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319 · Mar 2014
He Is Risen
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
I stand firm only because my God dwells within me.
I live because the Spirit of Christ the Holy Spirit.
Has saved my life on more then one occasion in my life.
He will finish the works that he has already startled in me.
He shall not abandon me nor will he ever forsake me.
But he shall show the world through me, his presence in me.
Thus they shall have no excuse for not believing in him.
For he wants them all to see him repent and then follow him.
318 · Aug 2014
Hope Is Being With Jesus
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
Though my heart is heavy with brokenness.
I shall not give up, I shall not destroy myself.
For as long as there is life within my body.
There is hope, for my God makes us over comers.
My God is the God of the weak, and humble.
He speaks Hope, Joy, Peace and Love into us.
So no what happens in my life here on earth.
It is heaven that the true hope is drawn to.
For my hope is not here but in being with Jesus.
316 · Apr 2014
Food For Thought
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
Food for thought, Christ whom is God became human to died for you.
He is God, the Alpha and Omega whom was born to suffer and die.
He could have been born a king, after all he is God the Creator.
But then how could he have suffer and die a sinners death then.
He loves you enough to leave heaven to go through all this hardships.
He could have been born wealthy , but he was born poor and in a manger.
He could have change his mind anytime he choose to, but he did not.
After all he told Peter  that he could call on legions of angels but he didn't.
One legion is thousand and they would have destroy this whole planet.
316 · Aug 2014
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
Through all of the struggles that I endure.
You strengthen me, so that I can inspire them.
Just as you do the same with them Lord God.
So that they too can encourage and inspire me.
It always works out with us helping one another.
For is that not the way that you work Lord Jesus.
Blessing us with fellow- ship and helping one another.
Sometimes just by reaching out, we bless someone.
315 · Apr 2014
United States
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
O how this great country has fallen, after turning your back on God.
O great you were at one time but now your greatness is gone.
If only the united States would repent from your wickedness.
I remember a time when things were good back then.
But now the United States government has walk away from God.
They use the Christ to get into office to then take God out of it.
So now our God has turn his back on this once great country.
315 · Jul 2014
By Faith
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
I want to love blindly, I want to live life like I was dying.
I want to do things that would scare other people.
I want to live a life dangerously for my God Jesus.
Because you are not really living until you walking in faith.
By trusting that Christ is protecting you everyone.
That wants to **** you, this way people will see that I do love them.
To show them that Christ is my God and that he is protecting me.
That my faith in him is genuinely real and so is he.
315 · Feb 2014
Love You Lord
Eddie Starr Feb 2014
I come to realize your Love is sweeter then wine.
You have saved me from death, here on this world.
Your love is sweeter then any woman's love could ever be.
Your love is sweeter then wine or the sweetest brownies.
Your love is the best, you whom have rescue Israel from death.
You have lead them out of Egypt , where they were held captive.
Rescuing them you lead them into their promise land you gave to them.
The land of milk and honey, they have became your chosen people.
So Lord God , I will always love you with a complete heart, you are my life.
312 · Aug 2014
Are You Tired
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
Are you tired of carrying this load alone.
Are you tired hurting , and suffering too.
Are you tired of being weak and tired.
Give it to Christ the true God and Savior.
He want to save you from sin and rescue you.
Just give it to him and trust in him to finish the work.
For he is true Holiness and Good and Faithful.
He is waiting he truly do love you very much.
312 · Jun 2014
Not Alone Anymore
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
I know that in the past I hated being all alone.
I felt like no one love me nor cared about me.
I thought that I was alone because I was unlovable.
I thought that I was worthless, and too broken to be fixed.
But now I know that I am alone because God is fixing me.
He is healing me and repairing me into someone special.
I am going to become one of his masterpieces a work of art.
He loves me so very much that he wants to fix me up.
So never think that because you are alone that you are unlovable.
312 · Jul 2014
I See
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Christ Light is overpowering blinding in you.
I see his love overwhelming everyone around you.
I see his Faithfulness in your life every single day.
I see Christ my friends when I look right at you.
For Christ has took your place in everything.
You have allowed him to use you in every way.
You are a blessing to be around because you love God fully.
I am so blessed to be in each and everyone of you, life.
312 · Aug 2014
Only Christ
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
There is nothing here, but God's work for me to do.
Only Christ will do, nothing else matters but Christ.
For only Christ will do, I am nothing without him.
For he is my Alpha, and my Omega, only Christ matters.
I am nothing without his Spirit dwelling in my life.
