.
With your truth, your words of wisdom and love us so much.
Your love shines in the darkest reaches of this whole universe.
227 · Jun 2014
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
It is sad to realize the truth, there are so many that hate the true freedom.
For true freedom means to be able to live a perfect life without any sins.
It means to live a perfect life without any addictions as well.
For true freedom means to live a full Life the way that we were created to.
True Freedom comes at a cost for most people love sins and addictions.
They love to feel good, this is what they believe life is suppose to be like.
But this was not Christ intension in the very beginning of time.
But when Adam and Eve took the bite of the apple life changed.
227 · May 2014
Save Me
Eddie Starr May 2014
Though this world chase after other people to rescue them.
I know from past experiences that people shall fail you.
But God shall rescue us and not let go , no matter what.
I been on both ends, and I for one will fail other people.
Not on purpose, but because I am human and broken.
So I shall seek God to rescue me, the Great I Am.
For he shall lift us high on the eagle wings and heal us.
For only he is Perfect , his Love and Beauty shines in the darkest places.
Revealing the path, that he has chosen for us to take to reach him.
226 · Mar 2014
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
God is  a Amazingly Awesome Savior and God.
He reveals himself to those that loves him fully.
For he looks at our hearts, not our outward appearance.
He will turn your sufferings into something Beautiful.
Using us to minster to those that are suffering now.
We need to fully allow him to use us to help them.
For the selfish, only thinking of oneself is wrong.
We need to love others, the way that Christ loves us.
He unconditionally love each and everyone of us.
226 · Mar 2014
Despertately Seeking You
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Oh Mighty Savior, I am lost without your hands to guide my way.
I am nothing but a pile of dirt that you breathe into live.
I seen the darkness within myself, and I seen your love.
I seen what your miracles could do in my life Lord.
I now am desperately seeking you to finish the job.
For there is still much work within me yet unfinished.
So much that needs to be done and so little time yet.
So I come desperately come seeking you and your help.
Some many hurting people needs to see your handiwork.
So that they shall come desperately seeking you and your works.
225 · Jun 2014
Eternal Faith
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
Eternal faith lets you focus on the next life instead of this one.
Eternal faith allows you to love others as Christ loves them.
For its easy to love those that love you right back, but...
To love those that hate you and spitefully use you all the time.
We have to stay focus on Christ and the Kingdom business.
In order to draw others to Christ through our actions and deeds.
This by far is more important then all of the sacrifices you can make.
For saving souls and being obedient to Christ is why you were created.
225 · Aug 2014
God Help Them
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
God help those whom cry out in pain every night and every day.
Help those whom drink to forget the tragics in their  tragic lives.
I know how when you are hurting, you desperately crave relief.
From the memories of the pain, but sometimes the relief never comes.
For this reason I cry out not only for your people to be healed .
But for every one that struggles with their pains no matter who they are.
For through the healing that they may see God for who he really is.
A awesome Faithful Savior that saves those that are hurting and lost.,
225 · Apr 2014
Life Lessons
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
The world tries to make life complicated, but its really simple, not hard.
You are born, then you learn how to love other the way you want to be love
Then you start to learn how to trust, especially Christ for only he is trust worthy.
So now you learn to love Christ the very most, then to love others.
Then once you start getting it right you can show others just how simple it is.
Then when your purpose is completed Christ will take you home.
225 · Jun 2014
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
Christ breathes life into the dead , to bring us to unto a new Spiritual life.
Christ raise the dead to a higher life , one full of Miracles, and Wonders.
Christ gives a world of Healing, Miracles, to those that follow him.
Showing the world that when he gives people life's they truly do live.
A life of not just surviving but overcoming obstacles thrown at them.
Thus Revealing to the world Christ love for the lost and everyone else.
For he gives everyone a chance to get right with him in this life.
That is why he uses his people to reveal his existence.
225 · Apr 2014
You Are Special
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
I appreciate each and everyone of you, for each of you are Special.
For each and every one of you have a purpose and a mission.
He creates beautiful master pieces to be use to do great things.
Each one of you are loved by the Creator of the entire universe.
He loves you enough to create you in the form that you are in .
He spoke you into existence, thousands of years ago before Adam and Eve.
He knew your weaknesses and strengths when he form you then.
For each and everyone of you are special Awesome workman's ship of his.
224 · Jun 2014
God is Love
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
We as humans go on our emotions.
But Christ love is not an emotional Love.
But a action verb , kind of love not the same.
We are called to put everyone else above us.
This meaning not to hate nor despise them.
But to pray for them to change their behavior.
We are not special because we are christian s.
But we are special because we love everyone.
Real love not the feely good thing of love.
