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266 · Apr 2014
Give Me The Freedom
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
Give me the  Freedom,  to worship my God the way he wants me to.
Give me  the Freedom,  to celebrate his love with others in this world.
Give me the Freedom, to live the way that he calls me to live  life.
Give me the Freedom, to work on myself with the Holy Spirit's help.
Give me the Freedom to die to self on everything that I do.
Give me the Freedom to live in a Nation that is ruled by Christ.
Give me the Freedom to fellowship with other true children of God.
Give me the Freedom to love others the way that Christ loves me.
266 · Apr 2014
Living A Life Thats Worthy
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
Living a life that is worthy, is not getting angry all the times.
But to accept the things that Christ allows in your life.
To become a humble person whom accepts his disciple.
Living a life that is worthy, is placing others needs above your own.
Its loving upon the loveless and accepting people and their faults.
For we too have been there, but by Christ Grace he has transform us.
So love upon those that are hurting, give the evil to God to deal with.
But love upon those that truly are in a desperate place right now.
265 · Jun 2014
Life's Good
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
Just because life is not easy does not mean that it is not good.
All you really need are people that care a lot about you.
Plus to be intimate with the Savior and God called the Christ.
Plus food in your stomach and a little pocket money to live on.
For then Christ can do amazing things through you if you let him.
Then you can say without a doubt that life is more then good.
For Christ is amazing Lord and Savior, he is always good to us.
So thank him for revealing himself to you in amazing ways.
264 · Mar 2014
Follower Of Hope
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
I shall put my Life into the Hands of the only true Hope that we have.
For only the Creator can fill your life with your Hopes and Dreams.
For he created us with our Hopes and Dreams , so trust him to fulfill them.
He wants only the very best for each and everyone of us, so please don't give up.
He shall give you even greater things then you ever dream about too.
For he is the one whom gave you those hopes , dreams and desires too.
For once you lay your life and everything else in his Loving Hands.
He shall orchestrate those hopes, dreams into something even greater.
Then you ever imagine in your wildest dreams, for he loves you.
264 · Jul 2014
Without Hope
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Without hope, everyone would give up and die.
Without hope all would be lost so why try .
Without hope there would be no love at all.
Without hope all would be lost only despair.
Without hope your life would be empty.
But there is Hope, his name is Jesus Christ.
There is Hope, so all is not lost for he is good.
There is Hope in God the creator of the universe.
There is Hope so I shall get up and rejoice.
264 · Aug 2014
Beautiful Savior
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
My Beautiful Savior has rescue me from the death that I deserve.
I am a sinner whom failed him, I allow my brokenness to come between us.
His love for us is beautiful, his Love for us his people is Great.
He died a wretched death filled with our worldly sins to save us.
The Cross is beautiful, it is a symbol of freedom from sins and death.
He rose up from death to give us everlasting life with him in heaven.
He came to the earth to die and live again to give us true Hope.
He saved us, he lives to bring us out of rebelliousness with the Father .
My Beautiful Savior came here to save us from a death that we deserve.
264 · Jul 2014
Pushing Through
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
I am being push through, the hardships that I need to go through.
Because Christ whom reigns in me, created me for a purpose.
To become an over comer and overcome every obstacle before me.
For it shall not be me over coming them but the Holy Spirit.
Which reigns in me, for the Holy Spirit and I have became one.
Even though that slimy bucket demons attack me daily here.
The one that lives in me, is more greater then they will ever be.
For the Holy Spirit which is God reigns in me always and forever.
So guess what, they shall lose every-time to God, for he is Awesome in Power
264 · Mar 2014
When We Are Desperate
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
When we become desperate, everything is falling apart.
We are so needing and clinging to Christ help that we keep crying out.
Actually it would be great that even when life is going great, we remain  clinging.
We never let go of that desperation, we cling to him always, no matter what.
Through the good times and the bad times we stay clinging to him.
Then just imagine the testimony to the world that would be.
To cling so tight to Christ, they would see how much we do love him.
263 · Jun 2014
Living Freely
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
I want to live freely and to love freely without any conditions.
I want to fly on Christ grace, mercy, peace, and loving others.
I want to lay down my self so that I can look like Christ to others.
I want to soar way above chaos, and other negativity as well.
I want to look so much like Christ that others will not recognize me .
I want to be so kingdom minded that no one shall steal away my focus.
For I want to love others like Christ isn't that kingdom business all about.
263 · May 2014
Joy In Suffering
Eddie Starr May 2014
Life is precious, yet it is full with storms as well.