Nothing matters in m,y life but to do his will here.
For only his Goodness and Mercy matters to me.
For he open my eyes to his truths, that only he can rescue me.
For only Christ will shall do, only his love really matters.
310 · Jun 2014
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
My Savior releases me into full freedom of my soul.
He shall not allow others to steal his Awesome Glory.
My Savior rescue me from death,evil, and addictions.
For he is a Savior of the Free not the slaves for he freed me.
Also he is the Savior of those that have free will among other things.
For he loves everyone, but not everyone wants to be saved.
So he can only save those that want to be free from sin.
He can only save those that want a better life with him.
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
It hurts my aching heart to see people whom feel worthless.
For everyone has a purpose and a plan for each of their lives.
Christ does not create worthless people , for he loves everyone of us.
It is by human rejection and satan lies that people sees themselves that way.
But in the beginning of their existence they were created beautifully.
For God so love the world meaning everyone that were born into this world.
That he gave his only begotten son, the Christ that whoever believe.
Shall not perish but have eternal life through the Christ sacrifice.
Dying a sinners death, then resurrecting a couple days later.
So that believing and repenting we will become children of God.
310 · Aug 2014
There Is A Savior
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
There is a Living Savior that is True, Great, and Holy, Loving.
Most people struggle to believe in him because he is so Awesome.
But he is real, he is not a worldly Savior but a Spiritual Savior.
He came to save us from Spiritual death, he is Christ alone.
He does rescue us physically as well, but Spiritually he rescue us.
From the final death which is eternally a death in h3ll.
Which is a life without Christ in a dark fiery furnace place.
But with a personnel relationship with the true Savior God.
You shall avoid that dark evil place of permanent suffering.
310 · Jul 2014
A Perfect Life
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
A life without sacrifice is an empty one, without direction.
How can you reflect Christ if you never sacrifice anything.
For how can you minster Christ if you never felt any pain.
For pain and suffering, are mix together to reveal his love.
The Love from a Savior, transform into something beautiful.
We all make sacrifices, giving up sins and addictions too.
To live a Life Holy and Righteous,  being transform by God.
310 · Mar 2014
Love Without Boarders
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Love others , use no boarders to contain this love.
Just love everyone, for by seriously loving others.
They shall see Christ the living God in you all.
When someone upset you or make you mad.
Then love them even more, pray for them too.
For prayer answered are full of great miracles.
So just keep on loving others unconditional.
Make your Heavenly Father super proud of you.
309 · Jul 2014
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
I have come to the realization that I am nothing without Christ.
I see my limitations every single minute of every single day.
To this world I am a complete failure, I am a co-dependent to God.
I really do need him every single second of my life, without him I am a complete wreck.
For even the simplest of things has left me in the midst of confusion.
But Christ is there to calm the storms of stress in the midst of them.
So I am thankful for his Love and Grace in my life here on the earth.
So I just keep on trusting and crawling ahead with faith, that things shall get better.
That this drowning in the midst of rejection and isolation  will soon be over.
308 · Aug 2014
Only Christ Can Save
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
O how my heart breaks for those that have been rejected.
O how my heart breaks for the broken-hearted and hurting.
O how I wish that I could take their hurts upon myself and rescue them.
But I can and will take their pain to Jesus in prayer for only he can rescue them.
As much as I wish, I can do nothing to help them except to pray for them.
As much as I want to save the Lost and Hopeless only Christ can save them.
All I can do is pray for them and to tell them about our God Jesus.
For only he can save anyone from suffering and h3ll as well only he.
308 · Aug 2014
My God
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
My God is my Salvation, my God is my defense.
He has restore my soul from the dark reaches of death.
For he loves us more then we could ever imagine.
For he had created us out of nothing into somebodies.
He ransom  his own life so that we may live in heaven
He went through suffering and pain to rescue us from death.
He did it all while we were yet his enemies, saving us from h3ll.
He knew our outcome before we were even born into life.
308 · Aug 2014
His Love
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
His love is for those whom others write off.
His love is for those whom are condemn to prison.
His love is for those that no one else care about.
His love is for the lost soul, that hurts badly.
His love is for those that live in hopelessness.
His love is for those that are dying from cancer.
Without any hope of overcoming it and surviving it.
His love is for not just the ones who obedient and saved.
But for everyone that he has created for we all were created
in his image.
307 · Mar 2014
O Holy One
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
He is perfect in every way, he is worthy of our praise.
He came into our world, as a living sacrifice for us.