224 · Jul 2014
Act Of Love
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
How can I love unconditional, in this world.
Unless I felt Christ love for me in this life.
For we can do nothing good in this world.
Unless we were shown by Christ or the Holy Spirit.
For we deserve only death and suffering in h3ll.
But Christ made a way for us to go to heaven.
His sacrifice has changed each of our lives.
For by going to the cross for each of us.
He has set an example of what true love is about.
223 · Aug 2014
You Are
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
You are all beautiful people because Christ does not create ugly.
You are all masterpieces of God because he does not make junk.
You are all great and wondrous group of people that God made.
He only makes good and awesome people born into this world.
For we have a choice on everything that we will do here on the earth.
A choice to do good and be a part of the Light of our Lord God.
Or to do evil and reject the Holy One of God whom lives above.
But we were still created by a Wondrous God to be beautiful.
But the more we choose to do evil and reject him whom made us.
The more that you might start to not feel beautiful in your eyes.
222 · Jun 2014
Degree of Faith
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
Everyone has a certain degree of faith including the lost.
Each person whom steps outside believing that they shall be ok.
Are putting Faith in the fact that they shall be ok while they are out.
Such as the lost people whom had faith when Christ healed them.
Not every one whom God healed were saved, some just wanted to be healed.
So anytime you believe in something that has not happen yet its faith.
So when you are in doubt with your faith, remember this truth.
Thus knowing that you do have a degree of faith , God is Good.
221 · Jul 2014
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
There is so much darkness in my life at this moment.
But I see the true Light which sustains me through it.
I know God has a plan and I  know he walks with me.
Through my Journey, he never leaves my side through it.
So I keep moving forward knowing that I am not alone.
Through my trying times, he is strengthening me up.
Something is coming and he is preparing me for it.
Not sure what it is but Lord God knows what awaits me.
With all of my strength, I shall make it to the finished line.
221 · Jun 2014
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
My chains has been unlock, my life has been redeem.
My chains has fallen upon the floor, lying there still.
My chains are no longer my concern, for Christ has save me.
Now I stand in freedom, worshiping my Savior God.
His love is healing, he has save me and set me free.
No more sorrow nor suffering, for he has rescue me.
From death, I now live a life of freedom in him my God.
For his love, is unconditional, freedom in him I live.
219 · Apr 2014
Living A Life Of Sacrifice
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
O living a life full of sacrifice, is truly what we are called to do.
For as the Lord came down from heaven to die a sinners death.
For we too are called to live a life worthy of Christ by sacrificing.
Thus then the lost shall see that we belong to Christ our Savior.
The worldly makes no sacrifices at all but indulge in all sins.
But we as people of Christ are called to lay sin down at the cross.
For with Christ help, and the Holy Spirit we sin less then before.
The closer that we draw to Christ the less that we shall sin .
219 · Jun 2014
My Source
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
My heart aches for you, to see you and to worship you.
You are my Hope, my Strength, my Source in everything.
You are my Way, my Salvation relies on you my God.
Your the Purpose that  keeps the weak striving to perfection.
For the hurting to be healed of all of our affliction and pain.
You Love everyone saved and lost alone you love us.
For you are Love unconditional love, you are God alone.
219 · Mar 2014
Take Me
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Take me, Lord, do a mighty work within me everyday.
Take my hopes, take my dreams, my pain and sufferings.
Take my joy, my desires , my everything take them all.
Mix them together, and heal me of my short comings.
Create in me your masterpiece, let this world see the beauty.
That you have created from a life of hurts and sufferings.
Show those whom are struggling your faithfulness to me.
So that they shall want the very same thing from you God.
218 · Mar 2014
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
I hear several voices in my mind, my voice Christ and the evil one.
For we all deal with these three for it is a continue battle going on.
With good which is God and evil one trying to deceive us as well.
But when we keep reading Christ Holy Word it embeds in our mind.
Then we become in tune with Christ voice, and start obeying him.
But its not a over night event, sometimes it take years to tell them apart
Some people never learn to tell them apart, now this is very sad.
But as for me and my house, will choose to listen to Christ voice..
218 · Aug 2014
We Are
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
We are a candle burning throughout the dark night.
We are an anchor for the struggling drowning lost souls.
We are the strong ready to lead the lost out of the darkness.
We are all above and much more because Christ uses us.
He knows our heart, for he filled the desire into our hearts.
So that we can become the buoy that he toss to the drowning lost.
To rescue those whom are hurting by leading them out of the darkness.
To rescue the Lost whom are drowning he toss us out to reach them.
Thus bringing them into his sheep fold rescuing them as well.
218 · May 2014
O Hear Me
Eddie Starr May 2014
O hear me , you sow what you reap, love others as you love yourself.