We need to accept the pain along with the Joy.
We need to accept the sorrow along with the gladness.
Look at it this way, if those blessings did not come from God.
Then there would be no suffering given to you as well.
For the evil one attacks those that are close to Christ.
So be thankful that you are suffering for Christ your God.
Love others the way that Christ loved you first, be thankful.
263 · Jun 2014
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
I am saved, by the Grace of Christ my Savior and God.
He save me from so many different things through his Salvation.
He saved me from sin, and addictions, from eternal death.
He save me from hell as well as from from a earthly dead life.
He save my soul, and place the Holy Spirit to share my life.
For now I have the Holy Spirit sharing in my life protecting me.
So yes I am saved and am very thankful that I am not alone.
For the Holy Spirit is with me always and so is my Lord Jesus.
For everyone whom is save, share a body with the Holy Spirit.
263 · Mar 2014
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Never estimate the powers of the Lord your God.
For his love for us is never ending and he is faithful.
He shall stand by us, till the very end of time.
For he shall raise us up on high, bless his Mighty Name.
We shall never fully understand his love for us.
At least not until we meet him, then we might.
So just keep praising his most worthy Name.
Treat others with the same love Christ shows us.
263 · Jun 2014
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
I am drowning in suffering that is built up into Christ strength.
I am drowning in sorrow that is being transform into his joy.
I am drowning in  worldly slowness that is transforming into wisdom.
For our weakness reacts just like am antidote does for sickness.
Your strength gets built up through your weakness occurrence.
It just like learning how to swim you are place in the midst of it.
Then Christ works you through it by helping you to learn.
To accept and deal with it each time he strengthen you even more.
Till you notice that it does not bother you as much anymore.
262 · Mar 2014
Rescue Us Christ
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
O Lord , O how we need you help us to quit hurting.
Suffering with such emotional pain, heal us Lord.
Heal us of these aches both physically and emotional.
Save us from ourselves, for we are broken people.
I keep on going down the wrong way on a one way street.
I keep chasing a dream that is not meant for me.
I truly need your healing for I love a woman that i should never have met.
I still have her on my mind from time to time.
O how I wish that I never met her , heal me God.
It truly hurt to love someone that you will never be with.
262 · Jun 2014
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
Everyone is on the path to somewhere, trying to get there.
Whether its home, heaven, work they are trying to get there.
Everyone has a story that needs to be  told to someone else.
Everyone has some kinda of issues, that they are trying to deal with.
Everyone needs a savior, whether they believe it or not its true.
Everyone needs to feel love, for love keeps us being human not a animal.
For some people allow their rage change them into animals.
That would hurt even **** other people in their rage and selfishness.
That would hurt even **** other people in their rage and selfishness.
Its one thing to **** to protect your country or to protect yourself.
But to **** out of rage or selfishness is quite a different story.
262 · Mar 2014
To Truly Live
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
To truly live a life that is fulfilling everyday.
We must die to self in order to live a worthy life.
But most people do not get the connection to truth.
For by serving others, by caring for them only then.
Do we begin to truly start living a worthwhile life.
So many people think money is where its at and power.
But those people do not know the true God for he is love.
For love not the evil love that is addicted but unconditional love.
This is when life become truly amazing when you love everyone unconditional.
261 · Jun 2014
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
You have saved me in so many different ways O Lord God.
You have saved me from an eternal death that I deserved.
You have saved me from sin that holds my body captive.
You have saved me from many physical deaths that I went through.
The death traps that scummy demon try to destroy me through.
You have saved me from a hopeless and peace-less life that lot of people live.
You have saved me from addictions that holds so many prisoners.
But most of all you have saved me from a life without you Lord Jesus.
261 · Jul 2014
We Are Love
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Whatever we do, we need to unconform to the ways of this world.
We who are in Christ are new creature through him our Savior.
We were born into sin when we were born the first time fleshy born.
But as Believers of Christ we have to be changed into a spiritual creature.
We have to become Holy, Righteous through the outpouring of Christ blood.
For his blood has sanctified us, transforming us into his likeness.
Becoming People of Unconditional Love and True Hope to those that are Lost.
Becoming a People that whole purpose is to Love others into wanting to be like us.
260 · Jul 2014
Set Free
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
My heartfelt desire is to see the hurting healed.
To see the starving feed, and the thirty filled.
To see the homeless house and the poor become rich.
Not rich money wise but rich in your blessings.
Because you can give us the things that we need.
Without giving us money to buy those things.
For you can and will supply all of our needs.
To be rich in money, some will soon forget you.