He never once sin, for he is perfect in every way.
They hung him on a tree to die, a sinful death.
But to their surprise he risen back to life three days later.
He became for those that put their faith in him fully.
A sacrifice for their sins, so they can become reborn.
Thus so they can become spiritual and not worldly.
307 · Jul 2014
You Are
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
You are all Special.
You are all Awesome.
You are all Wonderfully made.
You are all a Masterpiece.
You are all Precious to God.
You are all his Product.
You are all more Strengthen then you know.
For you all have been created by Christ.
307 · Apr 2014
Hunger and Thirst
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
I hunger for you my Rock, and thirst for your Righteousness.
Give me your ear, so that I can praise your Most Worthy name.
For your Love is the sweetest thing to my aching soul.
I come to you the only one worthy to be praise and worship.
I fail you every day yet you still love me with perfect love.
To you I shall sing of your Glory and Perfect truths as well.
I shall always remember the your Mercies and Goodness.
304 · Jun 2014
Too Soon
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
When Life becomes harsh,  painful with lots of struggles.
A drowning person barely able to hang onto the lifebuoy.
Still struggling to stay a float , yet becoming more nervous.
That the ship will not get there in time to save you from death.
This is the way that some struggle with spiritually as well.
Afraid that they shall miss out on the miracle seconds shy of it happening.
They are afraid that they shall fail Christ by giving up too soon.
That they shall end up dying and ending up in hell because they gave up too soon.
Also it could have to do with healing as well giving up too soon.
303 · Mar 2014
God Forgiveness
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
O how dark this world is right now Family.
How I pray that this whole world would repent.
Then chase after the Christ, I pray this will happen.
But I also know what Jesus said himself to people.
That only a few would find the road that leads to Heaven.
But I am still praying that many will see the Light.
Thus repenting, thus being drawn to you O Holy One.
I have the faith that people that Christ has put in my path.
Shall not only be save , but healed and restored too.
303 · Aug 2014
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
Though I walk through the valley of Pain.
Christ is with me, for he is my strength.
I may suffer, but he will see me through.
For he bless me, comfort me and protect me.
I shall never be alone, for he is always at my side.
No harm shall befall me without his approval.
But when he does allow it, he will use it to help others.
Which in the end them and I shall be celebrating in Heaven .
For as long as we continue to follow him on this path.
We shall meet him at the finish line with everyone else.
302 · May 2014
Ironic Truths
Eddie Starr May 2014
Christ created us not to live , but to die to self daily.
Christ definition of successful children is the servants.
While the ones that lives in mansions, are the failing ones.
Christ defines his people wealth not on how much they keep.
But rather how much that they give away in his name.
Christ is the one that define us, by how much we will look like him.
Christ love for us is not the feel good kind of of love of the world.
But it is the unconditional love that he expects us to show to others as well.
301 · Mar 2014
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Love always prevails, when you love upon the world.
Truly love upon everyone, everywhere you go.
Showing Christ Spirit within you every single day.
Love matters the most if you do not love them genuinely.
Then how can you expect them to listen to your words.
For only through a real relationship of love with people.
Shall you be able to minster to any one that you may know.
So love comes first, then ministering to them secondly.
301 · Feb 2014
Eddie Starr Feb 2014
When Christ redeems you, he starts a good work in you.
When you truly belongs to him, he shall finish that work.
So be strong, never forget that Christ is still working on you.
So do not let that evil one make you feel lost or thrown to the curb.
For if Christ has save you, he will finish the job that he already startled.
Praise the Lord, for he is not like man leaving a job unfinished.
Just trust in God to finish the work inside of you, because he shall.
Then you shall bow before him when you see him and praise his worthy name.
300 · Mar 2014
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Jesus, you are our source, you are our portion.
So we will not fear, for you are Awesome God.
We will chose to follow you through everything.
Because there is nothing that can separate us.
We will choose to walk the narrow path to the finish line.
There is nothing nor anyone that separate us.
You know all, so no one can lie to you about us.
You know our decisions and heart already Lord.
299 · Aug 2014
Freedom In Christ
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
Freedom comes only when you accept Christ into your life.
When you accept what Christ will in your life with him.
To fully accept the purpose that he has created you for.
Then you can live in complete freedom, joy, and  his love.
Because he created us to Worship him and to love others.
So once we start doing these two things then we are living for him.
Accepting his will in our lives, then he will start really blessing us.
For we were created to love him to worship him and fellowship with one another.
298 · Aug 2014
You Are A Miracle
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
There shall come a day when tears shall pour out of your eyes.