Hear me, we need to heed Christ warnings, love others unconditionally.
Remember you do evil to other people it will come back on you.
This is what Christ is trying to tell the whole world right now.
It seems like some people are blind to this,  Politians for one group.
Sow love and you shall get love in return, this is very important.
Love is greater then wealth or anything else on this dead planet.
217 · Jul 2014
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
No matter how painful that this Life may become.
No matter who abandon me in my times of need.
No matter what they shall do to try and destroy me.
I have but one hope and that is in my Great Creator.
No matter what mountains that I will have to climb.
Nor what battles that I shall have to overcome in this life.
For whatever does not destroy me shall only make me stronger.
For my life is not about me but about my Creator Lord Jesus.
217 · Jun 2014
Christ Love
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
I am nothing without Christ, I can not stand without him.
He deserves all of the glory, for everything that I do that's good.
Comes from him alone, not me like he says none of us are good.
For Christ has strengthen his people, its for his glory not ours.
For God so love the world that he sent his only begotten son.
That whoever believes  in him shall perish but have everlasting life.
For its Christ love for us that open the door for us to be save.
Because he did not have to go to the cross but he did because he loves us.
He could have just let us all go to the everlasting fires of torment.
But he loves us so much that he would suffer to save us his people.
216 · Jul 2014
Christ Bless You
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
I want to thank you for being who that you are.
I love you unconditionally , you are amazing people.
That Christ created in your mothers precious wombs.
I see that God created through your parents you.
I am thankful to Christ for you a great Gift from God.
He knew exactly how special each of you truly are.
For each of you all have touch others hearts daily.
Christ Bless each of you all for being so very special.
216 · Jul 2014
Walk In The Light
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Living a life inspiring and helping others see and live by the truth.
It is hard at times, but God will not only bless those who persevere.
It is by far a better life to walk on the path of truth and the Light.
Alas there are too many who rather live in the darkness and lies.
So I rather walk with Jesus, to suffer for his name is far better.
Then to be a pawn to the evil one, who plays everyone it can.
My heart is for the hurting and God, to walk in his Love.
216 · Apr 2014
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
I truly want to be here to help encourage the hurting.
For I know what it is like to live with inner pain and suffering.
But now I place all of my hopes and desires not on this life.
But the one that is yet to come, on a savior that loves us.
I place my heart in thje hands of a living Savior God.
Whom over two thousand years ago suffered at the cross.
For me and others to have a life with him in heaven above.
So this is why you must start contrating on him now.
Knowing that its the next life that is important not this one.
216 · May 2014
Doesnt Matter
Eddie Starr May 2014
It matters not the situation that you are in.
It matters not who the people that are in your life.
It matters not your struggles that you are going through.
What really matters is your relationship with Christ.
For if you have a true relationship him always.
Then he shall help you  to transform your life.
Where the people that are in your life shall see him.
The great days shall overpower the awful days that you have.
215 · Apr 2014
Saving Peace
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
When you have a strong firm relationship with the Creator.
You will know that he  has shown you many miracles.
Thus giving you the knowledge of his protection over you.
So that your fears will have been put to rest, and buried.
So stand firm and trust the maker of the entire universe.
For he loves each and everyone of us with unconditional love.
He whom made the stars in the sky also created us as well.
215 · May 2014
Toward the Cross
Eddie Starr May 2014
To the cross , we cling with his mercy and grace.
He strengthen us, to stand firm in times of trouble.
To reach to those lost and barely surviving here.
We lay down our wills to grab ahold of his will.
For through Christ is the way that leads to his Hope.
The cross which lead us toward his salvation.
Only some of us shall find the path that leads to it.
You have to see outside the box to see the road.
That's to the cross and leads toward heaven as well.
214 · Jul 2014
No Hero
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
I am no hero , riding in to save the day, it is all Jesus.
I only am someone when Christ Spirit arises in me.
For only he can save anyone in this life and the next.
I am no hero, I struggle in this life myself lot.
Only Christ can save me from anything that I go through.
He is the hero who rides into save the day in everything.
For only he can save us and his miracles take our breathe away.
For he is the only one who can rescue us from everything.
214 · Jul 2014
Your Love
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Your Love is cool and refreshing to my soul, its so awesome.
Your Love is more intimate then any earthly relationship.
You are the reason that the sun rises and set on the earth.
I am nothing but clay, being molded and transform.
For you are the Potter, I am nothing without you anyways.
I was born to die, as well Living to die every single minute.
For as the stars shine in the sky  this very night and others.
Your Light shines  through me whenever I am use by you.
For you are my source, everything that I receive is from you.
214 · May 2014
Spiritual Life
Eddie Starr May 2014
Saving a soul, is far more important then saving lives.