But to keep those needing you is for their own good.
260 · Mar 2014
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
We will die in this life, this is a promise  unless Christ comes first.
Even then it depends on who side you are on whether you will die or not.
For revelation says that the lost shall battle Christ till he destroy them.
After all this time he is not coming as a pacifist , but as a warrior.
For right now we are called to love others as we love ourselves.
But once Christ comes the kid gloves shall be off and he will fight back.
The people will bring it on themselves because they took the mark.
They choose the side that they agree with and it was not the side of God.
They finally got off of the fence, and went to the losing side.
260 · Mar 2014
You Are Perfect
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Here we stand , to worship you Holy One of God.
There is none that are good except you, only you.
Your Grace which you have seal our salvation in.
You see all things, you have seen our end and beginnings.
So you alone are worthy to be praise and worship Lord.
I give all that I am to you O Holy God, only to you.
I fall upon my face, to worship you O Holy Savior.
For only you can save our souls, only you can rescue us.
So I give you my everything to transform into something beautiful.
260 · Mar 2014
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
I am a follower of Christ, the living God.
My faith , he has been building on it.
I am just the man that he uses to write the poetry.
But it is Christ extra helping on the poetry.
I am so blessed that Christ loves me so much.
So I will praise him, and always worship him.
He is so Awesome, I thank you Lord Jesus.
For everything that you have done for me.
Eddie Starr May 2014
My passion to live for Christ, while dying to self.
My passion to serve others , and loving my enemies.
Christ calls us to love the most unlovable people.
For we will do the opposite of what the world does.
The ones that society looks down on and hates.
The ones that we as children of God are to love.
The pedophiles , cannibals , and serial killers among others.
Yes they are very evil yet as children of Christ.
We are still called to love them unconditionally.
259 · Jun 2014
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
I want to become so blinded for everyone that I come into contact with.
That I can not see what they look like or who that they are that I run into.
This way I will love them for them and not for what they will do for me.
I want to love unconditional, not love them because they are rich or famous.
Nor because the beautiful woman has turn my head, I want to love freely.
I want to be blinded to their faults as well, for I want to love like Christ.
I want to be so blinded by Love that it shall flow freely from my heart.
259 · Jul 2014
You Are Loved
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
What is true Hope, it is knowing that you are truly Loved.
For what is life ,if no one cares about you, no reason to live.
Life is worthless, if no one is there to say I love you.
For to live a life without love is like not living at all.
But there is at least two people that care about you.
Jesus Christ and I , Jesus loves you so very much.
He wants you to spend eternity with him in heaven.
So know this in your heart that you are truly loved.
Remember this your life does matter to others too.
259 · May 2014
Being Brave
Eddie Starr May 2014
Being brave does not mean that you are not afraid.
But rather that you still act even through that fear.
To do the heroic thing even though you are scare.
For to know that Christ has your back and to trust him.
To protect you even though things  looks one way.
Christ is still on the throne, and he is still the situation changer.
So fear not what the evil one is throwing at you now.
Rather trust in the one that place the stars in the sky.
258 · May 2014
Darkness Shall Lose
Eddie Starr May 2014
The darkness that reigns in today society shall not prevail.
The Lord is still on his throne, he is the Christ God Almighty.
He knows all every move, even before it becomes thought.
He knew everything all before we were even born  here.
So fear not, he shall also watch our backs his people.
For he is our Hope, he also is the source of our lives.
He place the blood in us that runs through our veins.
So fear not, trust in him for he knows everything.
He is I AM, and the Word of God is his name too.
258 · Apr 2014
More Truths
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
Whether you believe it or not Christ really does reign.
When you stray off the path of  the road of his will.
He shall still stay with you steering you onto the right road.
But even during the time that you were on the wrong road.
He was more protective when you were on the wrong road.
Because he has to be more protective of you when you are   outside his will.
Also he never stops guiding you toward the finish line of the race.
He never does gives up on you no matter what till you are dead.
257 · Mar 2014
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Christ will make all things in your life as fresh as the morning sun.
He shall make your past sins disappear, from your life now.
He shall lift you up and carry you through this race of yours.
He shall make your life new, blessing you beyond imagination.
He shall never leave you, he shall stand beside you always.
Showing you marvelous and awesome things to come.
For he love you enough to be hung on the tree back then.
So fear not , stand firm in the promises from Christ your God.
257 · Apr 2014
Living Through Pray
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
I am only alive because there were people praying for me.
They are the reason that I am standing strong right now.
Those whom pray for me deserves the things store up for me.