Like a wall fall it shall overwhelm with much needed healing.
For it shall be happening for as it seems along while it shall pour.
All being done to transform into a Great Wonder through God.
Your new name shall be all healed, for a miracle they shall call you.
Many people shall fall on their face and become a repented soul.
All because you obediently allow Jesus to place you in situations.
That has transform you into a miracle they shall call you now.
Because you obediently left the sinful life to follow Christ forever.
So now people shall look at your life as life they too want to live.
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
Then find a person whom has no one that cares about them.
Then start to pour on unconditional love upon that person.
It does not have to be romantic at all, it could be at a nursing home.
Then watch as Christ uses you to bring a change to that person's life.
For it shall be Christ that unconditionally love that person through you.
Making you a world changer to that one persons live, and it shall be beautiful.
297 · Jun 2014
Not Over Yet
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
Reaching out when everything within us been emptied out.
Because our strength, love , and everything else is drained.
Still we keep on, even though we wanted everything to be over.
We been ready to go home, but we also know that there are people that need us.
Even though they might despise us, we need to keep reaching out.
For only by not giving up on them, will they finally see Christ  in us.
Then coming to realization that he is God and that he loves them unconditionally.
For true love is a verb not a feel- good feeling that people think it is.
297 · Aug 2014
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
The world needs a Savior, more then ever before.
With so much suffering, and pain that everyone is in.
Though most will deny needing a Savior to save them.
There is but one being that can save us today and it is God.
For God so love the world that he gave his only begotten Son.
That whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
Though I walk through the valley of death, I shall fear no evil.
For you O Son of the Living God is with me all of the time.
For you Lord Christ are my Source of eternal life forever more.
If I die I gain a blessed  life with you in Heaven up above us all.
297 · Aug 2014
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
When you truly follow the Living Word, you become Light.
For he lives in each and everyone of us, his people.
So let that Light radiant so bright that it out shine the sun.
Thus reflecting day even while it is nightfall, let it shine.
Trust in the Living Word whom is the Christ, let your Light shine.
Stay faithful to him, Glorified his Most Worthy Name.
Let your Faith in him , reveal Christ Holy presence in you.
Never doubt when your Faith is working within you.
296 · Jun 2014
My Heart Aches
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
My heart is breaking, for so many different reasons.
So many different people are hurting and suffering.
I just want to see each and every one of them joyful and blessed.
My heart is truly hurting, I feel their pain and suffering.
I see so much struggling people drowning their sorrows.
But liquor and drugs can not take away their pains.
Only Christ can rescue them and put joy into their lives.
The biggest reason my heart is throbbing in sorrow.
Is because most of these choose an escape over Christ.
I want my God- family restored, joyful, and completely healed.
295 · Feb 2014
Eddie Starr Feb 2014
I may be broken , but through Christ I am invincible.
Just like an egg you have to break it shell to get on the inside.
We too have to become broken so people can see Christ in us.
So know when you become broken it can be use to help others.
Show them Christ within you, and the miracles that he preforms,
in your life everyday will draw them to him to help them too.
So that your poems can help heal other people too whom,
are going through now what you have already went through.
So stand tall, let God heal you and use you to heal others.
295 · Apr 2014
Breathing Life
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
Christ whom is the word, breathes life into a dead situation.
So trust in him the giver of Life and total truth, then watch.
As he speak into your life new Hope , and resurrecting your life.
Thus renewing, things that have look dead to you and others.
For Christ will then restore unto you things that were stolen.
Like relationships that the evil scumball stolen from you.
Just stand still and believe that God has got you cover.
Then watch and be amazed at what occurs next.
295 · Mar 2014
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Hello, Trust Christ for he will never leave nor abandon you, never.
Stand firm, do not budge the strength of the Lord is always yours.
Run to God when temptation seems too fierce to overcome on your own.
Never fight on your own understanding but allow the Spirit to guide you.
For Christ sent his Spirit, to help and to teach us how  remain victorious.
So pray, read your bible and trust in Christ on everything you go through.
Follow Christ , obey him and let him guide you to wherever you need to be.
When you see the world sinning, pray for each of them to find God too.
294 · Apr 2014
Soon the King Shall Return
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
Times are tough, times are harsh but soon he shall return to the earth.
Imagine the Awesomeness of our One and Glorious King and Savior.
He whom took my place at the cross, shall that I would have a place with him in Heaven.
He whom bored my sins on that cross , so that I could inherit his Spirit within me.