For this life by far is way shorter then the next one.
Thus by allowing Christ to user you to minster to others.
Is by far greater then being a super hero that saves lives.
What good would it do to save someone only for them to still end up in hades.
But to be used to save their soul is the best gift ever to receive.
For thus you shall see them in heaven above as well as here.
214 · Apr 2014
Holy Spirit
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
When Christ saves you fear not, for it will be him not us.
That works out this salvation in our lives, so quit worrying.
Trust him when he says that he has every thing under control.
Believe me he does, for he knows everything about us all.
Just trust in him for we are fail, but he never will fail us.
He is so  knowing that he has staked his life on you.
So stand firm allow him to work the salvation into your life.
Trust in him alone, for you arte powerless without him.
213 · Mar 2014
To Hold Onto
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
To hold onto that which is good, to stand firm till the end.
To love even those whom do not want to be loved, to see.
To see that we do our very best to live a life of righteousness.
To boldly proclaim Christ word to a world that rather not hear it.
But to do it anyway, for the ones that shall receive it with gladness.
To sacrifice and suffer for his name, to love everyone the same.
Because we worship the God of love, so we do as he does.
To see everybody as a chance to bring even more to Christ.
Because its not us ministering, but the Lord Jesus Christ.
212 · Aug 2014
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
To those that are hurting right at this moment.
Stand firm trust in the Lord he is looking out for you.
It may not seem like it now, but he is going to heal you.
For he loves you and wants only the best for you.
He is getting ready to do a brand new thing within you.
Alas you are going to be called a Miracle. because of the healing.
For soon you shall be called Blessed and healed as well.
For God loves you and want people to see your new self.
212 · Jul 2014
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
I know from experience how hard it can be to deal with true pain.
I felt inner pain most of my life, but it only made me that much stronger.
Do not look at pain as a bad thing, for sometimes God uses that pain.
To push you through the fires, molding you into a Mighty Warrior.
That can sympathize and love other people through your experience.
You have learn knowledge on what they are going through now.
So that you may help lead them out of the hopelessness and darkness.
The sorrow and suffering has only made you that much stronger.
212 · Jul 2014
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Trust  is earned , usually earn  then given freely.
Those with doubt rarely give it away freely.
But Christ earned it, when he died on the cross.
Then risen later showing us a way to be saved.
So now we sinners, can reach heaven above.
While before we all end up in hell because of our sins.
All we have to do is trust him and repent of our sins.
He loves us more then we could ever know, enough to die.
For us, he never did that for the angels but us he did it for.
212 · Jul 2014
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Lost without knowledge, until you appeared O Shining Savior.
Now I too want to be a bright Light in this darken world that I live in.
I do not mind the hardships from time to time my Great Lord God.
As long as you do not abandon me and use me to help out others,
For this is truly my goal to lend a hand to those that are drowning.
In this sea of hellish torment and sorrow, rescue them as well God.
For I am a brother to my sisters and brothers that are suffering now.
Save them, like you have saved me , from a one way ticket to doom.
Save them use me and my FB brothers and sisters as well as others.
To rescue all that are lost and living in sorrow and torment O Lord.
212 · Jul 2014
There Is No Escape
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
There is no where to run, when you are trying to run away from God.
He is in the deepest areas of the oceans, he is in the most deserted cities.
He is in Hades, he is everywhere , for he is The Christ the true God.
So if you are trying to  escape  from him , you need to rethink it through.
For he is in the air, he is everywhere all at the same time so run if you can.
But you will never  escape for if you are running  from fulfilling your calling.
Because your calling will happen whether you do it for God will shall be done.
So if you are trying to escape your calling you need to allow it to happen.
Or suffer the consequences of your actions, for you are either for him or against him.
212 · Jul 2014
Not Defeated
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
I may go trials, and I may not always prevail a winner.
But as long as the Spirit of Christ reigns in my body , I am not defeated.
I will always be victorious , not defeated for Christ reign in me.
For I am nothing, but he is everything that I desire in my life.
For he is my God, he holds my salvation in the palm of his hands.
My God, he will bring me through all of the battles that we do.
For he is greater, then anyone else in this world including the fallen angels.
For he has created them as well, before they ever desire to become evil.
For at the very beginning he was the word of God, creating everything.
212 · May 2014
Eddie Starr May 2014
Christ love fills our inner being with complete warmth.
His love shines in the darkest region of mine very soul.
Warming even the most untouched part of my being.
For he proves every day that his love is genuine and true.
So many people have not understand the length of it.
If they were ever to comprehend the extent of his love.
They would be in sackcloth, with ashes in their hair.
For he loved us first, while we were still his enemy.
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