Because if it were not for them I would never made it through.
All the spiritual attacks that I been hit with , the evil one trying to destroy me.
But I was prayed up enough where God kept me so protected.
Even though try honestly I did not deserve, none of it that he done for me.
257 · May 2014
Freely Given
Eddie Starr May 2014
I give to you my life, freely for your ways are not like the world.
For the ways of this world is evil and disturbing to your people.
For the world wants not to give to help those that are hurting.
But to steal everything away from those that are poor and hurting.
But in your Love and Perfection, you still bless your people.
You give us what we need, which may not always be what we want.
But we are not of this world, we belong to you O Lord God.
So to complete with the world is not what you want us to do.
For this would be like you competing with the scumbag demons.
But you do not compete with anything or anyone for only you are God.
257 · Apr 2014
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
We can sit around judging one another all day or show others grace.
Which would Christ do if he was standing here today with us.
Would he judge them or say to them go and sin no more.
I guess it would depend on that persons heart condition.
For he knows each and everyone of our hearts condition.
But we do not knows others hearts , so until Christ return.
Our job will be to continue to pray for them all leaving the judging to Christ.
257 · Jul 2014
Remember This
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
To be a true follower of Christ, you have free yourself.
From rejecting and despising other people in your life.
For by rejecting them or hating them you shall miss out.
On the reason that he has place them into your life to help you.
They may be there to encourage you or give you Godly advice.
Or to teach you how to love unconditional by example.
They may love you strongly, so allow your God to use them.
To help you whatever it may be even if you do not trust people.
At least trust God for he has a reason, for them being there.
257 · Apr 2014
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
O woe all those poor souls , dying in the weather chaos.
My heart goes out to their families and love ones this is sad.
That weather things come out of no where to take people lives.
Storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, and other things.
So be aware that you are not promise another tomorrow.
So draw close to Christ before it bercomes too late.
Pray him into your life today so you will have no fears tomorrow.
For my heart is breaking for those lost in the storms.
255 · Jul 2014
Diamond In The Making
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
My pain, and suffering lets me know that I live.
My sorrow allows me to appreciate true joy.
My loneliness allows me to appreciate other people.
My heart has become empathy to others through my own sufferings.
Also thanks to the people that been in my life that reveal real love.
I appreciate and love each of you all, you are a diamond in the making.
What we go through will only make us that much stronger
255 · Jun 2014
Miracle People
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
My God, he shall raise you up and use you Mightily.
He shall bless your going in and coming out.
He shall give you Mighty strength and knowledge.
He shall never let you down, he shall finish the work in you.
He shall heal you and give you a brand new name.
He shall use you as a Miracle to show his handiwork.
For you shall become a Mighty Miracle to reach the lost.
He shall bless you beyond your wildest dreams.
For he loves each and everyone of you all and you shall smile.
When you see the Miracles that he has done in each of you all.
254 · Apr 2014
Desperate Plea
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
My desperate plea, would be for the hurting, and struggling to be healed.
My desperate plea is for my life as ugly as it is at times to be use to reveal you God.
For others to see Jesus working in my life, then turn to him as well.
Wanting him to use all their suffering and pain , turn it into something beautiful.
To have their life transform into something very postive and goopd.
To help even more to find the only Savior that can really save,
Thus having a good life not always in this life but in the next one.
Which is the one that really matters because the next is for eternity.
254 · Jun 2014
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
Life is hard, so that you will have to depend on Christ.
We were created to not to be alone but to fellowship with others.
Once we let go of our feely love, we can learn to love like God.
To love unconditionally love is a verb not a noun.
Love is placing others well being above your own.
To become a servant to all, just like Christ did here.
254 · Apr 2014
Holy Spirit Does the Work
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
I will stand firm for my salvation is not of me but from Christ.
For it will be him that works the salvation into my spirit.
I just need to accept and allow him to accomplish it in me.
Seeing his truths and acknowledging that he is my Lord.
Actually its the Holy Spirit within us that accomplish the works.
Our job is  to be available to be used by Christ for his purpose.
Thus being in the right place at the right time for him.
I will praise my God for he is way too Good to me way too good.
254 · Apr 2014
Are You Hungry
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
Are you hungry for life, ready to follow Christ into a better life.
Are you tired of struggling for a reason to keep living life.
Are you lost without hope and without a purpose to live.
Are you always running around on empty, without a clue.
Are you wandering aimlessly not knowing what happens after death.
Then pray to Christ to come into your life and make changes in you.
Ask him to become your God and to forgive you for sinning.