I see just how beautiful this Love story truly is to all of his people.
For he had a choice, yet he choose to take our place on that cross.
There is no greater love then the Love of a friend taking our place.
For Christ accepts us with all our faults and brokenness as well.
294 · Jun 2014
I Am So Thankful
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
I am so thankful to Christ my Living Savior.
I am so thankful to be an american citizen.
I am so thankful, to have an awesome family on Facebook.
I am so thankful for the gifts and blessings from Christ.
I am so thankful for all the friends on hellopoetry.
I am especially thankful for everyone that ever been in my life.
For Christ has brought a lot of awesome and loving people.
That really cared alot ,about me I am so bless indeed.
Into my life through the years that I been on the earth.
I am so thankful for my flesh and blood family as well.
291 · Aug 2014
Damage Goods
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
Help heal me of my brokenness O God please.
Repair the damage to my brain from the accidents.
Restore in me a perfect will to follow you completely.
O Lord, I know that I am nothing without you God.
Please finish this work in me, I know that you can.
At times I feel too unworthy for this much work to be done by you.
But at the same point unless you complete the task.
The healing will not come about, I know just how powerless I am.
Without you my life is powerless and directionless O God.
For I am damage goods, that needs a Savior to repair me.
291 · May 2014
So Much Loss
Eddie Starr May 2014
My heart breaks, for those with loss, sufferings, and pain.
We whom see Christ truth needs to have compassion for them.
To love them with a complete heart, to feel their pain and sufferings.
To place ourselves in their shoes and to have compassion for them.
To be  empathathise with  them, then we know how to pray for them.
Thus by being able to feel their hurts and sufferings that they have.
We can show them Christ love, thus they will see his love in us.
Then they can see just how much that Christ truly love them.
290 · Apr 2014
Rejected Not By Christ
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
If you been rejected and toss around by others, then give it to Christ.
He understands what you are going through right at this moment.
He loves you, for you are one of his greatest creations please keep standing.
Do not give up on this life, he will give you the strength that you need.
To finish the journey that he has set before you to complete it.
For there are other people that may lose something if you quit.
They may not finish the journey as well if you are to give up on it.
Also you will miss the miracle that Christ is preforming for you to receive.
So keep on pushing through till Christ shows you that you have completed it.
289 · Jul 2014
You Are Amazing
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
God does not make junk, no matter who you are.
You are a amazing masterpiece that will stand firm.
For you have more power in you then you realize.
You have greater inner strength then you have realize.
Inner strength will keep you going no matter what.
Christ helps through situations that we are ****** in.
Builds up our inner strength, you may feel weak.
But your inner strength has only began to kick in.
You are truly amazing work of art by God himself.
So do not ever give up, just grasp your inner strength.
288 · Mar 2014
Freedom And Free-Will
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
When you use free-will correctly, Freedom happens.
For when you choose to follow Christ way of living.
Your life becomes so much better in the long run.
For you have choose to live for others and die to self.
Which is a beautiful way to live, live for other people.
Freedom is not having a easy or luxury life-style.
But it is laying down self in everything that you do.
So that you can pick up Christ will in your life.
288 · Aug 2014
Trust God
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
When you chose whom to trust in to keep you safe.
Chose to listen to Christ whether  then to listen to self.
For instead of acting out of fear from the situation.
Chose pray first, lay the situation at the feet of God.
Thus trusting that he will go before you this day.
Bringing you out of it and every other one with his aid.
For he is our Protector and deliverer of every situation.
So always go to him in prayer first, trust him totally.
286 · Aug 2014
We Can
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
We can hide in the darkness hurting, or allow Christ to heal us in the Light.
I need Christ healing touch to ease not just my brokenness but my pain as well.
For I am tired of hurting because of evil one attacks upon my life.
I know that Christ wanted better things for my life but I allow my broken mind to become disobedient.
For if I would had seen his wisdom in  what other people had told me.
My life today would have been different a better life I would had.
But I choose to follow my desires , instead of seeing the truth in the matter.
I would had such a much better life in Christ if I would had listen to them.
286 · Mar 2014
The Stuffering
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Anymore it seems even more people are suffering.
It use to be just the artsy people  suffered  but now.
Most people suffer and hurt in today society .
So now we need to reveal to them Gods strength.
Also that Jesus wants to heal them too from their brokenness.
Then they shall perceive Jesus in a new and Awesome way.
Knowing that he does truly love them and will heal them.
After that hopefully they will chase after Christ with their complete heart.
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