Let him know that you know that he died on the cross for you.
254 · Mar 2014
Help Change Me
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
We the body of Christ never compromise our relationship with Christ.
For he must always come first , for he is our best friend and source of life.
So if you are compromising your relationship with him , better be careful.
Ask for forgiveness and then repent for he should be your everything.
For Christ is good, all the time, no one else even comes close.
I know that sometimes our hearts wanders because of our brokenness.
When this stuff happens, cry out to Christ ask him to heal you.
For if you truly are sincere, about being his disciple and child.
He will  never leave you nor forsake you as his child and best friend.
254 · Jul 2014
Lead Them God
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
God lead me one step at a time, to where Faith is high.
Use me to rescue those who hurt, suffer, and struggle.
Reveal to me, the faith it takes to move mountains God.
Use me to reveal you to the world, your healing  powers.
Lead those that are hurting to me, to minster you to them.
Bring them to a place where their hearts are open for a change.
Rescue everyone that needs a Savior top rescue them in their time of need.
Come Lord rescue them from all that bind and hold them prisoners.
254 · Jul 2014
Everyone Hurts Now
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Everyone hurts now, life is fill with suffering and pain.
But we must trust in the Creator of our souls to carry us.
Life is only getting harder to walk, without Christ its impossible.
How many people have live a self destructive Life anymore.
Things are getting even more complicated in this life we live.
Marriages falling apart Loneliness is more in the news today.
But if you allow, Christ wants to heal the hurting and struggling.
If only you would accept his plea, and know that he exist.
He wants to change your life, to use you to reach out to others.
253 · Mar 2014
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
The reality of life is this, there are no super-heroes to save the day.
So if you are expecting a person to come in and save your day.
Then think again, for that is Christ place, to save you all.
He is a jealous God, he wants no one else to take his place.
So wake up, realize that only Jesus can save any of us .
Then you shall see mighty miracles and wonders in your life.
For he shall save you from everything that is not of him.
He shall even save you from yourself, he is totally Awesome.
251 · Feb 2014
My Hope
Eddie Starr Feb 2014
There is but one true Hope of the world.
He was nailed to the cross over 2000 years ago.
Yes this world is getting darker as we speak.
But he can still save you, and use you to help others.
For he is all about love, Loving others unconditionally.
Putting others ahead of yourself, like he did when he walk the earth.
He put others before himself, like when he went to the cross.
Dying on it, so that we may have life through his sacrifice.
251 · Feb 2014
Eddie Starr Feb 2014
Its time to get serious with Christ, for soon he shall appear.
To get his children and take us to the heavens above us.
Then there will be a dark time here on this planet earth.
Where people shall suffer because of the evil satan.
His people then will be in constant danger of death.
Because at this time evil shall reign on this planet.
But fear not for our God is still in control over things.
So rejoice and praise his most worthy name.
251 · Mar 2014
Your Love
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Your love brings me complete acceptance of myself.
The type of healing, that you shall not get anywhere else.
Your love is unconditional, perfect healing restoring love.
One that I shall never take for granted , because its perfect.
So I shall always chase after you both day and night.
I shall allow your love to consume me, freeing me from selfishness.
Because I never ever was love like this before so perfect.
But to be honest, only you could ever love me this perfect.
251 · Apr 2014
Trust In Him
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
If you are losing ground, ready to give it up..
Please call upon the only true Living Savior.
For he will raise you up upon the mountaintops.
Revealing his many amazing awesome Miracles to you.
Just stand firm, wait on him he shall come at the right moment.
For his timing is always perfect, he shall not let you down.
Just trust in him, for he wants the very best for you.
Believe on him, for his ways are not like ours at all.
250 · Apr 2014
Remenbering Me
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
When I am gone back to home in heaven.
When people are trying to remember me.
I want them to remember me , because I showed love.
True unconditional love toward everyone.
This is how I want to be remembered for.
Not for wealth, famed, nor power just love.
For this is how I see Christ my Savior and God.
Thus I want to be exactly like him love and all.
250 · Jul 2014
Standing Firm
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
What have I become, wanting to be home in heaven right now.
True Love and being a true hero outweighs our wants and needs.
If Christ still has us here, it must mean that there are still unfinished business
Since we are here , we can minster to others about your mercies and love.
I know that there are lot of people that want to be home with God too.
But then how can we help encourage others while they encourage and inspire us.
So we need to quit focusing on our pain and sufferings and focus on loving others.
The way that Christ help when he walk upon the earth, he persevere here.
Every one is a hero whom can encourage and inspire others as well
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